Chapter 25

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~~this is how I imagine Kamui ~~
-- 4 Years Later--

*G Dragon POV*

Me and Velly have been married for over 4 years now. I don't know how we made it but we did and I'm proud of it. I geuss it was love, but all I know is that we have been inseperable after GACKT's death. It's as if he brung us closer together. Speaking of GACKT, we managed to get custody of his son Hiroshiki. It was pretty shocking to think that he had a sun in the first place. But I knew it was meant to be. After we got custody of him we agreed on living in Korea. Velonica wanted to be closer to me and was willing to give up her career. And to think this was all before our maybe marriage. Even found out she was pregnant, shocked the hell out of me. But overall we were happy.

*Velonica POV*

I was sitting on the park bench watching the kids and Kwon play. They were so happy. Always smiling and laughing. I was so relived to have a happy, healthy family. As I sat there, Gackt's last words lingered in my head.
"I have a son.... Take care of him... Stay with Kwon. He'll stay by your side. Don't forget .. I'll always love you."
The memory still hurts, but it's what I heard last from him and it have me joy. Hit to know that the man that taught me everything loved me and wanted me safe. I looked up and saw Kwon playing on the playground with Hiroshiki and Kamui, our 5 year old daughter.
She wasn't expected and it was a scary but joyous moment in our lives. Her long, black, wavy hair seemed to cascade around her. She had a short stature much like myself, including my blue eyes. She was the sweetest thing I'd ever seen. Her special skin tone made her all the more gorgeous.
Hiroshiki looked at me then. He had short straight black hair like GACKT. His strong features also showed in him. He even had the talent. Everyone I would look at him I would melt. To think that this boy was 6 years old, to think I didn't know about him till 4 years ago, it was.... Almost too much. But I made a promise that I intended to keep. Just thinking about him while looking in his son's face caused a tear to fall and warm my cheek. (Gackt....I miss you)

*GD Dragon POV*

I watched Kamui and Hiroshiki play their little game of tag as I took a rest. (They sure know how to wear a man out.) I wiped my face with the back of my hand and laughed. They got along so well and were so close. It was heart warming. Ad they ran about I looked back at Velonica. She had a small by ear falling down her face, but she was smiling. I smiled at her and embraced to warmth I felt to see her pregnant again. The last time I was touring most of time pregnancy and missed alot, bit not this time; I'd be there. I haven't been this happy in some time and I was a pleasurable feeling.

*Hiroshiki POV*

I'm 6 years old and I play Violin and I sing, too. I've never been so happy. Having a loving family like I do Noe has never felt so good. Kwon and Velonica make me feel so welcome....they really love me. And I love them too!! I even love Kamui. She's such a sweet little girl. She's a lot like mama Velly. I'm really grateful to her... If it wasn't for her if still be with my horrible mother. She would beat me all the time for no reason and even blame me for her mistakes. She wouldn't even let me eat at times. It was horrible. I couldn't take it. I'll never be able to repay the for the generosity they have shown me.

*Kamui POV*

I'm almost 5 now and mommy still treats me like I'm 4....I mean I am still 4 but not in 4 months I'll be 5. A big girl ya'know!? Mommy and Daddy show me how to dance and sing. Dad says I'm really good, but I know he's just saying that. They named me after my Uncle GACKT. Mommy told me he was a good man and he died before ei was born. I those ght that was cute. And mommy says I have some disease called vitiliigo; I get weird white patches ask over my body. I have it on my face too. Daddy tells me it's beautiful and that its a buterfly. So i think its pretty, even though some kids make fun if it, but I don't care 'cus mommy says I'm gorgeous.

*Velonica POV*

I contained to wrath then run amuck and make Kwon rub it if breath. It made the tears disappear and cause laughter. As I was laughing I could feel them kick. They were really strong kicks. I ignored them at first, but that's when they got painful.
Luckily Kwon noticed and came to my side. "Is it time Velly!?", he was almost frantic.
I nodded. Next thing I know there is a paramedic there putting me in the ambulance. They sit the site leaving me with some paramedics and wires.

I laid in bed as I watched Kwon hold one if the babies. The other was being held by Ailee. She was there for me the whole pregnancy as well. I saw Hiroshiki and Kamui cuddled in a chair sleep. (So precious.) I smiled and looked at Kwon.
" They're so peaceful. Let's make them.... Momiji.....", he bagan then traild off.
"Hana...", Ailee said. She looked at me and smiled.
I nodded. Such sweet names. I could see them from where they stood and saw that Hana, the one Ailee held, was the smallest. She had lighter brow hair like me and was straight. Momiji, the one Kwon was holding, had darker brown hair that was curly.
Kwon put Momiji in my hands and kissed my forehead. "We're really a family."
I smiled big and looked at Momiji in my arms. "I geuas we are."
From now on I know I would be happy. Happy with the love of my life, my kids, my little piece of GACKT and one of my close friends, little piece of heaven.

~~~~This is the end guys. I'd love to know how you, the readers felt about it. Plz leave your comments and I'll have them in heart. Tanks thanks~~

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