The Wolf and The Rabbit

By Stillwell03

600K 12.2K 7.8K

Izuku was alone in the world. Abandoned by the ones he called his family and left to his own accord. But than... More

Friends and harem
New Friends
Standing Strong
Entrance Exams
Genius Combat
The Party
Brutal Battles
The Bakugou's
Sports Festival
Fighting for the Top
Third Event
Finals and Dreams
Midoriya Squabble
Inner Turmoil
Work Studies
Nightmare of Hosu
Easy Day
First Christmas
Most Awkward Date
Training Camp
Night of Madness
Effects of Support
Paying Dues
Two Titans and A Rabbit
Parent Teacher Talks
Dorm Move In
Special Moves
Push Through
Rescue Work
Parents Day Meeting
The Child
Planning Raids
The Raid
Fight for Hope
Pure Rage
Okamure vs Overhaul
In The Dog House
Culture Festival
A Gentleman
Ties and Bonds
Painful Choice
Festival Roar
Final Farewells

Calm Picnic

5.4K 156 44
By Stillwell03

Izuku POV:

The day after the finals, the students had the day off to recharge their brains and calm themselves since it was somewhat strenuous on a lot of us. Some of us decided to make a day out of it with me and the girls agreeing to let today be the day Nejire had me to herself. She personally liked this since in her words, 'she needed to recharge her green bunny reserves' or something. I didn't think anything was wrong with that, so I didn't fight it. Before we could do anything though, mom made it a point my comment during the exams was 'touched on'.

"AND THIS IS FOR THE CRAZY COMMENT!" She kicked me through a fence into the neighbors yard where the dog started to bark at me.

"Ugh. And this is why people think you're nuts sometimes."

"*arf* *arf* *arf*!" The small pug kept barking at me to no end before I turned to my stomach.

"Sorry Sir Snozel. How about a treat?" I gave the small pug a dog biscuit for him to stop barking and walk away. 'So easy with that dog sometimes.'

"Learned your lesson yet?"

'Yeah. That you're not the person I should trust to not throw me through a wall or have to worry about the neighbor's dog barking at me.' "Yeah." I struggled to stand with mom heading over towards me.

"So you got plans with Nejire today?"

"Ow. Yeah, I was hoping to do a picnic with her at a koi pond."


"Nejire didn't seem to find it lame. I even got a nice lunch and everything for it."

Mom rolled her eyes before walking over to her water. "And this is why Bakugou has more skill than you. I overheard him talk with his girls about possibly hitting a motel later today for a hardcore three way. Yet you're fine hitting up a koi pond and lazing around instead of sealing a deal with a chick that's arguably the most attractive in the third years that every guy in the school secretly wants ta bang."


"Hahahahaha! Look at your face! You're as red as a tomato!" Mom kept laughing to make me somewhat ashamed of myself for falling into her trick. "But for a girl, that's good. You're not just into banging them but also giving them reason to enjoy being around you. But you might wanna keep an open mind for any desire for more. You might not want to go any farther, but maybe they would and respecting the wishes of your other is also important. If they do want to go farther and haven't made significant advances towards that, then it's them respecting your wishes."

I thought hard about what mom said to understand that this could be a case in the future. 'I do need to be careful of that. I didn't think that deep into it until now, but we are kinda at that age-' My face went red thinking about that image of the girls for me to subconsciously use 'Half Hot, Half Cold' to go into a freezing inferno.

"A HAHAHAHA! You look like a freaking guy that can't tell if he's got hyperthermia or hypothermia!" Mom kept laughing for a minute before stopping and walking up to me. "Look Izuku. Just keep that in mind and avoid making mistakes. If you think too hard on these things, the girls might get the wrong idea about you. Just keep an open mind and maybe be ready in case you do end up doing something like this. I'm not gonna say it's just your responsibility or any of the girls alone if something happens since it's both your responsibilities or tell you that you shouldn't do it. I just want you all to be responsible and not make a decision that'll ruin your lives entirely."

"O-ok. Thanks."

Mom smacked my back before giving me a large smile. "Alright. Go shower ladykiller. You smell like a burning garbage fire."

'And who's fault is that!?' "Right. Thanks for the talk."


I ran inside to start showering as fast as I could before packing the basket for my picnic with Nejire. I did a quick go over of what I needed and had before mom's talk to me came back to my head. 'Would I need one today?' I walked back to my room to look into my drawer under my socks to find the box mom gave me a while back. 'Maybe I should keep one in case in something happens.' I went somewhat red to try and keep the thought I had out while placing one of the packages inside my wallet.

One hour later at the koi ponds

I began heading towards the entrance to see Nejire sitting in a blue dress being hit on by a couple of guys. I could see she was ignoring them by playing on her phone with one of them going to put a hand on her chin.

"C'mon baby, why don't you say fuck it to whoever you're waiting for and have a little fun with us." Nejire calmly pulled the guy's hand off her chin. He grabbed her hand back with a little annoyance. "That wasn't nice."

"Sorry, but I don't pick up random jerks that don't realize they're not interesting me." I stifled a laugh hearing this for the second guy to look like he was about to do something.

"GET OFF THE FUCKING PHONE BITCH!" The guy slapped Nejire's phone out of her hands to grab her other arm. "Look bitch, you're gonna come with us willingly or well-"

The second guy stopped when Nejire kicked him between the legs with an unhappy look on her face. "I'm not some easy lay or defenseless woman." She turned her other arm that was being held by the first guy to grab his wrist and twist it to have the jerk on his knees begging her to let him go. "If you want to find some cheap girl to pick up, look for a girl that sleeps around. I'm a class act."

She picked her phone up walked over to me looking very angry before grabbing my arm and walking into the park. "You ok? That looked kinda aggressive of you to do."

"I'm fine. Those jerks just didn't get the message that I'm taken." I didn't push the conversation longer since it looked like Nejire didn't want to talk about it more. We made a spot for us near a bunch of koi fish that were just minding their own business with the calmness of them helping calm Nejire down a bit. I laid a blanket out for us to sit on and poured a bit of tea to drink. "Thank you."

The fact her facial features looked relaxed and happy again made me feel a little relived before taking out a few pieces of stale bread. "I figured feeding these guys would be something you'd like to do, so I made sure I had something for it."

"Ohhh! Please!" Nejire seemed excited about this to grab a few pieces of the crumbled up bread and tossed it in to watch the koi go after it. "This is kinda fun to watch."

"You're right." I pulled out sandwiches for the both of us before handing Nejire's to her and taking a bite out of mine. "Sorry I made you wait."

"I wasn't waiting long." She took a bite of her sandwich before continuing with a conversation. "So I heard you went against your mom for a final. How did it go?"

"I got my butt kicked but still passed with mom whooping it more a few hours ago."

"Ouch." She started giggling at the image of both butt whoopings and how they probably played out.

"Yeah. Did not make the fact I pulled a nail out of my butt any more pleasant or that Sir Snozel next door started barking at me." Nejire began to laugh uncontrollably at this with her smile helping liven things up a little more. "So how did your final exam go?"

"I got a B- average. Better than normal since I normally get C+ for grades. Really kicked butt in the physical portion."

"That's awesome! Good job." I was really happy Nejire was able to get rather well in her final exam, but I did notice she looked rather tired. "You must've put a lot into this."

"Yeah. Thanks to Yuyu. She helped me stay focused after I told her that I wanted to do really good for me to brag about something on our date."

"*snort* So you wanted to brag about getting higher marks today?" I held in a laugh a bit with Nejire earnestly nodding.

"Why? Was that bad?"

I pat her head while shaking mine no. "It's alright. It's just kinda funny is all. You're normally not the one to boast about stuff like this and here you are doing that. Granted, going up a letter grade is still really good." Nejire laughed before placing her head on my shoulder.

"I'm still really tired though. I didn't sleep a lot during this."

"Then go ahead and take a nap." I look over to see Nejire already out cold to silently laugh a little. "Always one to do what she wants to do. She's always such a easy going girl." I moved her head to my lap to make it easier on her sleeping before taking a sip of my tea again to calmly sit and watch the koi fish. I'd occasionally toss them a few pieces of bread with a bit of satisfaction watching both Nejire sleep and the fish enjoy their meal.

"Alright kid. Playtime's over." The two jerks that were harassing Nejire before came back with a knife and a led pipe in hands.

"Just hand us the girl, and maybe we can give ya a little show of how we have our fun-"

"If any of you even touch Nejire while she's sleeping, I'm going to turn your insides into your outsides." I calmly say this while sipping my tea for them to laugh.

"You honestly think a little twerp like you can do anything!?"

The guy with the led pipe leaned into my ear and whispered to me. "I bet she hasn't even had a man in her yet or is just using you for a free ride while having some guys drop a load in her-"

I couldn't take anymore to punch the guy in the face to send him back a bit. "I don't care if you make fun of me, but don't you dare insult anyone that I care about in front of me." I was ready to kill these two with the guy who felt my punch first having a broken nose already. I pulled a jacket I was wearing off and placed Nejire's head on it before standing up to deal with the jerks.

"YOU BASTARD!" The guy with the knife tried to attack me with mom's training kicking in for guys with weapons.

'Watch closely to the hips when they pivot and move away from the swing of the arm while waiting for an opening.' The guy continually tried to cut me before making an opening for me to take him down. 'When you see the opening, twist the wrist to drop the knife, kick it away, then stomp the back of the knee to bring them off balance. When that happens, SLAM THEIR HEAD TO THE GROUND TO KNOCK THEM OUT!' I did exactly what she asked for the guy's head to hit the dirt. Fortunately it was soft ground and not pavement to avoid serious injuries, but the guy was out cold because of this.

"Gah! You fucking-" I threw the unconscious guy to his friend to make him catch the unconscious idiot before cracking my knuckles.

"You wanna keep going? I can deal with schoolyard bullies like you easily, but I doubt the same can be said for you guys with me." I let out a killer aura similar to aunt Ryu's when she's ticked off for the guy to turn tail and run with his friend. "That'll learn ya."


I heard this last comment and held my eye with a little sadness. 'Why did you have to make fun of my eye.' I started to cry a little to try and grab a cookie from the set I packed to try and feel a little better. I continued to watch Nejire sleep soundly to have some peace with how she rested without a care. 'At least you're ok.'

I spent the next few minutes just watching Nejire and noticing she had on a dress that showed off her....'assets'. "Why did mom have to say crap about going farther in a relationship? Now I'm thinking of things that make me look like a pervert." I hold my head in shame before getting a small idea. "I-I'm not that bold, but maybe a small kiss for now while she's sleeping could help me c-calm down a little." I put my head near Nejire's face and move my lips to touch her's before pulling back and feeling a little satisfied.

"*snort* That's your best attempt to calm you down?" I glance down to see Nejire awake and holding in the urge to laugh.

"H-how long were you awake?"

"Since the two jerks started shouting. Nice head slam by the way."


"You know, I wouldn't mind trying to play grown up games like that. If you wanna try it, I'm ok with it." My face lit up when I heard this to violently shake.

"I-it's not that I-I wouldn't w-want to. I-it's just that I-I wanna ch-cherish you all." I tried to make an excuse before my wallet fell out and showed the condom inside.

".....So did this mean you thought about it?" She held the small wrapper in her hand to make me wanna crawl deeper in a pit.

"I....I mean.....maybe a little...." I finally accepted this before hearing Nejire laugh and pat my back.

"It's ok Izuku. We all sometimes have problems accepting this as something we'd want from time to time. This doesn't make you Pervy, this just means you're a normal teenager growing into adulthood."

"I'm just scared I make a mistake and ruin everything for us because I did something wrong."

"I'll tell you something Izuku. The reason we're all fine with what we have right now is because you treat us right. Me and the girls though would rather have you to ourselves, accepted that you're someone that tries with us. If we'd dump you for something so simple as a physical attraction, we'd never be with you in the first place."

I held my head up a little hearing this. "R-really?"

"Yeah. We might do 'this' in the future, but we don't have to do this now."

I felt a weight fall off me the second this was said to lay back and look at the sky. Nejire reared her head on my chest while hugging me and smiling. "You have no idea how much weight that pulls off me."

"I can imagine. But you'll have a big night when we do end up having our firsts. Be ready with plenty of stamina."

'....And just like that, my libido and unease skyrocket again.'

And that finishes this chapter. Next chapter will start the Training Camp arc. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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