Oneshots of whatever (Fluff m...

By I_have_all_the_feels

3.2K 39 77

Oneshots of whatever the heckity I want, MHA, AOT, and anything I find interesting, give me requests, they ar... More

Eyes Blue.
SpEcIaL cOoKiEs
A/N (Sorryyyyyy)
mY mOtHeR wIlL hEaR aBoUt ThIs
Alrighty guys A/N
*laughs evilly*
Shopping pt.2

Ooooh no, I think I'm catchin feelings

320 2 12
By I_have_all_the_feels

Ereri this time, ?bad boi? Eren, cute little Levi. I'll do a role swap as a part two. TRIGGER WARNING!!! Sexual Harassment.


"Oh come on Levi" My blonde haired friend said "you've gotta have a crush on somebody!!"

Erwin Smith:

Smart. Masculine. Dating Armin. Big eyebrows. Likes Mochi.

Ever since I was little, I kept "tabs" on people, just a little run down of who they are to make sure I don't forget something. Most of it is useless information.

"No." I adjusted my glasses and sent a glare Erwins way "I dislike everyone here. In different amounts, it's quite a simple concept Erwin I don't understand how you continue to be so oblivious towards it."

"Because it makes no sense." He arched a giant caterpillar eyebrow at me "Even Hanji has managed to find someone to crush on, you know they're driving Petra crazy with all the gifts they're making for her."

I reached out to twist the dial open on my locker. Didn't open. Damn thing jams too much.

"Well I'm not Hanji." I finally got the lock off "And I don't like anyone, I probably never will."

"Awww really Levi?? You wound me with your words, I thought we had a connection." Eren Jeager was leaning on his locker right next to mine.

Eren Jeager:

Sexy(to some). Irresistible(ugh only in rumors). Smart. A bad boy. Isabels' brother. 

I cut my eyes swiftly to meet his, looked him up and down, scrunched my nose up into a scowl and told him to fuck off or I'd shove a pencil where the sun don't shine.

He threw his arms up, his chain bracelets jingling as they caught on a black leather jacket "Okay, okay I'm sorry!" He recrossed his arms over a shitty band T-Shirt with some stupid band, "The Titans" or some crap, and leaned his booted foot against the locker. I will admit his legs look nice in those skinny jeans. They have to be new, he's never worn them before.

I'm not creepy or anything, I'm just unnaturally observant.

"Anyways," Eren leaned a little closer to me "I really am hurt, you at least like me a little, don't you?" He gave me the puppy eyes.

"No." I grabbed my math book, closed the locker and walked to Mr. Pixis's classroom.

~Time Skip brought to you by Petra hugging a tree~

I walked out of school, getting ready to go home so that I can finally relax and do some homework when I walked directly out into a cloud of smoke.

I looked up and was met with the face of a horse.

Jean Kirsten:

Horse face. Was dating Marco (How that happened I have no idea). Smokes. Pervert. Likes to beat people up. Seems as though today I'm his target, for groping or beating though I'm unsure.

"Hey there kitty kitty~"

Oh. So it's a groping today. At least I won't have many bruises.

"You know," he tucked a strand of hair behind my ear as I stared blankly through him "you're so pretty"

"Pretty?" I asked. It was strange until now, only Eren or Hanji had called me pretty. Eren calls everyone pretty though and Hanji just wants me to date someone.

Hors- Jean is a someone, I suppose I could date him. He's not particularly attractive though and his pale complexion is disgusting in comparison to Eren's soft tan.

I felt a hand on my waist and snapped back to attention.

"Don't touch me" I sneered.

The hand went lower and got tighter "Don't tell me what I can't do"

I grit my teeth as he took a drag before stomping out his cigarette and pushing me up against the wall. It was uncomfortable, my backpack was digging into my shoulder blades and I'm sure the wall smushed my snack. 

I was going to eat that.

"Let me go Jean." I tried to pull my arm away from his hand but he held fast.

"Such a pretty little thing," He said licking his lips "I'm gonna have fun with you"

He grinned and I have never wanted to punch someone more.

"I said" I'm pissed as fuck "Let. Me. Go. Or I swear to god Jean Kirsten you'll wish you'd never been born."

His hand slipped into my shirt.

I squeaked, no one has ever touched me like that.

"Please," I hardly ever use that word, but I felt tears gathering in my eyes and I wanted him off. "Just get off of me, I don't want this."

Jean growled "Listen, you're mine and that's final. I'm gonna fuck you and you're gonna deal with it."

I squeezed my eye shut. No, I was saving that for someone special.

"Hey! I think he told you to leave him alone Kirsten." Eren said. Eren! Oh thank god.

"What's it to you Jeager?" Jean rolled his eyes.

Eren looked to me and his bright green eyes shined with glossy determination. God he's so extra.

"Because I so happen to have fallen for that fine piece of ass and would appreciate you removing your hands from him." Erens eyes narrowed into a glare, but his words sounded true. They must have been, Erens left eyebrow twitches when he lies but it's set in a calm, firm line currently.

Jean scoffed and let go of me "Whatever, he's kinda ugly anyways."

Okay, that's it bitch. I kicked him in the dick as hard as I could and watched a horse fall to floor weeping.

"Don't." A kick to the shins "Fucking." Another blow to the dick "Touch." Oof, up to the stomach "Me." Right in the face.

I turned and blew hair out of my face. Eren looked awestruck and then confused and then annoyed.

"So I just declared my love for you when you could have just beat the shit out of him?"

"No. I must admit," I started walking past him "I was quite terrified and would not have been able to overcome it, so you prevented the worst."

Eren gave me a small smile. "Well thats good, wouldn't want anyone but me stealing your first kiss"

"Well you're about two years too late for that."

"Whaaaaaat??" Eren gasped "That's so not fair!"

I side eyed him before giggling and continuing my walk home.

"HEY!! Wait for me!!" Eren caught up and grinned at me "Let me walk you home."

I thought about my mother freaking out about me finally bringing over a friend and shook my head. "No." I don't want to deal with that today. 

It has nothing to do with the fact every glance at Eren gives me butterflies and my mother would notice. Nope. Nuh uh.

"Too late" Eren skipped next to me before settling into a pace that matched mine.

I sighed, there's no stopping him, he's very stubborn, I should add that to his list.

"Fine, but you're not coming inside."

He grinned and thanked me.

The rest of the walk there he would point out little animals and try to make small talk. He kept glancing at me though, then he'd ask about the homework for a class of something. He was anxious. Probably about his declaration of love.

I know I return his feelings but I'm not sure how to express that correctly.This morning a great example. I'm bad at the flirty, I love you too's.

When I turned into my driveway he walked me up to the door and smiled as I looked at him. Memorizing his brown messy hair, his strong nose, wide green eyes that had flecks of gold when the sun hit them, making it look like the flakes were dancing.

"Eren." I spoke and turned my head to stare at the door.

"Levi?" He asked back.

"You said you loved me."

He sighed "Yeah, and it's true too. Something about your clean freak, over observant person makes me feel things" He chuckled. "Sorry for springing that on you, I wasn't really planning on ever telling you-"

"That's idiotic." I interrupted, I have a bad habit of doing that. "If you hadn't told me then I wouldn't have a chance to inform you of my mutual feelings."

He stood there for a second with his eyebrows furrowed like he was trying to do a hard math problem in his head.

"Don't shit on my porch Jeager" 

All of a sudden it was as though a light bulb went off in his brain.

"So, wait, wait, me too?" His beautiful eyes filled with hope.

"That's what I said."

"No it's not, but I want to hear you say it. Please?" He was staring at me, his tall body right in front of my smaller one.

I stared at him for a moment, he's so childish, I don't understand why I love him.

I sighed and met his eyes once again "I love you Eren Jeager" 

He lunged forward and pressed his lips to mine. It may sound cliche but it was like fireworks went off inside my brain. My eyes widened as he curled his fingers over my undercut to tangle in the longer strands of black hair further up. My eyes closed after the shock wore off and I grabbed the collar of his leather jacket and moved my lips in sync with his as we stumbled a little before he caught me and the fireworks became louder, brighter. Like the rest of the world faded away. It was just him. Just Eren and me on this porch. Kissing. My hands snaked up behind his neck to hold his face to mine and his arms circled my waist. His gentle touch ten times better than Jeans.

When we pulled away I exhaled softly in pure bliss before remembering that I had a dinner to prepare and stepped back.

"I- uh I have to uh m-make dinner" I never stutter. This is new.

He smiled at me softly and held onto my hand. "That's fine. Will you let me take you out tomorrow? Like on a date?" He took a step closer, his voice gentle and his eyes light.

I nodded and offered a smile back. That's rare.

Eren is bringing way too many new feelings out of me.

He gently caressed my face with a thumb and left a gentle kiss on my lips that lingered long after he left, after dinner, after a movie, aftedr I scrubbed myself clean of all the germs of today and still lingered as I lay in bed. Making tweaks to my mental notes on one Eren Jeager.

Eren Jeager:

Sexy(Very). Irrisistable(Don't I know it). Smart(still a little slow). A sweet boy who loves me. VERY STUBBORN. Isabel's brother. My boyfriend.

A/N: Unedited, I might go through and fix it so if you get an extra notification for it, I'm sorry. Anyways, I hope you enjoy, I know it's not MHA which is all the other one shots but it's good too. Anywho, I love you all!! Good day/night/morning!!

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