Kurome x Male Reader

By ilylofi

10.4K 152 50


Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Ch 18


532 6 3
By ilylofi

In a small abandoned building off the coast of the west side of the capital, it was the base of the six unknown assassins from tonight's assassination. The group were sitting at the table in a little get-together. The group's leader was the boy with the sword. He slowly took off his mask and....

It was (YN)!!!!

With an angry glare you clenched your teeth, showing off your new golden metal teeth and fixed jaw. You softly rubbed your jawline and sighed in frustration.

(YN): Good job, everyone. I already knew something was gonna happen at that moment.

Knight: Thanks, boss!

The guy dressed in the knight armor took off his helmet and a boy with medium length brown hair with green eyes was revealed. He looks a lot like Tatsumi, but his hair is only curly instead of wavy.

Knight: And we didn't even break a sweat.

Ring Girl: You're right. Crushing those crooks with my rocks was very satisfying. Hmm.

Staff Boy: Uhh. You're still a freak, huh?

Ring Girl: *seductively giggles*

Shotgun Girl: I thought the whole battle was lame. I actually thought they were gonna put up a good fight. But I was wrong.

Scar Girl: We were stronger than them, so it's understandable.

(YN): Sorry to disappoint you guys with the mission. But I promise, we're going to fight in a big war very soon. So be ready.

This was your own new team full of Imperial Arm users. They're all equally dangerous to the other high ranking officers in the Empire.

The 17-year old boy dressed as a knight is Erick. As a child, he always wanted to be a knight and guard his loved ones. He was a basket boy in the Empire and his job was to always give out free food to the poor. After years of hard work for his community and helping the civilians in need of assistance in his village, he was promoted to knight by his peers, so they gave him the uniform of an official knight. Although, they never knew that the suit was actually an Imperial Arms. It's called Castle's Protector; Defenceman. Nothing can crush the armor of the suit. Nothing! (The only weakness is that it makes the user's movement slower. Erick have to take the suit off when not in battle).

The 18-year old boy with the staff is Zious. He used to be a secret ninja working for the Empire, but he noticed the harsh crimes the nation was doing to the villages. After realizing they are in the wrong, he quit his ninja job and wanted to help the Empire the best way he could. An Imperial Arms user that weilded the staff went after his head for leaving the ninja forces, but he killed the man in self-defense with his ninja skills and stole his staff. It's called Extensive Collision; Javelin. The staff got it's name from it's ability to extend as long as the user wants it. When extended, the staff can break through any obstacle that stands in its way such as buildings, mountains and even the ground! The longer the staff, the stronger it becomes. (The shorter the staff, the weaker it became. That's its weakness).

The short 15-year old girl with the armored shotgun is Ruby. She ran away from home and became an orphan after her parents were killed by danger beasts lurking the countryside when she was only 9 years old. She stayed at an orphanage and tried to make a living for herself and start a new life in the Empire. A man that took care of her at the place was actually an outsider of the Empire and he had a special shotgun for protection against criminals in the capital. He was a hero in Ruby's eyes and she wanted to be just like him one day. Unfortunately, he came down ill and died of sickness by an unknown rare disease. Mourning of his death she took his shotgun and used it to fight off criminals to continue his legacy. It took a while for her to find out that the shotgun was an Imperial Arms. It's called Sparkling Blaster; Glitter. It was a green glitter-covered shotgun that could shoot out sparks of light, effective for burning the targeted area! (The weakness is that it's a short-ranged shotgun. Ruby have to be closer to the enemy in order to make a more powerful impact).

The 26-year old woman with the ring on her finger is Vorda. As a kid, she was a big fan of S&M. She loves torturing people and also loves being tortured. Her mother was always physically abused by her father, but surprisingly, she was turned on by it. She would always masturbate to the painful cries of her mother being either punched or choked out by her dad. One day, she decided to kill her parents for no apparent reason, then she was "sexually playing with their corpses". A foreigner sold her a special ring, but had no idea that is was an Imperial Arms. It's called Bomber of Earth's Core; Geo. This shiny brown ring gave her the ability to control the ground of the Earth with flight added. She can form rocks into all different shapes and sizes! (The ring's energy can overheat when used for too long).

The 30-year old woman with the scar across her eye is Rua. She lived the worst past out of the bunch. As an abandoned teenager, she lived on the streets with the meanest criminals around. Everyday she was constantly being raped by bandits in the dark alleyways where no one could see her or hear her cries. She was raped more than 4 times every week for two months. She was raped so many times, she lost her womanhood! To avoid being raped any longer, she cut her hair down, started working out, and dressed up like a man to hide her gender but she still had her womanly parts. She lived off of stealing valuable things and food from other people. One day, she stole a very old powerful belt from a trash can. Indeed, it was an Imperial Arms. It's called Cemented Strength; Stone. It's a belt that can simply turn the user's skin into gray colored stone. It has a healing factor, too! (It puts a strain on the user's body once done using the power).

These members, including you, are a brute force to be reckoned with in the capital.


Erick: So what's next, boss?

(YN): I'm not sure yet. And can you please stop calling me boss?

Erick: Sorry, but you are the one that assembled us.

(YN): And? You don't have to call me boss. There is no boss. We all control our own actions.

Erick: But you're the one that gives out missions and tell us to-

(YN): Anyways! I wanted to inform you all that we have a score to settle with both the Empire and the Revolution. As you may know, there are two powerful elite forces fighting for the two armies.

(YN): Night Raid and The Jaegers.

Zious: Two groups of Imperial Arm killers. This should be interesting.

Erick: Speaking of which, I wanted to ask you about that. Who are we targeting?

(YN): We're targeting the Jaegers........and Night Raid.

Erick: Huh? So whose side are we on?

(YN): We're on our own side. We will take care of this country like we should. The reason we're targeting the Jaegers is because their actions is to harm the government. They're too naive to see the bright side.

(YN): And we're targeting Night Raid because they're just as guilty. They're assassins. They're murderers. We don't need either team in this Empire.

(YN): Every member from each team are strong, but there are only two people to watch out for when battling each one. Akame from Night Raid, and Esdeath from the Jaegers. I went on par with Akame once and she nearly killed me. Esdeath has the killer instinct building inside of her. That's why we need to eliminate both teams.

Erick: I guess it does make sense to target both teams. But what about Esdeath? She's too strong for any of us. Not even your sword can cut her.

(YN): *pulls out sword* Oh, I never met anybody my sword can't cut.

Erick: Uh, have you met General Budo?

(YN): *puts sword away* ......

(YN): See, I didn't know I assigned you all just to be disrespected.

Erick: I'm just saying...

(YN): Budo isn't Esdeath. Esdeath isn't Budo. That's what I meant to say.

Erick: But Esdeath is stronger than Budo.

(YN): ......

Erick: ......

(YN): .......

Erick: .......

(YN): Are you stronger than Budo?

Erick: No.

(YN): Alright, then.

Vorda: Oohh. I would love to see that battle. It would turn me on so much.

Rua: So what's our first move?

(YN): For right now we're only targeting the Jaegers but if Night Raid stands in our way we'll kill them, too.

Ruby: On top of that, we already know what three of the members from Night Raid look like from the posters. Akame, a guy named Bulat, and the former general Najenda.

(YN): It's okay. I already met three more of those bastards. Like I said, all we have to do is-

(YN): Alright, I can't concentrate! Who is that? Why is he here?

You pointed to an old man standing to the side of the room with a cane in his hand, struggling to stand up straight.

Erick: That's my secretary and butler, remember? He'll be with me wherever I go.

The old man uttered out a loud cry and suddenly fell face-first to the floor. You bent down and placed your hand against the man's neck.

(YN): The man just died!

Erick: He's dead? Damn it! I knew I should've sent him into retirement.

(YN): Anyway, back to the point. We need to be prepared to fight in this war. We may not have an army like the Empire and the Revolution, but we must balance this fighting war out the best way we can.

Everyone nodded their heads in agreement and approval.

(YN): *stretches* Well, it's getting late and I'm getting tired. I'm going to bed. One of you guys make sure to get that man's dead body out of here.

Erick: Hold on. You forgot one thing.

(YN): What?

Erick: If we're gonna do all of this work in the capital, then we need a name for our own secret organization.

(YN): Oh, yeah. What did you all have in mind?

Zious: I was thinking of The Empirical Terrors.

Everybody: ........

Zious: What? It's a good name.

Rua: Oh! How about the United Crushers?

(YN): Uhh....

Ruby: Danger Rangers?

(YN): No.

Vorda: The Empire's Sexdolls?

(YN): Hell no!

Zious: How about the Mean Team?

(YN): Oh my..... Can any of you think of any good fucking name for our team?!

Ruby: Diamonds of Death!

Rua: Brute Force!

Zious: Crackers of the North!

Vorda: Deadly Rapists!

(YN): No. No. No. And Vorda, just shut up.

Erick: I got it!

(YN): What?

Erick: The Six Paths of Pain!

(YN): ......

(YN): Erick, that name was already taken from another anime!!!!

Erick: Oh...

Zious: Well, we got nothing.

(YN): I think I finally have it.

Everybody: What?

You turned yourself away from the group and gave them an evil smirk.

(YN): The Six Anarchists.

Erick: Six Anarchists?

(YN): That's right. We're neutral, right? Which means we can do whatever the fuck we want. We don't take sides. We're gonna kill anyone that stands in our way. That'll be the perfect name for us.

Erick: Alright! That can work!

Vorda: I like it. Sounds pleasurable. *licks finger*

Rua: Sounds extreme.

Ruby: *crossing her arms* It's okay, I guess.

Zious: Honestly, I liked Mean Team, but that'll do.

(YN): Good.


It was now in the middle of the night. Everybody were already asleep, but you were still up for some reason. You were just thinking about something from out of the blue, but your thoughts were interrupted when someone knocked on your door, then they came into the room. It was Rua.

Rua: (YN), you okay?

(YN): What's the point in knocking if you're just gonna barge up in here anyway?

Rua: Oh, sorry. Your door was left a crack and I just wanted to check on you.

(YN): I'm fine, but thanks for caring.

Rua: Since you're up, I needed to ask you a question. *shuts the room door*

(YN): Wassup?

Rua: I wanted to do this with you when both of us were alone. It seems like the perfect time.

(YN): What?

Rua stood in front of you and started blushing for some reason. Without warning, she slowly took her tank top off and revealed her large naked breasts to you.

(YN): What the hell, Rua?!

Rua: I want to have sex with you.

(YN): What?!!

Rua: Come on. Let's do it.

Rua took off her pants and crawled on top of you so you tried to push her away, however, and your hands accidentally touched her breasts.

(YN): Get off me! I'm not having sex with you!

Rua: (YN), please! I need my womanhood back!

You grabbed Rua's arms and flipped her over so you could be on top of her.

(YN): Forget it. I'm not having sex with you. After knowing what you went through in your past? I'm not doing that. *stood up*

Rua: But this will be my first time doing this intentionally. This will give me my womanhood back.

(YN): I said no!!!

Rua only stared down in disappointment. You felt bad for yelling at her like that, but wouldn't you look bad for having sex with someone that was constantly raped for the majority of their life? You didn't assign this team just to have a copulation with every female member.

You walked over to the other side of the room and stared out the window looking at the bright blue moon up in the night sky.

(YN): Besides, something just came up.

Rua: What it is?

(YN): Before I was sent away from the Jaegers, there was only one person I really cared about the most on the team. I just thought of her for some reason.

Rua: .......

(YN): She was a good friend. It wasn't love, but she was someone I considered more than just a friend. She was like a sister to me. We were good pals. But she probably thinks differently of me now. She probably realized that I am weak because of me being sent away.

(YN): And it's all Esdeath's fault.

Rua noticed you angrily balling your fists up. You looked at Rua from the corner of your eye and stared back out the window.

(YN): Oh. You can put your clothes back on now.

Rua: I prefer not to.

(YN): *sighing*

Rua: So, do you have any idea of what to do next?

(YN): I'll think of something tomorrow. I'll be satisfied with whatever in order to get my hands around Esdeath's neck.

(YN): I will kill Esdeath.

Rua: But what will you do if you run into your friend? What if you have to fight her?

(YN): ......

(YN): I don't know......

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