Chapter 20-Mester

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Chester's POV


While Mamrie is driving me back to my place I distract myself from this pit in my stomach by looking at her red hair and features of her face that i have never really noticed before.Fuck it,shes beautiful.

She turns the corner and see's me staring at her,Shit,and I quickly look away,but when I look back over her face has a glow of red.I smile at myself.

We pull up to my house,"Um,Mamrie?"

"Yes?"She ask looking at me calmly.

"Um,do you want to stay for a bit and just,I dont know.You know what nevermind."I say getting out but Mamrie speaks before I step out.

"Sure.I would love to catch up.We havent really talked much lately.And I have a feeling we are both going to need company after today."she says getting out.

I nod and walk up to the door to unlock it.We walk in and are met with a smell of depression and desperation,"Woah.Dude,it smells worse then Beanz food in here."

"Sorry.Um,after,you know,I didnt leave so I really didnt take a shower and I never cleaned up after goose those 3 months."I say embaressed,"We can go out back and have a drink or two."

I grab a bottle of vodka and two shot glasses.She nods and smiles following me to the back.

It smells but it isnt as bad as inside.We sit on the patio couch thing and take a shot.

We genuinely talk about how we have been since the movie and just talk like friends.

3 hours later Mamrie has had about 5 shots of vodka and I have had about 7.We have already talked about our lives and now we are playing Truth or Dare,which is a bad idea since we are on the tipsy side,but we could be doing much worse.

"Truth or dare?"Mamrie asks.

"Truth."I say wondering what she can come up with.

"Do you like me?"she says cocking her head slightly to the side.

"Of course I like you.Why wouldnt I?"

"No.I mean,like me like me.Not as friends kind of like."she says with complete seriousness in her voice.

I stare at her sitting across from me,and contemplating wether I should tell her or not.Just do it.Like ripping off a band-aid.

"Yes."I say and her eyes widen and her face goes red with embaressment."Why?Do you like me?"

She stares at me like I was a few seconds ago.She brings herself closer to me and leans her head on my chest.(No pun intended)"Maybe."she finally says after a few moments of silence.

I look down upon her blue-green eyes and she stares at me.

I dont know what comes over me at this moment,but I slowly bent down and kissed her.Well,I'm asuming that she felt this way to because she comes closer when our lips touch.It is soft at first and it stays that way after a while but soon turns into a kind of heated kiss.

I pull away and look at the disapointment in her eyes and I adress why I did that as soon as possible."Mamrie,we are drunk and I want to remember how this goes.Lets just go to bed and we can talk in the morning."

She nods and we go inside.She goes to the living room and grabs a blanket off the back of a chair and heads for the couch before I stop her,"My couch is to uncomfterable."Which is not a lie.

She nods and follows me to my bedroom and we sit on the bed and she speaks for the first time since we kissed,"Did you mean it?"she asks taking interest with her feet.

"Of course.We will talk in the morning,when we are sober."I say sitting on the bed with her and laying back.She follows me after a few seconds and soon I have my arms wrapped around her.

When Im sure she is asleep,I swiftly kiss her forehead and fall asleep.

Next Morning

I wake up to vibrating against my leg and the sound of a ringtone.I realize its Mamries phone so I gently shake her.

Her eyes fly open in response and shoots up and gets her phone out of her back pocket and awnsers it with a simple,"Hello Hannah."and leaves the room to talk on the phone.

What happened?Oh dear this hangover.

Mamrie comes back in and sits next to me."Do remember what happened last night?"She asks nearvously.

"It is a little hazy but I know that we kissed and said we were going to talk about it."I say looking at her hair that is a little messed up but still beautiful.

"Yeah.Do you still want to talk about it?"

"Um,actually,we can go out to dinner tonight and talk about it because I have a hangover to attend to."I say chukleing at myself.

"Are you-are you asking me out on a date?"she asks her head shooting up to look at me.

"I guess I am."I say.

She gives me a warm but still nearvous smile,"I would love to.I have to pick up the girls so text me.Bye."She says getting up and hugging me and leaving.

Well that was easy.


Little short but i think you may need a nicer chapter right now....

Also im dieing becuase of lack of sleep.

While writing this i listened to Your the 1z like 5 times and Where your Noms at? about 3 time.

Qotd:Do you already love Ollie Hart?



Stay Awesome


Shipping(Hartbig fanfiction ft.Troyler,Mamrie,and Chester)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang