Rachel Masons Daughter // Wat...

By Marvel_onceuponatime

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What if Rachel Mason Had a 16 year old daughter named Hazel Mason?. Rachel and Hazel are very close but they... More

Meet Hazel Mason
Meet all the other main characters
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight

Chapter Four

337 4 0
By Marvel_onceuponatime

TW- strong language

The next day

Hazels POV

Its 6:30Am and me and Chlo get up. "Chlo could I borrow your make up? I didn't bring mine" I ask while we are getting dressed. "yeah of course" She answers. We get dressed do our hair and put makeup on. We go downstairs and have breakfast and then Tom takes us to school.

Rachels POV

I wake up by Eddie knocking on the door to my room. I'm still under my duvets basically asleep. "its open" I mumble and Eddie walks in. "Rachel its 7:00" He says and I go further under the sheets because I'm still really tired. "Rachel" He says a bit louder and I pull the blankets off of me. "I will make breakfast" He says and I smile at him and he goes downstairs. I'm sitting on my bed really confused because I don't remember coming up here last night. I have a quick shower and then I get dressed into a nice outfit.
Rachel is wearing this- (The picture is of Eva Pope the actress of Rachel Mason)-

Rachels POV

I look at my self in the mirror and I like my outfit for once haha. I walk downstairs and Eddie has made pancakes for breakfast. "oooo Pancakes" I say excitedly. He turns to face me and gives me a plate with pancakes on it. "you look nice Rachel" He compliments. "thank you" I say and I smile. I turn away from him and blush a little. "oh I nearly forgot I need to get Hazels medication" I state while going into the medicine cabinet and getting out her medication and putting it in my bag. "your a good mum, you know that right" Eddie admits to me and I turn to face him. "I could be better" I state and he places his hand on my shoulder. "for what I've seen, you are amazing and she loves you a lot" he assures me. I smile and quickly sit down at the counter and eat before it gets awkward.

Eddies POV

Me and Rachel get into her car and we drive to school. We get out of the car and loads of students are smirking at us because we got out of the car together. I roll my eyes and Rachel doesn't even notice that students are thinking that we are together. We see Bolton fighting someone. Rachel runs over to Bolton. "Bolton STOP" She shouts and I pull Bolton off of the person he was fighting. He was fighting Paul Langley. "Right what's going on" Rachel sternly asks causing Bolton to face her. "Sorry Miss but he was getting on my nerves" Bolton says gritting his teeth. "that doesn't mean you should fight him" Rachel says frowning at him. "I know I'm sorry Miss" Bolton says. Rachel looks at Paul and frowns. "what do you have to say for your self Paul" I ask. He looks at me and Rachel and rolls his eyes. "Paul" I ask again. "ugh I'm sorry" Paul says. "right then, do not let me see you two fighting again" Rachel orders and I walk off while Rachel Is still talking to Bolton and Paul.

Hazels POV

Me and Chlo get out of the car and I see my mum talking to students so I walk over to my mum with Chlo. "hey mum" I say causing her to turn around and face me. "hey darling, well done I don't have to behead you for being late" she says smirking. "Are you okay" I ask because my mum looks a bit tense. "yeah I'm okay I just had to break up a fight between Bolton and Paul" she says frowning. I wonder what Bolton was fighting for. But I guess Bolton likes to fight so there probably wasn't a real reason. "Did you girls have fun?" Mum asks while looking at me and Chlo. "yes" we both say at the same time. "good oh and Hazel I have your medication in my bag." She says a bit wary of Chlo hearing. "don't worry mum, Chlo knows that I have medication for anxiety" I say and she smiles. "Okay, anyways Hazel come with me to my office and Chlo go to lesson" Mum says and I say good bye to Chlo and me and mum go into her office and shut the door. Mum sits down at her desk and I sit on the chairs opposite her desk. "here you go" she says giving me my medication and a glass of water. "Thank you" I say taking the medication. "mum can I speak to you about something" I question and she nods and sits on her chair properly.

Rachels POV

"I have a boyfriend" Hazel says. I need to act surprised and not show her that I already know. "omg really, who??" I ask excitedly. "Bolton Smilie" Hazel says and I smile. "that's good and I'm glad you told me" I say hugging her. "me too" she admits. "do you think he's the best for you though" I ask concerned because Bolton is a trouble maker. "yeah, mum I really like him" She admits. "okay but only do what makes you comfortable, you don't have to do what he says" I tell her, because of my personal experience with being controlled I wouldn't want anything bad to happen to Hazel, I know Bolton wouldn't hurt her but I'm still worried. "I know mum" Hazel says. "and now I need to tell you something" I say while looking down at my hands. "Mum what is it your worrying me" She says and as soon as she says that Eddie comes in. "Oh I'm sorry I will come back later" Eddie says. "no Eddie its okay stay please" I say and he smiles and shuts the office door and sits next to Hazel on the spare chair. "mum what's wrong, look at me" Hazel says causing me to look up from my hands and face her. "your dad came here yesterday" I say trying to hold back my emotions. "WHAT mum are you okay" Hazel asks getting really worried. "Did he do anything to you" Hazels asks and I opened my mouth to speak but nothing came out. "he pushed her against the wall but I got rid of him" Eddie says and Hazel looks really angry. "that son of a bitch" Hazel says and I widen my eyes a bit at her swearing. "Haz I'm fine really" I tell her and she holds my hands. "mum does Eddie know that he used to hit you" Hazel asks me and I nod "he knows everything" I tell her and Eddie smiles sadly at me. "mum did he ever do anything else to you" she asks me and I gulp and a tear falls from my eyes and Eddie squeezes my arm for comfort. "y-yeah" I manage to say. "he r-raped me a lot" I tell her and she stands up really quickly and throws the chair across the room. I gasp and I'm about to run over to me when Eddie holds me back. "THAT FUCKING TWAT" Hazel shouts. I start to cry silently. "I CANT BELIEVE THAT BITCH DONE THAT TO YOU" Hazel screams and Tom and Kim run in because they hear screaming.

Toms POV

Me and Kim were about to go to our classes when we hear screaming. We run into Rachels office and we see Rachel sitting at her desk crying and Eddie with his hands on her shoulders comforting her and we see Hazel really angry with tears all down her face and chairs everywhere. "IM GOING TO FUCKING KILL HIM" Hazel shouts and punches the wall causing a hole. Rachel gasps and cries even more. Me and Kim run over to Hazel and try to calm her down. "MUM IM GOING TO KILL HIM" Hazel shouts still crying and Rachel is crying. I'm very confused and very worried. "Princess please... I'm okay now" Rachel says crying and stands up to walk to Hazel but Eddie pulls her back. "NO THATS NOT THE POINT! HE HURT YOU AND I WAS STUPID ENOUGH NOT TO NOTICE" Hazel shouts and me and Kim look at each other with wide eyes. "your not stupid don't say that" Rachel cries. "Mum I'm sorry but if I see him again I don't know what I will do" Hazel says calming down a bit. "you wont have to see him again Hazel because I'm going to make sure of it" Eddie assures her. "I'm sorry mum for not noticing" Hazel cries and sits down on the sofa. "its not your fault darling" Rachel says crying. I'm really concerned right now because I've never seen Rachel cry, no one has, she is always confident and everything and by the sounds of it something has happened to Rachel.

Eddies POV

"if its anyone's fault its mine" Rachel cries and as soon as she says that I pull her into my arms and hug her. "Rachel don't say that please! its not your fault" I tell her. She pulls away and looks at Tom and Kim and then looks back at me. "it is my fault though, it happened to me, he hurt me and I didn't do anything" Rachel says crying. "you were scared, its not your fault" I say and I hug her again. Rachel walks over to Hazel and sits on the sofa with her. "I'm so sorry mum" Hazel says crying and Rachel lets out a sob and hugs Hazel. I see that Tom and Kim are really concerned. "Rachel can I tell Kim and Tom because they are very concerned" I ask while Rachel is still hugging Hazel. "y-yeah" she answers and I tell Kim and Tom everything that John has done to her. (I didn't tell them about Rachels past). Kim has tears in her eyes and tom looks angry as well. After a hour of Tom and Kim talking to Rachel they leave. Me, Rachel and Hazel are sitting on the sofa. "I'm sorry about your wall mum" Hazel laughs while wiping her tears away. "its okay I will get it fixed" Rachel says while calming down. "I'm going to leave you both to do what ever you need to do because I need to teach maths" I tell them and Rachel hugs me and I leave.

Hazels POV

"you know we should go out on Saturday" I suggest to mum and she looks at me and smiles. "yeah we should" She answers. "we can go to the pub Saturday night" I suggest and mum widens her eyes. "we are not going to a pub your only 16" Mum says and I groan. "uh come on mum! I've been to a pub before and It will be fun" I say and mum rolls her eyes. "fine but you not having more than one alcoholic drink" Mum says and I laugh. "fine" I say. I hug mum and we both fix our makeup because mascara is all over our faces from crying. "omg Haz your hand is bleeding" Mum says and I look down at my hand and I start to feel sick. "mum I feel sick I cant look at it" I say while looking away because I hate blood. "okay come on lets go to Kim because she does first aid" Mum says and I agree. We both walk down to Kim's class and I notice that Bolton is in there. Me and mum walk into her class. "miss Campbell we need first aid" Mum says and Kim looks at my hand and she grabs the first aid kit. Bolton runs over to me. "omg babe what happened" He says and kisses my head. I see mum glare at him and I elbow mum a bit and she stops glaring. "I punched a wall" I say and he widens his eyes. "what why" he asks and mum looks a bit worried. "I just got angry and punched the wall but its okay" I say and Bolton hugs me and sits back down and all the students are facing me and mum. "what's the time?" Mum asks. "10:21am" Kim answers. "oh gosh okay, um what class do you have now Haz?" Mum asks me. "maths with Mr Lawson" I answer. "okay lets take you there now, thanks Miss Campbell" mum says and we walk to Eddies class. Mum knocks on the door and Eddie looks over to the door and nods so we know we can come in. We walk in and Eddie stops teaching and comes over to us. "Sorry that Hazel is late" mum says and Eddie shakes his head. "don't worry , this Morning was very eventful, just go sit down next to Chlo Hazel" Eddie says and I go and sit next to Chlo and she hugs me and she lets me copy her work.

Eddies POV

I walk outside of the classroom and close the door. "you okay?" I ask Rachel and she sighs. "yeah I'm better now" she answers. "I'm here if you need to talk" I tell her and she smiles at me. "thank you so much Eddie, I don't know what I would do without you" She tells me and I hug her. "right I better go now because I need to schedule a meeting with a few parents" Rachel tells me. "if you need anything just phone me okay" I tell her and she nods and walks off. I walk back into class and everyone saw me and Rachel hug. "oooo Mr Lawson likes Miss Mason I mean I see why" A girl student says. "shut up" Hazel says. "Make me" She says. "COME ON THEN" hazel shouts and the girl gets up in her face so Hazel punches her. "HAZEL COOLER NOW!" I shout and Hazel grabs her bag and storms out of the classroom and I follow her and she goes into the cooler. (the cooler is a detention room basically). She throws her bag under one of the tables and sits down. I sit opposite her. "hazel why" I ask disappointed. "go away" She says and I roll my eyes "hazel talk to me" I order but she ignores me. "right" I say and I walk out of the room and call Rachel to say that Hazel is in the cooler.

Hazels POV

Mum walks into the cooler and sits down opposite me and she looks disappointed but concerned. "why are you in here?" She asks me while frowning. I look up to face her. "I punched someone" I tell her and she sighs. "why" Mum asks me and I look away. "she asked for it" I state and Mum rolls her eyes. "This isn't like you" Mum says and I look at her. "maybe it is" I inform her. Mum now has a look of sympathy on her face. She holds my hands. "I know your upset about what happened this morning but please for me calm down?" Mum asks and I sigh. "okay and I'm sorry" I admit and Mum hugs me. "its okay just don't hit anyone else" Mum jokes and I laugh a bit. "right off to class" she says and I grab my bag and go back to class and Mum goes back to whatever a headmistress does. I walk back into class and I sit next to Chlo again. "are you okay?" Chlo asks me. "yeah im alright thank you" I answer her and eddie raises his eyebrow at me because im talking. I roll my eyes and start to write the work down. "Hazel what is 32% of 67" Eddie asks me. "21.44" I answer. "correct well done" Eddie says and he starts asking other people more questions. The bell for next lesson went and I go to French.

Steph's POV

I decided to not take the days off because I didn't actually do that university thing. Everyone comes in and Hazel comes In and she sits down next to Bolton. When she sits down next to him he kisses her. I was not expecting that jeez. About half way through the lesson Maxine my adopted daughter puts her hand up. "Yes Maxine?" I ask. "when are we going to do something different?" She asks and I hesitate for a second before saying anything. "tomorrow were going to free write any type of story but it has to be in French" I tell everyone and they cheer.

Time skip to end of school

Hazels POV

When me and Mum get home we go into the living room and I start to do homework because I want it to be over and done with. Mum sits next to me while I do my maths. "woah they are hard questions" mum says and I laugh a bit. "yep, why cant you get rid of homework your the Headmistress of the school" I say trying to figure out some maths equations. "The government says we need to set homework so I guess that's why you have homework, but I do agree that homework is rubbish but you need to do it" Mum says. After spending around 20mins on my maths homework I finally finish and mum is still watching a film while sitting next to me. "ugh I have music homework now" I moan and mum laughs. "well your good at music so it cant be that hard" Mum says and I frown at her and look back at the work. "wait mum what day is it today?" I ask. "uhm Friday" She answers. "yay that means were going out tomorrow night" I say excitedly. "yeah so try and get all your homework done." She says. "omg" I say excitedly. "what?" mum asks curiously. "Mr Wilding didn't give us homework he just gave us a leaflet about a school musical to audition for!" I say. "omg Hazel you need to audition! what is it for?" Mum asks and we both look at the leaflet. "MAMMA MIA" We both shout. "I'm going to audition for Donna because I know all the words to her songs in the film" I say . "yes!! you really need to ! I hope he gives you the part" mum says. "lets listen to the mamma mia soundtrack right now! " mum shouts and we put the soundtrack on and put it on really loud. The song Dancing queen comes on and we start singing and doing the dance routine to the music video.

Rachels POV

After singing I ran upstairs and called Matt (MR Wildling)

Rachel and Matts Phone call

Matt- hello Rachel?

Rachel- Yes hello Matt I just wanted to say that me and Hazel has seen the leaflet for the Mamma Mia musical that your putting on for the school

Matt- Oh yeah I'm sorry I should have asked you first

Rachel- No don't worry that's not why I called you

Matt- oh okay

Rachel- Is this version going to be like the film version?

Matt- Yes exactly

Rachel- Good okay, Hazel wants to audition for Donna

Matt- Oh really?

Rachel- Yes she is really good at singing and she knows all the words to all of the songs

Matt- Alright then! tell her to meet me in the music room at lunch on Monday and she can be the first to audition and I will make sure she has a high chance of getting the part

Rachel- Thank you so much! she will be over the moon!!!

Hazels POV

Mum runs back down stairs and she looks really happy. "what's made you so happy?" I ask with a grin on my face. "I got you a audition for the musical at lunch on Monday" She says and I hugs her. "thank you so much mum" I say. "its okay darling, what do you want for dinner?" Mum asks and I think for a bit. "I'm not very hungry to be honest" I admit to mum and she frowns. "are you sure?" She asks. "yeah I'm sure, I had lunch today at school and I'm not very hungry" I say and mum frowns. "at least have some toast" She suggests "okay fine" I say and she smiles at me. "good" Mum says and she starts to make her self dinner and make me toast.

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