Anthony's Diamond (Anthony Br...

By SunglassQueenB

247K 5.6K 301

Following the first season of Netflix's series Bridgerton; Viscount Anthony Bridgerton has vowed to marry... More

1. The Diamond Veronica
2. Viscount Bridgerton
3. Dancing
4. The Dress Shop
5. The Bridgerton Estate
6. Panic
7. A Diagnosis
8. An Old Friend
9. Conversations
10. Unbelievable
11. The Sun and the Moon
13. Confusingly Beautiful Arguments
14. With Every High there Must be a Low
15. Conversations and Chaperones
16. Lunch at the Bridgerton Estate
17. Conflicted Feelings
18. A New Point of View
19. Red
20. One of My Favorite Places
21. A Promise
22. A New Proposition
23. Night Terrors
24. Painting the Morning Sun
25. Just Let Me Hold You Now
26. I Believe I am in Love With You
27. Heartbreaking News
28. A Different Type of Party
29. An Unimaginable Life
30. I Choose Red
31. All I See Is Red
32. And With That He Is Gone
33. A Proper Proposal
34. The Devil's Seal
35. The World Turned Upside Down
36. Wedding Planning
37. The Big Day
38. The Ceremony

12. The Callers are Waiting

6.4K 177 7
By SunglassQueenB

  "Only 10 minutes till the suitors are scheduled to arrive!" Matilda squeals out of excitement towards the festivities.

  "Great," I anxiously reply while taking a seat at the piano bench in the parlor.

  "Do you have everything you need from me my lady? If so I will go help the other servants to bring your mother down. She was quite excited by attending today,"

"Go ahead," I smile before beginning to play the piano.

"That was beautiful," Anna compliments as I finish a piece.

"Thank you," I blush focusing on my sister in law.

"Are you excited? I mean all the men that are going to flood into this house want to marry you. It must make you feel so special, I know when I was in your place it did," She smiles taking a seat on one of the many chairs in the room.

"I guess so... More nervous but I guess I am a little excited," I reply before beginning to play once more, this time a slightly more melancholy melody.

"Well are you expecting to see any one specific. Or should I say has anyone caught your attention?"

"Maybe," I simply reply, "I just don't know if he will show up,"

"Well I hope he does, you deserve the man of your dreams. Now if you would excuse me I think I hear the baby crying. If I don't see you before or during your event, best of luck to you," Anna explains before dismissing herself.

"Hello Veronica," A familiar voice chimes from behind me shortly after Anna disappeared into the depths of the estate.

"Luke?" I begin confused, "How did you get in here? You know the suitors aren't supposed to arrive for another... five minutes?"

"Yes I know quite well," He smiles before pouring himself some sort of alcohol off of the refreshment cart in the back of the room, "I figured I would get here a little early, to make sure I don't miss anyone,"

"My family would freak if they knew you sneaked in early, you know how formal they are," I smile secretly enjoying his carelessness when it come to the rules, in a way it's comforting and familiar.

"Well it's a good thing you are the only one in the room then," He smirks before taking a sip of his drink.

"I'm being serious Luke, just because they are down here right at this second doesn't mean they aren't on their way. Just wait outside, I promise I won't accept any proposals until you return," I joke getting up from the piano bench to drag him to the door.

"Fine, fine," Luke obliges, "But my drink is saving my seat," He teases before I push him towards the door.

Trying to contain myself I quickly return to the piano bench and begin to play a melody once more while quietly chuckling to myself.

"What are you laughing at darling?" Mother asks as she is helped into the room, a parade of servants helping her following behind along with Father and Ryder.

"Oh nothing, just my nerves," I play off trying to seem as innocent as possible.

"Well alright then," She smiles before taking a seat at her grand armchair.

"Help your mother get comfortable Veronica, Ryder and I are going to go welcome the company," Father demands before putting his top hat tastefully on his head.

"As you wish," I reply getting up from my bench the adrenaline starting to speed up in my veins.

The next few minutes waiting for my suitors company feels like hours. Not to mention the anxiety I have received knowing that my family is here to judge and critique every move I make along with the suitors fighting for my attention.

  "Just relax Veronica, I can feel your tenseness.  Remember this is for you, we are looking to help you find your husband. If you feel any of them don't fit let us know, even if it goes against Father's intimidation,"

  "Thank you Mother," I smile handing her a drink before returning to my seat at the piano.

  "I am serious Veronica, like I have said countless times before I want you to be happy,"

  "I understand Mother," I reply as I begin to play.

  "Alright, i'm happy that you do. Also did I see Luke Chambers sneak out of the house as I was arriving? I didn't say any words explicitly because well, if I was right I didn't want your Father to kill him. So was that him?" She chuckles.

  "Maybe," I blush turning to face her trying to hush her suspicions and laughs, "Now we can talk about that later, I think I hear our company,"

"We shall," Mother smiles.

"Ah, Miss Kingston," One of my callers exclaims before handing me a bouquet of flowers as rhymes and chants of introductions fill the room, my head becoming quickly overwhelmed in registering everyone in the room. I know I have already met all of these men but some of them I only had a short sentence long conversation with.

I keep my hopes high as my callers keep introducing themselves, taking turns talking with me, my father, mother, brother, hoping that Viscount Bridgerton will arrive. Although I wouldn't blame him if he decides to stay away from me forever. Speaking of the Bridgerton's I do wonder how Eloise's morning is going, or how she is feeling about me in general.

Not having much time to think about my friend I am swept away in conversation and gifts. My mind racing trying to keep conversation with everyone, trying to answer every question to the best of my ability while trying to stay as proper as possible.

I am also thankful to realize that nobody has seemed to have a second thought about my grand escape last night except for myself. Maybe it wasn't quite as dramatic as I played it in my mind, God I hope it wasn't.

"Lord Green, honor to make your acquaintance. And may I say you are looking ravishing as always my lady," One of the less awful men I met the other night introduces as he kisses my hand and gifts me yet another bouquet of flowers.

"Why thank you," I smile in reply gracefully accepting his offer.

"I have had a chance to talk to your family and they all seem to be the most amazing human beings alive," Lord Green continues.

"If I may ask what is your family like Sir Green? Are you close with them?"

"Yes we are all quite close, I actually have 6 brothers. I am the second youngest and the last to marry, I have been simply waiting for the right bride. I find it important to truly love the partner you are marrying," He continues as I try to keep up the conversation no matter how much it bores me. Trying my best to keep a positive outlook on every suitor incase they are all I am left with.

"That's amazing, I feel the same way about marriage," I reply trying my hardest not to yawn. Conversations like this continue all afternoon, pep talks with Luke occurring in intervals to distract me from how exhausting this whole process is. My hopes of the Viscount showing up slowly diminishing by the minute.

"Is it possible that more suitors will come next time? Ones that did not make it today?" I ask Luke as I fidget with my fingers.

"Yes, it is possible. I don't know how committed they will be, but it is possible," Luke replies.

"But there is still a chance, so that's all that matters,"

"Who are you waiting for Veronica?"

"You will just make fun of me if I tell you,"

"I mean I cannot make any promises but give it a shot. Maybe I will be nice this time," He jokes.

"Hmmm," I reply testing him, "Fine. I am 'waiting' for Viscount Bridgerton. Embarrassing, helpless, all of that I know,"

"Ehh, at least he has a strong reputation with a good amount of assets. I mean he is already the head of his family, that's a lot of leverage compared to half of the men here. But yes, it might be a bit ridiculous considering you ran out on him last night,"

"Do you think he hates me?"

"Maybe? I don't think so no, but maybe he believes you hate him. Maybe that's why he isn't here, he probably thinks you will never want to see him again,"

"Considering you make me feel better so often you are giving quite awful advice right now. Well maybe not awful advice... just advice that hurts to hear,"

"Well as much as I hate to leave your stomach in a twist I really should get going. I have been receiving more and more ugly looks from your family members for hogging you by the minute so I shall see myself out. Good luck on your marriage journey and we shall talk soon," Luke smiles before dismissing himself.

"Well until we meet again," I reply giving him permission to leave, wishing I could follow him and hide.

Instead I endure the many questions and conversations placed upon me for a few more hours. Resulting in utter exhaustion as the last suitor leaves.

"Well that was quite a blast," Mother cheers as the room is left to my immediate family.

"That was quite overwhelming," I reply sinking into a near seat being slightly over dramatic.

"You did great Veronica," Ryder smiles in trying to ease my annoyance, "Didn't she do great Father?"

"Yes she did quite alright," Father replies his face blank and trying it's hardest to not be critical.

"I think I need to shorten my list. I don't even know the rules to that, how it works or if I can. There are just too many creeps, too many citizens that just do not feel right to me. I don't know if I could see myself marrying any of them but there are certainly some of those men who I would be alright never seeing again.

"Well you seemed to have lots of conversations with Luke Chambers. That might have scared off some of the suitors due to your lack of property. So maybe your wish will be solved without a say from anyone who has your back!" Father scolds finally seeming like himself.

"I'm sorry," I reply, knowing just abiding to his criticism is the best thing to do, "Now am I needed here much longer or can I go paint?"

"Is your first thought seriously running away? No want to talk about any of the callers? Not even for your mother's sake?"

"I figured some fresh air would just be nice. Give me time to think about things before I make any rash decisions," I snap back.

"Fine, run along then! Don't let us hold you back!" Father yells once more in reply.

"Well alright then," I whine beginning to feel bad, but to stubborn to cave into Fathers guilt treatments.

With a quiet apology to Mother and Ryder I rush to grab my paints, quickly changing out of my expensive dress into one of my old ones that is now designed towards painting activities. Without a second to change my mind I rush out into the hustle and bustle of the Ton and head to one of my favorite painting spots at the park. The one where I started my painting last week, right before I ran into another one of the Bridgerton boys, Benedict I think his name was. I guess that whole family is just invading my life in one way or another, even if that invasion is simply mental wishes.

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