Loving The Shadows (A Nico di...

By Demi_wizard8610

348K 10K 10.1K

My name is Alex Jackson. Yes. I am a Jackson. Yet I don't find that fact important. This is important: Only... More

1-Loving The Coffee
2- Loving the Blind Date
3-Loving the Past
4- Loving the Alleyway
5- Loving the Headache
6-Loving the Royal Jerkness
8-Loving the Nightmares
9-Loving the Free Time
10- Loving the Second First
11- Loving the Hour
12- Loving the Coincedence
13- Loving the Pictures
14- Loving the Sister
15- Loving the Emotions
16- Loving the Spar
17- Loving the Kiss
18- Loving the Mother
19- Loving the Rerun
20- Loving the Girlfriend
21- Loving the Mortal
22- Loving the Movies
22- Loving the Beating
23- Loving the Introductions
25-Loving the Surprises
26- Loving The Identity
28- Loving the Tree Talks
29-Loving the House
30-Loving the Disappointment
31- Loving the Shadows
Help Us Write ( PLEASE READ )
The Epilogue: Written By FrozenImmortality

7-Loving the Truth or Dare

11.9K 376 288
By Demi_wizard8610

Hey, sorry I haven't updated in a while. Disclaimer: I don't own PJO or HoO, I simply own alex.

Nico's POV

I moaned, stumbling until I face planted into my bed. It felt good to be in my own bed, Gods, I was hungry and tired.

In case you'd like to know, this is me and Hazel's apartment. Yeah, yeah, two sixteen year olds owning their own apartment, but who cares.

My stomach grumbled, I was hungrey.

I managed to get on my feet and shakily stalked toward the door. I crooked my head at the door and heard low murmering,

"Hazel. Chill, he's a teenager, he's probaly off doing what ever teenager boys do." It was Jason.

"I just- he promised he would always tell me before he disapears anywhere. He promised." she said, her voice hurt.

I gulped, realising how worried my sister was.

Unsure what I was planning on saying I walked out of my room and calmly into the eliving room. Jason, Piper, Annabeth, Percy, Frank and Hazel all sat around the kitchen counter and on the couch.

They all fell silent and gawked at me. I shot them a death glare and snatched a bag of chips and a can of coke from the counter.

"Nico." Hazel shrieked. I shot her a glance and noticed that she was getting mad. "Nico di angelo. Where were you! Why didn't you respond any of your texts or calls?"

"I lost my phone," I mumbled and continued to head back to my room. Suddenly warm hands grabbed my wrist causing me to yield.

I stopped and was forced to look at her. She studied me and frowned.

"Nico? Are you okay? You look like your going to be sick?" she asked worriedly. I felt all eyes on me.

"I don't feel good alright. Just-just leave me alone," I said sharply. I swarmed from her grasp and stormed back off to my room. I heard her persue me but I slammed the door in her face.

I probaly would regret my behavior later but I had a lot on my mind.

I collapsed back on my bed, munching on the chips. I pulled out my supposedly 'lost' phone. I typed in my password, wich I had to change so Alex, if I do ever see her again, won't crack into my phone.

The first thing that popped up was my contacts list. Was Alex going through my contacts?

Yes, she was. I knew that from the moment I saw the newest contact.

Alex J.

I noticed several things at once. She wrote her initial J, not Jackson. And the fact that she put her number was even in my phone. I thought she said she never wanted to see me again. I was confused. I don't understand girls.

I was too tired to even bother with trying to figure out girls. I fell asleep.

-------------------------------Time lapse a day-------------------------------------------

I walked silently, my ahdns securely tucked in my pockets. I approached the Posiedon cabin with slight unease. They had invited me to a 'boys' day, god knows what that is. Leo, Jaosn and percy will be there but Frank had a legion to run.

Yesterday I pretty much locked myself in my room and pretended to be sick. Hazel eventually stopped asking me where I was. Yet I doubt I'll get off that easy again.

I entered the threshhold to find Jason and Percy sitting across from eachother on the floor. I was startled to find them playing a card game, They looked up suddenly, giving off goofy grins when they saw me.

"Hey, Nico," Jason said cooly, "How are you feeling?"

I shrugged, "Fine."

I walked in and sat down beside Jason, leaning up against a bed. I examined Percy now, comparing him to his sister. Same green eyes and same dark hair, except something about Alex made her seem  more pessimistic, more-more like me.

I decided I would give her a call later today, just to ask her why she told me to never see her again while she put her number in my phone.

"Hey, hey!" someone exclaimed. Leo pratically skipped into the room, enthusiasticly.

"Hey Leo." Percy and Jason said in unison, I remained silent, simply giving a little wave.

"Who wants to play truth or dare?" the son of heaphestus blurted out.

Percy smirked, I simply muttered some colorful words.

"Sure," Jason said with a sideways smile. Good gods, I wish I didnt come. I hate truth or dare, it's a stupid game where no matter what you pick you'll be humiliated.

"I'm all for it," Percy said. Now everyone was looking at me.

"No, I-" I began. Leo clapped his hands.

"Great, I 'll go first," he said, "Jason-truth or dare,"

"Dare." Jason responded.

"Eat a stapler. Oh right, you already did that," Leo said, teasingly.

Percy rose his eyebrows, "You ate a stapler?"

Jason looked down, flushed, " Yeah, when I was two."

Percy burst out laughing, and even I laughed at Jason's embarrased face. Jason shot us an angry glare and looked back up at Leo. "I said dare."

"Okay-okay," Leo said, "I dare you to..." he said, his eyes wandering around the room, "Iris message Reyna and tell her she's hot and you want to go out with her,"

Jason sighed exasperated, "No, Leo, I dont want to get killed by Piper,"

Leo gave him a smug look, "Fine. You have to take off your shirt or something," Jason, not wanting to get killed by the preator or his girlfriend removed his shirt.

"Nico, truth or dare?" Leo asked.

"Uh..." I said unsure, "dare."

"Okay, let us prank call the first person on your contact list. And don't say you lost you phone, dude. We saw you have it earlier today,"

"Uh..." I said, unsure.

"Just give me it...or take one article of clothing off." Leo said, a smirk on his face. I hesitantly handed over my phone.

Leo with a few pushes of a button managed to hack into my phone...great, remind me to always check my pocket when sitting beside Leo.

He looked at me, rising his eye, "First person on Di Angelo's phone contacts is an Alex J.'

My eyes widened, Alex. Gods, they were going to prank call Alex, that will not end well.

"NO." I blurted,

"Who's Alex?"  Percy asked leaning foward. I almost wanted to laugh in his face and say 'your sister.'  But I decided against it.

"No one." I said defiantly.

"Girl or Boy?" Jason asked.

"Why would I-fine its a girl-but-" I said, fumbling over my own words.

"But what?" Leo asked wiggling his eyebrows, "Is it a special girl?"

"Ew. What the hell, no," I exclaimed angrily.The thought of dating Alex, or even being friends with her disgusted me.

They chuckled at my out burst and clicked her contact-the phone began ringing.

"Hello?" Alex said on the other end. The boys had put on speaker phone, and it was agonizing.

"Hello, is this Alex?" Jason asked,

"Nico," Alex said, bluntly, "its me."

"Are you dating Nico?" Leo asked, sudddenly. I heard Alex growl.

"Who is this." she demanded furious,

"Give me back my phone." I scowled, trying to grab my phone. Percy grabbed it, pulling it out of my reach.

"Nope," percy said, happily.

"Percy..." I threatened, "give me back my dam phone."

I heard a small gasp from Alex, hearing her brothers name.

Then she hung up.

Now they all looked at me puzzled, I grabbed my phoen from percy's grasp and stormed out of the room.

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