Rachel Masons Daughter // Wat...

By Marvel_onceuponatime

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What if Rachel Mason Had a 16 year old daughter named Hazel Mason?. Rachel and Hazel are very close but they... More

Meet Hazel Mason
Meet all the other main characters
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight

Chapter One

747 7 1
By Marvel_onceuponatime

Rachel Masons POV-

This Moring I woke up at 5AM sharp as usual. I am the headmistress of a school called Waterloo road and today my daughter is moving to Waterloo road School, she was homeschooled and some of the reason why she was homeschooled was because she has bad anxiety but today she's going to my school. It was her choice which I'm surprised. I get up and have a shower and get dressed into my usual formal clothes. We have to get to school early because its the first day of term and I need to speak to all of the teachers. I see that the time is 6am so I go upstairs and wake up Hazel I walk upstairs and go into Hazels room and she's under her blankets still asleep. I sit on the end of her bed and move the hair out of her eyes. "Princess wake up" I say quiet but loud enough that she will hear me. She moves about a bit and opens her eyes. "time to wake up sleepy head" I repeat and she groans and sits up. "only if you make me tea" She says half asleep I laugh a bit and kiss her forehead and go downstairs to make her tea.

Hazel Masons POV-

I slowly get out of my nice cozy bed and get my uniform and go into the shower. While I'm in the shower I accidently cut my leg on my razer and my leg is bleeding. I put a towel around me and run downstairs because I need a plaster and I hate blood so I cant look at it. "Mum help" I say quickly and mum sees my leg and grabs a plaster. "darling its okay its just a small cut" She says and puts a plaster on it. "I feel a bit dizzy" I admit and mum hugs me because she knows how I get with blood. After a couple of minutes I pull out of the hug. "good?" Mum asks me and I nod. "go on then get dressed into your uniform and come back downstairs your tea is ready" she says and I walk up stairs and get my uniform on. I put knee high socks on and my skirt is rolled up and I put on my black high heel shoes that I wear for school. I walk back down stairs with my hair and make up ready and I walk into the kitchen and mum looks at me. "roll your skirt down, everyone knows your a girl you do not need to prove it" She states and I roll my eyes and I sit at the counter not bothering to roll down my skirt. I drink the tea and mum leans on the counter and faces me. "I was thinking after school we should go roller-skating" She suggests and I have a big smile on my face. "omg yes thank you mum!" I say excitedly. "do you want breakfast?" Mum asks me and I shake my head and I say "no I feel a bit sick". . "its just the nerves darling, have you had your anxiety medication today?" She asks and I shake my head again while drinking my tea. Mum gives me my anxiety medication. After I take the medication I get my handbag ready for school and mum throws me over a empty note book. I catch it and put it in my bag. "thanks" I laugh. "no problemo" Mum jokes and I roll my eyes and laugh.

No Ones POV

Rachel and Hazel get into the car and start to go to school. "ready for your first day?" Rachel asks Hazel while starting the car. "yeah but I'm nervous what if everyone hates me" Hazel questions looking nervous. "don't be silly! no one will hate you my darling" Rachel assures Hazel and Hazel nods and takes a deep breath. Rachel and Hazel get to school and only the teachers are here because they are very early for a first day of term meeting thing. Hazel and Rachel step out of the car and Hazel is looking at the school building. "ready Haz?" Rachel asks and Hazel puts her bag on her shoulder "I think so" she answers. Rachel gives Hazel a quick hug and they both walk into the school building. They both walk to the staff room and all the teachers are in there. All the teachers stop talking and look over to Rachel and then they all notice Hazel. "hello everyone welcome back and please meet my daughter Hazel" Rachel says and Hazel smiles and all the teachers say hello and introduce themselves. "Wow she looks so much like you" Steph Haydock says and Hazel giggles a bit. "how old are you?" Kim campbell asks. "Im 16" Hazel answers with a smile. "Wait Rachel how come shes only joining now?" Tom Clarkson asks. "she was homeschooled because of personal reasons" Rachel answers while sitting down on the sofa and Hazel sits next to her. "I love your hair Hazel" Steph tells Hazel. "thank you, it took mum some convincing to let me dye it black" Hazel admits and Rachel rolls her eyes and smiles. "yeah but atleast I let you get it done missy" Rachel says causing everyone to laugh. "mum I need my timetable" Hazel reminds Rachel and Rachel gives her one. "oh thanks oh I have French first" Hazel says excitedly. "that's good! I'm your teacher in French ! are you good at speaking in French?" Steph asks and Rachel smirks at Steph. "she's amazing at French!" Rachel says causing Steph to smile brightly. "its my favourite" Hazel admits. "Good because I'm your teacher" Steph says laughing. Its now 7:30 and all the students start to arrive. "right Hazel come to my office if you need me" Rachel says to Hazel and hugs her and Rachel leaves the staff room with all the other teacher.. "I will take you to class at 8:00 because that is when it starts" Steph says and laughs and starts making tea. "do you want a cookie or tea or both?" Steph suggests. "please may I have a tea with one sugar please" Hazel asks and Steph nods. Steph finishes the tea and sits opposite Hazel and they both start to drink.

Hazels POV

(I use google translate for the French parts)

Okay this teacher Miss Haydock (Steph) is so nice! I really like her I think she's my fave teacher all ready! except from my mum obviously. "so how are you liking the school so far?" Steph asks me and I shrug a little "I mean I like it a lot so far but it depends how much I like it when everyone is here" I say and Steph nods and smiles. "I have a adopted daughter called Maxine in our first class I will introduce you two" Steph says and I smile. "yeah that would be cool thank you" I answer. The bell goes and me and Steph start to walk to class. When we get there all my classmates are already sitting down waiting for Steph. We walk in and everyone looks up at me. A couple of boys whistle at me and I roll my eyes. "everyone meet Hazel Mason" Steph says and everyone looks surprised. "hello" I say. "your Miss Masons daughter?" A boy with brown hair says. "yeah she's my mum" I admit. Steph shows me to my seat and I sit next to a blonde girl she seems nice. "hello I'm Chlo Grainger" The blonde girl says and shakes my hand. "hello" I answer and she smiles at me. "do you want to be friends?" She asks me and I agree and smile at her. "Right everyone please stop talking and face the front." Steph orders. "Hazel Bonjour comment vas-tu (hello how are you)" Steph asks me in front of everyone. "je suis très bien merci, comment allez-vous Miss Haydock (I'm very good thank you, how are you Miss Haydock)" I answer and everyone is shocked at my French its quite funny. "Je suis mieux maintenant que quelqu'un comprend le français (Im better now that someone understands French)" Steph jokes and I laugh a bit at what she said. "Psttt" Someone says from behind me and I turn around and its a cute boy. "hi I'm Bolton" He says introducing his self. "hello I'm Hazel" I answer smiling. "can I have your number" he asks and I smirk. "not just yet I just met you" I say smirking and he smirks back. I turn back around and Chlo turns to me and smirks "I think he likes you" she whispers to me "yeah it looks like it" I say giggling a bit. French class ends and we all walk out. I start to walk to my next class and I realised that my mum still has my phone. "oh Chlo can we quickly go to my mums office she has my phone" I ask and Chlo nods. We both turn around and go to the office. we go into the office area and a reception lady looks at us. "hello do you need to see Miss Mason?" she asks and as soon as she says that mum walks out and smiles at me. "hey mum could I have my phone please its still in your bag" I say and the receptionist looks confused because I'm Rachels daughter. "yeah okay come into my office and Chlo you can come too if you would like" Mum says smiling, mostly happy because I already have a friend.

Rachels POV

I am so happy that Hazel has already made a friend. And I'm also very happy that its Chlo because she's a nice girl. I go over to my desk and sit down and go into my bag to get Haz her phone. Hazel and Chlo sit on the chairs in front of my desk. "so Haz how was French" I ask while giving her, her phone. Before she could answer Chlo answers for her "omg she was so good I didn't even understand what she was speaking about with Miss Haydock" Chlo says and I chuckle to myself. "I'm glad that you two are friends" I admit and they both look at each other "me too" they both say at the same time and then laugh because they say it at the same time. "what lesson do you have now?" I ask them. "English with Mr Clarkson" Hazel says. "oh that's my step dad by the way" Chlo says to Hazel. "that's cool" Hazel says. "right both of you better go now, wait I will write you guys a note so that you don't get in trouble for being late" I say and I write a note.

The note says:


Hazel and Chlo were at my office speaking to me that's why their late

Rachel x

Chlo POV

Miss Mason passes Hazel the note and we both walk to our English class. We both walk in and everyone looks up at Hazel and Bolton was staring at Hazel I couldn't help but smirk. Hazel passes the note to Tom and we both sit down next to each other at the front of the room. Tom passes us our class books and we have to copy from the board. Half way through the lesson I see that Hazel is starting to breath heavily. She gets up and gets her bag and runs out the classroom. Tom runs after her but he makes me stay here.

Hazels POV

In the middle of English my anxiety started to grow higher and higher and I couldn't breath properly. I grab my bag and I run out of class heading to mums office. I hear Tom running after me but I have started to cry and I run into mums office she quickly looks up at me and runs over to me and hugs me. "shhhh its okay I'm here" She says and she pulls away and realises I cant breath properly. "Haz listen to me breath in and out... in and out" Mum instructs me and I'm copying her breathing. Tom runs in looking a bit angry because I got up and left his class. "I'm sorry Rachel she just got up and left class" Tom says a bit out of breath after chasing me. "Darling sit down on the sofa and I will be back in a minute" Mum tells me and I sit on her sofa which is in her private office. I put my face in my hands trying to stop my self from feeling anxious and to stop crying.

Rachels POV

Me and Tom step out of my office. "Right Tom I'm sorry that Haz ran out of your class but she suffers with really bad anxiety, she even has medication for it. She doesn't have anxiety attacks like this often but I think the reason why she just had one is because the stress of starting a new school" I tell Tom. "oh I'm sorry that must be really hard for her" He answers and I sigh "yeah it can be" I answer. "anyways I better talk to her so goodbye Tom" I say while asking back into my office and shutting the door. When I walk in I see Hazel laying down on the sofa crying a bit. I kneel down in front of her and stroke her head. "do you know what triggered it?" I question and she shakes her head. "okay" I say. "I'm sorry" she says while sitting up. "no Hazel you shouldn't be sorry! you couldn't help it darling" I assure her. "everyone is going to think I'm a complete freak" Hazel says which makes me so sad to hear. "Hazel, no one will think your a freak, you had a anxiety episode, it happens, and if anyone does make fun of you make sure to tell me" I tell her and she smiles slightly and wipes her tears. "you have mascara all over your face Haz" I say while grabbing a makeup wipe for her. She takes the wipe and looks in the mirror and starts to fix her makeup. "are you ready to go to your next lesson? because English has finished now" I say and she nods. "okay what lesson do you have now?" I ask and she looks at her timetable. "uhhhh I have Maths with Mr Lawson (Eddie)" Hazel says. "shall I walk you there? you are 17minutes late" I question and she nods. We both stand back up and I hug her. "right lets go" I say while we both start to walk to Maths. We get to the classroom door and I open the door for her and as soon as Hazel steps in the classroom Chlo runs over to her and hugs her. I smile and they both sit down. "Could I speak to you outside quickly" I ask Eddie and we both step outside the classroom. "please keep a eye on Hazel because she just had a anxiety attack it went on for at least a hour so just make sure she is okay" I tell him. "yeah of course" He answers. "Thank you Eddie it means a lot" I say and I walk back to my office.

Skip to 1:30pm at lunch time (At my school lunch starts at 1:30 so that's why I'm choosing that time lol)

Hazels POV

Me and Chlo go down to the Canteen and get food and sit down. I have spaghetti Bolognese and so does Chlo. "so what happened in English?" Chlo asks me and I sigh. "uhm I suffer from anxiety and I had a anxiety attack" I inform Chlo she widens her eyes. "oh I'm so sorry" She apologizes I shake my head "no don't be sorry its not your fault" I say and we both just start talking about random things. I see my mum walk into the canteen. She sees me and starts walking over to me and Chlo while we eat. "hey girls" Mum says. "hello" me and Chlo say. "are you feeling better now Haz?" Mum asks me and I nod my head. "yeah I feel better thank you" I say while picking up spaghetti on my fork. "oh Hazel meet me at my office when school ends" Mum says and I say okay and she walks away. "you know, your mum is very strict but she's very kind to you" Chlo tells me and I laugh a bit. "yes but she can be very scary" I admit and we both laugh.

Time skip to 3:00pm (after school)

Rachels POV

School has ended and I'm at my office. Hazel walks in and I smile at her brightly. "ready to go roller-skating?" I ask and she squeals excitedly.

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