The True Alpha: Bad Blood //j...

By kooprnt

85.3K 3.6K 1K

๐…๐จ๐ซ ๐ฐ๐ข๐ญ๐ก ๐Ÿ๐š๐ญ๐ž ๐š๐ง๐ ๐ฅ๐ฎ๐œ๐ค, ๐ญ๐ก๐ž ๐ญ๐ฐ๐จ ๐ฅ๐จ๐ฏ๐ž๐ซ๐ฌ ๐œ๐จ๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ข๐๐ž โ€งอ™โบหš*๏ฝฅเผ“โ˜พ "And yet you... More

A wolf that did not arrive
01: An Alpha divided in two
02: Guilt
03: Aftermath
04: Pieces
05: Beginnings
06: Blindly
07: Paths
08: Shifts
09: The black wolf
10: Defiance
11: Faithful Meetings
12: In Your Name
13: Divine
14: Moon
15: Starting Point
16: Fleeting
17: Ripped Apart
18: Before our time
19: Freedom and where it lies
20: The scar
21: Truths and Lies
22: Rage
23: Details
24: Pages
25: Red
27: Fever (18+)
28: Heat (18+)
29: Steam
30: Attention
31: Visitor
32: Terror
33: Panic
34: Thread
35: Trapped
36: Smoke
37: Remnants
38: The first slip
39: Challenge
40: Leadership
41: Justice
42: Heart
43: Journey
44: Vigilant
45: Home.
46: Time
47: Past
48: Present
49: Future
50: Proof
51: Throne, a Shelter
52: The Chosen One
53: Beginnings
54: Slipping from your hands
55: Fai
56: Grieve
57: Thunder, A new story
58: An Alpha's will
59: The Start
60: The Centre
Thanks + Announcement

26: Ties

1.2K 55 20
By kooprnt

The dream had ended the night for the girl. The hours that followed it were spent staring blankly at the night sky. She shivered, even if she was tucked carefully under the covers, with only her head peeking out. Trapped in that state of emptiness and confusion, she wasn't aware of the passage of time. It was only when the first morning sunrays sneaked inside the dark room, that she realized she hadn't slept at all. She sat in bed and her hand clutched his shirt – she had been wearing it ever since she had arrived there. Worried, her hands fumbled the shirt, searching for her heartbeat with her fingertips. It was faint and she felt breathless yet, at the same time, suffocating; as if her lungs were about to explode, for there was too much air in them. Hani felt odd, to say the least, and she blamed it on the nightmare she had. Maybe she just needed to get out and get some fresh air. Actually, she hadn't really left that room since her and Jungkook argued; a part of her was scared of facing him, looking at him, him noticing her. It was hard to calculate what would her reaction be or his. Would he run towards her? Sheltering her in his arms, kissing her cheeks feverously while hopelessly begging her to come back home? Or would he turn around, walk away from her, not giving an ounce of attention to her existence at all? She couldn't blame him, she didn't know how to approach him as well. Like a scaredy cat or a child during a thundering night, she hid herself away from him; hoping things would calmly, peacefully and naturally go back to how they used to be. But... she wanted to see him. To be able to look at him in the eyes, hear him speak, brush her hand past his – briefly and slightly, just to feel a bit of heat -, to have her feet walk beside his and luckily, perhaps, end up catching him staring lovingly and tenderly at her, like he always did. To that possibility she clutched onto and jumping from the bed, Hani decided to take a chance.

So, now, outside of the cabin, bathing in the sunlight of that first day of March, Hani sat. Next to the pond, at the centre of the labyrinth, Hani was on the marble benches with Fai on her lap. He was pointing at the different coloured fishes that swam, waving their tails rather comically, racing one another to the other side of the pond. Kicking his feet in excitement, Fai giggled, once a braver fish, waddled closer to them. Chuckling alongside him, Hani slowly and very carefully got up. She crouched down by the pound and gently she placed Fai in between her legs. The toddler, immediately, decided it was best if he was sitting and so, balancing his body, skilfully, he fell on the ground on his ass. Hani stared at him amused and watched him, with his eyebrows scrunched in concentration, try to reach the fishes that swam. Laughing, Hani tried to explain to the toddler that he couldn't take them out of the pond and that's not how you should play with them. Still, the boy was stubborn and persistent; the more Hani tried to pull him back, the more he leaned his body forward. Eventually, Hani had the brilliant idea to drift Fai's attention to something else – food. Quickly, he turned around, forgetting his new friends. With his arms wide open, he stared at the Luna, waiting for her to pick him up. Once she did, his arms naturally wrapped themselves around her neck and the same thing to her waist, his legs did. He clutched onto her, similarly to a koala; as always, gazing at her with his sparkling, gentle eyes. Hani tenderly brushed his dark locks which were growing rapidly and they sprang up from his head, creating funny and strong little curls. The boy nuzzled himself against her chest, after Hani handed him the wooden wolf toy which, tightly, he held in his hands. According to Zhelan, Fai refused to let go of it. He did everything with that toy. He slept with it, placed it next to him while he ate, played with it... Needless to say, he was very proud of the wooden wolf and he wasn't really fond of sharing it. He was really protective over it, didn't allow his own grandfather to touch it. Apparently only Hani and Jungkook were allowed to, most likely since they had been the ones who had given it to him.

As they made their way out of the labyrinth, Hani felt Fai wiggling his body in her arms. Confused, she wondered if the toddler was uncomfortable in that position; however, he quickly let her know he wanted to walk, by lively swinging his legs front and back. Hani had just put him down, when the toddler sprinted away from her. His little feet moved rapidly and he, somehow, resembled a penguin, since he still wasn't very confident in his feet. Still, he dashed and Hani, in panic, started calling out for him to slow down. Her own feet took off after him and giggling mischievously, Fai stopped to steal a glance at the Luna, only to run off, once again. His figure disappeared from her eyes briefly as he turned left on the maze; Hani's heartbeat was growing more and more nervous, frightened and worried for the toddler. Breathing rapidly and heavily, she made that same turn but, when she did, her feet stopped. All of her did.

The scene played in front of her eyes in slow motion, and bit by bit, she felt her heart retrieving something the previous days had stolen from her. Fai happily ran, giggling as he wiggled the wooden wolf up and down in his hands. Swiftly, he was picked up and thrown into the sky, only to fall safely in the Alpha's arms again. They smiled at one another and Fai hid his face in Jungkook's chest, while the older boy ruffled his hair. Perplexed and overwhelmed, Hani observed them from where her feet were, rooted to the ground. A wave of emotions crashed on her, her heart beat drunkenly in her chest: out of tune, stumbling on its own beat, stopping only to quicken its pace. There was a disarray of thoughts going through her head. Her feet were trembling, uncertain if they should move or not. Their eyes met, neither of them looked away. Passionately, they dived into one another, saying and speaking words only they could understand. A strong breeze blew, shaking the leaves, whispering things between the trees. Hani's hair covered her eyes, hiding her gaze from the Alpha whose heart shakingly beat in his chest, unsure if it was alive or not. In that fleeting second, a tear fell from her eyes, hidden by the gentle protection of the wind.

The breeze vanished, unveiling the girl's tender, mellow, loving eyes. Their gazes were still glued to one another, tightly wrapped around the other. Almost as if they were scared to let go, to close, to look away. Perhaps they believed that insignificant, minimal, gesture would be fatal to both. And as their gaze searched for the other again in that scenery – regretful that they had moved away, craving to see them once again – no longer would the other be there; and like the breeze, they'd vanish before they could speak, before they could tell them to stay.

Up and down, they scanned one another, taking notice of every night spent awake, every meal they struggled to enjoy, every tear shed, every pain felt. All of this they took notice of. Somehow, it reassured them, it lessened the insecurity and uncertainty that trapped their feet to the ground. Neither of them hid that vulnerability from the other, they only brought it forward into the daylight. A silent message, maybe, or a code; a way of letting the other know that they still cared, they still loved, that they were waiting for the other to make a move.

However, it was actually Fai the one who broke the intimate eye contact that froze the mates in their place. Wiggling in Jungkook's arms, Fai fussed and turned. It stole the Alpha's attention from Hani and hurriedly he put the toddler down. He assumed he wanted to go back to Hani; needless to say, it surprised him when he felt Fai trying to reach for his hand. The toddler was clutching onto his pants for support while, on the tip of his toes, he tried to hold Jungkook's hand. Chuckling softly, Jungkook leaned his body slightly downward. Pleased, Fai wrapped his hand around Jungkook's index finger; his hands appeared to be even smaller, next to Jungkook's - it made the Alpha's lips blossom into a smile. With strong determinate steps, or as the toddler assumed them to be – in reality, it was small, unbalanced steps that he took -, by the hand, he guided Jungkook forward. It took the Alpha a while to realize that the toddler was actually, bringing him closer to Hani who hadn't moved at all; neither was she aware of the toddler's intentions. Realization only hit the mates, when Fai stopped. Their gazes, who had been previously centred only on the tiny boy, faced one another. Hani felt Fai's tiny hand holding hers, causing her stare to fall from Jungkook and instead, focus on the cheerful toddler. He let go of Jungkook's hand and confidently, he grasped Hani's; however, it wasn't him who was going to hold it. His eyes sparked with enthusiasm, their light reflected on Jungkook who dumbfounded and baffled, stared at him like a lost puppy. Still, the boy pressed on and, grabbing Hani's hand, he reached it out for Jungkook to take.

"You want me to hold her hand?" Slightly stuttering, Jungkook asked the toddler; even if he knew that most likely, he wasn't going to get an answer. Hesitantly, he looked at his mate, fumbling with the words in his brain; however, they became more and more at disarray, the longer he stared at her. In a rush of sudden bravery, he asked her, despite how shy his voice spoke. "Is... Is it okay? If I hold your hand?"

Hani nothing said. Words had disappeared from her language, as soon as their eyes met; so incredibly close to one another, their bodies were. A childish blush overtook her cheeks and tenderly, she reached out her hand even closer to his; telling him it was okay. A spark ignited in Jungkook's eyes, his heart leapt from his chest guided by a blind hope. Hastily, perhaps scared that it might lose that chance, he grabbed her hand in his. However, it was delicately, slowly, lovingly, tenderly, gently, honey-like that he intertwined their fingers together, one by one, without ever – not even for a second- detaching his eyes from her. They only did, because a little someone still wasn't completely satisfied. Pulling on Jungkook's pants, Fai demanded the mates' attention.

"What's next, buddy?"

The Alpha asked amusedly and the toddler, instantly reacted, by lifting up his arms in the air, signalling at them that he wanted to be held. And so, grinning, Jungkook picked him up in his arms, leaving Hani's hand, for a few moments unprotected and lonely. But rapidly, he took hold of it again; this time holding it proudly and assertively, without asking if he was allowed to. For he remembered, she was his mate – Hani. Why was he so hesitant all of a sudden, as if she was a stranger? What about the conversation they had, when they arrived from the forest? All those unnecessary days of distance, all because he didn't listen to her and her to him? Had he learned nothing? Even more confidently, he held her hand, now, as these thoughts passed through his mind. And so, so trapped was he in that discussion; that his body trembled electrified, once he felt her head resting on his shoulder. A never seen colour of love painted his eyes while he gazed at her affectionately; a colour so beautiful and strong, no other of those that imbued the flowers in that garden could compare to. And she, forever melting in his presence, allowed him and her own self to enjoy the calm moments, covered in the love that still was there beating aggressively in both of their chests. Patiently waiting for the time to spill out of their lips, out of their hands, out of their eyes, out of their breaths... and with every single heartbeat reminding the other just how madly it beat for them.

Just how Cupid sat on Dido's lap, whispering seductive words of love and honey to her ears. Only to tie the bond that everyone already could see, pulling Dido into Aenea's chest. Fai, in a childish naivety, tied threads with his hands. Driving Hani and Jungkook closer and closer to one another, until their bodies clashed. No matter how hard they tried to pull them apart, he'd find a way to tie them back together – just how he had done, by guiding their hands towards one another. Just how he had done... ever since he was born.


He had been writing down things for a long time. Scribbling and erasing, reading what he had just noted down on the paper, only to sigh and curl it on his hands, throwing it to a far away, dark corner of the room. In that ritual, Ulric was focused on and finally, after what felt like an eternity, he took notice of a new presence in the room. Raising his head slowly, he closed his eyes for a few seconds. Then, without turning around to face the spot where – he was certain – that certain figure was taking refuge in, he spoke.

"For how long have you been there watching me?" Calmly, Ulric stared at the wall in front of him; in a graceful gesture, he brought the cup to his lips and with a devouring thirst, swallowed the red substance all in one go. "I told you I don't like how you sneak up on me like this... Lucca"

At the mention of his name, he stepped out of the shadows of the room that hid him from any careful and watchful set of eyes. Smugly, he strolled into the light, stopping perfectly under the lamp that flickered above his head. His dirty blond hair was styled to the smallest of the details, his moss green eyes playfully studied Ulric's back. Swiftly, the object that he had been twirling in his hands, was flung towards the Alpha, at a rapid speed. It flew incredibly fast, carrying in it a powerful strength, somehow resembling a thunder filled with electricity, ready to crash and destroy. The blade, as bold as its owner, with confidence soared. Yet, Ulric was faster and smoothly, dodged it before it could pierce the back of his neck. With a thud, the blade fell on the table, spinning and twirling on itself as it progressed further away from the Alpha. The table was covered with droplets of blood and annoyed, Ulric noticed how all his papers were tainted as well. Enraged, he held himself back from getting up from the chair and dragging that same bloody blade over her owner's stomach.

"I told you to stop acting like I'm your little practicing toy... It's not like you don't have anyone else to try your new tricks on... f*cking idiot" Grumpily, Ulric scolded the boy and handed him the blade, without ever turning around to face him. "And sit your ass down, I need to ask you something"

"Damn... I was pretty sure I had you this time but well, it's good to see that at least you still have your speed. Since it seems that you have lost your balls somewhere" Chuckling, the boy did as he had been instructed. The blade was tucked carefully into his blood and dirt covered boots, and trailing leisurely, he sat down in front of Ulric. He had a menacing gaze in his eyes, harshly he held the pen in his hands, as if waiting for the right moment to carve a hole with it in Lucca's neck. The boy, cocky as ever, shrugged it off. "I had something to tell you as well. But, anyways, how about you go first? Consider it as a gift for offending you with my words and... oh! Of course, dirtying your table with filthy blood"

"I know of your plan" The Alpha stated, pouring another glass for himself. "I have my concerns about it, since you are still in the experimental stages of it, am I right? Tachee told me... although I would have preferred if you had told it to me yourself"

"She knows more about the subject than you do... than all of us do, matter of fact. I mainly went for advice and guidance on it. I, too, was surprised at how excitedly she embraced it." Lucca pointed out. "I am still in the experimental stages that's true. The trick in itself is complicated and complex, I can't find much information about it. With my luck, I might just be the first to attempt it. Not to mention, we have run short in our possible... volunteers? I noticed that there's lesser people arriving at the pack these days. And to top it all off... just to piss me off a little bit f*cking more... my notes got stolen"

"What? You lost your book?" Ulric's eyes widened in shock, yet quickly, it was replaced by a wrathful stare that cut Lucca wide open with a burning knife. "Are you even aware of how badly you have f*cked up?"

"Calm down, I know who has it" Smiling smugly, Lucca reassured the Alpha. "And even better! I know to where he has sent the notebook to. It's only a matter of time until I recover it. For now, I'll let him have a head start... you know how much I love a good hunt"

"How can you be so sure?" The Alpha asked, lifting his eyebrow in curiosity and crossing his arms over his chest. "You make it sound like you saw them stealing it with you own eyes..."

"Well, it's rather easy you see." Chuckling, Lucca explained enthusiastically. He straightened himself in his seat and cheekily, stole one of the cherries that were just a few inches away from him, in a bowl. He popped it in his mouth and placed his legs on top of the table, dirtying it even more with dry blood and dirt. "I have kept track of his routine, and of the journey his friend takes, where it leads to, who they talk with when they arrive... I know where they live, which cabin is theirs and which side of the bed they sleep in. I know whose puppy he is. How do you think you know so much about him and his pack? I'm a diligent worker, Ulric... Plus, it's an easy job to do once you know who to talk to and once you realize how ridiculously simple, it is to make someone turn sides. And the best hiding spot is right under their noses, isn't it? Someone who has been there for a really long time, who is settled, has companions and shares their struggles, understands their pain... they might be a victim of the pain themselves? Ah! That makes things so much more exciting! Because they are immediately removed of all suspicion, oh poor thing! Of course, it's not them! They were attacked as well... It was all things you demanded me to do, all that I did was keep an eye on them." Smirking, Lucca's eyes shone with mischief; with a madness only some could harness. Laughing to himself softly, he took the seed from his mouth and plopped it inside Ulric's drink. "Do you know what's the best part about blood? Is that no matter how much you try to clean it off of you, stains always remain. My notebook had blood on it... and so, someone's hands have it too. Luckily for us, it happens to be a friend." 

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