𝔄𝔫 ℑ𝔫𝔣𝔦𝔫𝔦𝔱𝔶 𝔄𝔴𝔞𝔶...

By luvbubbah

9.3K 413 103

Stripped away from her home, Hina Tanaka was taken to a parallel dimension by the newly established villain g... More

Chapter 1 - The Seaside Warehouse
Chapter 3 - Reminiscence
Chapter 4 - His Voice
Chapter 5 - Distant Relations
Chapter 6 - Your Quirk, My Quirk
Chapter 7 - Grocery Shopping
Chapter 8 - The Mall & The Caper
Chapter 9 - Progress
Chapter 10 - Don't Come Closer
Chapter 11 - Hina's Horrors
Chapter 12 - The Forest
Chapter 13 - Conflicted Resolutions
Chapter 14 - His Past
Chapter 15 - Couch Potatoes & Superheroes
Chapter 16 - Memories Preserved in Dry Paint
Chapter 17 - Alone
Chapter 18 - Lifeboat
Chapter 19 - The Golden Key
Chapter 20 - Cinnamon Latte Beside a Fireplace
Chapter 21 - Silence is Safe
Chapter 22 - The Female Alpha
Chapter 23 - New Instincts
Chapter 24 - The Death of Me
Chapter 25 - Proceed With Caution
Chapter 26 - Comforting From Afar
Chapter 27 - Forgotten Memories
Chapter 28 - Fate's Hand
Chapter 29 - Don't Come
Chapter 30 - An Impossible Destiny Deemed Possible
Chapter 31 - The Curse of the Number Two Hero
Chapter 32 - A Restless Six Days
Chapter 33 - Watch Closely
Chapter 34 - Finally, You're Mine
Chapter 35 - The Time We Fell
Chapter 36 - The Rhyming Duo
Chapter 37 - My Heart On Your Sleeve
Chapter 38 - Friendly Advice
Chapter 39 - Eyes On Me
Chapter 40 - Say I Love You
Chapter 41 - Let the Games Begin
Chapter 42 - Nakamura Enterprises
Chapter 43 - Hiding Paranoia
Chapter 44 - Black Abyss, White Gloves, Gray Skies
Chapter 45 - The Fear of Loneliness
Chapter 46 - A Compromise
Chapter 47 - I D̶o̶n̶'t̶ Hate You
Chapter 48 - Blue Betrayal
Chapter 49 - Gone
Chapter 50 - Pain
Chapter 51 - Xerox Copy
Chapter 52 - I Pinky Swear
Chapter 53 - The Cycle Repeats with Every Sun
Chapter 54 - The Island
Chapter 55 - Sunrise
Chapter 56 - That's Not Me, You're Not Him
Chapter 57 - I'll Catch You
Chapter 58 - Hidden Shadows in the Darkness
Chapter 59 - Katsuki's "I Love You"
Chapter 60 - Dynamight Agency
Chapter 61 - Twisted Patterns Everywhere
Chapter 62 - Who's That in the Reflection?
Chapter 63 - Purple Calm
Chapter 64 - Vulnerability With You
Chapter 65 - The Line Between Panic & Peace
Chapter 66 - Meeting Sensei
Chapter 67 - Self Restraint
Chapter 68 - Pupils Blown Wide
Chapter 69 - 24 Going On 4
Chapter 70 - Mini Comfort Package
Chapter 71 - The Pain of the Past
Chapter 72 - Colors Galore
Chapter 73 - In His Embrace
Chapter 74 - An Infinity Away

Chapter 2 - An Explosive Discovery

330 14 9
By luvbubbah

The steady beeping of multiple monitors welcomed Hina as she came to consciousness. The bright lights on the ceiling disoriented the young woman as she tried to remember how she got to the hospital.

As she blinked her eyes to focus, she noticed a bush in her peripheral vision, soon realizing that bush was on a man's head. This world has got really weird hair choices, Hina noted as she swallowed the minimal saliva down her parched throat.

Midoriya gave a welcoming smile as she glanced at his figure. "Hello, How are you doing?" He asked airily. His voice was so soothing, so gentle. So humane. Disparate from the men she encountered in the lab.

The ravenette shifted in her bed trying to get comfortable. "I feel sore and tired but that's all." She replied, eyeing the green-haired man in his hero garb. "I'm sorry are you the doctor?"

"Huh? Oh, no, I'm Deku." Midoriya stated like it was the most obvious thing in the room. He wasn't an egoist, but he refused to believe she didn't know the name of the number one hero in Japan.

"Deku?" Hina asked.

Why would anyone name their child useless? This world really is messed up, she thought as she compared how his outfit had similarities to the other man with ash blond hair. The utility belt, the heavy duty boots, the mask which in Deku's case was fashioned as a hood.

"Yes, hero Deku." Midoriya informed, ignoring her ignorance in his identity. Maybe this woman was a foreigner, maybe she was held captive for so long that she had no idea who he was. He didn't think it was his place to judge her.

"Hero?" She asked again, oblivious to the unease bubbling in the hero in front of her. Why was everything in this universe like something from a comic book?

His eyes widened, trying to comprehend that the woman in front of him had no inkling about the hero society they are a part of. "Uh yes, hero." Midoriya's voice squeaking in uncertainty.

What did the villains do to her where she doesn't even know about heroes?

He decided maybe the doctor should do a full check up on the patient. Maybe they would have an explanation for her unawareness. "How about I call the doctor and then we can talk about what happened to you back there." Midoriya suggested while he got up from his chair.

Hina detested the idea of seeing a doctor right now. The last thing she needed was to have an injection prodded in her skin, reminding her of the torture she endured past few months.

"No, please don't leave." She quickly grasped on Midoriya's forearm. "I don't want to see a doctor right now." Her voice a whisper, her face downcast not meeting his eyes.


"Please." Her burnished sapphires begged the unfamiliar man.

Midoriya couldn't say no after the way she pleaded. He took a deep breath and sat back down, her hand still clenching his forearm. "Very well, can I ask you about what happened?" He asked, taking his other hand and laid it flat on hers for reassurance. "If you're not feeling like talking about it we could wait until you're ready."

Hina shook her head as she stared at their limbs. "It's okay. If I don't say anything now, I might never have the courage to talk about it again." She looked up and met his gaze.

It was inviting and comforting, convincing her that everything is going to be okay. He was so caring she couldn't fathom that men like him lived in this sickening world. Men who weren't hungry for vulnerable omegas such as herself.

"I understand. Can you tell me how you were taken?" He asked softly, hoping the lower volume would be more inviting to ease into the conversation.

She nodded.


Bakugo sat outside of the hospital room, tapping his foot incessantly, his head low, waiting to find out about the strange woman he encountered.

He couldn't shake off the feeling that she was different from the victims he has come across. And the way she was so bitter about her quirk. He couldn't wrap his mind around it.

Why would anyone hate having a quirk?
Why would she say the quirk isn't hers but his?

Not that he knew who this stranger was, but the way she spoke so indifferently about the man, he honestly felt bad for the poor soul. She could've killed them with the murderous glint in her deep blue ocean eyes.

Before he could continue on trying to comprehend the wild card of a woman in the hospital room, Midoriya stepped outside the room mumbling something incoherently. He then snapped his head up and called for a doctor, letting them know that the patient inside is awake.

After the doctor walked in the room, Midoriya looked at his childhood friend with a sympathetic expression. His jade eyes glazed over with inexplicable emotion.

"The hell Deku, why are you crying now?" Bakugo interrogated, seeing the tears build up in the corner of Midoriya's eyes.

The empathetic hero blinked away a few tears. Wiping them away with the back of his hand. "Her story... it's heartbreaking."

Bakugo rolled his eyes. "Tch, we already knew that when we saved her."

A heavy stillness filled between the two heroes, only an occasional sniffle from the curly haired hero and the continuous buzzing of the air conditioning was all that was left audible to their ears.

Bakugo eyed the lines in his right palm as though it was the most interesting thing in the room. "What is her 'story'?" His words slipping through his mouth like a small trickle, just quiet enough to not disturb the peace.

"First of all she isn't from our universe."

Bakugo's eyes widened, he was too jarred to ask what he meant by 'our universe'.

Seeing his explosive comrade stunned to silence he continued on. "Yeh, apparently the New Villain Alliance has a guy with a quirk that could transport people between parallel universes. She was one of the peo- women they kidnapped." Midoriya corrected himself, his face in utter disgust. According to Hina's explanation they only took females to make an illegal omega brothel, something to do with the restrictions in one of the member's quirks.

"In her universe, there is no such thing as quirks. Everyone is quirkless. And sub-genders don't exist in her world either." He took a deep breath, unsure as to how the ash blond was going to react

Bakugo's eyebrows were knit together, his scowl more prominent than usual as he was still trying to wrap his head around this new information.

"Then... how the hell is she an omega? How does she even have a quirk?" He asked with a rasp in his voice. His jaw and fists clenched in frustration, his knuckles white from the strain. It was almost surprising he wasn't drawing blood from how his nails were digging crescents in his palm.

"There is a woman in the N.V.A. whose quirk can change sub-genders. And it's more effective for betas, and in Tanaka's case since she is a clean slate, it's even easier to switch." Midoriya replied.

"And quirk?" Bakugo asked, still visibly tense.

"I don-"

"Deku, don't even think about not telling me." The explosive man snapped, he wanted to know what was up with this woman. And something told him that he has to do something with her explosive quirk.

Midoriya flinched, it's been a long while since Bakugo yelled like that. He realized Bakugo's rash behavior meant that he already knew what Midoriya was hiding, like the ash blond was aware this whole ordeal was connected to him. "It's just, hah. Okay."

The green haired hero inhaled and then exhaled. He would just have to pray that Bakugo doesn't pry too much.

"The N.V.A. has been trying to replicate quirks by using DNA of certain quirk holders to make the perfect Nomus that could go against us. They have been experimenting to replicate a quirk. They have killed eight people trying to replicate this specific one, and Tanaka was their first success." Midoriya finished in one breath, hoping his fast speech, very reminiscent of his mumble storms, was enough to disorient the explosive hero.

However Bakugo was exceptionally sharp. Not to mention he's accustomed to deciphering Midoriya's gibberish over the years.

"Whose quirk?" He asked bluntly.

"Kacchan, I-"

"Whose, Deku?" The ash blond glared, showing no signs of backing down, he wanted to confirm his assumptions and didn't care about the consequences. Better to rip it off like a Band-Aid than to peel it off agonizingly slow.

Midoriya swore that the ruby-cut eyes had bore right through his soul.




Anxiety was all that was coursing through Hina's veins, a raging river only sweeping all other emotions into its current leaving her thoughts in a frenzy. She had no idea what was going to happen from here on out.

Where is she going to stay?
Is she going to be held accountable for killing those men?
How is she going to survive in this world that is not only dictated by animal instincts but also runs on a hero dependent society?
Will they do tests on her so they see what the League has been doing to her?
Will they hurt her?

Can she ever go back home?

As she kept shifting through the unanswered questions in her head, Bakugo entered the room quietly. The distress was evident on her face, her eyebrows were scrunched together as she kept biting her lower lip, her fingers fiddling with one another. She was a bundle of emotions, and Bakugo was having none of it.

"Oi, stop that. It's annoying." He demanded.

Hearing his deep voice echoing in the barren hospital room, Hina was pulled away from her thoughts. "Huh, oh sorry." She apologized half-heartedly, her fingers seizing movement, her lip free from the captivity of her teeth.

He noted her ticks for later. Now he knows what to look for when she is anxious.

Bakugo clicked his tongue and sat gruffly on the chair next to her bedside. His face still held his signature scowl, but was considerably relaxed from his expression at the warehouse. It made Hina a little less jittery. Only a little.

Ready to inform her of the arrangements made for her stay, he made eye-contact.

Her eyes.
Her eyes reminded him of the ocean.

Oi snap out of it Katsuki.

He tore his gaze, focusing on her bandaged fingers. "The doctor said you're good to go in a few minutes. As for where you're gonna stay for the time being." Bakugo looked up, rubies meeting sapphires once again. "You'll be staying with me."

Hina's face contorted into a grimace, like a toddler when being force-fed their helathy greens. "You?"

"You got a problem?" Bakugo challenged, his eyes squinting to gauge her response.

"Bu- but, I- I mean, u- uh, why? Why you?" She fumbled on her words trying to create a proper sentence. These omega habits were getting on her nerves. Why can't she speak normally just cause the guy is an alpha?

He rolled his eyes at her incredulous behavior. "The N.V.A. tested on you to replicate my quirk, only makes sense you stay with me so I can train you with your quirk so you don't hurt yourself or others by accident. Also as the number two hero in Japan, they would think twice attacking my house to take you back." Dumbass he added in his head.

He was tempted to insult her annoyingly weak mannerisms but refrained from doing so. The poor thing got stripped from her home with no way back, he was capable of showing a little restraint from being his normal asshole-ish self.

Staring blankly at the ash blond hero who was man-spreading on the narrow chair, Hina took a moment to absorb what he said.

"Your quirk. Your name is Bakugo." She said it as more of a statement, than a question. To her he seemed like the type of person who loses their patience quickly.

"Katsuki Bakugo." He disclosed, his distant mask unwavering.

Her entire demeanor shifted from one of a jumble of nerves to the static television screen when disconnected to a satellite; thoroughly passive and unreadable. Almost a reflection of the expression in front of her.

She honestly wanted nothing to do with the self absorbed man, but his points on controlling his quirk made sense. Plus, if he would provide protection against those wretched people, might as well avail the services he's providing. Right?

"They said you're a murderer" Hina bluntly notified her expression statue-like.

Bakugo was amused by that bit of information. "Heh, they would think that." He proclaimed, a smirk unfurling his features for only a brief moment. "Anyway, raccoon eyes got you some clothes and other things for now. We'll leave in twenty minutes." He informed, and pushed up from the balls of his feet, his hands shoved in his pockets, treading out the door.

Racoon eyes? Hina was confused. This Bakugo guy was surely going to get on her nerves if he gives her a nickname as outlandish as that.

But, before she could further judge his nicknaming skills, a pink-skinned woman with two yellow horns adorning fluffy pink hair waltzed in, carrying a small purple duffle bag sporting a bright smile.

"Heya girly. Name's Mina." The woman spieled, her peculiar eyes with black sclera and bright yellow irises catching Hina's attention.

Oh I see, racoon eyes.

Hina smiled at her friendly presence. "Hi, I'm Hina Tanaka. Please call me Hina."

Mina giggled hearing her name, "Oooo our names rhyme. Ain't that cool." Rummaging through the duffle bag on the bed, she displayed all the contents to the ravenette. "Here I got you a few pairs. I told Bakugo that when you are ready to go out in the real world, I call dibs on taking you out on a shopping spree for the rest of your closet. OOOOO It's going to be so much fun, dressing you up." The pink-skinned woman squealed while planning her future adventures with her newfound friend.

Mina's presence was refreshing. To the overbearing alpha pheromones she had been exposed to since she was yanked through the portal, she preferred the pink woman's lively personality who helped her forget her omegan tendencies.

"Thank you Mina." The cerulean eyed woman spoke softly, gracing a grateful closed eye smile, small tears in the corner of her eyes.

Mina staggered by her genuine emotion for a mere second. She wrapped her arms around the frail ravenette squeezing her with all of her care.

She just met the woman, but from what Midoriya told her about her universe, the single fact Hina didn't seem to outcast or be frightened by the pink alienette right then and there amazed her.

She wasn't expecting anything from the woman, only did as Bakugo instructed her to do. However, seeing how empathetic the blue eyed beauty was, Mina couldn't resist but give her a big hug.

Oh these two are going to be bestest of friends.

"Of course, silly." Mina murmured back, clutching her tightly, seeping all the comfort she could summon through her embrace.

Reluctantly the rhyming pair separated from each other's arms. Mina squeezed Hina's shoulder reassuringly. "Well I got to go, my hubby is gonna be a lil worried, I didn't tell him I'm here in the hospital." Mina rambled sheepishly, her voice bubbly and perky at the mention of her husband. She smirked at her new friend, she has big plans for the ravenette. "If you ever need any help with Bakubro, just call me," she said while pulling out a sharpie from thin air and sprawled her number on Hina's forearm.

"Will keep that in mind." Hina lightly giggled while seeing the peppy woman so ecstatic over sharing her number.

Mina beamed. Her laugh is so cute, she thought, accomplishment fluttering in her chest. When she saw the dreadful expression on Hina made when Bakugo left the room, she felt responsible to help the ravenette to experience some joy.

"I'll see ya around Hina!" She squealed, heading out the door, parting with a final wave.

"See ya." Hina said, still giggling in glee.

Maybe it isn't too bad in this universe.


No, it wasn't bad. But it wasn't amazing either.

After her exchange with Mina, she had gotten her final check up from the doctor, much to her disdain, and changed into a pair dark gray leggings with a comfortable black tank top from the neutral selection of clothes she had. She then retired from her room and met Bakugo at the lobby. He greeted her with his standstill scowl plastered on his face, informing her they were leaving that minute and stomped away, showing no care if Hina followed or not.

Now they were headed to god knows where in his Lamborghini Huracan. If the circumstances were different Hina would've ogled the matte black paint, admired the deep orange accents in the tufted leather seats, and take a myriad of photos as proof she was in the presence of such a luxurious vehicle.

However the tense atmosphere between the explosive quirk holders was enough to silence Hina's inner desire to gawk in her hysterics. She would much rather face the friendly doctor who was trying so hard to quell her fears from the remembrance of 'The Doctor', than remain in the stiff air contrasting the lavish environment.

She so desperately wanted to put the hood down and enjoy the aroma of fresh air. Enjoy the blissfulness of her hair fluttering behind her, her eyes stinging from the merciless cool air, the sun kissing her skin giving her endless warmth.

The freedom to enjoy such mundane experiences.

But from her prison underground she was now being transported to a new form confinement, albeit with more extravagant features.

Yes, she wouldn't be in chains, or poked with needles to be experimented on like a lab rat. In fact she wouldn't be forced to do anything she wasn't willing to do. But she was still being supervised by none other than the man who was responsible for her kidnapping in the first place.

She knew this man, Katsuki Bakugo, was a good person, a hero. He saved people and captured villains for a living for god sakes. But she couldn't shake the animosity she harbored from Dabi's constant reminders that she was only taken and operated on because she was the perfect match to this explosive man. Her malice commanded her to believe that Bakugo was responsible for her hardships.

That Bakugo was the cause of her sis-

"Oi, we're here." Bakugo said, jerking the convertible to a stop.

Hina nodded in acknowledgement, quietly shuffling out of the car. She took in the two story house at the end of the cul-de-sac. It was a modern looking house, with clean cut edges, fashioned in a contemporary style. The roof was slanted with sombre ash gray tiles. The walls were a light gray with deep gray accents. The garage in the front was a charcoal color with dusty orange windows. The remainder of the windows were tinted black, making it impossible to see inside.

Bakugo had gotten her duffle and proceeded to the door. Close behind, Hina absorbed the new surroundings. The front lawn was freshly clipped with no other plants to compliment the house. The entrance had pitch black double doors, a rectangular smoky gray doormat, and a bell to match the matte black door knocker and handle.

When she stepped in she was taken aback by how spacious the house truly was. Greeted by a double height ceiling living room, she noticed the 'L' shaped sofa in the center of the main space, which was a deep graphite, had complimenting white and cloud gray pillows accompanied with a crimson throw blanket. There was a gray and black dappled area rug underneath a rustic gray coffee table in the center of the room with no other accessories on top.

She took a few steps and saw that on her right was a large kitchen that shared the gray color scheme outside, however it was much lighter and softer in comparison. The countertops were a white marble with cool light gray cabinets that were adorned with gunmetal gray handles. All the appliances were stainless steel, and custom fitted in the kitchen, making the whole room look seamless. The island in the center had a large fruit bowl filled with an assortment of apples, pears, and bananas sitting on top, and four ebony cushioned bar stools tucked underneath.

On her left were two doors, what Hina assumed lead to the garage and a jacket closet. After the two doors was a staircase leading to the second floor terrace, where Bakugo was already at.

She walked forward and held onto the black banisters as she noticed the dark gray wooden floor beneath her feet.

Reaching to the end of the staircase she saw two black doors. One on the left and one directly in front of her. Turning on the right was the terrace that led to an empty open loft.

In the back right corner of the loft only was a puffy black lounge chair, a small dark gray book table with a burnt orange standing lamp behind them. On the left wall of the loft was another door which was wide open.

Stepping inside, Hina witnessed Bakugo putting down the violet duffle gently on the foot of the queen bed.

Like the recurring shades and tones of gray that were present throughout the house, the bedroom was embellished with soft grays and whites.

The queen bed was wrapped in a simple cream bedding and a plain dove-gray comforter set with a few different gray-toned throw pillows to match. She observed the bare left wall contrasting the right one which had a dresser hugging it. Like the bedframe, the dresser was a cool rustic ivory. A mirror with a white frame hung on the cloudy gray wall atop the dresser. Beside the dresser was an attached bathroom, and on the wall beside the main door was a small sliding door closet.

Bakugo stood there waiting for her to finish taking in the room. He noticed the ravenette was milking in every detail of her surroundings since she entered his car. The way her eyes wander and linger on each piece of furniture, wall, and decorative piece. He didn't understand her reason for doing so, but assumed it had something to do with her confinement for nearly four months.

He broke from his thoughts, deeming she had enough time to observe her new living space. "This is your room. You can do whatever you want in the house, just don't enter my room. I like my privacy"

"Which one is your room?" Hina asked.

Bakugo perked an eyebrow taking her extremely contradicting question as a challenge.

Hina's eyes widened, realizing how her question sounded defiant. "So I don't accidentally walk in." She added quickly, trying to dissuade any animosity bubbling from the tower of a man in front of her.

"The one on the left of the staircase. Right above the garage." He sighed, deflating like a pufferfish.

"Oh, what's in the other room?" Hina inquired, her eyes sparkling with interest.

"Another guest room, but it has my friend's stuff since they're here often. Do whatever you want." Bakugo said with clear disinterest.

Since Kaminari and Sero come over to crash at his place whenever they get missions in the city from their agencies, they dumped some of their belongings in the spare room. Bakugo never goes in there unless it's to clean a mess they left behind after they left his tranquil house.

Seeing his indifference, Hina was about to end the conversation, but she wanted to make sure she wouldn't bother him too much.

"Any rules?" She asked, positive that after this the hero in front of her won't be wary of her presence.

Bakugo wasn't going to give her any rules knowing that coming from a different universe could take some getting used to, but after noticing how less jittery she became after he explained about his preferences, he decided it wouldn't hurt to put a few restrictions.

He pondered over it for a few seconds before listing off his guidelines. "Don't go in my room, and don't touch the top shelf of my fridge." Unless you want your mouth to burn. He smirked inwardly at the thought, and continued. "If you make a mess, clean after yourself, and don't cook any fancy meals without asking." Don't have enough shit in my kitchen as it is.

Bakugo may not look like it, but he enjoys cooking in his spacious kitchen. The last thing he needs is his meticulously planned meals to have missing ingredients.

"I'll show you the training room tomorrow and we can discuss the rules for there then." He explained while turning around ready to head to his room, however, before he did so he quickly added. "And don't scent anything outside your room."

She looked at him puzzled. "What do you mean scent?"

Bakugo swiveled on his heel, and faced her to see if she was being serious. Observing her apparent confusion, his eyes widened.

You've got to be kidding me, he thought, squeezing his eyes in annoyance pinching the bridge of his nose with his forefinger and thumb, all while exhaling a sharp breath between his gritting teeth.

"I'll explain that tomorrow with other omega and alpha stuff, if I'm not too busy. If not then we'll do it on my day off, which is six days from now." He said with finality, clearly not interested in explaining things he learned in elementary school.

"You could just give me a laptop and I could search online what I need to know." Hina suggested, noticing how his scowl deepened considerably after her innocent question.

Bakugo sighed gratefully, he wasn't comfortable talking about such private matters, especially with a woman who he knew nothing about the intimacy of such actions. And her suggestion was perfect to avoid the embarrassment from such a conversation.

"Yeah whatever." He dismissed, striding back down the way they came. "Dinner'll be ready at seven." He informed without bothering to turn around.

She replied a small 'okay' in response and watched him disappear from her doorway and into his private cavern.

Bakugo closed the door behind him and went to his lavish bathroom to freshen up. Tossing his dirty clothes in the black net hamper, he turned on the water in the shower, waiting for the cool water to a higher temperature. When it was finally to his liking, he stepped on the charcoal tiled floor, letting the water rain on his spiky hair, mulling over what his childhood friend told him.

He was originally repulsed from taking the girl in, but Deku's adamancy convinced him otherwise. He claimed that her staying with Bakugo could reverse the displaced malice against the explosive hero and help get more information on the N.V.A.. For some reason the green-haired nerd is convinced that the omega is still hiding something from them.

Something crucial about understanding the N.V.A.'s true motives.

As he began to scrub his body, Bakugo let his pestering thoughts drift away, and started to focus on dinner plans for tonight.

Back in her new personal chamber, Hina laid on the snug bed, reflecting on Bakugo's attitude since they came to his commodious dwelling. She appreciated the approachable persona many of the heroes presented when she was saved but, it also made her feel restless.

She could see how they were trying not to break from their false demeanor of being hospitable heroes, when in reality they had some predispositions when it came to understanding strangers. Especially since she was from a parallel universe.

It is hard to trust someone who has no records to back up their innocence. Not that she blamed them, it just made her feel uncomfortable. She would rather them show their suspicion, then give her the benefit of the doubt with unease.

It made her sick.

How could a group of people be so perfect and another be so atrocious to the common folk? It was either saints or demons in this universe, which she found hard to accept.

She presumed that there had to be an in between, especially with the influence of extra hormones in their systems which constituted the compulsion of their deep carnal desires.

However, Bakugo's personality made things more similar back home as opposed to the whole 'We're heroes, so of course we have no regard for our personal choices, we're only here to save and protect you.' dynamic.

When he openly displayed his blunt annoyance and open dismissiveness, Hina's concerns were put to rest, and she was able to perceive that if the number two hero had flaws, then they all must have them.

And if they all had flaws, then they all must be human.

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