Turn Back Time (Harry Potter)

By Wolfphantom8

195K 7K 1.9K

Harry Potter thought he had it all. He defeated Voldemort, and fell in love and got married to Ginny Weasley... More

💚Chapter 1💚
💚Chapter 2💚
💚Chapter 3💚
💚Chapter 4💚
💚Chapter 5💚
💚Chapter 6💚
💚Chapter 7💚
💚Chapter 8💚
💚Chapter 9💚
💚Chapter 11💚

💚Chapter 10💚

8.1K 313 68
By Wolfphantom8

Also, I'm sorry for being late!!! Please don't kill me.
Turns out my beloved December became much more depressed than I would have thought and after I..... sorta forgot? Sorry😓

The Mythime potion was really effective, that's for sure. It was one night before Sirius's trial and Scabbers needed to be delivered. Potter went with Draco once again - the 2 were brothers, brothers by all but blood. The last few years of them being alone in their previous timeline made them realise just how much they had in common.

Draco and Harry left Hogwarts, once again deciding to meet Ms Bones. They decided in a particular alleyway in muggle London. Upon reaching in the dead of night with Scabbers in their pocket, they carefully handed him to Bones. During the trials, Life would be present in order to block out any memories from Scabbers about his meet up and the truth. All they would know is that Peter was a part of Death Eaters and nothing else. Harry promised to get him out few days after the trial and left with Draco, hurrying back to school. By the time they reached an empty (from what they could see) corridor, the effects drained. The boys looked at each other and grinned.
"It'll be only a matter of time before the truth is out." Draco said but Harry could only nervously nod.
"What's wrong, Harry?"
"It's just, it feels rushed. We expose the truth about Dumbledore and how he manipulated all the death eaters and Tom to become what they are. We help Tom by removing the portions and safely retrieving his horocruxes. Then what? It's ending so fast. It doesn't feel right..."
"I know what you mean, but I don't think that's it. The truth about Dumbledore will be the climax, not the end. He has his own army, strong enough to defeat many. It'll be the beginning of the war, not the end..."
"Isn't there another way?"
"Without exposing? No. If people didn't know the truth, he could manipulate them. This is the only way to gain as many allies as possible."
"We need to prepare then."

As the two left, they didn't realise that Tom listened to their conversation.

Harry, being the strongest being, should have. But why did he not? Simply because Death interfered. Blocked him from Harry's senses. It was faster if Tom knew. Much faster.


Tom panicked as he recalled everything he heard an hour ago. Was he, was he being manipulated? Tom ruffled his hair, knowing there's only one way to find out.

Tom hurried as fast as he could. If this was true, he needed his own body. Not this Quirrel one. Tom entered the Dungeons and saw Snape. Snape looked up, surprised seeing Quirrel-mort there.
Tom didn't know why he went to Snape. All he knew was that, at this moment, Snape was who he could trust. Weirdly enough, it's only Snape he trusts 100%.
"What are you doing here at this hour?" Snape said, keeping up the pretence that he didn't know Tom was sharing a body with Quirrel.
"You know who I am."
Snape stilled, before nodding.
"Good. Then I need you to come with me."
"Where to?"
"To get my goddamned Horocruxes back so I can have my body and finally figure out if I made all my decisions or Dumbledore did."
Snape's eyes widened. This, he never expected. Tom sighed, "Being close to Draco, you must know what they're doing right. I overheard them, saying Dumbledore controlled and is still possibly controlling me. I need to know."
Snape stilled, 'Those idiots!' He thought.

"When should we get them?" Snape asked.
"Tomorrow. Dumbledore will be gone for the trial. School is free for the day. It's the perfect timing. The Horocruxes will freely come to me and I made sure I could teleport to them at any time I want to."
"I'll put them in my soul. It'll form my body and I can enter it. It'll be the body from before I became snake-y Voldemort, so around your age. (A/N: inaccurate but just go with it)."
"I want you to check my blood. My mind. Anything. Tell me the truth. I need to know if I was a puppet all along."

Snape sighed and went closer, already knowing the answer as he had seen it. He hugged the Quirrel-Mort and sighed. "As you wish, my lord."

Tom couldn't stop his blush, permanently etched till he left and ran back to his room.


The next day, all the students were listening to the podcast of the news on Sirius Black. Students were scattered around. No one noticed the absence of the 2 teachers and Snape already told McGonigall to cover for them just in case.

When Amelia presented the supposed dead Peter, everyone everywhere following the news gasped. They couldn't believe it. It wasn't long until Sirius was pleaded Innocent and was given a lot of money as compensation, along with sole guardian over Harry Potter. A few Aurors and Remus Lupin would accompany him to Hogwarts to meet his godson. They'd get the rest of the day to talk.

When Sirius Black and Remus Lupin were in view, Harry couldn't help but jump at them and hug them tightly. This earned chuckles from Slytherin, especially his blond brother.
"Hey there!" Sirius said, giddy as he was finally free! And he's with his godson!
Harry couldn't utter any words. All he could do was cry. He was too happy.

Sirius Black and Remus Lupin took Harry out, especially to Muggle London. Death made sure that Dumbledore or any of his minions weren't following them. Draco took care of Sal. During that time. Harry showed them the memories and told them of the future plans, both breaking down and vowing to never leave Potter again. Remus and Sirius would begin prepping for war, getting allies and keeping them safe in Grimaulds. They prepared a few rooms for people to stay there. 1 room was empty, as Bill and Charlie would arrive the next day under complete secrecy apart from their dad knowing and would hide there. Charlie himself didn't know how to feel. For him, it felt that something bigger was waiting for him there. Something he missed. Something he'd die for.

When it was night, Harry was dropped back to Hogwarts. He immediately went back to his dorms and slept.

The next morning,  Snape, Quirrel Tom barely made it on time but they did. Quirrel was 100% loyal to Tom, whether he was good or bad. He went back and locked his memories, pretending that it was always him who was teaching. Meanwhile, Tom was barely recovering after learning the truth. He transformed himself into a snake and hid in Snape's room. Snape sighed and knew he'd have to take care of him. It was understandable, how shocked he was. Snape would have to inform this development to Potter and Draco, and he did, slipping a note to them during potions explaining how Tom was back to original with no one controlling him, but was deep in shock. Draco and Harry burnt the note after reading it.

1 less task off their list.

And 1 more mission to accomplish before all hell literally breaks out. Dumbledore, who thought he was safe after Peter's arrest, won't know what hit him.

We're reaching the climax!!!!! Not the end though, because, well, war and love and all is still left.
Also, just to clarify, I've never shipped Mad-eye and Tonks. When I made this story years ago, I just wrote this to fill what I thought was a hole because I wanted it to seem that Tonks was in love with someone but forced to love Remus. Mad-eye was stupidly the choice I made. To fix this, let's just pretend that Mad-eye is just a few years older than Tonks. No doubt that makes holes in the theory because he'd be very young when he fought of death eaters the first time so let's pretend that that was Mad-eye's older brother who died later on and Mad-eye felt horrid and went on a rampage, leading to the loss of his eye and leg. Sorry if this is confusing. Basically, to cover up my past mistakes, Mad-eye is young and only a few years older than Tonks and the famous one was his brother but he lost his eye and leg when he was seeking revenge against those who killed his brother.
Ja nee~

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