The Cinderella Punk

By crazymeltzar

56.5K 1.4K 212

Meet Elle. She's nothing but a plain nerdy girl with over sized spectacles. Yeah, hard to believe. On top of... More

The Cinderella Punk [Edited]
Escaping the Monsters (edited)
A Fight to Remember (edited)
An Early Morning Surprise [part 1] (Edited)
An Early Morning Surprise [part 2] (Edited)
The people who care about you (Edited)
Why did he do that? [EDITED]
Come back to me [Edited]
The day just couldn't get any better [Edited]
Pain [Edited]
Nightmare [Edited]
Bloody broken glass [Edited]
Demon Mask [Edited]
Blue eyes, green eyes [Edited]
Scents [Edited]
Slip of the tongue [Edited]
Deadly Dance of the Demon [Edited]
Kidnapped [Edited]
Do you trust me? [Edited]
Do your trust me? [Part 2] [Edited]
Changed [Havoc's story] [Edited]
The Map [Edited]
The Library [Part 1] [Edited]
The Library [Part 2][Edited]
The Garden Room [Edited]
Confessions [Edited]
Revealed [Edited]
Getting to know you [part 1] [Edited]
Getting to know you [part 2][Edited]
The Battle [Edited]
the Battle [part 2][Edited]
Mourning [Edited]
Friendship [Edited]
Miracle Part 1 [Edited]
Miracle Part 2 [Edited]
Relief and Pain Part 1 [Edited]
Relief and Pain Part 2 [Edited]
House not Home Part 1 [Edited]
House not home Part 2 [Edited]
Happily Never After [Edited]
Leave [Edited]
Heatwave Part 1 [Edited]
Heatwave Part 2 [Edited]
Epilogue [Edited]

Danger in the maze [Edited]

1K 32 6
By crazymeltzar

Hey! so this is the nect chapter! :D thanks for allt he support! :) pls continue to enjoy my story. I know that i'm a noob writer so forgive all my mistakes thank you !


Edited version. 


My breath came in harsh pants, my throat raw and my eyes stinging from the sand that was swept up by the gushes of wind that rushed through the passageway. My feet were sore from the long hours of walking through the endless and complicated passageway.

I wiped off the sweat that fell to my eyes and looked around me. The floor was made of granite stones placed unevenly with sand coating its surface. The wind skimmed the surface of the floor, shifting and lifting  the sand, making the floor look like it was moving beneath our feet. 

The heat from the fire that lined the walls and the cutting-chill of the wind sent cold sweat down my body. I placed my palm over my chest. My heart was palpating too hard, too fast. Another gush of wind. I blinked my eyes and bit my lips when I saw the ground shifted beneath my feet again. 

It was getting increasingly hard to concentrate. What with the swirling of the sand, the throwing of shadows against the walls, the tugging of the wind against our clothes  and the lack of clean air that made it all the more disorienting. 

My vision blurred and my head spun, causing me to trip over my feet. My demon shrieked at me, its shrill cry cutting through my haze just in time for me to catch myself  before I could tumble to the floor. 

"Angel, are you-"

Before Havoc could finish, a deafening roar echoed through the passage, lifting up the grains of sands and pelting them at us. The grazing of the sand stung and I closed my eyes, turning my face away from the blast of wind. The roar shook the walls, the stones shuddering beneath the pressure.

I gritting my teeth, my hands over my ears to dull the sound slightly. Just as abruptly as it began, the roaring stopping. I cracked my eyes open cautiously, my body rigid with tension. 

I took a sweep at the path ahead and found that no traps had been triggered under the sudden onslaught of air pressure. Sighing out a breath of relief, I glanced back at Lucas and Havoc to check on them. 

Instantly a blush crept up my cheeks as they straightened up. Both of these dangerously sexy men had taken to wear their thin layered undershirt that were sticking to their hardened, sweat coated bodies, their shirts tucked into the wistbands of their pant.

My heart jumped as my gaze landed on Havoc. I stared at him, transfixed, as he raked his fingers through his sweat-slicked hair, tousling it even more. He arched back his neck, stretching as he let out a deep groan that had my body trembling.

My eyes were glued to him, everything playing out in slow motion, as a fine drop of sweat rolled down his neck and disappearing under his shirt, drawing attention to his beautifully carved body.

I swallowed, licking my tongue over my suddenly dry lips. Seriously, how could someone look so perfect?

I sent him a glare from under my lashes.

You're too sexy. Stop it.

 A spark of blue as Havoc caught me staring, pure male amusement in his eyes. I glanced away quickly, my face heating up more.

"What was that?" Lucas snarled, taking a step closer to me.

He had his long hunting knife out and his back was facing me as he scanned for enemies in the passageway. I too looked around the passageway, wary of traps that had been triggered when the walls shook. 

My demon sniffed the air, drawing out my energy. My blood heated and I felt my heart pump even faster. For a second, my vision blurred and I froze. I looked down at my hand, seeing double. Swallowing the fear that had started to rise, I forced myself to calm down.

Drawing in a shaky breath, I dug my nails into my palm, drawing blood. But the pain, it snapped some clarity back into me. Allowing my demon loose slowly, I scanned the path before me. Judging that it was safe to continue, I signaled the guys  to follow me along the path that my gut was telling me to follow. 

Just then, the deafening roar pierced the air again, making the room shake and rumble. I winced and plugged my ears with my fingers. This time the roar was louder, and with it came waves of darkness filled with maliciousness and blood-lust.  The sound waves hit me like a huge gust of wind, causing me to take a step back under the immense pressure.

The roar sounded like that of a lion but I couldn't be sure. The sound sent chills down my spine. Whatever it was, I had a bad feeling about it. My demon sniffed the air, scenting a weird odor.

It smelled like rotten meat. I shuddered to think of what caused the stanch to build up. A brush of fingers against the nape of my neck had me glancing at Havoc. His eyes held a gentle warmth that drove the fears away. 

Smiling at how sensitive he was, I pressed my fingers from the lips of my mask to his. 

I'll be alright, my love.

 A nod and I wondered again if he could really hear me. Giving him a lingering look, I turned back to continue on our way.  As we walked on, the putrid stench became stronger and stronger until I had no choice but to cover my nose.

We must be close.

I looked to the map in my hand. There was a symbol of an egg at the end of the path of the map. Whatever it was that awaited us, whatever that was able to produce such a bone chilling roar, was a beast out of a nightmare.

 I gulped. I didn't know what I was going to face, and the uncertainty left me feeling lost and afraid, like I was standing in quick sand. 

Snap out of it, Elle. You've come this far. Don't chicken out now, hissed the voice at the back of my head. 

I squared my shoulders and clenched my hands into fists. Whatever it was, I was going to face it head on. I would search and destroy to protect the people I cared for.  I was not going to let this stop me from reaching my goal. 

Determined to continue on despite my fatigue, I forced my senses to the path ahead and found several loose rocks placed very close together. I scanned the path, trying to find a loophole but it was impossible. 

The shaking of the walls and the shifting of the sand had masked the movement of the rocks ahead. The rocks were placed such that one loose rock would be placed only few centimeters away from each other. Meaning we were about to step into a mine field of traps.

I bit my lip, scanning desperately for another way across.

"Angel, the rocks are moving again," Havoc warned and true enough, the rocks started to shift again, sliding seamlessly pass each other to rearrange themselves.

We observed the rocks, and found them to be shifting places every three minutes, dragging away the safe steps, further and further. I growled in frustration. How do we stop the rocks from moving?

In an irritated gesture, I glanced up at the ceiling and stopped short. 

The rocks were placed close together, no gaps in between.  I looked closer, my night vision banding across my eyes and noticed some rocks jutting out from the ceiling. The walls on the other hand were full of openings. Probably where the weapons from the traps were. But there were no loose rock. I frowned.

When suddenly realization hit me. If we couldn't well walk through the mine of traps, we could...

"We could swing over there," Havoc mumbled, completing my train of thought.

A glanced back at him and found him to be frowning up at the ceiling too. A small smile as I nodded in agreement. 

"We have to grab the rocks jutting out from the ceiling," I suggested, pointing at the hooked, crystsl-like rocks hanging from the ceiling,

"But Angel, you're injured. Isn't there another way?" Havoc asked, his eyes filled with worry.

My heart melted at his concern. Ah my love, you worry for me too much.

I lifted my mask up a fraction and kissed his jaw.  I saw his eyes flutter close for a moment before those long lashes lifted to reveal the cobalt eyes burning at me. I fingered his jaw before cupping his face gently between my hands.

"I'll be fine," I said, looking him in the eyes, trying to reassure him.

His eyes narrowed at me, clearly not believing me. I stiffled a laugh and ran a hand down his arm in an affectionate caress. 

"How about I go first," Lucas said as he touched the walls, examining it.

I frowned at him and shook my head.

"No. I need to test it out first. See if it's safe. Then you guys can cross over," I said firmly.

I saw his green eyes glow at me. It was obvious that he was not happy with the decision.  But sudedenly his eyes lit up with arrogant smugness. I narrowed my eyes suspiciously at him and was about to open my mouth to grill him about it when suddenly twin bands wrapped around me, chaining me to a wall of hard, hot flesh.


"Sorry, baby," he chuckled darkly. "Lucas go, hurry."

A small salute from Lucas before he jumped up to grab the first stone. His arm muscles flexed as they worked to swing him over the mine field, his movememts fluid like a great jungle  cat.

I watched, my heart in my throat, as he swung from one stone to other with only the strength in his fingers to anchor him to the stone holds. Only when his feet landed on the safe zone did I let out the breath I didn't realize I was holding.

"Your turn, Angel."

I shot Havoc a glare, turning away from him in mock anger. Just as I was about to jump up to grab the stone holder, the ceiling tiles started to shift.

The stone holds of diffrent shapes and sizes rearranged themselves in another pattern. I gritted my teeth. The passageway was harder tham we first thought.  Assessing the best course to take, I looked over to Lucas who was looking slightly peeved. 

Don't worry, Lucas. You did well. I'll be adapting your course to this. 

I took in a deep breath before taking a running step and pushed myself up the wall. I grabbed a rock that was jutting out from the side of the wall and hauled myself up.

Sweat beaded my forehead as the sharp pain rushed up my arm. I cursed softly, pausing for a moment to let my arm get used to the pressure I was exerting on it. Breathing in slowly, I grabbed the next piece of rock and used my legs to push myself off the wall. I spun in mid air, grabbing the rectangular piece of rock jutting out from the ceiling. I used my fingers to grip what little space the rock provided and proceeded to swing myself from one rock to another. The space between the rocks varied, making it hard for me, especially with my injured arm to travel.

My palm became sweaty and my arm was burning with pain. I looked forward, seeing only a few more swings to safety. My vision blurred for a moment, and I took in huge gulps of breath to calm myself.

The next rock was further away than the rest which meant I had to use my legs to get there. The rock was hooked shaped which was good. I winced as I pulled myself up, preparing myself to let go. Holding my breath, I swung my body back and forth, creating a momentum before I swung myself though the air. I did a back flip, aiming my feet at the rock.

But my swing wasn't strong enough. My eyes widened when my foot missed the rock by an inch.

"Angel!" Havoc's panick-strickened voice echoed throughout the passage.

And just like that it was if everything went into slow motion. I felt myself falling, the rock passing me. My demon roared, pushing itself to take over my body. I was grateful for its intervention as it snapped me out from my temporary shock, but I held it back. I twisted in the air, grabbing the rock with my hands. The sudden stop tugged on my arm. I cried out in pain and almost let go of the rock but gritted my teeth and continued to swing myself to the end.

 I dropped on the floor like a sack of potatoes, collapsing on the ground, my breathing coming in harsh gasps. My armed throbbed and burned making my head spin. I clutched my arm as I lay on the floor trying to breathe through the pain. 

"Angel! Shit!" Lucas was swearing as he helped me up, his arm behind my back.

The dust and dirt stuck to my mask but I couldn't find the energy to lift myself up. So I lay limp right there in Lucas' arms, my eyes drooping close with my head lolled back as I felt the energy leave my body in a rush. 

"Angel? Come on, open your eye for a while, I need to check your eyes," Lucas said softly, but my lids were too heavy.

Slight pressure on my eyelids before they were forced opened one by one, a brightly shining into them. A thudding sound and the crunch of boots under sand.

"No concussion," he reported over my head.

It was several moments before I felt myself being lifted and cradled in a warm embrace. I cracked my eyes open slightly to find Havoc's blue eyes staring down at me. 

I reached a shaky hand up to touch his face, wanting to know if he was alright. He grabbed my hand in his, putting it to his cheek. His chest was heaving with exertion and instantly I felt my heart clench.

"Angel, you took ten years from me," he whispered to me, his eyes closed, his great body shuddering beneath me.

"Havoc I..."

He silenced me by simply turning his head to press the lips of his mask to my palm, eyes still closed. I could feel the depth of his pain, his frustration, his worry.  And it all pierced right through me.

I struggled to keep my tears in check. I did this to him. 

"Angel, can you do a run down of your condition?" Lucas asked, his voice tight.

"I'm not sure," I replied, my voice a mere whisper.

Havoc eyes snapped open at my reply. He looked down at me. I saw his eyes cloud with worry. The hand that held mine was tightened to the point of pain but I didn't say anything. I looked away, my hair covering my face.

"She's lost a lot of blood," he replied, his voice gruff.

I heard Lucas curse before he sank down beside us to take my pusle. Another curse before he stood up to pace away.

"Alright, that's it. We're going to rest here for a while and don't tell me 'no' Angel," he said glaring down at me.

I watched as he slumped down to the wall next to me, arms folded angrily across his chest. I clamped my mouth shut. I didn't want to argue with him. I couldn't, not with my body laden and aching with pain.

My hand clenched. Right now, I was too weak. I couldn't protect myself much less protect these two men whom I had led through a death maze.

Tears of frustration welled up. I was going to hold them back, endanger them more. We were like sitting ducks here and I was the extra load.

A gentle brush of fingers along the column of my neck and I shuddered under his touch. The only man who could ever steal my thoughts away.

"Rest now Angel," Havoc whispered to me as he gently stroked my face. "Everything's going to be fine."

I looked up at him, the tears flowing down my face freely at his words. My heart was heavy with guilt and sadness.

"I'm sorry... For everything," I whispered. "I'm so sorry."

"Why are you apologizing?" Havoc asked softly. "It's not your fault you're hurt."

I just looked up at him, the tears continued to flow. There was so much I wanted to apologize for. To protect him from. It was my fault that I got hurt. I was careless. I was failing the one good thing in my life.

"I'm so sorry..." I whispered again. "Please don't hate me."

"Why would I hate you, Angel? You did nothing wrong," he repeated, his voice soft.

"I failed everyone... I failed you..." I said, my voice sounding far away. My eyes closed but the tears didn't stop.

"No, no baby, you didn't fail anyone," he said. I felt him lean his mask against mine.

"Yes... yes I did... I put everyone in danger... now I can't protect you... or Lucas properly...," I whispered. I felt like my lungs were being crushed, I couldn't breathe properly.

"Forgive me."

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