James Phelps love story

By SpencerRiedfan24

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Based off my love for James Phelps and a dream I had. Wish he could be mine. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43

Chapter 29

151 3 0
By SpencerRiedfan24

(Another week time skip. This is James and Hadaza's anniversary)

(James POV)
I woke up this morning early with a smile knowing that today is mine and my wife's wedding anniversary and I couldn't be more happy to be married to this incredible, strong, sweet, carring, and confident woman who was sound asleep next to me. Rolling over slightly I see my wife sound asleep snuggled under the covers with her face squished against her pillows and a giant smile on her face. I smile and lean over and gently kissing her head and get up slowly not wanting to wake her since it was six in the morning. Once I was successfully out of bed I change and make my way downstairs being as quiet as I can so I don't wake my daughter or my wife and disarm the alarm and head out to go get something special for my wife. I go get some flowers and a bracelet then head home and set everything down figuring since it was only 6:10 in the morning I would do a two hour workout. After two hours I finish and make my way upstairs quietly and hop in the shower seeing my wife still sound asleep with the covers over her shoulders and snuggled more into her pillow. I finish my shower and get out drying off and change checking the time seeing it was almost time that my daughter will be up and potentially my wife as well. Once I was fully dressed I walked out drying my hair and see my wife awake and on her phone. "Morning love. Happy anniversary." I say walking to her and sit next to her. "Happy anniversary." She says smiling and sets her phone down. I smile and kiss her gently causing her to kiss back and smile. "Mmmmm Autumn's up." She says hearing the baby monitor go off and pulls away. "I'll go make breakfast." I say smiling and walk downstairs and make breakfast making sure that my wife's anniversary gifts are ready and I have coffee made. "Alright here we are." She says with autumn in her arms as she walks into the kitchen and sees the flowers. "What's all this?" She asks holding autumn on her hip and looks at me. "These my love are for you. Happy Anniversary." I say smiling. "James these are my favorite. You remembered." She says smiling and looks at me moving autumn higher onto her hip. "I did." I say pulling her into me and gently kiss her. She smiles and kisses back holding Autumn on her hip.

I pull away and smile looking down at her and then at my daughter who was watching us. "I'm so glad we waited to have her. I also am happy I married you when I did." She says smiling and looks at me. "I mean if you did get pregnant before we got married I would still have stayed with you because I love you." I say looking at her. "Your amazing James. Your parents raised you well." She says smiling up at me. Autumn whines pouting wanting to eat. "Sorry princess lets get you food." I say as my wife sets autumn in her high chair and I go to get autumn's food and set it in front of her. Autumn smiles happily and eats her food while my wife goes and gets some coffee. I grab two plates and get the food I cooked for us while my wife gets us coffee. "Tonight once Autumn is asleep dress in something super nice. I have a surprise for you." I say handing her her food and smile. "I don't think I have anything that nice other then my wedding dress." She says taking her plate and hands me a cup of coffee in return. "What about that short red one you have tucked behind your wedding dress."  I say eating. "Oh yeah I forgot about that dress." She says sipping her coffee. "Yeah so wear that." I say eating. "Okay. I hope that dress still fits me. I haven't worn it in a loooooong time. That was before I had a baby so now.... I don't know." She says eating her food and shrugs. "I feel like it will. Your back to where you were before." I say eating. She looks at me shocked a bit. "What? It was a compliment love." I say defending myself. She just sips her coffee and rolls her eyes looking away from me hiding her smile behind her cup. "Your to much sometimes." I say playfully and hold her waist gently. "Just a quick question why do you want me to dress up super nice? We aren't going anywhere tonight are we?" She asks looking at me. "No we aren't going out anywhere but we are doing something special tonight." I say taking a bite of my food. "Okay. Do I gotta wear heels or can I go barefoot?" She asks looking at me. "Wear heels for the first part and then you can take them off." I say eating. "Okay." She says finishing her breakfast and goes to autumn and cleans her up. "Okay I think it is time for your hair cut baby girl." She says stroking her messy hair. Autumn giggles and drinks her milk from her sippy cup. "You sure your awake enough to do this." I ask her. "I'm good. I had enough coffee to wake me up." She says getting what she needs and gets ready to cut her hair.

I smile and help her get ready and give Autumn a toy that clips to her so she won't throw it while my wife is cutting her hair. Autumn takes it and plays with it as my wife cuts her hair and does very well. My wife finishes autumn's hair cut and smiles. "Look at you baby girl. You look so cute. You did so well for your first haircut." My wife says happily. "You do look great baby girl." I say smiling as my wife cleans up the mess. Autumn giggles and smiles happily as I take a picture and send it to my parents and brother saying Autumn had her first hair cut done by my wife. Autumn drinks her milk happily and plays with her toy. "I really hope that the amount of times we've tried last week and the being of this week I will end up pregnant." My wife says standing next to me. "Maybe we will get lucky after tonight." I say holding her waist gently. "You know we gotta wait about 14 weeks love to actually find out if I am pregnant." She says looking at me. "I know. At least with autumn there were signs and symptoms of you being pregnant. Such as getting sick at the same time every morning and just your change in foods. Along with you saying your breast were hurting. Then you taking that pregnancy test when I went out to get stuff for us." I say looking at her. "Well I told you before what I thought it was. I thought me being sick was just because I was super dehydrated or my motion sickness kicked in. Then when I said my breast were hurting I thought it was because my bra was to small which was normal for me." She says picking autumn up and holding her in her arms. "Yeah. But it was all because of this cutie." I say smiling and stroke her cheek gently. Autumn giggles and smiles laying against her mother. "All that pain that I was in when I hit 7/8 months and the lower back pain, and the early signs of preeclampsia were all worth it to have this little one in my arms." She says looking down at our daughter in her arms.

Autumn squirms in her arms causing her to set her down and let her run around. My wife watches her our daughter run around the living room and smiles. "I have no idea where she gets all this energy from." She says looking at me. "Probably gets it from me." I say holding her against me gently and smile kissing her head softly. "Now that I believe." She says looking up at me with a smile. I smile and feel autumn grab my leg and whine. "What's up princess?" I ask leaning down a bit. Autumn grabs my hand and tries pulling me but falls on her butt and starts to whimper. "Shhh baby girl don't cry. Your okay." I say standing her up and hold her hand. Autumn stands and stops crying holding my hand as she takes me where she wants me to go leaving my wife at the kitchen. I go with her to the couch and smile watching her attempt to climb on the couch. "Is this what you wanted me for? To help you up on the couch?" I ask laughing and help her up. Autumn gets onto the couch and sits happily and looks up at me with a smile on her face. I sit next to her and smile handing her one of her stuffies so she can play with it. "Love its snowing." My wife says walking in and points to the window. I look and smile seeing it. "Oh yeah. Hey princess want to see snow." I ask picking up my daughter and go to the window with her and show her the snow. Autumn looks out the window and watches the snow fascinated. "What do you say about a little snow fun?" My wife asks me. "That would be fun. Let's get ready." I say heading upstairs with them and get autumn dressed in her winter clothes and her snowsuit then head into mine and my wife's room with her and see her already dressed and ready to go. "Alright both my girls are dressed now it's just me who needs to be dressed." I say handing my daughter to my wife and change.

Once I changed I head downstairs with my family and go out back and smile watching my daughter look at the snow as it falls on her. "Wanna try and walk in the snow?" I ask my daughter as I set her on her feet in the snow and hold her hands. Autumn stands looking down at it confused and then looks at me. I bend down and hold her smiling. "Its okay princess." I say showing her it's okay. Autumn watches and smiles and starts to walk in it slowly trying to understand the concept of it. I smile and walk with her holding her hand. Autumn walks but stops halfway and looks around for her mother. "I'm okay baby girl. I'm here." She says sitting next to her. Autumn smiles and sits down playing with the snow. I smile and watch my daughter play happily with my wife sitting next to her helping her out if she needs it. Autumn giggles playing with the snow tries to stand up on her own but fall on her knees looking up at me and pouts. "Your okay honey. If you wanna stand use mommy's leg for support. Try again." I say making sure she doesn't start crying and tries again. Autumn tries to stand up pushing up on my wife's lap and succeeds. "Good job baby." My wife says rubbing her back. Autumn smiles and holds onto me as she walks around holding onto me. "Guess it's a good thing your tall. You got long limbs." My wife says looking at me with a smile. "Yeah guess it is." I say smiling at her and keep an eye on my daughter as she walks around. "Momma." Autumn says falling into my wife's arms. "What princess?" She asks catching her. Autumn holds her and yawns. "Okay I think it's time to head in. Someone is getting sleepy and is starting to shiver." She says grabbing her and stands up. I help her stand and head inside where it was warm then take my daughter and take off her snow gear leaving her in her winter clothing. "You ready for a nap?" I ask her as I hold her against me and look at my watch to see the time. Autumn yawns and lays against me tiredly and closes her eyes. "Okay let's put you down for a nap." I say walking upstairs with her in my arms and lay her down covering her with her blanket then leave the room and head back downstairs where my wife was and see her in the kitchen making lunch for us. "That was so fun." I say holding her waist gently and kiss her neck softly.

"Mmm it was. I'm so happy autumn got to enjoy the snow for the first time." She says grabbing two bowls for us and puts some soup in each of them. "I know. Tonight is going to be such a fun night." I say kissing her neck softly still. "I am so curious on what you have planned tonight." She say handing me a bowl and turns off the stove. "Thank you. Also you are just going to have to wait and find out." I say taking the bowl and grab the hot coco she made then sit down with her. "I can't believe our anniversary is today and then christmas is two weeks away." She says eating her soup. "I know. Oh Oliver is hosting christmas this year." I say eating my soup. "Okay. Same time as usual?" She ask eating. "Yeah." I say nodding and take a sip of the hot coco. "Okay." She says eating. I smile and grab her hand and intertwine my fingers with hers causing her to smile and look at me. "I love you." I say leaning over and kiss her gently. "I love you too." She says kissing back then pulls away with a smile and goes back to eating. I smile and eat enjoying the company of my wife and talk with her about anything and everything. Once we were done with our lunch we clean up and sit on the couch relaxing and making out while Autumn naps. I kiss my wife and gently lay her on her back while crawling on top of her. She lays down and kisses me wrapping her arms around my neck and pulls me down further. I let her and lay on top her keeping my weight in my arms and my legs but pull away hearing autumn cry. "So much for some alone time." She say laughing and gets up going upstairs to get her then comes down with a grumpy one year old in her arm. "She's hangry." My wife says gently bouncing her in her arms as autumn cries and screams. "Alright princess lets get you food." I say setting her in her high chair and give her her food. Autumn calms down and eats it sniffling and looks at us as she eats. "I think she takes after you love." I say smiling and laugh. "Oh shut up." She says smacking my chest gently and heads upstairs laughing getting stuff ready for tonight. I smile and clean up Autumn and then play with her in her playpen as my wife comes downstairs and joins us. We play for a long time before its time for Autumn's dinner. I get up and make it for her and feed her telling my wife to go and get ready for the special evening I have planned for my wife and I. Autumn eats and finishes and looks at me with a tired smile. "Okay lets get you to bed because daddy has an anniversary dinner that he has to make for mommy." I say softly to her as I go to the nursery and changed her then put her to sleep. Once Autumn was down and asleep I quickly check to see where my wife was and hear the shower going which gives me enough time to cook and get changed. I head downstairs and cook dinner and set everything up and change into my outfit that I had hidden downstairs then make my way up to the bedroom and see my wife in the red dress and had her back turned to me and was bent over putting on her heels. "Wow you look super stunning in that dress." I say causing her to stand and turn around fully and look at me. "You think? I can't believe that I actually still fit into it after a full two years of not wearing it." She says looking at me and doing a quick twirl. "I do think and you look beautiful in anything. Ready for the surprise?" I ask taking her hand. "Yes. I've been ready all day." She says smiling and walks downstairs with me. Once we get downstairs I tell her to close her eyes and hold onto my hands as I lead her to the kitchen. "James what are you doing? Where are we going? Can I open my eyes now?" She asks walking with her eyes closed. "Only a few more steps love." I say walking with her. She whines and walks keeping her eyes closed then stops as I place my hands on her shoulders stopping her. "Okay you can open them now." I say standing next to her. She opens her eyes and covers her mouth with her hands looking at the set up. "James this is so beautiful. You did all this? This was what you were talking about today?" She say looking at me. "Yep. Happy Anniversary love." I say looking down at her and kiss her softly. She kisses back and wraps her arms around my neck gently.

I pull away and walk her to the table and sit her down. "James I can't believe you did all this. Your amazing." She says as I bring out the food for us and set it down and then our drinks. "Its our anniversary love. Since we can't go out due to autumn I figured it would be good for us to have it at home." I say smiling and sit down. "This is perfect. How did I get so lucky to have you in my life?" She asks looking at me. "I ask myself the same question love." I say kissing her nose gently then start eating. She smiles and eat as we talk about what we have learned from being married for three years and how we can continue to improve our relationship. Once we finish dinner I set the dishes in the dishwasher and go and get her present and the flowers I bought her. "For you my darling." I say handing her the flowers. "Aww James thank you. These are beautiful. I have something for you too." She say standing up and grabbing it then hand it to me. "Thanks." I say opening it and smile seeing it was a card and inside was a gift card for me to go and play golf when we can. "Do you like it?" She asks sitting back down and faces me. "I love it. I have one more gift for you." I say handing her a box. She takes it and opens it seeing the tennis bracelet I got for her that has the infinity sign and the words "My love forever and always". "It's so beautiful James. Will you put it on me?" She asks looking at me. "Of course." I say taking it and put it on her and smile. "It looks perfect." She says smiling. "I have one last thing for you" She says putting the flowers in the vase with the ones from this morning and then grabs her phone. "What else did you get me love?" I ask as she sits down. "Its something I wrote when you were gone. Okay, I'm gonna try not to cry while reading this." She says getting ready to read something. "You can cry if you want." I say causing her to laugh. "Okay." She says taking a breath. "James, being married to you for three years is something I could not possibly have thought could happen. So much has changed for us such as you taking on a different job, to us having our first kid. While you were gone for two weeks I really missed you. I never realized how important you were to me till you were gone for that long. You never once complained to me that you were tired or that I was annoying you when we had to stay up almost all night for the first five months with Autumn while she had her growths spurts and constantly needed to be fed. You are always there for me or our daughter everyday. I love you for all that you are. You have made me a better person than I was before. You've shown me what a real father and husband is and are showing our daughter what a true man is like. You've dealt with my constant mood swings from when I'm on my period to when I was pregnant. You went to every single doctors appointment while I was pregnant and stayed up with me for many hours when I had morning sickness to when I felt cramps and had early signs of preeclampsia, to our daughter growing. What I'm saying is you're the best thing that has happened to me. I love you, I love you, I love you. I am so excited I get to spend the rest of my life with you and potentially have another beautiful kid." She says and looks at me tearing up. "I love you too. I am willing to continue to do whatever I can to make sure you and our daughter are happy, healthy, and safe." I say kissing her and wipe her tears away. She kisses back and dries her eyes and laughs slightly. "I'm surprised I made it through that." She says setting her phone down. "You my wife are the most caring, sweet, adorable, loving, talented, strong, confident, beautiful, wonderful mother, and loving woman I know. I could not have asked for a better woman to marry and have a family with. You are my everything and will always be my everything till the end of time. We will continue to grow strong in our marriage and will hopefully have more babies to come in our lifetime. I love you forever and always." I say holding her hands in mine and smile at her. "I love you." She says hugging me gently. I hug her and hold her against me rubbing her back and kiss her head. We enjoy the rest of our evening and end the night with us making love then falling asleep in each others arms. This was the best anniversary I could ask for.

(Here's chapter 29. Chapter 30 is going to be up soon and this one will be short maybe and it will be about autumn's first christmas as a one year old. If you guys could as always please comment and vote. Those help me so much. Thanks guys.)
(Also here's what Hadaza was wearing for her anniversary.)



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