Co - stars

By chantellestyles

886 6 0

Co stars 22 year old Sydney has the dream of being a actress but ever since her mom passed and her dad barle... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

Chapter 2

50 1 0
By chantellestyles

Chapter 2

Sydney's POV :
The next few days were so stressful just waiting to hear if I got the part I was so nervous as well so that wasn't helping .
Then the phone call came "hello" I answered
"Hi Sydney this is Aaron I'm calling to tell you that we want you to join our team as ella ". "Oh my gosh thank you so much" I said trying to be as calm as I could . "We will email you more details but we will start rehearsals in a couple days then start filming in the next month . "That sounds great thank you again" I said before hanging up . "I stood in my hotel room in shock did this just happen  I needed to call tori right away before I could i unknown number had texted me . I clicked on the message to read it
Hey Sydney it's Charlie Aaron gave me your number so glad you got the part you were amazing can't wait to work with you we should get together soon and go over some lines ! Talk to you soon 😊 .
Oh my god Charlie texted me I needed to call tori but I quickly texted Charlie back first
Thank you that means a lot I'm so excited to get started and yes definitely up to get together and read lines 🙂
When I called tori she picked up instantly "sooo" she said hinting at possible news . " I got the part"  I screamed into the phone I heard Tori's screams back . When we both stopped freaking out I told her about Charlie's text and about how the info about the part has to be a secret for now . "Im so happy for you syd" tori said . "I can't wait to get started I can't believe my dream is finally happening"!

A few days later we started rehearsing in the movie Charlie plays my best friend who becomes a famous rockstar so he was working on music for the show and I was going over lines with one of my other co stars Devon who plays one of my love interests in the movie

S : don't you dare say that about him jake
D : aww sweet ella you really think Ashton mays even remembers you
S : he said he would never forget me
D : well I sure see him mentioning you all the time ( laughs )
S : I don't even know why I bother with you jake ( turns around to leave )
D : pulls ella back towards him you bother with me because you can't resist me ( whispers in Ella's ear )
S: jake let go of me your hurting me
D: (laughs) pushing ella to the ground
End scene

"Great job Sydney" Devon said when we finished " I can't believe this is your first job your a natural" . "Thanks Devon your great too" I said smiling .
After Charlie was done rehearsing his music I walked over to him "that was amazing"  I said . "Thanks" he said smiling .
A few weeks went by and it was time to start filming I still couldn't actually believe this was happening I was still in shock .

Today we were filming a serious type scene between me Devon and Charlie I was in hair and makeup getting some fake bruises and other fake stuff on my face and arms .
"Woah that looks insane" Charlie said when he saw the makeup . "I know it looks so real" I replied. "Alright places someone yelled and we all got into our positions .
( script)
S: ( walks down the sidewalk ) towards her childhood home
S: ( narrating ) this is where I used to live when I was 18 around the time Ashton left which was 4 years ago now he was a huge star we used to be neighbours  his parents had moved since then and so had mine but i liked to come here and remember all the fun we had together we had lived beside each other since we were 10 and were best friends when he left we texted for a about a year until it all stopped he started to get bigger touring everywhere hanging out with big celebrities and I didn't matter to him anymore we used to sit together on his porch he would write music and play his guitar I loved to listen to him play I had a crush on him but I never knew if he liked me back and I was afraid to tell him because I didn't want to ruin our friendship
( turns around to start walking back home )
(Car pulls up Charlie with hoodie on gets out )
C : wow still looks the same
S : ( turns around to look at charlie )
C :  it can't be ( whispers )
D: ella ( yells storming up to her )
C : ( takes off hood to look towards Sydney )
S : ( turns around to face Devon )
S : jake what are you doing here
D : doesn't matter we're going home now ( pulls ella towards home )
C: wait ( runs up towards them )
C: ella it's me Ashton
D : (tightens grip around Sydney )
C: you remember me right
S I ..
C : ( notices Bruises on Sydney )
D : go away pop-star she's taken 
C: (frowns / sadness in face expression )
D : I hate when you run off to this stupid place why do you even come here anyways
S : sorry
D : ( rolls eyes  and walks away with Sydney )
End scene
Great job guys Aaron said as cut was called .

Charlie's POV :
Sydney was doing amazing I still couldn't believe this was her first ever role !
Charlie and Sydney let's move on to the next scene we were told we didn't have to change much besides the set and clothes so it wasn't too long until everything was ready . I looked at Sydney you ready for this" I asked . "Well if you feel like throwing up means ready then I guess" she replied . This was a big scene between mine and Sydney's characters so I can understand her being nervous I mean I was even a little bit .
C: ( rings Sydney's door bell )
S : ( answers door )
S: Ashton ?
C : hey can we talk
S : how did you know where I lived
C : I asked your mom
S : ( sigh) your Lucky that jake isn't here well guess I'm Lucky as well
C: ( goes inside house )
S : what do you want Ashton
C: look I know I hurt you
S : of course you hurt me Ashton being ignored by your best friend for 3 years hurts
C : I know and I'm sorry
S : ( tears up ) ive missed you so much and the fact that I never heard from you for that long that broke me Ashton
C : ( sad face ) ( steps towards Sydney )
S : every time I saw your face on tv on my phone or heard you on the radio I felt like crying I couldn't even bear to think about you because it hurt so much
C : ella I'm so sorry I should have never cut you off the truth is I like you ella I always have and me being away from you hurt like hell and I thought the only way to stop the pain was to just stop talking to you
S : I've always liked you too Ashton I was just afraid to ruin our friendship but now your too late I'm with jake
C : ( sigh ) how could you like that asshole ella
S : it doesn't matter Ashton
C : you don't really like him do you you just pretend to do he doesn't hurt you
S : I ... Ashton you need to go
C : I'm right aren't I come on ella you can't live like this
S : ( crying ) you need to leave Ashton please
( pushes Charlie away )
C : I don't want to I can't leave you like this ( tearing up )
S : I don't want you to get hurt too
C : you know my song dreams
S :  ( nods )
C : that was about you all of them were about you
S : ( runs into Charlie's arms crying )
C : ( hugs Sydney )
C: I'm sorry I ever left you
S : you had to look at you now your amazing
C : come back to LA with me
S : I ... I don't know Ashton
C : please ella you can't stay here
C : ( wipes Sydney's tear away )
S : but I'm so scared
C : I know ( grabs Sydney's hand )
C: please I need you with me because If leave you here again I'm never gonna forgive myself
S : well if we're gonna leave we have to go before jake gets back
C : ( smile )
S : (starts to walk towards bedroom )
C : ella wait can I ask you something
S : sure ash
C : I've missed you calling me that
S : ( smiles)
S : so what it is Ashton
C : oh right ( act nervous )
C: do you love jake ?
S: I used to when we first got together he was so sweet but his drinking problems got worse And then the anger issues and then well you know but if your asking if I do now the answer is no
C : ( steps closer to Sydney )
C : so your ok If I I do this ( faces close together almost kiss )
S : ( nods )
C+S: ( kiss )
End scene
I was definitely the most nervous about this scene I mean I had to kiss Charlie ! I hope I did ok " ah was that ok" I said nervously . Charlie looked at me and smiled " don't worry you did great" . "Great job everyone let's do lunch" one of the producers announced .

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