Just You //SeojunXSuho True B...

By tunawere62

150K 6.8K 1.1K

Every hour,every minute,every second..only for you More



2.4K 135 2
By tunawere62

"Congratulations on your wedding Mr Han!",all of Jugyeong's friend surrounded him as all the male students lifted him up in the air,cheering for him.

They slowly put down Mr Han on the ground as he felt dizzy and almost stumbled infront as Heekyung,Jugyeong's sister hurriedly hold him.

"Awwwww so cute!!!",Jugyeong and most of the female students cheered in awe.All of them were chattering together cause this wedding was lowkey their mini reunion as well.

Seojun smiled as his eyes were wilder around looking for the guy that he couldn't stop thinking from yesterday.Five minutes later,Suho walked from the entrance and from the moment,Seojun know he was starstruck by his presence.He was handsome from the depth of his eyes to the gentle expressions of his face.Perhaps this is what is meant by a gentleman,not one of weaknesses as each second passes the lines will deepen upon his face,he will be more handsome still,as if his soul shines through his skin.

Seojun snapped to his senses when Chorong tapped Seojun's chin,"yah close your mouth",he teased Seojun.Seojun gave him an annoyed look before Taehoon called them to take photos with the newlyweds.Seojun waved his hand to Suho as Suho came to him,"you look great",he said to Suho while Suho smile shyly.

"Say cheese",all of them did their random pose while Seojun and Suho both did their v-sign."ok one more!",the photographer asked for one more photo.Seojun contemplated to do the pose that he thought of but he decided to do it before he regrets it.

"1....2...",He then intertwined his hands with Suho's and raised up in the air smiling to the camera while Suho was surprised with Seojun's act as he turned his head to Seojun with his shocked face.

"Ok!",the photographer showed an Ok-sign to all of them as Seojun lowered down his hand and turned his body facing Suho,"i'm sorry if i make you uncomfortable",he apologized but Suho shooked his head and grinned reassuring him.

- -

Seojun waited for Suho as he went to the restroom as Soojin came to him."Han Seojun,can we meet tomorrow at 11?",she asked.Seojun was surprised with her sudden question,"urm why?",he asked back.Soojin looked confused but then she chuckled,"did you forgot that we supposed to meet yesterday?",she told Seojun while Seojun grinned awkwardly while rubbed the back of his neck.

"Then see you tomorrow,anyway do you want me to send you back home?",she asked Seojun,offered him a ride.Seojun looked at the restroom then turned back to Soojin,"it's okay,i have other things to do",he responded.Soojin raised her eyebrow,"i can wait if you want me to",she offered him again but Seojun just smiled and refused also thanking her.Soojin then nodded before she waved goodbye to Seojun.

Seojun waved back to her when Suho came approaching him."you guys look close,are you guys..urm you know?",Suho couldn't finished his words as Seojun laughed and shooked his head."what are you talking about?",he replied to Suho trying to avoid the conversation.He looked at his watch and looked back to the guy infront of him.

"Then i should go",Seojun said to Suho before he make a small hand wave and turned around when Suho suddenly called him.Seojun turned back his body facing Suho,"let me send you home",Suho offered to Seojun.

Seojun befuddled with Suho's unexpected offer,deep down he wanted to but he doesn't want to be a burden to Suho so he choose to refuse his offer."Thank you but i think i want to have a walk for a while",Seojun explained his refusal when Suho moved closer and held his hand,"Then I will walk with you until you arrive at your home",Suho offered again.Seojun blinked repeatedly before he slightly smiled and accepted his offer,if not he doesn't have any legit excuses to refuse Suho.

- -

"So are you gonna stay here or you will have to go back?",Seojun asked Suho while fiddling his fingers.It's been a while for him to have a chat with Suho and also the time for him to walk with Suho .

"I have to go back..maybe tomorrow or the day after",Suho told Seojun.Seojun felt a slight bit of aching in his heart as soon as he heard that."so he's gonna leave soon?"

"Why do you ask?",Suho asked to him while glanced at Seojun.Seojun looked down,obviously he looked very gloomy."Nothing",he shooked his head choose to lie to Suho.Even if he told him,it's not gonna make Suho stay longer.

While they're walking Seojun suddenly became silent and Suho aware of that,it's just he doesn't know the reason was.Suho took a step closer to Seojun then took Seojun's hand,intertwined his fingers with Seojun's.Seojun was baffled with Suho's act while Suho beamed a smile on his face,"i miss holding your hand",Suho confessed.Seojun felt the heat rushing through his skin while heart thumping wildly so he looked away but he secretly smiled although his ears already turned red.

Few minutes later,both of them arrived infront of Seojun's house.Seojun felt down,despondent by the thoughts that he have to bid farewell with Suho."Don't worry,we will meet again",Seojun darted his eyes to Suho,felt amazed with Suho tend to understand his feelings.

"Then see you",Seojun excused himself and walked towards the door but then he turned back and saw Suho still standing there smiling at him."Go inside",Suho told him while plastered a smile on his face.Seojun took a deep breath before he ran back to Suho and hugged the other guy,Suho was startled with his sudden hug but he slowly raised his hands and hugged him back.

"Thank you for coming back",Seojun said to Suho as he released the hug.He then gave a peck on Suho's cheek,"gotta go",he smiled awkwardly then hurriedly ran into his house in embarrassment.When he's inside his house,he jumped multiple times,felt cringe with what he just did.It's like he did all those things that happen straight from K-drama.Seojun tapped his cheeks with his hands,"wow Han Seojun,can't believe you can be dashing sometimes".He decided to run to his room before his mother and Gowoon saw him being acting weird infront of their door.

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