Book of Secrets

By CelticWarriorQueen17

1.7K 274 566

A tag and rant book. Ye be warned. More

Behold, my tag book hath returned...
Book and Character Tag
Book Thieves, Blogs, Etc.
Fan Music - Is It A Thing
Character Line Tag
So I uh did a thing...
Book-Lover Blog Tag
Another Tag
My Opinions on Pride Month
Five Things Tag
Story Descriptions Tag
Further Elaborations...
The Questions Tag
I need help... [Also in which I question life choices and my sanity]
In Which I Make Up My Mind
Preptober Day #2
Preptober Day #3
Preptober Day #4
Preptober Days #5-7
More Preptober
Mordred Memes a lot to me
Facts and Favorites Tag
Yet Another Tag...
Cinnamon Rolls
A Study Tag of Between Two Worlds
Final Song and some Life Updates
Brown Feather
Username Tag
20 Songs Tag
Character Aesthetics Tag
Language Tag
Bestie Tag Pt. 1
Bestie Tag Pt. 2
So I Made a Thing
OTP Tag Version 1. Feat. #LUNID
OTP Tag Version 2. Feat. #FIANGUS
Publishing Announcement + Book Launch Server
Strengths/Weaknesses Tag
PREORDER your copy of my debut, BETWEEN TWO WORLDS
Gwynnedd's Guide to the 50 States
A Very Important Announcement

A New Tag

19 5 13
By CelticWarriorQueen17

Tagged by nightwraith17 herself

1. Where were you three hours ago?

I was in bed, debating whether I had the motivation to get up

2. Who are you in love with? 

Angus McCladden

3. Is there anything pink within 100 feet of you?

I have a lotion thing on my desk that's pink on the outside. 

4. When was the last time you went to the mall?

For someone who hates shopping... 

Either way, it was early 2019, I think in May. 

5. Are you wearing socks right now?

Why yes. They have owls on them. 

6. Does your family have a car with $2000 on it?

I do not understand this question. 

7. Have you been to the movies in the last 5 days?

No. In fact, I haven't been to the theater since Endgame came out in April 2019. 

8. Are you hot?

If you're talking about temperature or attractiveness, I'm room temperature and no, I'm about as attractive as Greta Thurnberg. 

9. What was the last thing you had to drink?

Thank you for reminding me to drink more water. Yes, it was water. 

10. Do you wash your car or take it to the car wash?

I don't own my own car. But I've helped wash my family's cars on occasion. 

11. Where were you this time last week?

At my desk as I am right now. 

12. Did you buy any clothing items this past week?


13. Last time you ran?

Proverbs 28:1 

I don't usually run. But if I am, you better be running too. 

14. Last sporting event you watched?

Uh... We don't really watch sports. 

15. Favorite animal?


16. Dream vacation?

A trip across Great Britain. Climb Yr Widdfa. Visit Arthur's Seat and Stonehenge and Glastonbury and *continues list* 

17. Last person's house you were in?

Some people we know from church. 

18. Worst injury you've ever had?

Does mental or emotional count? 

19. Have you ever been in love?

Aside from book characters...

Not quite sure, but even if I have, I wouldn't say so here. 

20. Do you miss anyone right now?


21. Last play you say? 

I have no idea. I think it was Beauty and the Beast by some Christian high school that my friends were acting in. It would have been in 2018 I think. 

22. Favorite color?

Emerald green 

23. Do you have any plans for tonight?

Hopefully relax. 

24. Who was the last person you sent a text to? 

That would be Illeandir

25. Next trip you're going to take?

A visit to Hocking Hills in May. 

26. Have you ever gone to a camp?

Yes. Three glorious years of church camp. Great memories. 

27. Were you an honor roll student?

I have been homeschooled my whole life. 

28. What do you want to know about your future?

Is it worth hoping for? 

29. Wearing perfume or cologne? 

Nope. Not currently. 

30. Are you due sometime this year for a doctor's appointment?


31. Where is your best friend?

Bold of you to assume I just have one. I have a few that are my best friends and they're scattered all over. 

32. How is your best friend?

I hope they're all doing well. 

33. Do you have a tan?

Maybe a ghost from last summer. 

34. What are you listening to right now?

Silence and the sound of myself typing this tag out. 

35. Do you collect anything?

Stamps, state quarters, books, music, friends, memories, emotional problems... 

36. Last time you drove out of town?

I currently have an expired permit. But it was in October or November last year. 

37. Who is the biggest gossiper you know?

I don't know of any big gossips thank goodness. 

38. Last time you got stopped or pulled over by a cop?

I've fortunately had neither happen to me so far. 

39. Have you ever drunk pop from a straw?

I don't call it that, and no, I'm not a sissy. 

40. What does your last text say?

"you get pushed in but you don't lose ur lights"

I'm offering no context to this. 

41. Do you like hot sauce?

No. My stomach rejects it. 

42. Last time you showered?

Saturday night. 

43. Do you need to do laundry?

That's my chore. So obviously, yes. 

44. What is your heritage?

Anglo-Saxon, Welsh, Irish, Dutch (from the Netherlands, not German-Dutch), French, Native American, and Eastern Europe. 

45. Are you someone's best friend?

I'd like to think so. 

46. Are you rich?

If I was, I wouldn't need scholarships so badly. 

47. What were you doing at 12 A.M.?

I was sleeping, if you really want to know. 

Well, there you have it. Anyone's welcome to do it. xD 

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