Chapter 20

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"I feel pretty stupid Hyde.", I said with my hands in my head.

"Well its about time you realize what you've been doing." Hyde took a sip of a bottle of water and looked at me. "She's not some piece of meat....she's a human with feelings of her own. You can't just grab her and put her on your shelf with the others."

I looked at Hyde and took a deep sigh. I knew he was right. She was to precious to ruin by my hands. After talking to Yohio's manager and hearing his plan I realized how desperate I was being. "Daichi deserves a second chance. Everyone does...right?" I finally said looking at my phone.

Hyde started telling his foot. Its a I thing I notice he dies when he's in a rush, pissed off or thinking. "From what you told me... They dated for awhile... He cheated with her close friend... Then left her for the friend because he thought she was better. Turns out she was hell and went to apologize for not being loyal, lying and being a plain jerk. She refused and cut him out her life?", he asked looking at me.

I nodded and stood up with my hands in my red jeans pockets. "Am I wrong, Hyde?'

He scratched he shoulder length black hair and smirked. " I wouldn't, but then again.... Helping rebuild a trust between them again could be helpful for him and her."

I paced back and forth thinking about what he said. (I know I can't win her heart maybe he can make her happy...but Hiro.)

"Why do you want to help me? I thought you loved her?", Daichi said. We were sitting in a quiet little Korean restaurant. He sat next to me at the bar area and just looked at me confused.

(Doesn't look like the type of guy she'd date) "Well.... I realized I can't make her love me back and that she deserves happiness. So...I want to help you get Velonica's trust back. I know what happened between you two and were never forgiven or given a second chance. Let me help you." I gave him a serious look and made eye contact.

He looked back at me and then down at his hands. "I would love nothing more than for her to forgive me. But she's stubborn and strong willed. If she doesn't want to she won't."

I looked at him and saw how pathetic he looked. "I'm her sempai. She has to listen to me. Plus I can get you guys to do songs together as well.... C'mon... Whatya say?" I held my hand out for him to shake and agree.

He looked at it and smiled. "Fine." He took grip and shook. "...but only if her grandma says it could work. She knows her better than anyone, even me."

I nodded and we laughed. Operation: A Rekindled Friendship, is underway.

*Cl POV*

I was laying on this hotel room bed balling my eyes out. I knew it was going to hurt but I didn't know it would be that bad. Seeing him so angry ...seeing him so angry at ME....It hurt so bad. I pulled out my phone and dialed Park Bom. Hopefully she wasn't sleep yet.

"He..hello?", she was sleep.

"So...sorry to wake you.....", I said quietly trying to silence my cries.

I heard shuffling on her end then a flick. She must have turned a light on. "What's wrong? You sound like you've been crying...", her worried tone kicked in telling me she was wide awake now.

(Crap...) "Well....I told him....well....more like i broke up with him and he....kinda snapped.", I said quietly.

"What do you mean he snapped?"

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