xX Velonica Xx

By DiruGazelover

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Velonica is a up and coming vocal artist in Japan with a weird fascination with G-Dragon. When she meets him... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 17

53 3 0
By DiruGazelover

  *CL P.O.V*

        I had been calling JiYong for the past 10 minutes. He hasn't answered any of my calls. (This is why me and him probably won't last much longer. But until then I won't let HER have him.) "Minzy!! Give me your phone!! NOW!!" 


        When Gackt finally let go I was as red as a tomato. Not only was Kwon there, but so was Gackt. I'm so confused on what to even think right about now. 

  "Can someone explain what's going on?!", Oh my god why did I say that?!

  "I could ask the same thng.", I looked to my left and saw Hiro glancing between me and Gackt. I looked at Gackt who was staring at me and holding my hand.

  I let go and stepped back next to Hiro. When I did he took hold of my hand and pulled me close to him.

  "How do you two know each other?", he pointed to Kwon.

  I looked at Kwon and tried to form words. "We met at Gackt's party. Hi, I'm G-Dragon, nice to meet you...", he stopped to wait for his name.

B"Hiro... my name is Hiro. So you're the guy She's touring with."

  "Excuse me!? You're leaving?!", Gackt interupted

  I looked at him and became speechless again. (He didn't know?)"Well uhh... yeah... Wait. what are you doing here?", I asked.

  He got quiet and cleared his voice. "Well... I went by your house to see how you were since I handn't heard from you in a while. Your grandma Chiero said she hasn't seen you in a while. I got worried so I asked her where you might be.", he looked up at Hiro. 

  "She said you had a boyfriend. I was hoping for........ Someone else."

   My mouth almost hit the floor. Did he just... insult Hiro? Gackt was very cocky and proper...  I never would think Pomous. (Gross!)

  "I think you should watch what you say. You don't know me... You don't know me at all." Hiro defended himself.

  I rose an eyebrow. (I'm impressed)

  Gackt stalked towards Hiro, but before he could get too close Kwon spoke up.  "He's... your boyfriend? Why didn't you tell me yesterday?"

  (Crap! CRap!CRAP!) "Well..um."

  "You were with him? That's why you were late?!", Hiro was already irritated with Gackt and Kwon was unknowingly making it worse.

  " Yeah... I mean...I thought it wouldn't take as long as it did. " (no. No... No!)

  "What would take so long?!", his voice became louder.

  It made me take a step back. (He sounds angry..)

  "He called and asked to catch up. I intended on leaving before I did... But we got caught up. The conversation! It got deep and I lost track of time." I was being truthful but I felt like a little girl being reprimanded by her daddy.

  He took a deep breathe and smiled. "Why didn't you just say that then?" He sounded relaxed. He pulled me back  his side and then glared at Gackt. " See you around, Gackt. "

  He pulled me asking and I followed silently. We got up to where Kwon was. He leaned over twords him so I wouldn't see his face. "And don't you have to much fun with MY girl... Okay? But it was nice meeting you.", he said then backed off of him. " let's go eat now. " I followed him and fought myself not to look back.


  (Who does that  kid think he is?!) I put my hands in my pocket and watched as MY Velly was being takenaway from me. (I better act quick if I want this thing with them to end...or else I'll never have her.) I lookked at G-Dragon. He had his eyes on her too. I've known since the party, but now he's gonna have her to hmself for about a month.....(I won't stand by any longer!) 

I walked back in the other direction ignoring GD and whoever the other guy was.

 *G-Dragon P.O.V*

  (Why didn't she tell me she had a boyfriend? I know she knows i was flirting with her. And she was all mine at the party until...) Then I thought about it. (Did she see me with CL?) It's too late to be thinking about that now....but now she's walking away from with a guy with the face of a horse anf a glare that could halt a elephant, I felt mmy phone buzz and I looked at it. (Crap!! 12 missed calls from Cl, 7 from Minzy, 5 from Dara and 20 from Park Bom, 5 new messages, and 2 voicemails!? OMG im gonna hear it now. Man I dont even want to look at the messages let alone call back.) I mushed my phone into my face. When i put ot down i looked back into the direction the Velonica walked away. (What's his name... Hero...Helo......Hiro...yea...i think..)

*CL P.O.V*

  I was sitting in the hotel room with Park when my phone rang. I looked down at it and it was JiYong's face, i answered imediately. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING THAT YOU CAN'T ANSWER ANY OF MY CALLS OR TEXT ME BACK, HUH!? AND DON'T SAY YOU WERE REHEARING OR IN A SHOW 'CAUSE I CALLED YOU MANAGER AND HE SAID YOU DIDN'T!! SO WHAT ARE YOU DOING, ARE YOU HAVING SEX WITH THAT GIRL!!!', I was furious... but for why.

  "Cl im sorry ok!!!! my phone was on vibrate and i didn't feel it in my pocket im sorry! i wasn't with who ever you're talking about. Im wearing those baggy jeans you picked out and i didn't feel it vinrate ok...."


  He got quiet and i felt like exploding. (So I was right!!) "SO YOU WERE!! YOU GET ON MY LAST..ARGHHUGGH." I hung up the ohone before he could say another word and tossed it across the room to the couch. (How dare he!?) I crossed my arms and legs and scoweld at the wall.

  "He's with her?", Bom asked.

  I shot her a glare and she backed off and walked away. (This girl is ruining my life and my plans!!)

 *G-Dragon P.O.V*

  I put the phone down and shook my head. (Why did i act guilty!? Now she's gonna let me have it.) I looked up at TaeYang and he was laughing.

  "What's so funny?", i asked slightly irritated.

  He stops laughing and shook his head. "Your girl is unnecessarily crazy... kinda happy i didn't aske her out." He sat down in a chair and took a swig of what looked like water.

  I glared at him and clenched my phone. (smart-alec.) "You really piss me off sometimes.", I stated walking over twords the couch.

  "Well i tell the truth! She's crazy... and sexy... but her crazy out weighs the sexy, so im good.", He leaned back with his hands behind his head.

  I sat down with my elbow on my knees. I looked down at th floor. (Is this worth fighting for? She's kinda.....really clingy.)


 *CL P.O.V*

  I downed my third drink and almost broke the glass when i slammed it down on the table. "Who does he think he is? Gong and playing around with some girl! I should dumo his lying butt!!", I said in a slurry type of way to Dara.

  She took a shot and looked att me. "You wouldn't do that...plus I need you to stay with him so i can get close to TaeYang.'', she laughed and pured herself another shot.

  "He thinks he can play me?! He's got me al the way messed up. And if you want TaeYang so bad why make him work for it?", i looked over at her.

  She sat up and downed her shot. "Well, I geuss i want him to want me so I won't have a relationship like...", she stopped and looked up at me. " I geuss I.... I don't want a relationship like...ypurs...the one with Kwon anyway."

  I looked at her with my mouth open. (What was that suppose to mean?) I got ready to open my mouth, but Minzy popped up.

  "Hey Guys! This party's pretty fun ain't it, huh!", she was giggly and bubbly as always. I looked at Minzy then back to Dara whom had magically disapeared. 

  "Yeah ...It pretty fun.", i said looking at her.

  "It's about to get better for you! Kiseop's here!" When those words escaped her mouth I stood and looked around.

  He was standing off twords the entrance looking around. Me and his eyes met and my heart raced. (There's my Kiseop.) He gave me a flirty smile and gestured for me to follow him.....and indeed i did.

  *G-Dragon P.O.V*

  (What am i doing? Sitting here thinking about Velonica when I should be thinking of ways to make up with Cl.) I took in a huge sigh and observed as taeYang conversated with his friend. (Whoms name i still don't know.)

  "Oh, and before i forget, this is G-Dragon, my best homie from Korea, G this is Daichi Miura.", TaeYang said.

  (Daichi Miura...sounds familiar) "Hey, nice to meet ya...wait....did you and him.."

  He cut me off. "Dance together? Yeah, Its been awhile since then though.", Daichi laughed out.

  He sure as hell looked funny in the face. Big round eyes with baggy thingys and an awkward ass nose. Slightly smaller than DaeSung's. "I don't think i've ever heard of you before...are you just a dancer?", I asked.

  He stuck his hands in his pockets and shook his head, " Im a pop star here in Japan."

  (Really?!nWhat kind of girls are attracted to him?) "Oh!! Thats cool. A dancer AND a singer. Good talents to have."

  "Yo, G!! We're gonna go to his concert tonight so you get to see him in action,", TaeYang interrupted.

  I nodded, stood up, and headed twords the door... (Whooopy.....not really)

    *GACKT P.O.V*

  So im trying to keep my patience with this woman. She just would not shut up. This interview was taking way to long...and i mean longer than usual.

  I sat in the chair acting intrested not actually paying much attention t this blabbering fool up until i heard her name.

  "Gackt, how has your kouhai, Velonica been doing? We've recieved news that she will be doing a mini tour with G-Dragon and TaeYang." The woman was looking at me.

  I looked at her and thought about my answer. "Honestly....she's been doing....'solo' work on her own lately. So i havent seen her too much. I've also been busy mmyself." I sat up straight and rested my arms on the sides of the chair.

  "Oh! Well how do you feel about her doing worMk with G-Dragon and...", I cut her off before she could finish.

  "I said...I haven't see her,,, and i don't know G-Dragon all that well but all the while...I do feel she's doing a great job and she will be great one day.", I clasped my hands together and gave her a look that dared her to speak about it again.

  She moved uncomfortably in her seat but spoke the words i dared her to say. "Are you jealous of her attention being on someone other than you?"

  Everyone became silent and I glared ate her though my sunglasses."....No..either way as Sensei she must answer to me. So I'll have her attention one way or another."

  "Do you have feeling for her? Or are you just protective of your Kouhai?"

  (Im having her fired....Today!) I was silent with my answer. Would I be honest or play it safe....


  *Velonica P.O.V*

  Me and Hiro had ate our food and were just sitting in the booth of this cute little diner. We were just talking about his bandmates antics and jokes. He was saying something about some cats when i saw Gackt on TV. Looked like he was having an interview or something. One of the workers turned the TV up and all i heard was, "Velonica is a great and beautiful person. I saw her from her lowest till now. She's accomplishing much more than expeted of her and i'm proud... but to answer your question...", He looked down a second.

  I glanced over at Hiro. He was looking intently at the TV and all i could see was the back of his head.

  "I do indeed seem to have a form of feeling for Veloinca. Im not sure if it's a crush or love or that  just find her attractive... but i have feelijng for Vellonica Yume.", he looked at the camera and smiled big. The audiance on the show was squealing and awing and diner began to talk about it as well.

  (OMG...) My mouth dropped and i grabbed my head. I couldn't take my eyes from the TV. (on national tv!? Of all places there!!!?? Everyone is gonna see it.....omg including Hiro) I looked at Hiro who was fiddling with his knife on his plate.

  "H..Hiro?...", I whispered hesitantly.

  He shot a glance my way and stabbed the remaining meat on his plate. "Did you know?", he asked.

  "Know?...Know what?", i was speaking quietly.

  "Did you know he likes you?", his voice slightly rosse.

  "No..I...I always ahd a feeling he might,but.... you came and i pretty much let it go.", i wasn't lying. (so why am i nervous?)

  He sat straight up and looked at the clock. "Okay... i believe you..but i gotta go. See you arounf babe.", he got up and kissed my forehead, then he was gone.

  I sat there quietly to myself and recapped everything that happened in under 3 hours. My boyfriend, romantic intrest, and 'secret admirer all just met at the same time. Gackt just confessed himself on live tv and now my boyfriend is probably upset and/or irritated. (How better can this get?) I spoke tto soon...

  "Hi blue eyes." Her comes my ex....Daishi Miura.

    *G-Dragon P.O.V*

  We were back at the hotel and I was already exhausted. Going over the day, i layed on the bed and stared up at the ceiling.

  "I should have gone for her sooner...then again Im with CL...", i rolled over and pushed my face into a pillow. "Why me?", i loudly mumbled into the pillow. I looked up from it to see my phone ringing. I picked it up withought seeing who it was

  "What.", I said aggitated.

"Don't get an attitude with me mister.", the voice was familiar.

  "Uh...who's this?", i asked.

  "It's me...Ailiee!"

  "OH!", i sat up and fixed my atitude. I really love Ailees... as a friend. "Whats up?"

  "Well i just thought you should know this... and before i say it don't go thinking i want you or anything ok, and im not lying either."

  "Ailee....just tell me."

  ".....okay...its about CL."

  *CL P.O.V*

  He's not answering his phone again!!! I tossed the phone into a chair and crossed my arms. I felt a warm embrace and looked up to see Kiseop shirtless standing over me. (simply gorgeous) "Need something?", i asked.

  "Well im sorta hungry..wanna grab a bite to eat before i leave?", he was smiling and sincere.

  "We better not. Someone might see us.", i got up and headed to a window.

  "are you embaresed of me?", he said shyly.

  "No..Never.. im SUPPOSE to be GD's girls remember?.. i would if i could..", i walked over to him and wrapped my arms around his neck. "I..I love you...ok?", i smiled.

  He wrapped his arms around my waist and smiled."I love you too C.", he leanend down and kissed me. "Always."

  (I actually love him...but...i do care for gd and i dont want him to hurt.)

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