James Phelps love story

Par SpencerRiedfan24

13.5K 120 31

Based off my love for James Phelps and a dream I had. Wish he could be mine. Plus

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43

Chapter 28

156 3 0
Par SpencerRiedfan24

(James POV)
Today is the day that I am heading to Orlando Florida for two weeks and I am leaving my wife and daughter for the first time since Autumn was born. I am at the airport right now with my wife and daughter getting ready to get on the plane. "I'll call you as soon as I get to the hotel." I say looking at her. "I know. I love you. Be safe and have fun." She says holding Autumn on her hip. "And you little one behave for your mother." I say to autumn and kiss both of them and hear my flight being called. "Be safe. I love you." My wife says letting me go. "I love you both too." I say kissing them one last time and head to the plane. Once I was on the plane I sit down and look out the window as we take off. Two hours later I arrive in Florida and at the hotel and get in my room. Once I was in my room I set my stuff down on one of the beds and facetime my wife. "Hello?" She answers. "Hi love. How's it going?" I ask her. "Hi darling. It's going okay. Autumn is napping which is good. She had a bit of a fit once you left to get on the plane hence why I am covered in dried tears, and drool as well as food which I am now on my way upstairs to change my shirt." She says walking up the stairs.

"Awww poor thing. I miss her already. How are you doing love?" I ask as she walks into our room and changes her shirt. "Honestly I'm doing fine. I miss you so damn much." She says picking up the phone again. "I miss you too. Are you sure your doing okay love?" I ask her wanting the truth out of her. "I'm not fine. I'm stressed and I miss you like crazy. I feel like I can't do this on my own for two weeks. I know I told your mom that I could manage on my own since its just two weeks but I think I'm in over my head." She says sighing. "Okay lovey listen to me carefully. I want you whenever Autumn is down for her nap stop for a moment and just give yourself a breather for a few minutes. You don't have to get everything done in one sitting. Take a break for yourself." I explain to her. "Okay. Okay I'll try." She says laying on her back on the bed. "Did you eat your lunch at all?" I ask her. "No. I was to busy feeding autumn so she wouldn't keep making a mess with her food." She says sighing. "Go eat your lunch and relax till she wakes up. I'll call you guys later tonight." I say smiling at her. "Okay. I love you. I'll talk to you later tonight." She says smiling softly. "I love you too. Bye baby." I say hanging up and start unpacking.

(Hadaza's POV)
So my husband is down in Florida for a Harry Potter thing leaving my daughter and I alone for two full weeks. This is the first time my husband has been away from me and our daughter since she was born. The last time he was away from me was when I was six months pregnant and we was back in the UK for a week for his birthday. I just finished facetiming my husband and I am now heading downstairs to eat my lunch and try to relax as much as I can before my daughter wakes up from her only nap of the day. "God I'm not sure I can do this for two weeks without you james." I say finishing eating my lunch and sit down on the couch and close my eyes trying to relax. About ten minutes go by and I wake up hearing Autumn crying causing me to open my eyes and go upstairs and calm her down. "Shhhhh baby girl its okay. What's wrong?" I ask rocking her softly trying to calm her down. Autumn continues to cry and gets louder. I fight my hardest to not start crying and make it worse. "You miss daddy don't you?" I ask rocking her. Autumn cries and calms down a bit hearing her father name and looks around for him. "Daddy is with uncle oliver in Florida right now. Its just you and me." I say rocking her trying to calm her down. Autumn starts crying and screaming wanting James here. "Shhhhhh baby its okay. Shhh calm down." I coo softly and rub her back trying to calm her down and not cry. Autumn cries loudly and screams. I walk around rocking her as I make my way to mine and James room to pull up an audio of James voice to help calm her down and play it. Autumn hears it and calms down holding me and listens looking for him. I hold her and rock her gently and rub her back keeping myself calm.

After a few audios of James voice Autumn was officially calmed down and head downstairs to let her play while I try to get work done and make dinner. Once all of that was done we eat and get ready for bed as James facetimes us. "Hey. How's my two favorite girls?" He says looking at us. "It's been a day." I say holding Autumn against me. "Really now. Why?" He asks looking at me. "Well someone didn't sleep for a full two hours. Then she cried and screamed loudly missing you. The only time she calmed down is after I played four recordings of your voice." I say looking at him. "Awww princess I miss you so much. I'll be home very soon. Can you behave for mommy?" He says to her as she looks at him. "Dadda." She says tiredly and rubs her eyes nodding. "Okay its bed time for you princess. Night baby girl." He says to her as I stand up and put her down and to sleep then leave still on facetime with my husband. "How are you doing love?" He asks me once I was in our room. "Honestly I tired to take time for myself while she was napping  but it didn't help. I'm not sure how long I can manage. When she was crying I wanted to cry so badly. I'm struggling so much right now. I know its only the first day and I already feel like giving up." I say blinking back tears.

"Awww love I'm sorry. I know its hard right now but you can do this. If you really need help asking my mom and Katy." He states. "I don't want to bother katy she's got enough going on. I might call your mom for help. I don't know what is wrong with me." I say running a hand through my hair. "I do. Its your first time on your own with autumn and I'm not there with you. Also you are exhausted and probably hungry. So love listen to me get some rest and eat something. Then call my mom tomorrow morning and ask her to help. I love you soooooo much and I promise when I get home I am going to cuddle you and our daughter for hours. Goodnight my beautiful and strong wife. I'll talk to you in the morning. I love you." He says smiling and blows me a kiss. "I love you too. Bye." I say blowing him a kiss and hang up. Once I ended the call I put my phone on the charger and get dressed into my pjs and head downstairs to eat something before I go to bed. Going downstairs alone knowing its just me and Autumn scares me a bit. I grab a snack and make sure everything is locked tightly and the alarm was set and make my way upstair to mine and my husbands room and sit turning on a light hearted tv show. Halfway through the tv show I get cold and grab one of my husbands hoodies and put it on me taking in his scent and lay down crawling under the covers and turn my light off. After I turned my light off I break down and cry silently everything hitting me all at once. I cry myself to sleep and hold on to his pillow taking in his scent.

The next morning I wake up to my phone going off and answer it. "Hello?" I ask tiredly. "Hi honey. Its me your mother in law. I was wondering if you wanted some help today with Autumn." She says. "I would love that. Did James tell you?" I ask sitting up and check my watch. "Yeah he did. Sorry bout that." She says. "No don't be sorry. He's just worried about me. I'll see you shortly I'm guessing." I say getting up. "Yeah. I'll be there shortly." She says. "Okay. I'll have coffee ready." I say stretching and check the baby monitor seeing her awake. "Alright. Bye honey." She says hanging up. I hang up and make my way to the nursery still in James hoodie and pick her up. "Morning baby girl. Lets get you breakfast." I say going downstairs and yawn setting her in her high chair and get her breakfast while I make coffee. "Oh looks like daddys calling and grandmas here." I say answering the door and my phone. "Hi Mom." I say hugging her gently and let her in and then answer my phone. "Hi James." I say facetiming him. "Hi love. So I don't know if mom called you but she said she was coming over." He says. "I got it and knew she was coming. She's here right now and is with Autumn right now." I say smiling tiredly. "Okay good. You look adorable in my hoodie. Did you sleep at all?" He asks me. "Not long. I slept for an hour. The rest of the night was just me laying in bed crying silently to myself. I'm exhausted." I say looking at him. "Well then get some sleep. I need to go. I have to get ready for some press stuff. I love you and don't push yourself to much." He says. "Okay. I wont. I love you." I say blowing him a kiss. "Good bye my love. I love you soooooooo much. Bye." He says returning the kiss and then hangs up. I head back to my mother in law and autumn and smile seeing Autumn happy. "Hey mom I didn't get a lot of sleep last night. Do you mind watching her for an hour? Just while I take an hour nap?" I ask her. "Of course honey. Rest. We will be fine." she says smiling. "Thank you." I say going upstairs and lay down setting my alarm for an hour and fall asleep listening to my husband's voice as I sleep.

An hour goes by and I wake up feeling bit more relaxed and awake. I get up and stretch and make my way downstairs to get some food and some coffee and smile seeing my daughter smiling and laughing while playing with her toys and her grandma. "Good morning honey. Foods on the table for you if your hungry. Just gotta heat it up." She says seeing me. "I am starving. Thank you for coming over and helping me out. This is so hard without James here to help me with autumn. I'm not use to this." I say getting my cup of coffee and heat up my breakfast. "I know. You don't realize how important and how much your husband does till he's on a business trip. I should know I had to raise twin boys by myself for a month and a half." She says. "James does so much for me and I love him for it. He's helped me so much with autumn and with life. He was there for me through every single month of my pregnancy by going to all my doctor appointments and getting up early while I had morning sickness and for him being there when I was pushing out autumn. Helping me with the different exercises that I had to do to help get my body ready to push a giant baby out of it. Offering me tons of cuddles and kisses. Making sure I was taken care of whether it be with making sure I was comfy to making sure I was okay. And dealt with my mood swings which let's be honest men think are scary. He never once complained that he was tired or that we were to much. He's just my everything and if I didn't meet him and marry him I would be so lost." I say tearing up a bit. "Aww honey. I know. Come here. It's okay to cry." She says hugging me. "I miss him so much. I don't think I'll get use to him leaving for work when I'm use to seeing him all day everyday. I need him so much." I say hugging her and start to cry really missing my husband. "I know you do sweetie. It's okay. He'll be home soon." She says holding me and strokes my hair and rocks me softly.

I hold her crying missing my husband wanting him home. "You can do this without him for two weeks. You have me here to help you with Autumn. You can do this." She says holding me. "I don't think I can." I say holding her and cry but pull away hearing my phone ring causing me to go and answer it. "Hello?" I answer. "Hi baby. Are you okay?" James asks me hearing the tears in my voice. "I'm fine just had a little break down." I say drying my eyes. "What happened? What's wrong?" He asks very concerned. I bite my lip and stay quiet for a bit thinking if I should tell him or not. "Love answer me." He says worried a bit. "I broke down because I realized how much you help me and how much I miss you. You have done so much with me since Autumn was born. This would've been easy before Autumn was born but now its difficult because she's here. God listen to me I sound like a baby." I say pacing back and forth in the hallway crying. "Hey shhh don't cry love. You don't sound like a baby. I miss you a lot too. I will be home soon." He says calming me down. "I know. I know. I don't know how long I can do this. I miss you so much. The house feels so empty without you in it. I was so scared to go to sleep last night since it was just myself and Autumn even though I locked everything and set the alarm." I say still crying just not as hard as I was before. "I know. I was worried about last night too. I know you can protect yourself and our daughter but I still am fearful a bit." He replies. "I know. I can do it. I just wish you were here with me. I don't think this will be easy for me." I say sniffling.

"I know love. You can do it. You are the strongest woman I know." He says with a small smile in his voice. "I know love. I should go your mom and Autumn need me. I'll talk to you later?" I say calming down. "Yes of course. I need to go anyways. I gotta open the ride anyways." He says. "Of course." I say smiling small. "I'll call you later. I love you sooooooooo much. Bye." He says. "I love you too. Bye." I say hanging up and stand in the hallway drying my eyes and taking a few deep breaths to relax myself before I return.

"Did that call make you feel better?" She asks. "Yeah a bit. I just want him home. This would be so much easier if I was pregnant." I say sitting down next to her on the couch. "I know. You are a great mom who can do anything if she doesn't doubt herself. Don't doubt yourself honey. You are a great mom and can do anything Katy can do or those other mothers that you see everywhere. What you are doing with Autumn is perfect." She says hugging me. "Thanks mom. That makes me feel better. I just see Katy and how she juggles two kids and deals with Oliver being gone almost all the time." I say looking at her. "Believe me Katy struggles with Oliver being gone. She understands that he needs to work. Plus she has a lot of practice. Don't compare yourself to any mothers you are perfect just the way you are." She says boosting my confidence. "Thank you mom. I am so glad you are my mother in law. You've been nothing but kind and sweet to me and you welcomed me into your family the first time James brought me in and also you helped me through my first pregnancy and I hope you will help me through another pregnancy soon." I say looking at her. "I'm glad that you're my daughter in law. I really want to help you again through your next pregnancy." She says smiling at me. I smile as autumn plays with her toys in her playpen.

Everytime I look at Autumn I see my husband and it makes me feel happy and miss him. "Momma." I hear my daughter say. "Yes princess?" I ask standing up and pick her up. Autumn holds me and hugs me gently causing me to hug her back gently and hold her in my arms. "Thank you baby girl. I really needed this." I say hugging her gently and sit down. "Wuv ooo." She says holding me. "I love you too baby girl. So does you father." I say rubbing her back gently and kiss her head. Autumn lays herself against me and looks at her grandma. "Hi baby girl." She says gently rubbing her arm. "Nan." She says rubbing her eyes. "I know baby girl." She says smiling softly. Autumn yawns and falls asleep on my shoulder. "I'm going to put her down. I'll be back." I say standing up and make my way upstairs and put her down for her nap and put on some baby mozart on so she can sleep peacefully then go downstairs to see my mother in law on the phone which I try to be as quiet as I can and make my way to the kitchen to clean up from breakfast.

"Do you need help with anything Hadaza?" She asks me. "No not really. I think I might just need help with Autumn's nap time and playing with her while I do work for my job." I say drying my hands and sigh. "You feeling okay?" She asks seeing me. "I'm fine. I'm just tired." I say stretching. "Why don't you rest?" She asks me. "I'll rest later. I have to do house work as well as work for my new job." I say looking at her. "Alright." She says as I leave the kitchen and start working around the house doing chores and work for my job. Autumn wakes up two and a half hours later from her nap as my mother goes and gets her and brings her down to me while I was busy writing a detail presentation for work. "Guess who's up." She says coming into the kitchen where I was set up. "Hi baby. Did you sleep well." I ask smiling and kiss her nose gently. "Momma." She says rubbing her eyes tiredly and smiles small. "You look so much like your father when he wakes up." I say rubbing her arm gently. Autumn smiles and yawns. "You want some lunch sweetpea?" My mother asks her. Autumn nods her head tiredly as she gets put in her high chair. "Thank you for feeding her mom." I say going back to typing. "That's what I am here for." She says smiling and gets autumn's lunch for her. I smile and work as my daughter eats her lunch.

The day goes by quickly with James calling and checking in on me and our daughter. After James ends the call I get dinner ready for us and eat with Autumn as my mother in law leaves to go home. Autumn and I finish eating dinner then I clean up the dishes. "Alright princess lets give you a bath and then time for bed." I say picking her up and take her to the bathroom and bathe her and then dress her in her pjs and put her to sleep. Once she was asleep I head downstairs and lock everything up and set the alarm then turn the lights off. I head upstairs and get dressed into my pjs and get comfy under the covers and put a movie on my laptop and start to watch the movie but pause it to answer a call on my laptop. "Hi love." James says popping up on my screen. "Hi James." I say smiling softly and laying on my side. "I interrupted something didn't I?" He asks seeing my face. "I was just watching a movie that I've seen a thousand times." I say smiling and move my hair off my shoulder.

"You look cozy." He says looking at me. "I am not cozy. If you want to talk to Autumn she's asleep now." I say looking at him. "I didn't call this time for autumn. I called this time for you." He says smiling. "You did?" I ask looking at him smiling. "I  did. I miss you so much love." He says sighing. "I miss you too. It feels so weird not having you here." I say tearing up a bit. "I know. I can't wait to come home to you." He says smiling. "I can't wait to have you home either." I say yawning a bit. "Aww is my adoarable wife tired?" He coos softly. "Shut up." I whine and pout playfully. "Awww my wife blushing." He coos still. "Stop it." I say hiding my hands behind my face and giggle slightly. "Okay I'll stop." He says smiling. "Good. And if you must know I am tired a bit. Only slept for one hour last night and slept for another hour for a nap." I say rolling my eyes and yawn again. "I should go to. I am tired. I'll talk to you later. I love you and will see you soon." He says looking at me and yawns. "I love you too. Bye. Have a goodnight." I say waving and hang up. Once we ended the call I shut my laptop and turn the light off and fall asleep.

(Two week time skip.)

(James POV)
I am on a flight with Oliver on my way back home from two weeks in Florida. My wife isn't feeling well and couldn't pick me up so Katy is picking us both up. We arrive back home and grab our stuff then head with Katy to her car and head home. I arrive at my house and grab my stuff, thank Katy and head inside. I head inside and am greeted by my daughter attacking my leg in a hug saying my name. "DADDA!!" She says happily and hugs my leg. I drop my stuff and scoop her up in my arms and hold her. "Hi baby girl. Oh I missed you sooooo much." I say holding her and kiss her face. Autumn holds me and snuggles into me and kisses me happily. "Welcome back james." My mom says coming in. "Thank you for helping mom. Where's my wife?" I ask holding my daughter. "She's upstairs." She says smiling. "Okay. Hey princess I'm going to go up to see mommy really quick. Okay? You're going to stay with grandma." I say looking at my daughter. Autumn nods and goes into her my mother's arms then head upstairs to my room. I walk in quietly and see my wife sound asleep wearing one of my hoodies and a pair of leggings which is what she sleeps in when she's feeling ill or lonely.

"Love." I say gently stroking her hair. "Hmmm?" She asks tiredly and stirs awake blinking. "Hi baby. I'm home." I say softly and stroke her hair kneeling in front of her. "Hi James." She says tiredly and smiles small. "Hi love. How you feeling?" I ask feeling her head and look at her. "I'm tired and feel a bit hot. How's autumn doing?" She asks sitting up a bit but lays back down. "She's fine. I'm worried about you. Does your stomach hurt at all?" I ask feeling her head. "No. I'm just tired and hot." She says rubbing her eyes. I feel her head and smile small moving her hair out of her face. "Has your anxiety started up?" I ask looking at her. She looks at me and nods gently frowning. "Have you overworked yourself?" I add. "Yes." She says looking down softly. "Okay. I'll be back in a moment." I say standing up and head into the bathroom and get a cold wet washcloth and her anxiety medication then walk out. "Okay love." I say sitting her up gently and give her her medication and put the cool wet washcloth on her head once she took her pill and laid back down. "Rest. I'll be downstairs to tell my mom she's good to go home." I say kissing her cheek gently. She nods and yawns falling back to sleep curling up. I smile and head downstairs and thank my mom again as she leaves leaving me alone with our daughter who was happily playing in her playpen. "Alright princess wanna help daddy make mommy some food?" I ask after I put my bags in the laundry room and scoop her up in my arms. Autumn nods happily and holds onto my shirt as I walk into the kitchen and make lunch for my wife since Autumn already ate.

"Wanna a piece of strawberry?" I ask my daughter as I give her a little piece. Autumn leans over and eats it happily and holds onto my hand. I smile and wipe my hand off then grab the plate of food for my wife and make my way upstairs to her with my daughter on my hip. "Lovey?" I ask walking in and set Autumn on the bed gently. "Hmmm?" She asks waking up and stretches her body seeing me. "I brought you a baby and some food figuring you could use both." I say setting the food next to her on her bedside table as autumn crawls onto her. "Where did you find this adorable baby?" She asks playfully and holds Autumn in her arms. "Oh I thought she came from you." I say playfully and sit next to her. "I'm so happy your back. I missed you so much James." She says kissing me gently. I kiss her back and hold her in my arms. "I missed you too. I don't want to be away from you guys for that long ever again." I say pulling away from the kiss. She nods and sets Autumn in my lap and grabs the food I made for her and starts eating it.

"I also missed you two princess. Did you miss me?" I coo laying on my back and hold Autumn up in the air. "Dadda." She says giggling and looks at me. "Of course you missed your daddy." I say bringing her down to me gently and hold her. Autumn holds me and snuggles into me holding my shirt in her hands. "We both missed you James." My wife says smiling and finishes eating and lays down facing me rubbing autumns back gently. "I missed both my girls so much. You two were the only things on my mind for two weeks. Oliver had to snap me out of my thoughts a few times. God I never want to leave you to again." I say taking my free hand and slip it under my wives back and pull her against me softly. She smiles and lays her head on my shoulder and snuggles into me and hold my shirt gently and looks down at our daughter who was sound asleep sucking her thumb. "She's worn out." I say smiling and kiss her head softly. "Yeah. I am so glad your back. I missed your touch and your scent." She says looking at me with a smile. "I missed your touch too." I say kissing her head. "I lived in your hoodies for two weeks to feel something and take in your scent." She says looking at me. "I figured. Everyday I facetimed you you were dressed in my hoodies. Which by the way it was adorable." I say looking down at her. "I did?" She asks confused. "You did. I'll make up for the last two weeks I missed you so much." I say looking at her. "How will you do that?" She asks curious and giggles a bit. "You'll see. Lets get some sleep." I say smiling at her. She nods and yawns tiredly closing her eyes snuggling into me. I smile and hold my wife and daughter gently and securely as I fall asleep.

A couple hours go by and I wake up to my daughter gently playing with my shirt and wiggles her body. "What's up baby girl?" I ask her. "Daddy. Wuv ooooooo." She says smiling and squirms. "Awwww I love you too princess." I say gently kissing her head. "Well this is just the best site to wake up to." I hear my wife say. "I love waking up to my wife and daughter." I say kissing both their heads. "We love having you here James." She says smiling and sits up. I smile and sit up holding my daughter and look at the time. "I needed that nap." I say feeling refreshed. "James?" My wife asks looking at me. "Yeah love?" I ask looking at her and situate autumn on my lap. "Our wedding anniversary is next week already. Can you believe next week it will have officially been three years since we were married?" She say looking at her ring. "I know. So far we are doing a great job. We both have good paying jobs, a healthy relationship, a house, two cars, a beautiful one year old girl, and hopefully another one soon." I say smiling. "Our relationship is very healthy and I think it's because one we understand each other and two we dated for a while before we jumped into marriage." She says looking at me. "True. Who wants to go and play with their toys?" I ask. Autumn lights up and bounces on my lap excitedly. "I'm guess that's a yes from autumn." I say laughing and stand up holding my daughter in my arms. My wife follows and heads downstairs with me and autumn as we go to her play pen and play with her for a few hours before we make dinner.

After we make dinner we eat and then clean up. I wash the dishes while my wife takes autumn upstairs and gives her her bath. After I finish washing the dishes I lock everything up downstairs and turn the light off and head upstairs to see if my wife needed help. I walk into the nursery and see my wife putting my sleeping daughter down in her crib gently and turns on her night light then start to head out. "Hey. She's tired." I say holding onto my wives waist as we make our way to the bedroom. "Yeah. Now how are you going to make up for being gone for two weeks?" She asks crossing her arms over her chest once we were in the room. I shut the door and smirk a bit at her. "By having 14 rounds of sex." I say wrapping my arms around her and pull her into me. "James your joking right? We've never went that many rounds before. The most we've gone was six and even after that I was sore and so tired." She says looking at me shocked. "I'm kidding love. We aren't going to do 14 rounds. Both of us wouldn't last that long anyways." I say causing her to playfully smack my chest. "Your awful." She says trying to hide the laugh that was going to come out of her mouth as she pulls away from me and makes her way to the bed. "Mmmm but you love me for it." I say following her and smack her ass causing her to jump. "James!" She says turning around quickly only to be cut off by me kissing her deeply. She kisses back the same way as we both strip each other and fall onto the bed. Once we were both on the bed and undress we went off and had the best sex I would say in my opinion after two weeks of not seeing each other in person.

After we finished we clean up and get dressed then lay down and hold each other. "That was fantastic. I'm so glad your home James." She says holding me and yawns. "I'm glad I'm home too. I missed you so much. Is my wife exhausted from sex?" I tease playfully. "Yes." She says burring her head into my shoulder gently and hides her face that was red. I smile and kiss her head gently and hold her. "Awww I'm sorry lovey. You don't got to be shy with me." I say rubbing her back. "I'm not shy." She says looking at me. I look down at her and smile kissing her nose causing her to giggle a bit. "It's late and I am tired even though I napped twice which is something I don't normally do." She says yawning. "I know. I'm tired too." I say yawning as well. My wife nods and yawns closing her eyes and falls asleep next to me and holds me. I hold her and turn off the lights and turn on the baby monitor then fall asleep. "Goodnight my wife. I love you." I mutter before I let sleep take over me. "I love you too." I hear her mutter softly. The evening goes perfectly the rest of the night. I'm so glad I am home with my family right now. They are my everything.

(Here's chapter 28. Hope you enjoy. Be sure to comment and vote. Those really help me.)

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