Just You //SeojunXSuho True B...

By tunawere62

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Every hour,every minute,every second..only for you More



2.7K 162 46
By tunawere62

After school ended,Seojun and Suho came back to take their things that they left at their class.Luckily,there's not many students so they can easily left without being caught.

They walked to Seojun's bike when suddenly Suho realized the bracelet that he bought for Seojun was gone.He tried to check on his pockets also his bag but there's nowhere to be found.

"What if it's still at the class?",he's making a lot of assumptions as Seojun passed him his helmet,but then he gave it back."i have to do something,you can go first",Suho told Seojun.

Seojun put down Suho's helmet on the seat,"are you sure?",he asked as the sky almost turned dark and Suho might be scared of it.Suho insisted,he nodded repulsively to convince Seojun.Seojun kinda didn't want to let him but he didn't have the rights to stop Suho so he agreed.

"Thank you,take care",Suho smiled at Seojun and quickly ran back into the school compound.He already felt his heart racing because the sun already set and soon it will be dark but for him,Seojun's bracelet is the priority.

He ran fastly to his class and started searching for it,he looked for it quick so that he can find it and left the school as fast as he could.Unfortunately,he still couldn't found the bracelet and its already half an hour of him searching for it.

"Looking for this?",Suho turned back to the source of the voice,as Soojin was standing near the window raising her hand,holding the bracelet.Suho's eyes diverted towards the bracelet,he felt a sense of relief as he approached Soojin.

"Oh my! Thank you!Where did—",Suho didn't finished his words when Soojin threw the bracelet out from the window.Suho quickly ran to the window but sadly he couldn't get to reach the bracelet.

He turned his head to Soojin,obviously dissatisfied with her."What are you doing?!",he confronted Soojin.Soojin let out a few breaths,anger displayed on her face."why must him?why you choose him?!",she yelled at Suho.Suho was surprised at the same time astounded by Soojin's behaviour,he didn't know Soojin will behave to that extent.

Suho tried to hold his anger,didn't want to lash out to Soojin."from now on,don't ever talk to me",he warned her as he took his bag and ran out from the class.He heard Soojin called him many times but he ignored it as he have to search for the bracelet before it's getting dark and it will harder for him to look for it.

- -

After an hour,Suho still couldn't find the bracelet.He already looked around the school field as he assumed that it must have dropped there because the school field is near their class.The sky is getting darker so he increased the brightness on his phone as he slowly walked,didn't want to acknowledge the fear that start to creeping into his nerves.

"Aisshhh where is it?It's supposed to be here!",Suho complained when suddenly he saw a shadow coming from the back.He turned his side-eye and stopped moving,fear slowly engulfed him.He squeezed his eyes and took a deep breath before he turned back his body,stunned by the other person's presence.

"Han Seojun?"

Seojun sighed and walked towards him,"what are you doing here at this hour?",he scanned Suho as Suho turned off his phone.

"I..i thought you already go back",Suho said to Seojun.In fact,he still couldn't believe he was talking to Seojun at that time,maybe Seojun just some kind of his imagination or a ghost that tried to scare him.

"No I don't,I can't just let you alone here",Seojun replied,his voice raised a bit.Suho bit his lips,he noticed Seojun's face changed,probably he's so worried of Suho."Then,what are you doing here?",Seojun asked,still curious of Suho's intention.

Suho brainstormed the right answer,he can't tell Seojun the real reason cause Seojun might felt bad that he's acting like this because of the bracelet that he bought for Seojun.He was thinking whether he should just let go of the bracelet but he really love that bracelet,it suits Seojun a lot.

Suho then curved a smile and linked his arms to Seojun's,"you're so sweet,you always know whenever I felt scared",he lied,tried to distract Seojun.Seojun felt something is off but he couldn't resisted Suho being clingy at him.

"I told you that I will always be—"

"Be by my side especially when I'm scared..i know",Suho finished Seojun's words and grinned,making Seojun's heart fluttered."Let's go,it's getting late",Seojun intertwined his hands with Suho,Suho nodded and they both walked away from there.Before they left,Suho left a last glance to the school field felt a slight of disappointment then he brushed it off,decided to forget about it.

- -

Suho washed his face at the sink,he took a tissue and wiped his face,looking at his reflection on the mirror.He was wearing a black suit,a proper attire for a special occasion but he don't feel amused or interested at all.

He walked out from the restroom,heading to the hall when he heard Mr Lee calling him from behind.Suho looked at his dad,emotionless while Mr Lee approached him."remember,do not embarass me like what you did at your school.I had enough of your lousy attitude",Mr Lee spoke with his soft tone but sounds more like a warning.

Both of them walked together into a prim,glossy cream hall filled by ladies in dresses and men on suits with elegant music played to entertain the crowd.Mr Lee approached a group of men while Suho decided to stand at the corner.This whole place already making him felt suffocated,especially listening to those rich people's discussions on their money and possessions,Suho's not one of them.In fact,being a son of a famous celebrity is not something he can be proud of,especially to have a father like Mr Lee,more like a faker.

Suho decided to have a drink so he took a glass of water when he heard his phone ringing,signalling he received a message.When he looked at the name on the top of the message box,he already smiled.

My Seojun ❤️

Seojun:where are you?

Suho:some boring party

Seojun:wow party!I thought you're not a 'party people' type

Suho:not that kind of party

Seojun:haha i know

Suho:where did you get  that photo?!

Seojun:it's already went viral on sns..Lee Je Hoon's handsome son 🤮🤮

Suho:i shouldn't come..urgh

Seojun:why?is it that bad?

Suho:i'm bored

Seojun:do you want me to pick you up?

Suho:are you sure?!

Seojun:give me 10-15 minutes..i'll be there

"Lee Suho?"

Suho shifted his gaze from the phone to the two girls infront of him.One of the girls named Seokkyung crossed her arms against her chest,"wow,I can't believe you come,you used to avoid joining us..guess you already get to your senses",she said full of sarcasm.Suho didn't reacted,he wanted to ignore both of them but the another girl continued bothering him."you know this is your place don't you?",Eunbyeol arched her eyebrow towards Suho,felt annoyed with Suho's ignorance towards them.

"Owh Seokkyung,Eunbyeol!",Mr Lee approached them as the girls greeted Mr Lee with respect. "Both of you are so pretty today",he complimented the girls.They both thanked him as Seokkyung talked to Mr Lee,"i enjoy watching your new drama",she praised Mr Lee while Mr Lee felt fluttered with her compliments."Damn hypocrites!",Suho cursed inside his head judging the two girls.

"Anyway,where is your dad?I haven't meet your dad yet",Mr Lee asked both of them.Suddenly,he felt someone tapped his shoulder,"Looking for me,Mr Lee?".Mr Lee turned to his side and greeted his friend with a wide smile,"Mr Joo!".They both started to chat with each other while Suho was stucked with them,also with that Seokkyung girl as Eunbyeol already leave.

"Your daughter is so pretty.I still remember when she's still a little kid,always ran around the house",Mr Lee said to his friend.Mr Joo laughed,"same goes to your son",he smiled at Suho and Suho awkwardly smiled back to him.Suho really wished he can invincible at that time,he started to feel sleepy because of these two adults conversation.

"When i look at your daughter,she looked like a perfect match for my son",Mr Lee's statement caught both Suho and Seokkyung's attention,obviously they don't like it."Err can't imagine that",those words slipped from Seokkyung's mouth with her disgust look.Suho ogled his eyes to the girl,"it's not like i want you'".

Mr Lee was stunned with Seokkyung's reaction as Mr Joo cleared his throat and turned to his daughter,"let me have a word with you",his voice sounds different than before from what Suho heard and Seokkyung's face changed.Mr Joo turned back to Mr Lee and grinned,"i need to talk to my daughter for a while",he told Mr Lee then excused himself followed by his daughter.

Suho couldn't stop looking at both of them,what's gonna happen to her tho especially when he kinda heard a lot about Mr Joo Dan Tae.Suho turned to his father when Mr Lee suddenly called him."make sure to talk more,people already noticed you so you have to smile a lot",he ordered Suho.Suho sneered,"you ask me to be a faker like you?",he replied with a sarcastic tone.

Mr Lee felt the anger rushing through his veins but he didn't want to cause a scene and ruined his own reputation."just do whatever i ask,don't make a scene",he reminded Suho,he tapped Suho's shoulder and walked back to his friends leaving Suho alone like he used to do.Suho sighed,he can't wait for Seojun to come to him,he already done with this whole situation.

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