Galactic Savior | Avengersโœ”๏ธ

By totsbreaux12

564K 19.2K 4.7K

Marlene. No last name. No backstory. Nothing. She falls from the sky, landing straight into the lives of the... More

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t h a n k s

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14.5K 421 118
By totsbreaux12

the aliens

NICK Fury and the Avengers, minus Bruce and Thor, sat around the table while Marlene was forced the explain everything Loki and Thor had told her about her powers and past. She shifted uncomfortably under their scrutiny as they tried to think of what to do next. Agent Phil Coulson sat next to Agent Hill as she held an ice pack to his eye from a hard hit when Loki and he were fighting.

"I don't understand," Clint said, eyebrows furrowing. "You heard us? Just some cheap one-liners. Your powers come from the Mind Stone, but only to the extent of mind control, reading thoughts, and seeing near future events?"

"Don't forget the energy blasts," Steve added cheekily.

Tony rolled his eyes. "Great. So can't you take Loki out if he's using the stone you came from?"

"Tony," Natasha warned, shaking her head. "She hardly knows what she's doing as it is. We're lucky that she was able to release Clint's tie to Loki and save Coulson."

"Lucky, sure. Now, we need to finish him," Tony said. He looked at her. "Where is he? He's a full-tilt diva. He wants flowers, he wants parades, he wants a monument built in the skies with his name plastered–"

Marlene's eyes flashes as she closed them. When they opened, she was standing on a very large tower. Frowning, she blinked to find herself in the briefing room once more. "A tall tower with your name on it," she said directly to Tony.

Tony's eyes widened. "Son of a bitch."

Steve stood, understanding. "We need to go. Can any of you fly a Quinjet?"

"I can," Clint offered as the rest followed.

Marlene stayed seated, frowning as they all moved to get up and get suited up. She looked around as they all stopped moving at once. She felt their eyes on her. Turning her head slightly, she let out an awkward laugh.

"What?" she asked skeptically.

Tony smirked. "C'mon, Elsa. Let's get you suited up."

"Oh, no. No, no, no, no," she said as he grabbed her arm to help her stand.

"You have equal powers to his silly stone. We need you out there," Steve said, pulling Tony's hand off of her arm with a glare. "We need you, Marlene."

She groaned softly. "Whatever. Whatever! Fine!" she grumbled, following Natasha when the woman gestured for her. After Natasha helped her into one of her agent outfits that was all black and tight as fuck, she walked out to Steve and Clint with a frown on her face. "I don't like it."

Steve smiled softly. "I'm sorry; It's all we have right now."

Clint shrugged as he fixed one of his arrows. "I think you look great. C'mon, Marls," he said cheekily, turning to follow Steve to a Quinjet.

"Marls," Marlene breathed, Aaron's face appearing in her mind. As she was pulled along to the jet, she tried to find him. Closing her eyes, she opened them to find herself in a cell. Before she could do anything, she blinked and found herself in Steve's arms after she let out a yelp while falling over her feet. "He was real," she said breathlessly as she looked around. Pulling herself out of Steve's arms, she saw they were on the jet, flying off. Steve stared at her worriedly. "He was real," she whispered again, falling to the ground as her eyes dimmed.

"Who?" Steve asked, crouching in front of her. "Who are you talking about?"

Marlene bit her lip. "Aaron... the man from my simulation."

Steve frowned. "He was a part of the people who put you there. That's not a good thing."

"But he helped me," she whispered brokenly. "I have to find him."

Steve looked at the upcoming city that was being destroyed by the alien creatures. "I'll help you, okay? But we need to take out Loki first, Marlene."

Marlene grabbed his hand warily as the jet they were on was hit by Loki's scepter. Clint managed to land the jet as best as he could, and Steve kept his hand wrapped around hers as he shoved the hanger open. When they made it to the street, they looked up in fear at the portal to space with the creatures leaving it.

"Stark, are you seeing this?" Steve asked Tony.

Tony let out a breathy laugh. "I'm seeing, still working on believing. Where's Banner? Has he shown up yet?"


"Just keep me posted. Jarvis, find me a soft spot," Tony said to his AI as Marlene let her fingers spark with the bright blue energy. She felt her eyes alight as she began to fight the creatures nearing her.

Steve used his shield to help while Natasha and Clint used their weapons. When they saw people running frantically, some about to be hurt, Marlene let herself fly using her magic. She sent blasts of her energy at them before glancing down at Steve.

"Those people need assistance down there," she said before flying off.

"We got this. It's good. Go!" Natasha said to Steve as the Captain watched Marlene fly up to the nearest building to fight off the creatures.

Steve looked at Clint. "You think you can hold them off?"

"Captain. It would be my genuine pleasure."

Marlene flew to Tony, eyes finding his suit as he hovered next to her. She noticed the giant alien creature following Tony. He turned to face her. "Think you can take it out?"

"Not alone. I can hold it off," she murmured. The pair flew side by side until they parted with her taking the left while he took the right. They sent their blasts, her energy and his ammunition from the guns in the suit. The creature roared in anger.

Steve's voice piped up, "What's the story upstairs?"

"The power surrounding the cube is impenetrable," Thor responded, and Marlene was glad he was okay. She knew he was capable of handling himself, but she was worried when he disappeared.

Tony flew next to Marlene, watching her eyes beam brightly as she sent another blast. "Thor is right. We gotta deal with these guys."

"How do we do this?" Natasha asked.

"As a team," Steve replied.

Thor growled out, "I have unfinished business with Loki."

Clint snorted a laugh. "Yeah, get in line."

"Save it. Loki's gonna keep this fight focused on us and that's what we need. Without him these things could run wild. We got Stark and Marlene up top, they are gonna need us—"

Marlene was confused as to what cut him off as she and Tony continued flying around the creature, trying to figure out a way to kill it.

"Stark? We got him."

"Banner?" Tony asked, shoving Marlene aside when the creature almost knocked her. Marlene sent him a nod of thanks.

"Just like you said," Steve replied.

"Then tell him to suit up. We're bringing the party to you," Tony said, flying off with Marlene following. She felt herself lowering to the ground as her energy was being spent. When she saw Bruce in front of the group, she landed gracefully next to him while Tony brought the monster.

"I... I don't see how that's a party..." Natasha murmured as Marlene turned to face the creature nearing them. She hoped Bruce would change quickly.

"Dr. Banner," Steve called, "Now might be a really good time for you to get angry."

Bruce turned with a smirk. "That's my secret, Captain. I'm always angry."

Suddenly, as he turned to the creature, his body became green and began to grow. His large fist landed right onto the creature, having it begin to roll over itself as Tony shot his hand blasters at it to keep it from falling on them.

When Tony hovered next to Marlene, she sent a nod to him as she began to hover in the air as well. Her hands were lit with blue energy as they noticed more creatures and aliens coming from the portal.

Marlene took a deep breath. "They are still coming," she muttered.

"Call it, Cap," Tony said as he, too, stared at the portal.

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