One girl , six friends: A Fre...

By Magic_Musician

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Fred and Jamie were friends but they wanted more. Jamie had two dreams in life. one to start a band with her... More

About O/C and characters.
Chapter 1 : Start of the Winter holidays.
Chapter 2:First night in the burrow.
Chapter 3: The Joke shop and confession.
Chapter 4 : Back to the burrow
Chapter 5: The Music room
Chapter 6: The question ?
Chapter 7: Christmas day.
Chapter 8: The idea.
Chapter 9: Sleepover.
Chapter 10: Morning after
Chapter 11: New years eve.
Chapter 12: Caught.
Chapter 13: Date
Chapter 14: Rhiannon and George.
Chapter 15: Moving day.
Chapter 16: Shopping.
Chapter 17: Valentines day.
Chapter 18: Ron's Birthday.
Chapter 19: Holiday Pt.1
Chapter 20: Holiday Pt.2
Chapter 21: Home time.
Chapter 22: Pregnant?
Chapter 23: Big news.
Chapter 24: Family.
Chapter 25: Date night.
Chapter 26: Twins Birthday.
Chapter 27: Girls day.
Chapter 28: Party Time
Chapter 30: Rhi's Birthday.
Chapter 31: Trouble in paradise.
Chapter 32: Invite.
Chapter 33: End of a era.
Chapter 34: Reunited.
Chapter 35: Best friends.
Chapter 36: Ginny's Birthday.
Chapter 37: Getting ready.
Chapter 38: The Ball.
Chapter 39: Fun day at Burrow.
Chapter 40: Fun times.
Chapter 41: The office
Chapter 42: Double date.
Chapter 43: Romeo.
Chapter 44: New addition.
Chapter 45: Rose Weasley.
Chapter 46: Hinny.
Chapter 47: Clubbing.
Chapter 48: A Problem.
Chapter 49: Theme park.
Chapter 50: Jamie's Birthday.
Chapter 51: Winter days at the Burrow.
Chapter 52: It's the most wonderful time of the year.
Chapter 53: Beautiful girl.
Chapter 54: New year.
Chapter 55: Family time.
Chapter 56: Marriage.

Chapter 29: Friends

18 1 0
By Magic_Musician

Like normal Jamie had woken up early and had showered and gotten dressed even before her roommate/best friend Rhiannon woke up. Today Jamie was going shopping with Hermione as the two hadn't spent much time alone recently, Jamie was really excited.  

When Jamie was ready for the day she woke up Rhiannon and George who must have come during the night.  George was late for work so Jamie kicked him out while telling him he had work to be at, Rhiannon just watched from the sidelines and laughed. 

Once George was gone and it was just the two girls Jamie decided to make pancakes for her and Rhiannon. So while Rhiannon got in the shower and dressed for the day Jamie made pancake mixture and started to make breakfast. After Rhiannon was dressed and the breakfast was made the girls sat down at the breakfast bar and ate together. 

"So what are you doing today?" Rhiannon asked.

"Me and Hermione are having a girls day. what about you?"  Jamie asked. 

"I'm going to meet a friend, you remember that Ravenclaw dude that used to come sit with us in the library." 

"Oh yer he was a bit weird. His name was Finley. yer?" 

"Yep him, well I saw him at the party and we talked he seems less creepy now." Rhiannon told Jamie. The girls ate the rest of there breakfast and both set off to where ever they were going. 


Jamie took the floo network to the burrow and was greeted by Molly who was knitting in the living room. 

"Morning dear. How are you?" Molly asked as she stood up.p 

"Morning I'm good thanks for asking. Can't wait to spend the day with Hermione." Jamie smiled at Molly. 

"Well have fun dear she's in her and Ron's room." 

"Thanks." Jamie said as she made her way up to see Hermione. Jamie knocked on the door and walked in Hermione was sat on the bed reading. Jamie made her way to the bed and sat down knowing not to interrupt Hermione and her reading. Ron was not in sight so him and Harry must be out or doing something. 

"Hi Jamie." Hermione said once she put her book down. 

"Hi mione, good book?" 

"Very you should read it. You used to read all the time."  

"I did but then I got busy and I don't have much time to read. So you ready to go?" Jamie asked. 

"In a minuet let me just find a jacket and put some shoes on." Hermione said as she got off the bed. 

"So where's Ron?" Jamie asked another question. 

"Him and Harry have decided to be Auror's so they are at training." Hermione said shocking Jamie. She would have fought fighting  and killing Voldemort was enough now the pair want to catch more dark wizards.  

"Wow well at least you can have some alone time while they are out."  Jamie said back to Hermione who nodded in agreement. 

"Right i'm ready." Hermione smiled and the pair walked downstairs said goodbye to Molly and Arthur. Then Jamie apparated them to Hogsmeade to go and do some shopping. 

Hermione mainly came to get some things for the baby as she wanted to have a nursery set up before she became too pregnant and Jamie wanted to help her and also buy some things for the baby. Jamie used the excuse of being the godmother to Hermione but Jamie just wanted to treat Hermione. 

The first shop they went into was a baby store it had everything needed for a nursery. Jamie and Hermione walked around picking up things that would be needed such as cot covers, bottles , some baby clothes that Jamie insisted to buy , decorations for the room and a changing table. When all of that was brought and bagged up Hermione sorted out delivery for the changing table and the girls headed off to the next shop what was a clothing store. Hermione needed new clothes due to her growing stomach and Jamie just liked to buy clothes. 

Hermione found so many cute outfit and some really good maternity jeans that would be good for the whole of her pregnancy. Jamie just found some tops that she thought looked good. Jamie paid for her items and Hermione's jeans and Hermione paid for the rest of her things. 

After spending so much money the girls decided to get a drink at the hogs head inn. Jamie got herself a butter beer and Hermione just decided to get some tea. Once the girls were finally settled they started to drink there drinks and talk. 

"I can't wait for the little red head to be born." Jamie said to Hermione. 

"Hey who says it's going to be a red head?" Hermione said. 

"Them genes are strong anyone who has a child with the Weasley's are just going to have to  accept that there kids will be carrot tops." Jamie laughed. 

"So your and Fred's kids will be ginger." Hermione said she was always curious if Jamie wanted kids, she didn't want them a couple of years ago but now she's with Fred.

"Yes." Jamie said without thinking. Then her face turned into shock once she noticed what she said and Hermione just smiled at her. 

"You want children with Fred. He must be one lucky guy because before you started dating Fred you were so against having kids." Hermione smiled at Jamie know she was in shock. 

"Shut it. I didn't want kids because- I don't know why but I mean Fred pretty hot and not to be self centred but i'm pretty hot meaning we would have some good look red headed children. " Jamie smiled and accepted that Fred made her change her mind and she wouldn't mind having a child with Fred maybe it was because for once in her life she was completely and utterly in love. "But I wouldn't want a kid now. I'm to young. No offence mione." 

"None taken I mean i'm to young, well Ron definitely is but I still think we will be good parents." 

"I do to. You will make a smashing mum. I have told you this so many times." Jamie said and hugged Hermione. 

Once the girls had finished chatting and had said hello to Aberforth Dumbledore the girls apparated back to the burrow. Where they were once again greeted by Molly the girls went to the soon to be nursery and put away the things that needed to be. Jamie put the pictures on the wall and Hermione tidied a bit. After everything was done Jamie and Hermione chilled in Hermione's room just talking about random things and playing games of wizard chess. Obviously Hermione was winning Jamie had no clue what she was doing. All Jamie knew about wizard chess is that Ron is really good at it. 

Eventually it was dinner time and Molly called the pair downstairs as they were sitting at the table Ron and Harry came home and they sat down to eat. 

"How was training?" Hermione asked the boys.Ron and Harry answered her question making them three have a conversation about it so Jamie let it and decided to talk to Arthur and Molly. 

"How are you guys?" Jamie asked her practically parents. 

"I'm so good Jamie. I found out how to use a muggle telephone properly this week. It is so fun to makes calls." Arthur boasted with pride of his face. 

"That is so fun Arthur telephones are amazing things." Jamie said back to him. 

"Well sweetie I have been knitting for most of the day. It is weird having a practically empty house, but soon we will have a new member to keep me busy." Molly said mentioning the baby. 

"Yup. But with me and the boys not here you don't have any trouble to worry about." Jamie said to Molly and Arthur they agreed by nodding there head. Jamie knew her and the twins cause so much stress and trouble in the family. 

Jamie ate her dinner while everyone at the table talked about how Harry and Ron are excited to become Auror's. After dinner Jamie said her good byes and took the floo back home. 


When she got home Rhiannon and someone were in the living room. Jamie just smiled at them walked into her room and got changed into some comfy clothing. To be honest her social meter had run out and she just wanted to cuddle up to Fred but that would look like it would have to wait. 

So Jamie walked back out into the living room sat on the couch next to Rhiannon and introduced herself to what she supposed was Finley. 

"Jam this is Finley." Rhiannon smiled. 

"Hi." Finley said. 

"Hi and please call me Jamie and not Jam, Rhi just calls me that." Jamie smiled and Finley nodded. "So did you guys have a good day?" Jamie asked the pair. 

"It was so good Rhiannon has filled me in on her life since Hogwarts. She told me about all the travelling and moving in with you and her dating George Weasley. " Finley replied to Jamie. 

"Yup and Finley told me about how he has been training and learning about dragons and how he-" Rhi whispered to Finley and he nodded , "and how Finley finally decide his sexuality was pan sexual. Meaning he likes people based on attraction and not gender." 

"That's so cool Finley. I am so happy for you well I hope there is a lucky someone out there for you." Jamie smiled at Finley. 

"No not yet but maybe me and you could go out sometime." Finley smiled with hope. 

"I am so sorry Finley but I am dating Fred, the other Weasley twin. But we could be good friends I like you. " Jamie smiled and gave Finley a hug. 

"Well I tried, if you and him don't work out i'm here." Finley joked. "But I would like to be friends I don't have many." 

"Yer well i'm much more friendlier now. I'm not the Slytherin I was." Jamie joked knowing that she had said mean comments to Finley while being at Hogwarts.  Jamie liked Finley and thought he would be a good friend. He was no longer creepy it looked like the both of them had changed since being at school. 

"It's true you were a right bitch. "Rhiannon said and the three of them laughed. 

"So Jamie what do you do as a job. Because Rhiannon told me she travel's and helps out wizards and witches on them journey's. "

"Well mines not exciting I work at Wesley's Wizard wheezes. I made the decision years ago to not travel with Rhi but to stick to the twins." Jamie smiled. "Talking about the Weasley's I have to meet one." 

Jamie stood up said her goodbyes and took the floo to the twins. 


It was late so she didn't expect anyone to be awake but when she walked out of the fire place a very tired looking Fred was sat on the couch. 

" Freddie." Jamie walked up and sat next to him and put her arms around him.

Fred had a tear in his eyes and he looked sad. "I thought you wasn't coming. I look so fucking stupid right now." He let a chuckle. 

"I wouldn't ditch you, I just got caught up talking with an old friend with Rhiannon." Jamie said as she wiped the tear from Fred face. "I also know you are sad over something else to."  

"You know me so well that you don't deserve me. I am just upset because we hardly get to see each other now. In the last couple of months the shop has gotten so much more busier. You are helping the others learn instruments when not working and you are help Hermione and her pregnancy. I just miss you. " 

Jamie just smiled and felt like tearing up. "Freddie you deserve me more than anyone in life. Yes we are busy but I will always make time to see you. " Jamie kissed Fred on the cheek. " I love you so much." 

"Really, I love you so much."  Fred said smiling as he had the validation he wanted.

"I love you so much that today I confessed to Hermione I would have a baby with you." Fred face lit up and he smiled. He knew that Jamie never wanted kids but she would have one with him. 

"Fuck I am so luck to have you. I don't know why I got so emotional can't you move back in already." Fred said than kissed Jamie.

Jamie let out a chuckle, " I wish we have a few more months left on the lease then I will be back. But I promise I will spend more time with the man I love. " Fred nodded. "This get you to bed sexy." Fred just smiled and the pair walked into his room. 

While getting into bed Jamie just thought to herself that she really did miss Fred so much and understood why he was so sad. He though she was going to leave him hanging  so from that night on Jamie vowed to put her relationship first.  

"Night I love you J "Fred said while cuddling up to Jamie. 

"Night sexy I love you."  Jamie replied. 

The pair fell asleep cuddled up together knowing that they love each other very much. 

(A/N: I know updates are slow at the moment but I can only write when I don't have college or home work and I have a lot. Also sad Fred makes me sad :( Hope you like the chapter xoxox) 

(Word count:  2292 words)

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