SINNER - Klaus Mikaelson

By karlithomasss

1.4M 28.4K 27.4K

Adeline Andrew's was living a normal life in Mystic Falls, until the most feared vampire in the world showed... More

N E X T S T O R Y?
Sincerely, Yours.


14.5K 287 189
By karlithomasss

The next few days were a nightmare. Adeline and Klaus took turns sleeping in Hope's room with her, monitoring her. She was feeling-- different, dark almost. She wasn't the same little girl she was a few days prior, the Hallow did something to her. She was even hearing voices, she would scream and cover her ears sometimes when they got too loud.

Rebekah took over watching Hope for a little bit so Adeline and Klaus could figure out what they needed to do next. They were standing down in the dining room when Hope screamed, she was hearing them again. "What are we going to do Klaus?" Adeline cried, cringing at her daughter's screams.

"We need to know what happened to her-- what we are dealing with." He huffed, turning to Elijah and Marcel who were waiting close by. "Call Sophie Elijah, it's time we consulted a witch."

Davina and Kol were together, and the young witch had tried already to figure out what was wrong with Hope but she was still young and inexperienced. She wasn't sure what exactly happened either, she hadn't heard of the Hallow until everything happened. All Davina could tell them was that she could feel dark magic, to much dark magic coming off of Hope.

Elijah and Marcel stepped out to go collect Sophie. Adeline sat down on the couch, anxiously waiting for them to return. Klaus paced across the floorboards, he was worried and felt helpless, for the first time there was nothing he could do-- no one he could kill to make this right. He looked at his wife, a slow tear lining down her perfect ivory skin and his heart ached further. He moved across the room, sitting down beside her-- pulling her into his chest.

"We are going to be okay." he hushed.

"How can you be sure of that?" She cried.

"Because love, one way or another I will make sure of it." He insisted.

She cried into his chest, he wrapped both his arms around her. He ran his fingers through her long blonde hair, attempting to soothe her sobs.

"I love you." He whispered.

"I love you more."

He shook his head and laughed under his breath. The young vampire said that to him always, she always claimed she loved him more. It kind of became her thing over the last five years of marriage, he would say I love you and she would say I love you more. Klaus never felt the need to say, because he felt like unspokenly, he knew he loved her more. Adeline, along with Hope, was the best thing to happen to him-- ever.


Elijah and Marcel walked through the doors of the compound with Sophie in their hands. She looked at the couple sitting on the couch with worried and confused eyes. She could tell Adeline had been crying and it didn't look like either of the two had been getting much rest. If you could tell a Hybrid and a Vampire were tired-- something was wrong.

"You summoned me, I came." she huffed. "What can I do for you?"

Klaus rolled his eyes at the witch, ever since he arrived in the quarter years ago she was a pain in his side. "What I need is for you to lose the attitude and show a little respect in my house." he growled.

Adeline placed her hand over Klaus's arm, attempting to calm him down. She knew his patience was running thin but they needed her help.

"Sophie, we need your help." Adeline started. "Something happened to our daughter when we killed the Hallow. She did something to her."

Sophie's eyes grew wide "Where is she?"

"Upstairs." Adeline gestured to the staircase and Sophie followed. When they got to Hopes room she was laying on the bed, with Rebekah stroking her hair.

"Mommy?" Hope questioned, seeing her parents at the door with an unfamiliar witch.

"Don't worry baby, Sophie is a good witch. She is going to help us figure out how to help you, okay?" Adeline calmed.

"Okay." Hope agreed.

Klaus stood beside his daughter's bed, carefully watching as Sophie asked Hope if she could place her hands on her head, Hope agreed. Sophie stayed like that, thumbs pressed on the center of the young tribrids forehead for sometime. When she pulled her hands off, she stared down at the girl, then slowly turned her head back to her parents. She didn't have to say anything, they knew it was bad.

They followed Sophie out of the room and down the stairs, they needed to get away from Hope. No one wanted her to over hear anything that might scare her.

"What is it?" Klaus barked.

Sophie turned and faced them, letting out a deep breath. "When the Hallow was killed, she didn't technically die. I mean her body did, but she implanted her soul inside Hope." she explained.

"What?" Adeline gasped.

"All the dark supernaturals the Hallow killed are now affecting Hope and I'm afraid it will only get worse. There is too much power inside her...It will...It will eventually kill her." she breathed.

"There has to be something that can be done, some kind of fix." Elijah insisted. Klaus and Adeline stayed silent, lacing their hands tightly in with each other.

"I'm sorry." she shook her head. 'If there was one, I would help you but I'm afraid there is no way to fix this."

"I don't accept that answer!" Klaus bellowed, hurrying across the room and grabbing Sophie by the neck. The witch was gasping for air.

"Klaus!" Adelime shouted, gesturing to the top of the stairs where their daughter was watching. He immediately dropped the witch to the floor and felt ashamed she saw her father that way, he never wanted her to see that. His emotions were getting the better of him.

Sophie picked herself up off the floor and headed for the door out. She turned around to the family-- "I really am sorry." She admitted and left hastily.

"Oh my god." Adeline wept, throwing herself into Klaus's chest.


No one wanted to accept Sophie's answers. They spent the next several days reading, scouring the internet for anything and trying to find anyone from the Ninth Ward Coven but they had no luck and Hope was getting worse. The Hallow was starting to mess with her mental and Physcial health. They could see the little girl they once knew withering away, with no way to help.

Klaus was at his wits end, feeling sick to his stomach when he came across and article about magic syphoning. His interest was peaked and he started to think he may have an idea, a way to fix this. He stepped out of the house, into the backyard and pulled out his phone. He wanted to speak privately.

"Hello?" The voice answered on the other end of the phone.

"Caroline, it's me Klaus." he spoke. "Hope is in a bit of trouble and I need your help. I know it isn't my place to ask, but please its for Adeline."

"What do you need?" Caroline asked.

Klaus explained his theory on the phone to her and she agreed it might work, but they also agreed it needed to be kept a secret from Addy. Caroline promised she would get in the car and be there with her daughters by morning.


Klaus joined Adeline in there bedroom, she was relaxing in the bathtub trying to keep herself from falling completely apart.

"Want some company?" he smiled.

"Please." she breathed. He turned the lights off and lit scattered candels around the room, a warm flickering glow filled the room. He undressed himself slowly, Adeline watching his every move before he stepped into the bat, sliding down behind her, holding her bare body against him.

"You're perfect like this." He whispered into her ear.

"Like what?" she questioned

"Hair in a messy bun, natural face-- you just look like you... you look perfect."

She moaned as he lined kisses down her neck and shoulders, rolling his tongue against all the right places. She turned her body around to face him, straddling him in the water. He wrapped his arms around her, pulling her in tightly as their lips collided. He moaned into her lips and she did the same, tossing her head back in pleasure as he kissed her neck before biting into her and drinking. She drank from him and then aligned her body with his length, sliding on him with ease. The water sloshed between them as she moved up and down. He was savoring every moment, hanging on the way she felt wrapped around him until he came undone, filling her inside.

"Fuck." he moaned and a smirk played on Adeline's lips. She liked being on him sometimes, liked making him feel good.

"I love you." she whispered and kissed his cheek before standing out of the now luke warm bath and wrapping herself in a towel.

"Why don't you get some rest?" Klaus offered. "I'll look after Hope tonight."

"Are you sure?" she questioned.

"Yes love, I'm sure." he smiled, kissing her on the cheek before turning to leave the room. He stopped at the door way, and turned back to his wife. "You're so strong, you know that?"

She laughed under her breath. "I don't always feel that way."

"Well you are-- and I love you." he smiled.

"I love you more." she smirked.


Klaus walked into Hopes room and sat on the edge of her bed, staring down at his sleeping daughter. Her eyes were twitching and fluttering as she dreamt. The only weakness, the only soft spot he ever had was for this little girl and his wife. He would do anything for them-- and that's what he was going to do.

His phone lit up and Carolines name appeared on the screen. He stepped out of Hopes room to take the call.

"Hello?" he answered.

'Were here." she replied.

"Okay I'm coming." he hung up and went to the front door. Caroline stood there, with sad eyes staring at the Hybrid, her daughters on either side of her.

"Klaus." she nodded.

"Thank you for coming." He greeted.

He led them to Hopes room where she was still sleeping peacefully.

"Are you sure about this?" Caroline hesitated.

"It's the only way." he breathed.

Carolines daughters put there hands on Klaus and Hope, they began to syphon the magic off of the little girl and put it into her father. A single tear dripped down Klaus's face when he felt the transfer complete.

"All done." Lizzie blurted.

Klaus took a deep breath and turned to Caroline. "Thank you-- you better go now."

She nodded and gave Klaus a long stare. This was probably the first time she saw him be selfless, the first time she could see what Adeline saw in him.

"Daddy?" Hope lifted her head sleepily off the pillow.

"Hi darling." he smiled with wet eyes.

"The voices stopped-- I feel... better." she admitted and he let out a deep breath, it had worked.

"That's good." he smiled, walking over to tuck her back into her bed. "Get some rest now." He gently placed a kiss on her forehead and she laid back down, closing her eyes.

He walked to the door way and whispered "I love you Hope." before walking out.


The next morning the house was quiet-- to quiet Adeline thought. She sat up in bed and Klaus was no where. It looked like he never came to bed at all. She was going to get up and search for him, but a note on the end of the bed caught her attention. She pulled the paper to her and began to read.

My Dearest Adeline,

I never expected you. I came to Mystic falls for one thing; to break my curse in the pursuit of power I always craved, but instead I found you. When I first saw you, I knew something was different about you. I never could bring myself to tell you but after meeting you, I actually felt guilt for the pain I brought your friends that I know hurt you too. I haven't done enough over the years to deserve your love, but still you have given it. When I found out you were carrying our child, everything changed for me, suddenly life went in favor of the bastard son-- there was hope. I had two days in my thousand years of life that are my favorite, our wedding day and the day our daughter was born-- both of them involve you. I know this isn't going to feel right and it isn't going to seem fair now, but I want you to know I'm doing what I know to be the only way to save our daughter, to save one of the only people who saved my life years ago. I need for you to be strong Adeline, to be there for Hope because she is so young and will have trouble making sense of where her father went. Elijah will be devasted at first, like I'm sure you will be as well but he will care for you and Hope still-- you will never want for anything. All I ask of you is to not let Hope forget me, and please don't forget me yourself because I promise you where ever I end up in the after life, I will still be loving you. Adeline Mikaelson, thank you for a life of happiness and thank you for loving the unlovable.

I love you more.


The note slipped out of Adelines hand and she clutched her chest-- the pain was immediate and it was harsh. She gasped for air then let out a sob that echoed throughout the house.

"Oh my god." she bawled, covering her mouth with one hand.

Elijah swung open the door and rushed inside.

"Adeline!" he gaasped, confused. "What's going on?"

She couldn't speak, she couldn't move the tears were dripping down her face as she struggled for air. She lifted the note off the bed and passed it to Elijah. He looked at her with wide eyes, then back down at the paper as he began to read.

"No." he mumbled under his breath, scanning his eyes over the paper. He dashed out of the room for a moment, before returning. "He took it-- he took the only white oak stake we had left."

Adeline began weeping harder now-- they both knew what he had done. It was painful, gut wrenching sobs. The kind of sobs you though could kill you they hurt so bad and they felt like they were never going to end and maybe they wouldn't.

"Where would he go?" Elijah asked but still Adeline couldn't answer. He grabbed her arms, gently forcing her to look at him. "Adeline breathe, please. Where would he go?"

She thought for a moment and only one place came to mind. A flashback of a conversation they had once:

Adeline was laying down, resting her chest on Klaus as he stroked through her blonde hair. They were married, officially married for a month now. It felt surreal, it felt right. But Klaus still had nightmares about losing her every night-- about if the stake had inched over and hit her heart.

"What are you thinking about?" she playfully asked, running her fingers through his hair. She could tell he was lost in thought.

"You." he admitted. "What I would have done if I lost you."

She shook her head and placed a kiss on his cheek. "You didn't lose me Klaus--I'm still here."

"But If I would have..." he breathed, shaking his head. "I would have died too. I would have returned to that altar with the last white oak and killed myself, I couldn't bare it alone-- not after knowing you, after loving you."

"Why the altar?" she questioned.

"It's a beautiful place-- and it's the place you became my wife, the place we became one. I feel close to you there." He admitted. Adeline had tears rising in her eyes, she didn't take his sweet words lightly.

"Well, I'm still here and I'm not going anywhere." she smiled and he gently kissed away her tears.


"The place we got married." She blurted. "He would go there."


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