A Demonic Dance

By spiderworm_

62.7K 3.9K 6.7K

When George, a twenty three year old Minecraft YouTuber and Twitch streamer manages to summon a devilish bein... More

Chapter One: Nightmares
Chapter Two: Shoo
Chapter Three: Something Else
Chapter Four: George, no
Chapter Five: About that kiss...
Chapter Six: Aw, you know you love me
Chapter Seven: HOLY FU-
Chapter Eight: Georgie come heeeeere
Chapter Nine: Spaghetti
Chapter Ten: Just for one night
Chapter Eleven: Dry Weetabix
Chapter Twelve: Boredom
Chapter Thirteen: Dream, get out
Chapter Fourteen: Trending
Chapter Fifteen: Voila
Chapter Sixteen: Grass isn't Green
Chapter Seventeen: The call
Chapter Eighteen: Immobile
Chapyer Nineteen: Hoodie
Chapter Twenty: Dream?
Chapter Twenty One: Snack
Chapter Twenty Two: Oh, I broke him
Chapter Twenty Three: Try not to Scream
Chapter Twenty Four: Falling for a Human
Chapter Twenty Five: Blue Flowers
Chapter Twenty Six: Wait, what's an MCC?
Chapter Twenty Seven: MCC
Chapter Twenty Eight: Parkour
Chapter Twenty Nine: Soon Enough
Chapter Thirty: Halloween
Chapter Thirty One: What's a pumpkin?
Chapter Thirty Two: Oh no, Chika's a girl
Chapter Thirty Three: Happy Birthday George
Chapter Thirty Four: I'm wondering
Chapter Thirty Five: You got a girlfriend?
Chapter Thirty Six: Oh he's hot
Chapter Thirty Seven: Just crispy
Chapter Thirty Eight: Dying alone
Chapter Thirty Nine: The meetup
Chapter Forty: Fight
Chapter Forty One: Uno
Chapter Forty Two: Big D
Chapter Forty Three: Never have I Ever
Chapter Forty Four: Can I Kill him?
Chapter Forty Five: It's obvious
Chapter Forty Seven: Schlatt
Chapter Forty Eight: I'm Scared
Chapter Forty Nine: Cold
Chapter Fifty: Dreams
Chapter Fifty One: Please
Chapter Fifty Two: Trust
Chapter Fifty Three: Mulierem amore
Chapter Fifty Four: Dating 101
Chapter Fifty Five: Sapnap
Chapter Fifty Six: Beans on what?
Chapter Fifty Seven: Intoxication and friendship
Chapter Fifty Eight: Squeeze
Chapter Fifty Nine: Revenge
Chapter Sixty: You promised
Chapter Sixty One: An answer left Unsaid
Important Update: plz read
Demonic Shorts #1
Demonic Shorts #3

Chapter Forty Six: Falling

705 56 126
By spiderworm_



"No Dream it's on your nose."




"Dream no, oh my Lord." George scolded, holding the demon still so he could wipe the clump of buttercream off Dream's nose. He'd been right in thinking it would be about as chaotic as the cake making.

It was supposed to be a cream cheese frosting but they had no cream cheese so they were just making buttercream instead, and of course Dream had added way too much butter so they then had to add more icing sugar etc, so now they had far more icing then they knew what to do with, and the blonde was still finding ways to get himself covered in it.

"Why thank you Georgie." Dream replied, glad he was no longer covered in food before going back to smooshing the buttercream together with a spatula. They'd managed to get it from being way too runny to now to somehow too thick. They both knew however if they tried to edit it anymore they'd probably just fuck it up and would end with at least a kilo of buttercream, something George would rather not have.

"Okay so now we just spread it in between layers, and then we whack some on the top, aaaand it's done!" George explained to Dream as he brought the bowl over to where the cakes had been cooling.

"You know what, it doesn't actually look thaat bad." The demon observed as they assembled the cake together. It wasn't a culinary masterpiece or anything because, well, remember who's cooking it. Yet when assembled, a small sprinkle of walnuts on the top and a whooole lot of buttercream on the sides, you could say it looked pretty decent.

"It could have looked better if we hadn't put half the ingredients on eachother." The human joked though neither of them were really mad about it or anything, to be honest it had just made the process unfathomably more fun.

"Could have, question is though... is it edible?"

At this realisation the two looked between each other and the cake. Most of the ingredients had either been on them or the counter, and the rest of it they were bound to have messed up somehow anyway.

"You know what Dream, how about you try it first." George suggested, pushing the blonde towards the cake.

"What?!? Why me?"

"Hmmm maybe because you've already died so it doesn't matter if it happens again." The brunette teased.

"You wound me." He shot back. "You wouldn't cope without me."

"Oh yes, I'd be lost without you wouldn't I Dream. Whatever would I do." George joked, watching as Dream grabbed a fork and tried the cake.

"Wait." Dream said, pausing as he swallowed the cake, George eying up his phone, wondering if he needed to call an ambulance or something. "Wait why is this actually really good." He continued with a laugh, the brunette relaxing as he realised the demon wasn't going to just collapse in his kitchen.

"Hey at least cut a slice instead of just taking forkfuls." George scolded with a shake of his head as he got a knife to cut the cake, narrowing his eyes as the other picked the cake up and out of his reach. "Dream."

"What? You clearly didn't want any when you thought it was poisonous so why should you want any now?" He replied with a smirk, holding the cake only further out of the shorter's reach.

"Oh come on Dream." George whined, refusing to try jump up at it and get it, no, he wouldn't give the blonde that satisfaction.

"If you want some, you have to come on a walk with me tonight." The demon bargained with a smirk as George just looked on confused.


"Surprise, now do you want some or not?"

George glared at him for a few seconds, trying to figure out what the other was planning, seeing if it was worth it or not before sighing and giving in. "Okay... I'll go on your 'walk'."

"Hmm, good." Dream hummed, bringing the cake back down to George's height level so he could cut a slice.

The slice didn't stay down for long though as soon as George started chewing it it was spat back out, sending Dream into absolute hysterics as the human coughed over the bin.

"Oh my god Dream that tastes disgusting." He gagged over the bin, glancing behind him to see Dream bad practically collapsed to the floor in laughter.

"It- it tastes like over baked cardboard." He managed through laughs, nearly managing to calm himself down till he saw the look of absolute disgust on the humans face and bursting out laughing again.

The cake did indeed taste of over baked cardboard, and how Dream had even managed to ingest any was a mystery to George. He didn't even know cakes could taste that terrible.

"How did we fuck it up so bad?" George questioned, now laughing as well, though not as uncontrollably as Dream.

"I have no clue." The demon wheezed, now joining George by the bin to spit out whatever of the cake he still had in his mouth.

Well, edible cake or not, it still was a very eventful baking session.

"Do you think we can still give it to Bad and Skeppy even though it has a slice cut out of it now?" Dream asked a few minutes later, both having been giving the cake a wide berth while they decided what the hell to do with it.

"Oh definitely, I'm sure they'll love it."

Dark. It was dark by the time they left the house, their only visibility given by small pockets of light that illuminated the paths they walked down, buildings towering over them.

It was dark. It was also very cold.

"Dream where the hell are we going?" George complained as they walked down the streets, Dream just laughing at him.

"On a walk."

"At 9pm at night?"

"Is that not a good time for walking?" The blonde quipped back with a smirk, enjoying the annoyed and confused look George gave him.

"You definitely have something weird planned don't you." The shorter sussed out, wracking his brain for what the hell Dream could be doing.

"Oh I wouldn't dare." He teased back, wrapping an arm around George and pulling him into his side as they walked. It was such a simple gesture, one movement causing another, yet it still made butterflies bloom in the brunette's stomach, a flush creep up to his face.

He'd really fallen hadn't he. Fallen hard.

Yet he still couldn't find himself to say those words.

Those three words.

Eight characters.

There was no particular reason, god, Dream had said them thousands of times to him, each time ringing loud and true.

Yet his lips could never form them.

"Hey Georgie you good?" Dream asked, pulling him out of his thoughts and back to the reality of their suspiciously long walk.

"Yeah, I'm fine." He replied, rubbing his eyes slightly.

"You sure?" Dream questioned again. "Because you know, we've been at our destination for like 2 minutes now and you've just stood there...."

"Wait, we had a destination?" George asked, still slightly confused as he looked around them.

It was then he noticed they were back up at the cliff, the one they'd gone to weeks ago to watch the sunset. This time however they seemed to be able to see even less. Dream really did want him to walk off the cliff didn't he.

"You really are trying to kill me aren't you?" The human asked gingerly, taking a wide berth from the edge as Dream seemed to be teetering on it.

"Oh Georgie, I'm not going to kill you." He replied with a laugh, shaking his head before looking back up at the human. "I'm going to take you flying."

George froze for a second as the words settled in, Dream stretching his arms above his head.

"Wait you are what?" George asked again, almost as if he needed to hear the words for a second time before his brain could properly process them.

"We are going to jump. Off a cliff. And fly." Dream repeated in an exaggeratedly slow tone.

"I— why? I thought you said this was a walk."

"Alright then, I'm taking you on a fly. You kept saying how much you wanted to go flying, and when said boyfriend actually has wings, it'd be rude not to offer." The blonde said with a shrug of his shoulders, however George's mind was top frantically scrambling around that word to really process anything he said after it.


"W- what if I'm scared of heights?" George asked. He had no idea why he was stalling. Maybe it was the prospect of the drop beneath them, maybe it was something else. He had no clue.

"Don't worry I'm also scared shitless by heights—." Dream continued before cutting himself off after realising that probably isn't the best thing to tell someone before they put their entire life in your hands, the look on George's face telling him that exact thought.

"You have no idea how much that reassured me." The brunette replied as he walked slowly over to where Dream stood, making sure to drop his words in as much sarcasm as he could muster while also making sure he actually made it to Dream before falling off the cliff.

"What can I say, it is my speciality." The demon decided, grinning at George as he made his way over to him. "You look like a child trying to walk to its mother for the first time."

"Oh fuck off."

Eventually, through a lot of close calls and cursing, George finally made it to Dream at the very edge of the cliff, not even daring to lean and look over the edge.

"What if someone sees us?"

"George." Dream put his hands on the smaller's shoulders almost grounding. "This is exactly why we are doing this at 9pm. If you don't want to do this you can tell me."

If George had been with anyone else he would have already said no a thousand times already, wouldn't have even left the path.

He remembered once his school friends had tried to get him to go bungee jumping with them, hell, even Sapnap had jokingly suggested they did it when he finally came over.

He'd always told them no before they even had the time to finish their sentence.

If anyone had asked him he'd have said no.

But it just happened that it wasn't just anyone in front of him, hands on his shoulders, eyes in his.

It was Dream.

"I trust you... anyway, you could never let me die, I know that much, you wouldn't cope without me." He teased, heart thumping so loudly in his chest he swore Dream would be able to hear it.

"Oh come on, I'd last at least an hour."

"Thirty at most." George replied with a smile, leaning into Dream's embrace as the other wrapped his arms around him protectively.

"Okay George I'm going to need you to hold on really tight, kay?" Dream ordered, George looping his arms around the blondes back. "Ready?"

"Nononono wait I can't do this." George spluttered, pulling his head out of Dream's chest, his eyes meeting Dream's once more.

"Georgie." He said softly. "Trust me."

The human nodded slightly, instantly relaxing as he found Dream's lips on his, savouring his touch, embracing his hold.

It seemed like every kiss meant something new, every touch making up for lost time, time lost to their idiotic hearts, unknowing to what they longed for. Unbeknownst to the fact that all they ever needed was right in front of them.

Dream barely even pulled away from the kiss as he muttered his next words, his grip on George only tightening.

George didn't understand what he meant till he felt the sinking feeling in his stomach and the rush of the wind in his hair.

"Try not to scream."




In films and animations, falling always seemed so peaceful, wind billowing your hair and ruffling you're clothes.

Like falling asleep.

Like falling in love.

Like falling into the ocean, plummeting into the cold, into the unforgiving icy waves, no way up and no way out.

The wind around him was cold, seeping into his skin and chilling him to the bone, the only thing reminding him that he wasn't in fact beneath the waves being the body beneath him, somehow still warm despite the fringed air around them.

For a moment he thought they would actually hit the rocks, thought the hands really would pull them down, wouldn't let go.

Of course however Dream made sure that never happened, pulling out of the dive before they even got close to the ground.

It was the George realised he had his eyes closed.

"That wasn't so bad was it Georgie." Dream chuckled as they skimmed above the water.

George's stomach was only just beginning to feel normal again. "That was horrible." He shot back, peaking open his eyes to be met with Dreams grinning face looking down at him, his knuckles white from how hard he was holding on.

"It was fun though wasn't it?"

"Could've given me some warning." The human replied, tearing his eyes from the male in front of him to look around. There wasn't much to see in the dark or without straining his neck.

The way Dream was holding him meant George had his back to the water, so in theory he should be able to see the stars, but that site was blocked by the more impressive sight of the large wings holding them up in the air.

"Okay I'm going to have to go up now before I drop you." Dream teased whole heartedly, pulling up from the water and flying back up in the direction of the ledge, hovering above it once he arrived.

"Dream are you putting me down or not." George asked, his eyes being screwed shut once more.

"No, there's no point in flying if you're going to spend the entire time with your eyes shut you idiot." Was the demon's reply.

When he stopped fretting, George could notice it was a lot quieter up there. There were no cars beeping in your ear, no harsh wind clawing against your skin. Just the sound of his heart in pace with the strokes of Dreams wings.

The view was better too, well, of course it was, how couldn't it be. Towering over everything else, living or not.

It almost seemed too peaceful.

But that would just be being pessimistic, wouldn't it.

"Dream I've looked around now, you can put me down." George complained, looking longingly at the ground beneath him.

Maybe he didn't enjoy flying as much as he thought he would. Let's just say he was more than happy to have his feet back on solid ground again.

He would just have to hope it would be a while before his next flight.

"You look like you enjoyed that a lot." The blonde teased, draping his arm around George's shoulder as they started the chilly walk home.

"So exhilarating."

"You know I'd always have caught you if you fell."

"For some reason I don't trust your skills that much." George shot back playfully.

"Aww come on, I'd never drop you."

"Of course you wouldn't, like I said, you wouldn't last 30 minutes."

"Hey I thought you said I would last 30 minutes." Dream defended, hurt by how George kept downsizing his time to be able to cope.

"You must be hearing things." George teased back, elbowing the other gently.

The light bickering continued for the rest of the walk, everything was normal, everything was calm.

It was about a minute or so away from the apartment that Dream stopped, standing outside one of the ally's they usually walked down, a hand shooting out to stop the human in his tracks.

"What is it Dream?" He asked, leaning forward slightly.

It was then he noticed the figure leaning against the wall, cigarette hanging loosely from their lips as they chuckled slightly before pushing off the wall and walking towards them.

"Long time no see. I hear you're going by the name of Dream now? Always wondered when you'd choose a fuckin name."

His voice sent shivers down the brunette's spine, the feeling only increasing tenfold by the large ram like horns on his head casting a deathly shadow as he pointed the smoking butt in Georges direction.

"And this here must be your little human." The males smirk only grew as he dropped the cigarette to the floor crushing it beneath the sole of his shoe. "George was it? Oh I've heard a lot about you."

I wrote this while learning about Christian sex

Just thought you'd like to know that 👍

Actually that's a lie I only wrote like a small part of it while I was supposed to be learning that but you know, that's not the point

The point is however, that yal are really gunna enjoy the next few chapters :]

Or at least I am, dunno bout yal


I'm dying it's so fucking stunning

Also yes that is the new cover photo



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