Waiting Alone...✓


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After losing everything he owned, he had; Seokjin is left alone on the streets with no one to care, no one to... More

Take it as an opportunity
Her Memories......
I will help
So let's Begin
Ig Post
It'll be okay
Breaking News
Is it my heart?
Serenity before the Viva
Sand that rolls down
Love Scenario
Return Journey
I am Gwan Y/n
Peaceful Solitude Before The Dawn....
Yes Daddy
Evil God
Perfectly Imperfect
Cyanide in my Milk
A Losing Game
Car Registration Number
Be Ware
So we meet...
Epilogue: Echo
Thank you


62 27 34

The sun rays hit us on our faces, entering through the pores of the curtains. My room was filled with Jin's coffee scent.

The cool breeze hit our bare bodies, indicating us that it wasn't too late yet.

I checked around to see the clock that hung above the door to my room. It was 5:45.

The sound of the waves could be heard ,from my 5th floor room, that splashed near the shore, miles far from our house.

I felt Jin's breath on the crook of my neck. I smiled a little. He was shirtless, his arms wrapped around my waist and my back and his chest in high proximity.

I had a very sweet night with us close to eachother, keeping the other warm the whole night even though that was just like 4 hours. He moved a little and opened his eyes.

"Good Morning Babe...",I said
"Morning...",said Jin as he planted a soft peck on my forehead.

He released me from his hug and sided away to lie down straight. I got off the bed and headed to the bathroom, making a messy ponytail with my hair.

I brushed my teeth and put on my face mask and bath robe. I went to the kitchen to prepare some food. Before that I opened Alpine's room to see both Alpine and Aries sleeping like two innocent babies..

Well only I know that they don't have the word "innocent" in their devil dictionary.

I took out some vegetables out of the refrigerator and started washing them. After thoroughly washing them I went to the wash basin and cleaned my face...

"Perfect. Now back to work...",I said to myself.

As I was about to cook I heard footsteps, a pair of feet larger than Alpine. Jin.

"Hey...",said Jin
"Hey.....",I cooed
"Cooking I see.."
"Wanna cook together?"

Jin stood behind me, his abbs hitting my body. He trapped me between his toned arms and the kitchen counter.

We were cutting the vegetables together. Cooking with Alpine would always end up her ordering me and me working the shit out of me. And Aries...? Don't even talk of her. The messiest chef in the whole world. She'll make edible arrangements but if you look inside the kitchen....

Let's not talk about something that'll make you puke while cooking delicacies.

I heard more footsteps and some faint giggles.

The Satans are awake. They don't get up before 8:30 and today? Very exciting work to annoy the oldest, isn't it?

"Wooooohhhh!!",cheered Alpine and Aries..

Jin quickly let go off me and turned around to face them but I was quicker to come and hide his body.

"Hey you two! Stop eyeing my man!",I said...
"Not eyeing your man but your relationship....",said Aries dramatically..
"Hey, hey let's go.. Let them be in their sweet little lovey dovey moment. Don't mess up the food though. Going to Aries's...",said Alpine

Alpine and Aries left us alone in my apartment.

I excused myself to Alpine's room to fetch her bluetooth speaker and played Love U by Monsta X.

Believe me, I am a diehard Monobebe...

The handsome Jin and I started to dance to the song while still cooking.

I knew this moment wasn't lasting forever. Jin was soon going to leave me and go to a place I can't reach easily.


"Ms. Throndsen, Mr. Kim's current state isn't very good. His body is dieing and our psychiatrists say that unless someone he longs for comes to him, he will have no space left in his heart. He'll die on 15th..."
"No... Please no doctor..."
"No ma'am, I'm sorry but I can't stop this."

(End of Flashback)

My heart was confused. It didn't know if it was supposed to be happy for the little time or be sad cause there's only a little time.

We kept dancing and cooking for around an hour and then our food was ready.

I opened the door and called out for Alpine and Aries and they raced up the stairs to see who could reach faster.

"Slow down... Slow down... You'll hurt yourself..."
"Okay mama...",said the two annoying creatures.

Jin had dressed up in a loose hoody and was looking as handsome as always.

We started having our breakfast. All of them had a smile on their faces.

You know when's the happiest moment for the cook?

It's not when they say you a Thankyou. Of course that makes you happy. It's not even the appreciation. It's when the one you cooked for were happy with what you made. I like seeing Aries and Alpine happy.

They all finsihed eating and as habituated, thanked me for the food.

I started to clean the dishes as Alpine dressed for University. Aries was in Al's room, doing her makeup and Jin sat on the sofa.

Even though I'm older to them by just 2 years, I felt like a mum of two grown up daughters.

"Bye Trish...",said Alpine
"Bye Big Girl...",said Aries

The two left the house for University and I finished the dishes. I wasn't going to University for some while and no one's gon' say me a thing. Advantages of being the HOD.

"So what you gonna do?",asked Jin
"Gonna take a shower..."
"Can I join?"
"Jeball Mamacita..."

We both headed to the bathroom and had a warm shower, together...

I've never even dreamt of bathing with a guy.

"Did you ever take a shower with any other guy?"
"Yeah..! This ain't my first time..."
"Who's that guy? Am I more handsome? I have to be...",said Jin
"Maybe. I was 3 then. He was never a brother but I always longed for him. Now I don't..."
"Hmm... You shouldn't..."

I budged the question and then we finished showering.

I had no plans for today.

"Wanna watch a movie?",I asked Jin
"And cuddle?"

I played a movie on our TV and we cuddled for hours until it was noon and we ordered ourselves two big Mcs from McDonald's.

Our cute day passed away faster than I expected it to be.

A sweet little memory.....

(End of Trisha's POV)

(Hoseok's POV)

"Why don't you go meet them?"
"How can I ?"
"Why not?"
"I ,for the first time, hid from him. How can I show myself?"

I sat beside Yoongi and hugged him tightly. This man is too stuborn to listen to anything..

I heard our door, open but it's 7:30 PM, who can come at this time?

"Hyung?, It's Namjoon..."
"Ahh.. Namjoon-ah, come in come in...."
"Where's Yoongi hyung?"

I took Namjoon to Yoongi hyung and Yoongi looked up at Namjoon.

"You crying Yoongi hyung?",asked Namjoon
"Me? Ani..."
"What brings you here all of a sudden?",I asked
"Jin Hyung....."
"What?",asked Yoongi
"What happened to him? He okay? Tell me!!"
"Yeah,yeah he's more than okay. He has fallen in Love........",said Namjoon, stretching the last word.
"What?", chucked Yoongi
"Yes...!",said Namjoon excitedly.
"With whom? His pain?!",said Yoongi
"Ahh..! Yoongi hyung!!",I said.
"It's okay Hobi. He's in love with Trisha!!!!"
"Really?!", I said excitedly.
"Don't joke...",said Yoongi
"Why would I joke?!",said Namjoon
"After waiting for Y/n over 23 years, you wanna say he fell for another woman?",said Yoongi with a shy smile forming on his face.

Yoongi wanted and didn't want to accept that Jin was now with Trisha...

Namjoon laughed at Yoongi's mixture of concern,fear, happiness, excitement and disbelief.

"I'm not joking, he did fall this time...", said Namjoon
"Hoseok-ah,pinch me. I'm sure I'm dreaming...."
"It's reality!",I said
"Impossible...",said Yoongi with tears of joy, running a stream down with face.
"But it just happened...",said Namjoon
"I guess I was in coma. How long Hoseok-ah?"
"Longer than an eternity...",I said, hugging Yoongi.

Namjoon joined the hug. Yoongi was crying. He had tears of pure joy. Yoongi has shown pure happiness after 23 years of his life and first time for me.

We were worried that Jin Hyung would leave us in two days but Trisha...

Trisha is an angel...

I can be never as grateful to anyone as I am to her. She convinced Jin a new life, brought a smile on Yoongi's face and brightened my day. If I'm their sunshine, she's my sunshine.

Namjoon told us everything, starting from their night stay, getting drunk, sharing their scars, healing their sore hearts to lieing next to eachother, cooking, dancing, eating and then showering...


All had one thing in common.

That common word was a very small word and unimportant but a grave word for them in their insignificantly alone life.

And that word is the antonym of Alone...

They all had Together in common.

Together is a tiny word of 8 alphabets, a very useless word, for all those who have someone, but a deep and special word for the ones striving all alone out there.

Their little happiness lived in eachother, together.

And we all were also Together.

No one is alone. No more.


Together is my new favourite word.........


Mianhaeyo loves

I was very busy today.
I'm sorry for the late update...

I had a spoiler

For you all!!!!

Jin Didn't Choose Trisha for No Reasons....


Bye bye!!

(P.S: I love the Song!)

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