Childish Behavior OLD.

By SaltedE

409 2 7


very good intro
part 1
part 2
part 3
part 4
part 6
part 7
part 8
part 9
part 10
part 11
part 12
part 13
part 14
part 15
part 16
part 17
part 18
part 19
part 20
part 21
part 22
part 23
part 24
part 25
part 26
part 27

part 5

11 0 0
By SaltedE

AN: I have written so much today.
<Normal POV>
It was a nice clear sunset while the boys walked towards Gabi's apartment, they came to a conclusion that it would be better if June stayed with Gabi for a while since it's June's mind is still racing because of what happened. "Hey Gabi, you know what. I love that you don't treat me like the others." June started explaining, "How so? I don't treat you specially? You just think that i'm funny." Gabi answered, a bit confused by June's words. "Well you know, like the time you took me to the hospital because and i quote 'you are smiling at me, that's not normal' any other person just, hmm.. Is normal. You are weird in a nice way." Gabi listened carefully every word June said, trying to understand what the shorter male meant. "Well, I just think you are worthy of my holy presence-", "oh come on, you are not holy. Stop with the god complex." June hit Gabis arm playfully, that was a sign for Gabi that meant everything is ok now and that June has calmed down and distracted from the awful place he called home for many years.
<fast forward a bit> As they got closer to the apartment building, the more relaxed June got, he was laughing with Gabi and being his normal self again. Then they got to the apartment, and that is now.
>June POV<
I have to admit that Gabi's apartment is the nicest thing ever, he made such a cheap boring place look like a fancy hotel. He's amazing with his hands, art wise at least. "Ay, I'm gonna go take a shower, you can just get comfortable here. You know where everything is so, just do what you want. but-" Gabi started explaining his rules again, I know them well. I may always be interrupting and annoying him and hitting him but we have rules about what we can and can't do in each other's houses and we have agreed with things that we won't talk about or what kind of jokes we can and can't say. It's easier to be like this, we can just avoid useless arguments and fights. The rules aren't complicated, well not to us since we made the rules almost immediately when we met. The joke rules are
1. No jokes about trauma or any kind of illness.
2. s3x jokes are fine, as long as they are kept in private conversations.
and 3. ignore number 2. because they are funny.
I realized I was 100% distracted and I haven't been listening to Gabi for at least a few minutes, how do I know that? well he's explaining about not going into his sister's room or I die and that is the last rule he always tells. "Okokok mr. rules are my life.. I know how things work. Go take a shower and i just watch netflix or eat. By the way, you stink lol.", "ah, ok. umh.. I will be back shortly then" and now he's gone. Time to go check what he has done to his room.
As I walk to his room, his sister's black sphynx cat Cali comes up to me. We sorta have this love hate relationship. Cali loves me and always tries to be around me when I'm here, but I'm not much of a cat person. Honestly I think Cali is a bit scary because he doesn't have any fur, and he's all black, but his green emerald eyes are pretty. Maybe that's why Gabi's sister chose this cat, to match their apartment's aesthetic. Anyway I don't want to be alone right now, so I pick up Cali and go investigate Gabi's room.
I let Cali back on the floor and start looking at Gabi's stuff. I just love his rooms' mixed aesthetics, he has that cottagecore plants but at the same time he has the led lights and a gaming set up for me to use. I remember when he moved to live here with his sister, I think it was two years ago when he had that really big fight with his parents. I helped him move in here and he wanted a good gaming setup for some reason. I remember being so confused why Gabi wanted a computer setup when he doesn't even play games, and when I found out it's for me to be more comfortable around the house I cried. I still cringe at the memory of me just crying on the floor while laying on top of him, he went so far just to make my introverted ass comfortable.
I keep looking around and spot the ceiling above his bed, actually even the wall behind his bed- It's all full of pictures. I go sit on his bed to look at the pictures better and of course Cali follows me and curls up into a ball to sleep. Now that I see the pictures better, I can tell they are all pictures of us and his pets. Why does seeing our memories taped on his wall and ceiling make me feel so weird inside. Am I having a panic attack..? I just ignore the feeling and continue looking at the pictures. My favorite ones are the one where I'm holding Cali for the first time and the one where me and Gabi are sleeping in his bed cuddling while netflix is still open, I bet his sister took this one and gave it to Gabi. Seeing all these memories makes my heart ache, I just need water now. Water. I get up from Gabi's bed and leave the room, I don't care about taking Cali with me, I just need water. I exit his room and he's standing right there, outside of his room. Shirtless and water dripping from his hair. His deep brown eyes stare at my blue ones in confusion, I can feel my face heating up. "I was just about to get water" I mutter and walk past him to the kitchen / living room area. I take a glass from the kitchen cabinet and pour water for myself, everything is going so fast today. I don't like that.
AN: ok so Gabi's room looks like a mix of these

So to sum it up, his room is like those basic gamer rooms, but he also has alot of plants. Also he has the pictures on his walls around his bed + ceiling.
And the kitchen/living room is like this but bit smaller, since it is just an apartment.
+alot of plants

Full word count: 1105

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