Kurome x Male Reader

By ilylofi

10.4K 152 50


Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Ch 18


532 10 6
By ilylofi

It's been 2 weeks ever since (YN) injured his jaw during the tournament, and yet, he was still off his feet. Kurome was really worried about him now, but every morning and every night she would always go to the nursery room just to sit in front of the door and pretended that she was actually talking to (YN). She really missed him, but all she needed to know was that (YN) was still in the room healing up. He'll be out soon.

One morning, Kurome was sitting in front of the nursery room with the door still closed having a full conversation with herself. Seryu spotted her talking to herself, so she went over to check her out.

Seryu: Kurome, are you okay?

Kurome: Yes, I'm fine. I'm just waiting for whenever (YN) is coming out of the nursery.

Seryu: Uh, he's not in there anymore.

Kurome: Huh? Where is he?

Seryu: The commander didn't tell you? He was shipped off across the capital.

Kurome: WHAT?!

Kurome jumped out of her chair and sprinted off to the conference room. Esdeath was sitting in the room drawing a picture of Tatsumi in her notebook.

Kurome: Commander, what happened to (YN)?!

Esdeath: Ohh. You found out already. I shipped him to another part of the capital. He was gone about a week ago. I didn't know how to tell you, so I kept it to myself this entire time.

Kurome: But why?! He had promise! He was going to be one of our strongest members! Why did you ship him off?!

Esdeath: I already said it before. If he wasn't fully recovered by 7 days, he would no longer be any use to this team. I shipped him after those 7 days. I'm sorry but it needed to be done.

Kurome: So, are we gonna be able to see him again?

Esdeath: Most likely not. But there's a possible chance that we could cross paths with him someday.

Esdeath: It had to be done, Kurome. I do ask you to respect your position. We're the strongest unit the Empire has to offer. (YN) was weak, so he wasn't needed. Remember that.

Esdeath stood up and slowly walked pass Kurome. She lost all hope and courage now, staring off into space again. Wave came behind her and hugged her. He already heard the news and he felt bad for her.

Wave: "This is the first time I've seen Kurome this upset. She really does care about her friends."

Kurome: Wave?

Wave: Yeah, I'm here.

Kurome: Is this fair at all? (YN) hasn't even been on the team that long. Only for three months with little fighting in the capital. He didn't even have the chance to prove himself. *tears running down her cheeks*

Wave: I know. I'm sorry.

Kurome turned around and cried into Wave's chest. He softly and constantly brushed her hair back and told her that everything was going to be okay.

A few hours later Wave opened the door to Kurome's room. She was sitting on the bed looking down for an whole hour.

Wave: Kurome, you're okay?

Kurome looks up at Wave and gave him a flashy smile.

Kurome: Hey. I'm fine.

Wave: That's good. The commander have an assignment for us. She wants us to be ready.

Kurome: Okay. I'll be there shortly.

Wave closed the door and left. Kurome grabbed her sword in her sheath and rubs it softly. She had that "yandere look in her eyes".

Kurome: Tatsumi....... You hurt my friend...... You're the reason why he's gone...... I don't care if Esdeath's in love with you......

Kurome: I will turn you into one of my dolls. *maniac giggle*


Over at Night Raid's base, everybody were inside resting. Everyone just finished training themselves to get into better shape. Tatsumi toned up a little, so as Lubbock. Bulat sparred with both of them to see how well they've improved and they did very good.

Lubbock: Man, I'm beat. Every muscle in my body is sore.

Tatsumi: This is your first time getting used to it? I'm ashamed.

Lubbock: Shut up, Tatsumi!

Bulat: Pipe down, Lubbock. You liked the workout. Be honest. You loved having Leone sit on your back as you did those pushups.

Lubbock: Oh yeah. I can't stop thinking about it. I wonder how it would've been if she was naked.

Tatsumi and Bulat started giggling, because Leone was standing right behind Lubbock the whole time. She slowly hovered over the couch and whispered into Lubbock's ear.

Leone: Who?

Lubbock: Uh...

That's when Leone grabbed Lubbock in a headlock. Lubbock was yelling in pain.

Lubbock: Ow ow ow ow ow!!!

Leone: You want me to break your neck? I don't mind doing it.

Lubbock: No, you don't have to!

The rest of the Night Raid members came into the room to see how the rest were doing. Leone decided to let Lubbock go.

Najenda: How's everyone holding up?

Tatsumi: We just got done with our training resume.

Najenda: Good. I suppose you're all ready to go back out there.

Mine: Yeah. It's about time we got back into action. It's been three months now.

Najenda: Though, I must warn you. There was a spotting of a new terrorist group of six lurking around the capital. They've killed many Imperial guards and crooks from all around there.

Tatsumi: That's great! They're on our side!

Najenda: Wrong.

Najenda: They've also killed a portion of the Revolutionary army and a few secret spies working for us. They aren't against the Revolution, but they aren't with us either.

Mine: *sighing* Great. Now we've got to deal with two forces!

Tatsumi: I'm not worried. With us working together and improving ourselves, we should be able to take both of them out. It may take some time, but I still believe that we have a chance to turn this place around. That's the only thing that matters to me.

Mine stared at Tatsumi, taken by his form and gratitude. She turned her head away and began to blush. She was slowly beginning to fall for Tatsumi each day now. She loved his optimism, his strong confidence, and his courage. All of the members gave Tatsumi a warm smile.

Chelsea: Still optimistic as ever.

Mine: Yeah. *blushing*


Nighttime was already present when Wave and Kurome was walking back to the Jaegers base. They've just completed their assignment of killing a few people of the rebel army east of the capital. However, something was wrong with Kurome. She became more violent in battle after (YN) was sent away. Wave understood her pain of losing him, but she needed to calm down a little.

Wave: Kurome, are you sure you're okay?

Kurome: Yes. Don't worry about me.

Wave: You haven't seem like yourself lately.

Kurome: I promised myself that I will kill anyone who steps in my way from killing my sister. And if I'm killed in battle, I want it to be by her and only her. That is all.

Wave: Kurome...

???: Hold it right there!

A few people came out of the dark alleyways in the street. They were bandits and all of them had their own weapons. Wave and Kurome were surrounded by twenty of them.

Bandit: It's really dangerous being out at this time of night y'know.

Some of the bandits were creepers. One of them licked the blade of their knife and another one was seductively rubbing his nipples.

Bandit: We'll kill the boy, then we'll turn the girl into our little plaything!

Kurome and Wave got into position to fight off against the intruding crooks but then the ground started shaking, making everyone lose their balance.

Bandit: What the hell's going on?!

Several aparts of the ground started to lift of the ground, creating a rocky wall barrier. Then someone appeared and jumped on one of the rock barriers and dived down to slice five bandits in half in one slice with his armored sword. The man was completely covered in a shiny silver armored suit of an knight from the Middle Ages. No one could see his face because he was wearing a helmet with the suit.

Kurome: Huh?

Wave: Huh?

Bandit: I'm gonna kill you!

One of the bandits started running towards the knight, but someone shot his head off from behind. It was a short girl wearing a long skirt covered in red and green stripes. She had long red hair tied into a long ponytail as well. She was holding an armored shotgun, indicating that she was the shooter.

Shotgun Girl: This is too easy. These guys are so lame.

Three more bandits ran after the girl, but two rocky walls of the ground rose up and enclosed on the bandits, smashing their bodies together and instantly killing them. It was caused by another girl floating in the air. She was wearing a long brown dress with a hair clip of a rock attached to her long black hair tied into a side ponytail. She was also wearing a shiny brown ring on her ring finger.

Ring Girl: Oohh! This is turning me on so much. I wish someone could smash me like that.

Another girl with shoulder-length spiky white hair was walking over to the group of bandits cracking her knuckles. She was wearing a torn up white tank top, dirty black pants with one legging ripped off halfway, and old brown boots. She also had a big diagonal scar going across her right eye.

Scar Girl: Time to get serious!

The girl slammed her knuckles together and the buckle of the belt she had on began to glow in a gray color. Instantaneously, the skin of her body hardened to stone. She pounced on one bandit and chokeslamed him to the ground, then she performed a wrestling powerbomb slam to another bandit, breaking his spine in the process.

All of the bandits ran at the girl made of stone, but they were all knock away by a long staff, killing most of them. Over on the other side of the street, there was a boy with short wavy dark green hair wearing a long dark green coat. He was the one holding the long green staff.

Staff Boy: That's one way to put them out.

There were only three bandits remaining, so they started running away in fear. Unfortunately, someone jumped from a rooftop and sliced all three of their bodies in half with a sword. After that, their body remains exploded to pieces in electricity. The boy was wearing dark clothing and he was wearing a mask covering half of his face.

Sword Boy: .......

All six of the unknown warriors started walking over to Wave and Kurome. Both of them were sitting on the ground surprised at how quickly they killed all of the bandits in the street. The latest warrior pointed his sword at Kurome.

Sword Boy: Never stay out late.

Once Kurome heard the man speak, she realized something.

Kurome: "That voice...."

All of the warriors started running off after that. They all quickly climbed up the buildings and jumped on different rooftops, disappearing into the night.

Wave: Kurome, you okay?

Kurome: That voice. From the guy with the mask. He sounds familiar.

Kurome: Is that.....

Kurome: .......(YN)?!

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DISCLAIMER: I do not own any characters or KNB itself Hella Timeskips😼
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