Our little secret

By Wild_Imagination_00

7.9K 308 179

Miranda and her Best friend Benjamin make a pack while visiting their families after some years More

Chapter 1
chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 4

896 29 31
By Wild_Imagination_00

Ben got home and headed straight for the shower they took longer on his car than he expected and running into Jackie made it just as worse that women gave him the creeps, and even though Miranda wasn't his real girlfriend having her be there tonight is going to  be amazing just incase they run into Jackie.

Ben hopped in and out of  the shower and put on a black button up dress shirt with dark red slacks. To complete the look off  Ben decided to go with some black red bottoms loafers. Ben brushed his teeth and gargled some mouth wash before spitting it out into the sink he sprayed some colone on before grabbing  his keys and heading out the door.

Miranda finished her hair she decided on a  curled half up half down style with two curled strands of hairs in the front of her face. On her make up Miranda went a little heavy not too much, but just enough. She settled on a beautiful  black and maroon smokey eyeshadow with maroon and plum mixed color lipstick. Once satisfied Miranda slipped into her red double crazy crisscross halter asymmetric hem dress it did wonders for her body shape as it clung too all her curves and showed a generous amount of cleavage. She walked up to her full body mirror rubbing down her dress moving from left and right checking herself out. After giving  herself an approval she turned to walk to edge of her bed to put on her shoes when she heard her phone and the door bell go off at the same time. Ben must be here she thought she quickly put on her black and red bottom pumps and scrambled putting on some black shiny dangly earrings, while spraying herself with some  perfume. She grabbed her phone placing it into her purse, as she grabbed her black shawl beginning to head to the door opening it. Being greeted by her handsome best friend Benjamin Warren making her blush and smile at his appearance god was he a gorgeous looking man.

"Hi" Ben said taken back by Miranda's appearance she was absolutely breath taking.
"Hi" Miranda responded blushing to Ben's  reaction to her appearance he couldn't seem to take his  eyes off her.
"WOW Miranda you look just WOW" Ben said licking his lips as he rubbed his hands across his face peaking through  his hands to look at her.
Miranda blushed and chuckled walking out her door closing it behind her turning quickly  to lock it. Once locked she turned to Ben who was still gawking.

"Well Benjamin are you just gonna gawk all night or are you gonna take us to your sister's engagement party so we can  fool some folks into believing we are  madly In love." Miranda said placing a hand on his chest as she kissed his cheek before walking past him heading towards the car putting an extra sway in her hips.

Ben inwardly groaned at the way Miranda's back side looked in that damn dress he couldnt help but gawk and lick his lips as her watch Miranda sway her hips from left and right clinching his jawl.
Clearing his throat Ben began to walk and catch up with Miranda opening up her door for her placing  a kiss on her cheek and sliding a hand down her back stopping seconds before ass . Miranda got into the car  her blood was beginning boil from his touch.

Ben got into the car and turned to Miranda taking in  a deep breath as he  grabbed her hand. "Ready beautiful" Ben asked bringing her hand to his lips kissing it, as he  looked into her eyes. "Born ready" Miranda said winking at him Ben turned on the car and pulled out of her drive way to head to his parent house for his sister's engagement party.

Turning down Ben parents street Ben and Miranda noticed all the cars parked down the street, Ben quickly found and spot and parked the car turning it off. They turned  to each other and smiled  silently asking each other if they were ready one last time, before both of them began nodding in agreement. Ben and Miranda leaned in for a quick peck on the lips for good luck, as  they both got out of the car locking hands with one another  and heading towards Ben's parents house.

Ben knocked on his parents door squeezing  Miranda's  hand waiting for it to open.
"BENJI!!!!!" Miranda and Ben heard a  women scream on the other side of the door making them both  chuckle  as the door slung open and a women jumped straight into Ben's arms squeezing him tight. " I'm so happy you were able to come I've missed you I feel like it's been ages since I last seen you it wouldn't have been the same without you here, and I'm happy that you will finally be able to meet Robbie your gonna love him he is a total sweet heart and he absolutely adores me." Ben's sister looked over his shoulder  to Miranda smiling  and gasping wiping  some tears away. "I'm so sorry where's my matters you must be Miranda Benji's women I'm Angela the bride to be, but you can call me Angie". Angela said pulling her into a hug giving her a tight squeeze " sorry  I'm just a hugger haha." Angie said making them all laugh as she let go of her and taking Miranda by the hand pulling her into the house leaving Ben outside. 

" The party is out side, but before you go out there to those piranhas tell me little about your self, and how you and Benji got together. Don't get me wrong  my brother is a looker, but you are absolutely gorgeous I really underestimated my brothers game" Angie said making them both break out into laugher.

"Aww thank you, you are very kind Angela, but me and Benjamin were best friends for many years we met in medical school, but just recently came to our new found love for one another and have been just consumed in each other presence ever since. It's just something about getting to know each other on a deeper and more intimate feeling on a whole other level that goes beyond our years of friendship. Allowing us to fall in love with each other all over again, and being able to get  to know each other in a different way."  Miranda said blushing looking into Benjamin's sisters eyes.

" awww oh my gosh  I love you already that was beautiful, and I can clearly see that you care for him deeply. I know you and Ben are serious, I mean for him to bring you to a family function is tremendously big. In all my years of watching my brother date women he has never been serious about none of them enough for him to bring them around the family.
There was a phase where we thought he was gay just because he had never brought any girls home even when he was in school. Not that they didn't throw their selves at him he just was never interested. So I thought maybe he was but found out he was far from it couple of years later when I used his spare key to get into his place and  caught a sight of my brother no sister should ever catch. I'm so sorry I know you don't want to hear about Benji's previous history it's just I'm extremely nervous and I tend to  ramble when I'm nervous. It's just I know I should be jumping  through the roof right now cause I'm engaged but...."

" but you are  a big bucket of nerves I mean I get it. Getting married is a big deal, and your freaking out doesn't  mean you are any less in love with your fiance or excited  to marry him it just means it's happening  really fast and that you just need a minute  to process everything Angela." Miranda said  grabbing Angie's hands and finishing  her train of thought and resuring her of her emotions  and letting her know it's okay to let herself feel them.

Angela  inhaled and exhaled an large breath before pulling Miranda  into a tight embrace. "Thank you for understanding I just needed to talk to someone and I know I couldn't talk to Benji, because he would have tried to convince me that  I wasn't ready and try to stop the engagement party. Then my mother would have just told me to suck it up and put a smile on my face. So thank you for being here listening  to my crazy ramble you must really love Benji to endure my crazy roller coster of emotions just now." Angela said laughing taking  Miranda  by the hand and began to lead them  outside to the party.

Ben stood up when he spotted  his sister and Miranda walking through the door leading outside and began to smile. Miranda took in the scenery it was absolutely breath taking it was granite rooftop patio with fairly lights wrapped all around it. When you first walk out you  are at the end where the grill and bar are  placed.
Further down you are welcomed with beautifully decorated tables that are lined up on each sides leaving a big open space in the middle where people dance to the songs played by the DJ set up on the  opposite end of the bar and grill it was absolutely gorgeous.

Miranda and Angela stopped and mingled while Ben made his way to Miranda before he could reach her he was ambushed by most irritating human  being he has every met.
"BENJI !!!" Jackie said jumping out in front of making him jump back out of reflex.

" oh hey Jackie here you are again twice in one day lucky me" Ben said threw his gritted teeth.
" Hey handsome how is it possible to look finer than you did earlier today". Jackie said moving closer to Ben placing her hand on his shoulder.

" Miranda baby there you are I want you to meet one of Angie's  friend." Ben yelled catching Miranda's attention signaling her over to him.  Miranda excused herself  made her way over Ben giving a show as she  strutted over to him.  " Hey baby" Miranda  said walking up and kissing Ben on his cheek as he wrapped  his arms around her waist.

" Jackie  I like you to meet my breathtakingly gorgeous girlfriend Dr. MIRANDA BAILEY. Ben said proudly as he brought Miranda's  hand to his mouth laying soft kisses on it as he looked deeply in to her eyes.
They must have gotten consumed in each other's gaze as they were brought out of it when Jackie cleared her throat loudly.

" Well its nice to meet you Miranda you have to be one heck of a women to finally get this animal to commit  to you and you only" Jackie said trying to provoke Miranda.
"Well what can I say I have a lot to offer Benjamin here was smart enough to tie me down and make me his isn't that right baby." Miranda said seductively placing  kiss on his chin and cheek nipping  at his earlobe make Ben close his eyes as he inhaled deeply.

"Absolutely baby any man would be dumb to pass up on you gorgeous. Well Jackie  if you'll excuse us I'm going to go introduce her to the family." Ben said kissing Miranda cheek and ushering them toward his parents leaving Jackie  by herself burning up with rage.

" who the hell does she think she is  Benji is mine I was here first they will be no longer together  by the end of the night just wait and see."  Jackie said to her self as she sipped on her cocktail.

" Mom and dad I want you to meet my gorgeous girlfriend Mir...."Ben was cut off by his father. "Miranda Bailey well aren't you just breathtaking  how the hell did Benji score such a beauty"
"That's what I said daddy we really underestimated Benji's game after all." Angie said laughing  coming up to them with her fiance. 

"Miranda  sweetheart  it's nice to meet you my name is Darrell Warren, and this is my wife Susanne Warren we are Benji's parents but you already knew that . You have already met  the bride to be Angie Benji's sister and here is her fiance Robbie, and for the last Warren  on the list my youngest son Curt. " Darrell said introducing himself and his family to Miranda. 

Miranda hugged and shook hands with all of Ben's family and decided  to make her way to the bar to get her a glass of bourbon.

As Miranda sipped on her bourbon she  watched Ben interact with his family and it honestly brought joy to her heart she loved learning more about her best friend seeing where he grew up at, and how he was just able to be his free self around his family.
So caught up in watching Ben Miranda didn't hear the older man asking her what she was drinking  until he scooted closer to her and asked her in her ear.

Making Miranda  jump and grab her chest from her startlement.
" I'm sorry beautiful I didn't mean to scare you I just saw that you were distracted and I just wanted to know what you were drinking so I could buy you another."  The older man said flashing an charming smile her way. Making her blush a little she assumed he was used to getting his way with the ladies. 

" No your okay just took me by surprise  is all and I'm drinking bourbon, but you do not have to order me another I am not even done with this one yet." Miranda said  smiling looking down at her glass turning and facing the older man.

" nonsense plus if I order you another drink it gives you a reason to continue to stand her and talk to me my name is chase what's yours beautiful." The older man said taking Miranda's hand in his bring it up to his lips placing a kiss on the back  of her hand.

Ben looked around trying to spot Miranda once he found her at the bar he got immediately annoyed she was talking to an older guy who was practically drooling over her he couldn't get a clear look at the older gentleman cause he had his back facing him. 

Ben was getting extremely annoyed  as he watched Miranda blush and laugh at the man talking to her. The man finally  turned to the side to fully face Miranda letting Ben know who exactly who it was. It was his uncle Chase the ladies man always out for the hunt and tonight he had his eyes on Miranda.
Ben knew if he didn't think of something to let his uncle know that Miranda  was not to be messed  with he knew he was going to make his move.

Ben Began to walk to  the bar towards Miranda and his uncle. Miranda turned her head and saw Ben headed towards her she quickly placed her glass down on the counter and began to speak. "Hey Ba...." Miranda was cut off When Ben  quickly scooped her up by the waist into one of  the most passionate and intermediate kisses they have both ever experienced. 
Miranda's body froze at first but quickly melted in his touch and embrace making her release a faint moan as her right foot popped up as she threw her arms around his neck pulling him closer to her causing  the kiss to deepen. 
Ben's hold on Miranda tighten once he heard her faint moan  causing  one of his hands to drop low to her ass and cup it  Involuntarily causing them to moan in unison, and pull away out of breath wiping the corners of their mouths.

Ben placed his hand around Miranda's waist. " Hey uncle Chase  I didn't see you there have you got the chance to meet my gorgeous girlfriend Miranda." Ben said moving  his hand down to her Ass resting it there squeezing it every now in then.
" oh this was the women your parents kept going on in off about saying that you had to be serious about this one since you never bring anyone to meet the family." Uncle Chase said a tad bit embarrassed and jealous of his nephew's girl.

"She sure is unc, and how could I not be serious about this women she is a walking goddess absolutely breath taking. Ben said looking down at Miranda who had her hand on her chest still trying to catch her breath and calm her throbbing body from Ben manly actions.
Well unc if you can excuse us I want to show this beauty some of my famous moves" Ben said looking Miranda  up and down licking his lips.
" Is that so Dr Warren" Miranda said turning to face Ben fully placing her hands on his chest gripping at his shirt a little with the tips of her fingers as she stared in his eyes taking  her bottom lip into her mouth.

"That it is Dr Miranda Bailey  that it is my moves are so amazing that Michael Jackson tried to steal them once upon a time, but luckily I held my ground baby." Ben said wrapping his arms around her connecting at the hand pulling her closer to him as he stared in her eyes making her laugh.

"You so damn stupid let's go so I can see these famous moves baby." Miranda said laughing making Ben laugh as well  she clicked her teeth breaking from his hold to grab his hand and lead them to the dance floor.

Ben and Miranda tore up the dance floor showing each other their dance moves while putting on the best show that  they could for his family and friends really selling that they are in love. After dancing Miranda and Ben walked to their table mingled until the food was done and Ben went to make their plates. Once done  with her food Miranda excused herself to the  bathroom placing a sweet kiss on Ben's cheek as she got up from the table.

Miranda used the bathroom and freshened up leaving  the bathroom  Miranda  was stopped  by some family  pictures catching her eyes  that were hanging  on the wall. she must have been  in such a hurry to get to  the bathroom  that she didn't notice them before they were absolutely  precious.

Miranda stop at one picture  it was Ben and Angie  and couple of their friends wearing their caps an gowns. Angie and her friend  were in the middle  holding hands as Ben and his friend on were on the outside wrapping  there  hands around them. As the girls laced their free hand around them as they all smiled hugely. The picture made Miranda heart smile she absolutely loved Ben's smile it always seemed to make her feel better when ever she was having low day.

As Miranda  took her time looking at all Warren family photos she never notice Jackie walk up to her until she cleared her throat. Making Miranda  turn around rasing an eyebrow " Is there anything I can do for you Jackie is it?" Miranda said sternly.

"OH no no I'm good I just wanted to say that you Benji make an cute couple not many people know how make him smile like that, but I wouldn't get comfortable Benji isn't the tie down type." Jackie said with slick smile.
"And what the hell is that supposed  to mean". Miranda said facing Jackie putting her hands on her hip.
"OH nothing at all just that it takes a lot to please a man like Benji so he usually finds it elsewhere." Jackie said grinning and moving  a piece  of hair out the way.

"OH I see and I bet you are just sitting back just hoping  he'll come to his senses and realize he is madly In love with you . Jackie clicked her teeth and shrugged. Well let me fill you in on a little secret JACKIE!!! When it comes to pleasuring My Man  I leave him breathless and begging for more.
So trust me when I say this JACKIE Benjamin and I are perfectly fine and in love. Maybe if would take your face out my man's  ass for 2 seconds maybe you could find true happiness. Anyways it's late so I think a night cap with my sexy boyfriend sounds pretty damn good to me so if you'll excuse me oh look there he is. 
Doesn't  he look sexy you know what don't answer that, because I would hate start a scene and steal this night from his sister's beautiful engagement." Miranda said placing a hand up stopping her from responding before  she walked past her towards Ben.

" Hey baby I was just gonna come and find you I was just telling miss Jackie over there that a night cap with my sexy  ass boyfriend sounded pretty damn good to me." Miranda said pulling Ben in to a passionate steamy kiss forcing  her tongue into his mouth making him moan and grab at her ass.

Ben pulled away slowly trying to catch his breath before saying " let's go home baby."  Ben said grabbing Miranda's hand pulling  her outside  so they could say their goodbyes. Miranda and Ben said their goodbyes and walked to their car letting  out a huge breath they didn't  know they were holding before turning on the car and heading to Miranda's

"Well tonight was interesting that Jackie chick is something serious what is her deal is she an ex girlfriend or something Benjamin" Miranda said as they pulled up in her drive way.
"Hell no absolutely not that women is  nuts and gives me the creeps she is Angie's friend so she was always around and developed a crush on me and one night me and Angie went to a party with a couple of friends and played a Little  game of truth of dare.
Someone dared me to spend  15 minutes alone with her so I did and now every time she sees me she bout jumps me scares the hell out of me, but you showed her today with those luscious lips of yours.
They really need to come with a caution sign truth be told you entirely need come with warnings I mean look at you Miranda I always thought you were gorgeous but damn your sexy as hell  and trying to get a nigga caught up." Ben said before shutting  off the car and getting out to open her door to walk her to her door.

"Haha boy please" Miranda said laughing clicking her teeth and hitting Ben in the chest playfully as she stepped out the car.
"What Miranda im being dead serious you are gorgeous women any man would be stupid not to see that I mean take my uncle Chase he was practically drooling over you. Plus  he had drink to many I didn't know what he was gonna do so I had make sure he knew you were off limits." Ben said closing the car door resting his hand on Miranda's lower back as they walked to her door.

Miranda blushed at the thought of Ben showing his uncle that she was not to be messed with. She was in the most ultimate surprise as Ben came up   scooping her up into one of the most sensational kisses she had ever experienced it absolutely just made her melt in his arms.
The kiss left her breathless and absolutely heated from head to toe.  "Well you definitely did Benjamin he didn't even make eye contact with me the rest of the night that was one hell of a kiss I should be saying  the same about you Benjamin because those lips of yours, and that charm you display can get a women in trouble If she wasn't careful no wonder Jackie obsessed hell I would be too."  Miranda said winking at him over her shoulder as she unlocked her door going through it and turning around asking Ben if he wanted to come in for a little wine and conversation.

Ben tighten his jawl as Miranda walked in her house her hips swayed little before she turned to him asking him if he wanted to come in for a while  for a little wine and converse. Ben just stared at Miranda looking at her up and down licking his lips she was gorgeous and sexy as hell. She made my body react with just her smile and this dress was doing wonders for her body shape displaying her curves so nicely.

"Benn?" Miranda called him knocking him out his thoughts
"Hmmm" Ben said looking into her eyes licking his lips making Miranda's breath to hitch and for her to stumble her words a little.
" aare..are you coming i...in" Miranda barley got out as she stared deeply into Ben's eyes as he did the same.
Miranda watched his movements as his gaze redirected from her eyes to  her lips causing her to lick them and inhale deeply.
Their  gaze returned back to their eyes as Ben stepped forward making Miranda exhale as he placed his hand on her cheek pulling her into a passion filled kiss. 

Miranda grabbed Ben's shirt and pulled him in her house not breaking the kiss, but deepening It as her tongue snuck in his mouth connecting with his as If their were each others missing puzzle piece. Ben kicked the door close reaching behind him locking it  as Miranda began to unbutton his shirt sliding it off his shoulders gasping at his beautiful bare chest running her hands up in down it followed by her lips leaving small kisses making Ben's body to fill up with Goosebumps as her lips roam his chest making him relase a small groan. 

Miranda smirked at his reaction he was beginning to come undone from her touch and she loved it. She began to move up to his shoulders then to his neck sucking and bitting on it gently at first, but soon became hard as their arousal grew.

Ben cuffed Miranda cheeks pulling her face up to his taking her lips into his mouth slipping  his tongue into her mouth tasting her causing them to moan in unison as their tongues entangled together.
Ben's hands traveled down her body pausing at her waist moving her to where her back was facing towards the door. Ben's hands began to move down her body again stopping at her Ass.

Miranda moaned loudly into Ben's mouth as he cuffed her ass in his hands lifting her off the ground taking her over to the desk near her front door. Ben secured her body with his right arm around her waist as his left one swiped and cleaned off her desk before placing her down on it breaking their kiss and began to attack her neck as his hands roamed her body.

Miranda throw her head back giving more access to her neck for Ben to explore as she crossed her legs around him pulling him further between her legs. Bringing him closer for her to run her hands through  his body sticking her nails in as her pleasure increases. Ben's hand found the pathway to her water fall and began its journey stopping at her covered water bliss.

Ben rubbed his fingers over her covered hot box feeling how wet, and soaked she was he grunted at the sensation. He detached his mouth from her neck calling her name causing her to slowly bring her head up connecting at the eyes.

Ben leaned down taking her lips into his licking them asking for entrance that Miranda gladly granted sighing at all  the intensity of their tongues moving in their mouths. Ben broke free from the kiss grabbing Miranda bottom lip sucking and licking it.

"Miranda........ Miranda can I taste you...... can I take your sex in my mouth allowing  my tongue  to explore each every part of it until you completely come undone to the point where your squriting all over this desk and tongue."

Ben whispered against her mouth slipping  his tongue back in her mouth kissing her passionately all Miranda could do was nod and  moan breathlessly giving him the green light he needed.

Ben brought his other hand down between  her legs hooking his fingers in her panties gently pulling them down her legs placing them in his back pocket taking his hands and slowly pushing up her dress revealing her  beautiful center. Ben licked his lips as he slowly pulled her legs apart Watching  her sex glisten from all her juices  he grunted with anticipation. 

As he lowered  his head between  her legs swiping his tongue quickly through her clit making Miranda arch her back and whimper at the connection.  Igniting something in him Ben Began to lick, nip, and suck on her clit as he massaged her thighs sliding one of his hands near her sex  inserting his fingers  causing  Miranda  to scream.


Ben Began to devour her sex with his mouth and fingers giving her a bucket loads of pleasure. So much pleasure that she didn't know what do with herself, because she has never experienced  such bliss so it was  leaving her to only be able to scream and arch out of control as she began to climb her way up to her unbelievable Orgasm.

"Benjamin Warren!!!"

" Hmm Miranda yess I'm sorry I must have went some where what were you saying." Ben said snaping out of his gaze staring at Miranda who was in her door way bitting  her bottom lip waiting for his answer.

" I said would  you like to come in for a while for a little wine and conversation" Miranda said as she looked into his eyes taking her bottom lip into her mouth between her teeth.

Ben cleared his throat , licking his lips. "Ummm as tempting as that sounds it pretty late and I have a lot packing do for our trip to my future in laws." Ben said giving her a playful smirk causing Miranda to roll eyes cracking a smile on her face.  " Right of course how could I forget we are leaving the day after tomorrow well I had a good time tonight Benjamin who would have guess pretending  to be your girlfriend would bring me so much joy."
Miranda said  walking closer to him and giving  him a kiss on the cheek before locking her eyes with his in one of the most intimate gaze making her clear her throat and saying goodnight  and walking into her house and closing the door.

Ben walked to his car readjusting himself he was extremely uncomfortable. Getting in his car Ben blew out some air that he didn't know he was keeping in. " What the Hell was that?" Ben said to him self before pulling out her driveway heading home.

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