ᵉⁿᵍˡⁱˢʰ avada kedavra [Riven...

By Little7Seven

26.2K 528 15

"I see, although I see nothing. For me, the darkness is as bright as the day." A new semester at Alfea School... More

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1.9K 33 1
By Little7Seven

The only good and nice thing about first days was always, it wasn't business as usual right away. Classes, as well as all other activities that would be mandatory, did not begin until tomorrow. Today it was just a matter of settling in; exchanging with his classmates, so that the events of the vacations, do not prevent learning and slowly, to get used again to the fact that everyday life and life here, is a little different than at home.

In no way resembled this, what the school organized every year at the start, a party. Riven had clearly exaggerated. It was much more like a small celebration, where all the residents came together, drank, ate and talked or got to know each other. As I said. The first day. That's how it seemed.

Fortunately for all of them, the students at least, the real party was yet to come. Every year, it had become a tradition of the specialists, at the beginning of the new school year, to have a party. No teaching staff or other adults there to supervise, and a little alcohol. Not to mention, what would a party, a real party, be without music?

Wandering around, Sierra grabbed a cup from a table that had dozens on it, sipped it, and looked around for old familiar characters to talk to and, in some cases, complain to about the past few weeks and who was coming.

"Jealous?", Sierra asked Stella in an amused voice, grudgingly looking over at Sky and the redhead she'd just met a few hours ago, watching them both closely, "I guess, judging by your face, we're about to see 'Straight Outta Bitch Town' between you two. Or, will it be a revival of Eminem versus Machine Gun Kelly? Rap Devil versus KILLSHOT."

"You spend way too much time around people," the blonde retorted sourly, looking to Sierra beside her, who was tapping the edge of her cup against her chin, "Who won?"

"Officially? No one," after which Sierra paused, taking a sip of her drink, only to follow up by pulling her cheeks inward and tilting her head to the side as she watched, "But, the vast majority declared Eminem the winner. It wasn't pretty for MGK, however, it did little damage to his career. It was a decent push, nevertheless, nobody messes with the Rap God himself without consequences. His musical direction has changed a bit. My advice therefore. Just let it run its course. If you don't get involved, it can't blow up in your face in the end. New things are always interesting. At the beginning at least, and for a while, because once everyone knows it, the attraction is usually gone. Some things establish themselves, others don't. It takes more to become a classic. You would call it a fad, sunshine."

"Many a terrible fad could have been avoided if someone had done something about it right at the beginning," Although Sierra agreed with Stella on this point, there was a different way to deal with the ex-boyfriend. "If someone had intervened early enough, a lot of things wouldn't have gotten as far as they have, Noir.... no, I'd rather stick with nightingale. I don't have to understand what Riven sees in Noir. You'll excuse me?"

Sure you do, Sierra gave out with a sigh but Stella was long gone to Sky. It had been just the opposite of what she meant. Just let it go. Let things, take their own course. Watch. A lot of things take care of themselves, like probably this. There was no need for unnecessary interference. Rash action never did anyone any good.

Waiting was not one of Stella's strengths, nor was not interfering. It was to be hoped that the blonde did nothing or said nothing, which could harm her sometime in the future, even and this then, whatever it will be, will regret afterwards. Furthermore, the light fairy belonged to those who merely half listened, if it did not concern them directly or it was hardly of his interest. Nox and Noir were not that far apart. The first two letters matched and the meaning of both words were also, somehow, quite close. A pretty good match for half listening.

Pure boredom did not arise, even if this event was quite dull, as Sierra found, because the Dawling was visited by Silva, one of the teachers of the specialists, who seemed worried and upset at the same time. In itself, not at all unusual that two teachers talked, even if both did not teach the same students or no student of whose conversation should have come, as in this case.

Slowly Sierra approached the two whispering teachers, but unfortunately too late. She did not hear more than a fraction of a sentence. 'Person found in the forest.' It had to be of enormous importance, otherwise the Dawling wouldn't leave right away, along with Silva and the botany teacher.

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