Chapter 9-Home

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Hannah's POV


The next day,I wake up on Grace's chest and feel it rise and fall.I listen to her hartbeat(sorry now that we are all happy I had to...its my inner hannah hart,I'm going to let it shine.)along with the heart monitor.I listen to it and know that it's belongs to me,or at least part of it,she has to have room for goose...and family...and Mamrie.

The Dr.Jack comes in and pages me to come out into the hallway.I carefully try to climb of the bed without waking Grace."What's up doc?"

"Whenever your ready,Graces discharge papers are at the front desk.Do you want me to send up breakfast or are you planning to leave soon?"

"Great.As soon as she wakes up we plan on leaving.I don't know what time she will wake up but we will go get something to eat,whatever time it is."I tell him.

"Well,it was a pleasure to take care if my daughter's idols."

" know what would make her happy?If we run into you later me and grace can sign a piece of paper and take a picture with you.Just to say thanks."I tell him.

"That would be wonderful.I'll try my best.Thank you."he tells me,shakes my hand,and leaves.

I go back into the room and see Grace still sleeping.I slowly tiptoe over to the side that she's facing and lightly peck her lips.

When her eyes lightly flutter open she smiles at me and kisses me,"Morning.You truly are sleeping beauty."I tell her softly.

"Morning,my Princess who has awoken me from a very deep sleep.What time is it?"


"Why this early?"she asks a cute anger voice.

"Because I want to go to breakfast with you.I'm going to get your discharge and I need you to come with me.Get dressed."

"Why?"she asks sleepy yawning.

I kiss her and close enough to still stretch my lips to meet hers,I whisper,"Because we are doing something nice for Dr.Jack."

"Fine.I need a nurse to come get me out of these IVs."

When Grace is finally able to get dressed again,I have to look away from her because I'm not aloud to look at everything right now.

The clothes I brought for her a few weeks after she was in here,consist of a pair of jeans and her shirt that I gave her from my merch with a random pair of shoes,which just so happen to be tennis shoes.

We get to the front desk and Dr.Jack is looking for something on the desk,"Well we are going to need three things.Discharge papers,a piece of paper and someone to take a picture of the three of us."I say and Grace gives me a 'oh my gosh' look.

"Well here is the papers and I'll take the picture if you want."the nurse says.

I sign the paper To a hartosexual from Hannah Harto with a quick play pause signs for the H's.Grace signs it To one of many Gracist,from a awsome Helbig,Grace Helbig.

Grace and I pose for the picture and the Doc poses behind us.

We quickly fill out the discharge papers and get the okay to leave,"By the way here is your phone."I say giving her phone to Grace getting in the car.

"Why so many calls from you?"

"Missed your voice so I listened to your voicemail.There wasn't a day that I didn't come and visit you or that I cried longing for your lips."I say feeling my eyes start water.

"Babe,it will be okay.I'm here now."she says reaching over the middle console and hugging me willing my tears.

I smile at her and she kisses me on the cheek,"Let's just go home."I tell her,"We can order pizza and cuddle at my house."

"Sounds great."she says.

I start to drive only pulling my hand out of hers to turn.

When I pull up to my house we quietly walk in and she imedatly walks to the bathroom and says that she will be right back.

"Hannah!Can you do me a favor!"she yells out at me.

"Sure what is it."

"Get me a pair of my underwear."

I get into the drawer that holds Grace's and Mamrie's overnight things.I grab a pair of her panties and hand it to her smirking at the blue lace,"Stop it you perv.We have to wait.Doc's orders."she says giggly.

"Fine."I say giving her a potty face,"What do you want on your pizza?"

"Whatever,except anchovies."

"Got it."

I call the pizza place and listen to the shower turn on,"Ah,yes I need a delivery."


Grace's POV


I wash my blonde hair and start to think,What would of happened to Hannah if I died?

Would she find someone to make her happy?Would she hate me for leaveing?No,she couldn't hate me.Right.

All these thoughts swarm my head and I almost fall down when Hannah knocks on the door,"You alright in there Gracie."That name gives me goosebumps when she says it.

"Yes,I'm fine."I yell back.

"Okay well pizza and Mamrie are here.We have a surprise for you."

I get out and dry off,get on my panties and bra and put on a pair of sweatpants and my camp takota sweatshirt.

I go out to the living room and is met with a over-excited Goose,"Hey there Goose."

"I thought she would be happy to see you."Chester says with a grin.

"Thanks Ches."I tell him.

After Goose is finished greeting me I go get a piece of pizza and sit down next to Hannah who snuggles against me,"I'm glad your back."

"Me to."I tell Hannah.I kiss her forehead and look up to see Chester who has a confused face.We forgot to tell Chester."We forgot to tell him."I whisper to Hannah.

"Oh yeah we did.Chester,Grace and I are together."she says happily.

"Woah,Grace,are you gay?"

"No,I'm pretty sure I'm either bi or just in love with just one person who just so happened to be a girl."I tell him.

He nods and looks back at the TV screen playing a TV show that I don't watch often.

After Mamrie breaks out the Vodka I refuse because u want to wait to drink for about a day after getting out of the hospital.

I watch the others get a little tipsey and then Chester,who has only had 1 and a half shots of vodka mixed with who knows what with Mamrie,drives home.

"Grace,you are doing a YTDAD tomorrow for you."Mamrie asks,actually more like tells me.

"Got it."

Welcome home Helbig.


Sorry for the short chapter

Omg thank you guys...Idk how but yesterday Wide awake has gotten 53 views even though I don't have that many on the other chapters Idk how...

I'm just so happy and I just want to thank HollyByrneNugent for telling me that this is really good because I thought it sucked.

Qotd:Do you like this book so far?



Stay awesome


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