Just the Two of Us (Fred Weas...

By fredscumslutt

343K 8.5K 13.1K

"๐’€๐’๐’– ๐’˜๐’๐’–๐’๐’…๐’'๐’• ๐’๐’Š๐’Œ๐’† ๐’‚ ๐‘ฉ๐’๐’‚๐’„๐’Œ" ๐’Š ๐’”๐’‚๐’Š๐’… ๐’”๐’‚๐’…๐’๐’š. "๐‘ฐ ๐’…๐’๐’'๐’• ๐’ˆ๐’Š๐’—๐’† ๐’‚ ๐’‡๐’๐’š๐’Š๐’๏ฟฝ... More

End of summer
The Grim?
Is he actually back?
The Boggart
The Black Lake
Hogsmeade trip
The Fat Lady
the carved heart
if he loved you-
Kayla Diggory
"Run Freddie!"
Lee the Snowman
The Marauders Map
Shrieking Shack
Don't You Dare!
Happy Memories
Sorry Lupin.
Ask her
You like Fred Weasley then?!
Good night, love
Oh my god
Just a bit
The Stag and The Dog
Expecto Patronum!
Flower Pins
"Your Lover Boy"
8:45 am
Ton Tongue Toffee
Cups of water
We are rich! We are rich!
The number
Draco, got cheated on?
Aging Potion
The Champions
Draco! Draco!
The First Task
The Yule Ball
Blossom Ginsensei
Before the third task
The Horrid Third Task
Cedric Diggory
Kayla's Big 15th
Don't tell Fred...
The Muggle World
Back at it again
"Dumbledore's Army"
Stunting spells
Look at me!
Fred Weasley and Sirius Black
Love Potions, Again.
One last time
"For luck"
Weasley Wizard Wheezes
"Freddie my love"
Draco Malfoy
20 of December
Talking to the Moon
daggers and memories
Astronomy Tower
The Seven Potters
Bill and Fleur Weasley
Kreacher & Dobby
"It calms him"
White eyes
Ronald Weasley
Malfoy Manor


3.2K 87 284
By fredscumslutt

Y/N: your name
Okay, I love this. BYEEEEEE!

"Charlotte Virvain" I said quietly. "I've read about her, well her family" Fred exclaimed. "You read about her? you were reading?" I couldn't believe my ears. "Oh piss off" He smiles. I swear his smile was so...beautiful.  

"Anyways, I've read about her family, all Slytherins" He looked down in thought "They were known for using unforgivable curses on muggle-borns" He said. My eyes went wide "My mom was in Gryffindor". 

"Weird, Slytherin It runs in their blood-line" He took my hand, worried "They were also supremicist, they were in the Wizarding world since it began".  I was speechless. "They are also related to...Salazar Slytherin". "What?!" I asked "So I'm an....heir?" I asked. 

"Of Slytherin" He said covering his mouth. "Of Slytherin" I paced back and forth. "So basically you are Tom Riddle's great, great, great niece or something" He said wide eyed. "So I'm related to Voldemort, That's why he wanted me in the tournament, That's why my mother was there" I said. 

"Fred I'm the heir of Slytherin" I said in disbelief. "I know that" He said looking down. "I have to tell Sirius" I took his hand and walked over to the kitchen with him. Before I entered I heard my uncle Lupin and my dad Sirius. 

I refuse to belive that my uncle Lupin and My dad weren't dating. They are meant for each other. And my Uncle always brought my dad in to everything. I believe my dad used my mother to hide the fact he was gay. "I know it isn't the time but I bet you 10 galleons they used to date" Fred says.

"I bet you 15 galleons they started to date again" I said. "I bet 15 galleons too" I hear George say from behind us. "George!" Me and Fred say in unison. "What? They are definitely dating" He shurgs and leaves.

"Come" Fred took my hand and ran with me upstairs. "What are you doing?" I asked as he entered my room and looked for something in my trunk. 

"Here put this on" He gave me a dress I had. "What? Why?" I asked and grabbed the dress. "Wear it and meet me in George's and I's room" He winked and ran out of the room. 

I put on the dress and I put some flat shoes on. I brushed my hair and put mascara on. "Let's see" I said to myself in walking up to his room. I knocked once and the door slammed open. 

"Fred did you put on hair gel?" I asked as he pulled me in the room. It had petals and candles all over it. "As at matter of fact, I did" Even with the lack of light I could see Fred blushing. "You look so handsome" I twirled him around. 

"And you look beautiful as always" Fred kissed my forehead. He turned on some slow-dance music and came close to me. "M'lady, shall we dance?" He streches his hand out for me. "We shall" I take it. 

We say around with the music. "You know I had a dream the other night" He said. I rested my head on his chest. Fred had gotten a lot taller and his features were more defined now that I noticed. He looked more handsome than ever. 

"Is kind of funny" He said. "Well tell me about it" I said smiling. "I just remember you walking down an aisle with my dad by your side, you were wearing a white dress and I was wearing a yellow suit" I chuckle. "What?" He asks. 

"You dreamed of our wedding" I smiled. "What- no" He turned bright red. "Aw Freddie" I kissed his lips gently. "It's weird, I know" He looks down. 

"No It's adorable" I looked at my boyfriend in awe. "Really?" He opened his eyes wide. "Of course my love" I said as I kissed him once more. "Marry me then" Fred said with a serious face. "Come again?" I looked up at him. 

"Let's get married, Let's do something stupid" He smiled. "Fred we are just 17" I smiled at him. "And? Let's do it" His eyes sparkled. "Freddie as lovely as that sounds we can't" I cupped his cheeks whilst dancing. 

"A promise ring?" He asked. "Oh my god, I have an Idea" I said "We have 24 hours to make each other a promise rings, I make yours. You make mines" He smiles and lifts me up. He kisses me "You are brilliant" He puts me down as we laugh. 

We stare at eachother in the comfortable silince. I caught his eyes flying from my lips to my eyes. I push him down to his bed and get on his lap. He sets his hands on my waist  as I begin to kiss him. "Stop It!" George enters the room. 

"For fucks sake George" I said resting my forhead on Fred's shoulder. "I just came in to say Lee send a letter for you two and tomorrow we have our apparation test" He sits down on his bed "Stop snogging for one second please". 

When George opens his letter from Lee he turns red. "Oooo" Fred sits next to his brother and reads Lee's card. 

Dear Y/n, 

Hello! I miss you! That's all I wanted to say. 

Well I'm in Ireland and I think I found something that will match your eyes. I hope you like it. 

Sending love,
Lee (The handsome boyfriend and friend)

I chuckle and put the card on my pocket. I turn to see one twin laughing hysterically at his card and the other was brightly red. "Well He is in Ireland" I said trying to defuse the tension in the room. 

"Yup" George gets up smiling and runs to the bathroom. Me and Fred laugh. "I love him" I said in between laughs. "We all do" Fred said. Hermione bursted in the room and said "Harry is getting expelled!" I bolt up. 

"What!" I said. George came out of the bathroom and looked at us worriedly. "He used the patronus charm in front of his cousin" She said "He is coming tomorrow". I nodded and sat down in a bed. 

I brushed my hair back with my finger and hold it back. "I swear this boy is going to be the death of me" I said shortly. soon I fell asleep.


"Fred?" I walked around the collasped castle "Percy?". I see all the Weasley's gathered around a strecher. I begged in wasn't Fred.

It was two people on strechers,it was Me and Fred. My eyes winded. Lee and Geoge were crying their eyes out.

"Is that me?" I bend down and I noticed I looked more adult. I turned around and I saw Remus and Tonks laying on the floor. Dead as well. Kayla and Draco were crying as well. They had wedding rings on.

I hear a laugh and I turn around to see my mom with her wand up to Draco's neck.


"Draco!" I bolt up as I breathe heavily. I groan and rub my face to slightly wake up. I get up and walk down stairs to get a cup of water. My breath was still shaking and so were my hands.

I got close to the cupboards and got a glass. I filled it up with cold water and sat down at the table. I looked out the window admiring the moon. Some one knocks on the door. I turn to see Fred leaning on the door frame.

He walks closer and sits beside me, "Bad dream again?" He caresses my face softly as I nod. He pecks my forehead gently. "I'm not going anywhere" He smirks "I'm not that easy to get rid off". I smile.

"Come on we have a busy day tomorrow" He takes the glass off my hand and takes me upstairs. "I'm doing it tomorrow" Fred says. "Do what?" I ask as I skip off the stairs. "I'm telling everyone you are my girlfriend" He smiles.

"Really?" I ask with a smile. "Is time to do it, I'll do it at breakfast" He kissed my hand and takes me to his room. He lays down and open his arms so I could go towards him. I cover ourselves in the covers and place my head on his chest.

He stars brushing my hair out off my face and plays with it. "Are you excieted for you apparation test?" I asks and close my eyes. "Not really, I know how to do it already" He chuckles. He hums a song which drives me quick to sleep.


"Fred and George Weasley you bette-" Molly enters the room and opens her eyes wide when she sees her son shirtless with me on his bed. "Fred!" I shake him up but what he does is kiss my lips. "10 more minutes" He pulls me down.

"10 more minutes my ass! Mate, Mom is on the door!" George says."Language George Weasley!" Molly says. Fred sits up quickly "Mom, Have you heard of knocking?!" He pulls the covers up to his shoulders.

"Fred what is Y/n doing on your bed! And why did you kiss her with out saying she was okay with it!" She put her hands on her hips, she then smiles at me "Are you okay dear?" Her tone turned soft. I nodded.

She turned her head back to her son. "MeandY/naredating" He said quicly. I slapped my forehead with my palm. "Come again Fred?" She walked closer to us. He sighs and takes my hand. " Me and Y/n are dating, We've been dating for about a year" He says quietly.

Before he gets to look back at his mom again she wrapped her arms around us. "Finally!" She kissed my cheeks. I nervously laugh, "It was about time, now get ready" She turned back to the door and closed it.

George roared with laughter. "I swear the things you do when you wake up" I laugh with George. "Oh shut up". I leave the boys room and change into a pair of clothes. I put on a white tang top and some black ripped jeans. I put my hair in a pony tail and wore a bit of mascara.

I go out side and see the twins wearing matching yellow shirts. "Hello boys" I said a we walk down to the table. Molly had cooked a huge break fast. I sat next to Ron and Fred. "Morning Ronniekins" I ruffled his hair.

"Piss off" He reached over to the bacon. Moments pass by of talking and laughing. Fred then clears his throat.

Oh lord

Dad already knew but Fred didn't know he did. I winked at my dad and he quickly catched on and nodded. I chuckle under my breath. "Umm can I say something?" Fred asked in a low tone. Everyone stopped and turned to look at him.

"Well me and this beautiful girl are now dating" He said and kissed my cheek. People shot their heads right at Sirius. "No, No way" He said standing up. I hold my laughter. "Sirius calm-" Remus said.

"No! You are not dating my daughter, No way" Sirius said louder. Molly looked at her son who looked..so upset. Fred looks at Sirius and looks back at me. "I'm kidding boy, I already knew" I laugh as my Dad speaks.

Fred lets out a shaky sight "You are so dead Black". "Pardon?" Me and Sirius say in unison. Fred opens his eyes widely. "I mean her, sorry sir" Sirius laughs and so do I, Fred shakes his head and everyone goes back to eating.

"I'm so glad you two are together, y/n" Tonks gives me a smile and her hair turns bubblegum pink. I Loved Tonks she was like an older sister and we had a lot of things in common. "Thank you Tonks" Me and Fred say in unison.

"Okay! Fred, George and Y/n Let's go!" Molly said as she grabs the floo powder. "Ready?" She smiled at me. "Ready" I smiled and grabbed floo powder. I yelled the direction.


Surprisingly Fred, George and I passed the test. It was quite easy. "Finally Here!" Remus runs over to me and gives me a hug "So? How did it go?" He lets go of me. I apparate to the top of the stairs and pop my head out of the railing so he could see me. He chuckles.

"Espectacular" I said after apparating back to him. He chuckles once more and guides me to the kitchen where my dad was. "Dad!" I run over to the man who looked upset "Dad?" I put my arm around him.

"Everyone to their rooms" He said. "No- wait what's wrong?" I aksed with worried eyes. I turned to Remus but he had a guilty face on. "Nothing, just go to your room" He digged his face in his palms. "Dad-" I was cut off by him. "Go to your room!" He yelled.

I looked down and back up at him, so I nodded. I left the kitchen with my head low. My dad had never yelled at me like that. "Hello darling" Fred Pulled me in the couch with him and handed me a hot cocoa "Harry must be arriving later today" He pecks my cheek.

I smile at him whilst I nod. I tap my cup with my fingers "We should go to our room" I said quietly. He nodded andwent upstairs with me. "You okay?" He asked.

"I'm doing great" I kiss his cheek and he smiles. He knew something had made me upset but I really didn't mind. He put my cup down and pushed me in the bed with him. He placed his head on my chest. I wrapped my legs around his torso.

I tangled my fingers in his hair and played with it as he drifted to sleep. Some one knocks on the door "Come in" I whisper. Molly walks in with a tray of cookies. She smiles and tilt her head in awe. She leaves a small plate of cookies in the night stand next to the bed.

She chuckles "You know, He hated when anyone touched his hair" She sat on the bed admiring her son. "I remember the day you two met, I belive you were about 6 or 7?" I nod in response.

Remus and Sirius met all the Weasley kids when they were born and Molly knew who I was when I was born but they never introduced us for some reason until we were older. I knew Molly's kids names but I never knew what they looked like.

"That same day you left I remember he came to dinner with the brightest smile painted on his little face" She takes stray hairs out of Fred's face as she speaks


"Mom!" Fred came over to his mother and rummaged through the cabinets. "Yes dear?" Molly kept her eyes peirced on the dishes. "I need something now! I need my hair to be longer, please!" He clasped his hands and asked with pleading eyes.

Fred looked frustrated at his mother not answering him who just looked at him blankly. "And why is that?" Molly asked her distressed son. Fred digged his fingers in a cabinet.

"You know the pretty girl that came in earlier?" Fred had his head in to the cabinet looking for a potion or anything. Molly chuckles "Yes, Y/n". "That one! Well she said she liked the color of my hair" Fred smiled at his mom.

"She said she had never seen someone with orange hair, that I was special" Fred was glowing "And she wanted to do my hair but is too short" Fred looked down. Molly walked over to her son and kissed his forehead.

She pulled her wand out and did a non-verbal spell. Fred's hair was no longer short it reached his neck which he was rather pleased about. "When is she coming back mom?" He hugged his mother gratefully.

"Tomorrow morning dear" She said Happily. "George she is coming back tomorrow!" The small ginger said running around looking for his twin brother in the yard. "Really?!" Little George asked his brother.

"Yes! We can finally prank Percy like she said!" Fred high-fived his brother and ran along the garden with Ron and Charlie while Ginny laughed with Bill and Percy was reading a book next to them. Molly shook her head and hummed a small and soft song.


"Oh my god I remember! I came the next day and Fred's hair was way longer" I said smiling.

"He made me do a charm on his hair" She chuckled "He wouldn't stop talking about you, He was so excited to go to Hogwarts with you and George" She smiled. I looked at Fred and smiled widly. "Take care of him for me Y/n, I know I have a lot of kids but Fred is one of a kind" Her eyes turned glassy.

I placed my hand on top of hers "I will always take care of him Molly" I looked down at Fred and brushed his hair softly "Always."

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