Cupid, His Arrow And I

By BastardGoneWrong

968 23 8

"I thought Cupid as a naked, winged boy with a bow and arrow. But I was wrong..... Really wrong." When the mo... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Not A Chapter
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Chapter 1

79 1 0
By BastardGoneWrong

I woke up in my bed, mysteriously not knowing how and why because I slept last night in the couch in the living room. I rummaged my bedside table for the thing called Advil. I drank one. My head hurts like fuck and add to it the crazynesss of yesterday night then put on top of the cake, the fact that today is a fucking Monday for godsake. I hesitantly went to the comfort room who really does it's work well. I started unbuttoning my shirt when....

"Oh my God! Stop stripping. A man is here, you know!" A familiar voice said.

"Aaah!!! Oh, it's the psycho." Oh! It's the psychotic wannabe Cupid. " It's the psycho!!! Aaaaaaaaahhhh!!" He placed a hand on my mouth, to stop me from shouting. Where's my family when I need them?

"Whymm aremm youmm herm? Youm pervermmmt!" I said below his mouth but then he just laughed so I think it was incoherent. I smirked. I licked his arm then he stopped laughing and jerk his hand away.

"What the! Did you just lick me?Eew." And it was my turn to laugh.

"You deserve that for being a bastard." Then I smiled at him. He smirked mischievously. Uh-oh. He radiates that trouble vibe. He stepped forward.

"Don't go near. Or else.." I said with a hint of fear in it.

"Or else what... stripper." He smiled at me then came back his smirk which I really want out of his system.

I cringe at his nickname for me. Stripper. What the heck!! I was just starting unbuttoning my shirt cause I'm gonna take a bath but then he was there.

"Or else...I'm gonna kill you here right now then I'm gonna cut your head away from your body then I'll throw it in the toilet and flush it back to where it came from. Crap." I said, visualizing of patting my own back.

"I'm not crap. This beauty-" He pointed at himself. "is far from crap. Honey."

I blushed.

"Are you blushing?" He said, amusement twinkling in his eyes and dripping from his voice.

I bit a jot of my lips then saying a "NO"

He stepped forward. I took a step back. He thinks he can break my defense by talking in all normal mode but no. He takes another step and I too take a step backward.

"Take another step and I'll-" He took another step. I took a step back. "Aaah! You bastard." He took another step. I took a step back and I felt the door against my back. Uh-oh. It's a dead end.

"Honey, it's a dead end. You have nothing to go."

He placed a hand beside my head. He neared me. Our proximity is so close from each other. He smirked then lean in to my ears. Oh yeah! It's not a dead end. I opened the door but with his weight, we both fell down. Him on top of me. I was happy to say he didn't kiss me but this was more intimate and provocative. My hands were sweaty. Get up! Get up! I subtly squirmed, hoping to the High Divinities that he didn't misinterpret it as grinding

"Go take a bath. You'll be late for school." He said, fanning my ears with his breath and churning my inside with tingles then he bit it lightly and he kissed my neck. It stayed their for how many seconds and then he lost. He lost in thin air. I sighed which I just knew I was holding.

That bitch!! Leaving after doing something good to me. It sucks for all you know. I won't let him do that to me again. Never... but I wonder how he does that thing?
I ended up, forty minutes late for first period. The teacher basically cut me off with her intense glaring. Talk about first impressions and I basically blame all of this to Cupid.

Classes passed by in a blur No exciting things. All classes was full of introducing and whatnot except for Mr. Gosling. Our Math teacher that changes personality when inside the room. He becomes a psycho in teaching when inside the room and a friendly guy outside. I sometimes think he's bipolar.

And now I'm in my locker, placing my books and getting all I need for the afternoon classes. "First day still no drama. Nice start." I mumbled then heading off to the cafeteria. There I went to our usual table and I saw their sitting Sal and Jimmy.

"Jimmy, Sal. Hello!!" I said, waving my hand.

"Come here, you young lady." Jimmy said.

I grin and ran up to them.

"Sal here. Have something to say to you?" Jimmy said then he smiled at me.

"Once upon a time Clint asked you on a date!!" Sal said then she hugged me.

I just sat their, not reciprocating anything. It is just a bizarre with Clint asking me out on date through my friend. If this is just another show of them then I'll kill the both of them.

"How? When? Why? What?" I asked incredulously.

"I don't know why but he just went here and told us this." Jimmy said.

I snatch an apple from Sal's tray discreetly. I bit on it and turned my head to glance at the guy with a sleek, slightly disheveled blonde hair in the center table.

"There's something wrong." I told the both of them.

They stared at me like I was growing a pair of head.


"He just asked you. The guy your crushing on for two years already asked you out for the first time and you think this is something wrong. Are you even Athena?" Jimmy said, aggravated.

"Or Athena just got kidnapped by an alien from Mars and you are just an undercover alien. You know the guys that transform whenever they want to in the movie John Carter." Sal said. "Is that my apple?" She jerked her head down, miraculously unaffected by whiplash. I was even shock that she didn't catch a whiplash from that very fast jerking of her head.

"That's my apple!!" Sal shouted the minute she knew that I stole her apple from her lunch tray. She jerked her head again upwards so fast. She glared at me so intense that I must start digging my own grave right now.

I bit a large amount from the apple even if I know that she's already fuming anger and this action would only add a tree to the fire in the fireplace. If you know what I mean...

"Thats.. you.. aahh you, bitch!" She said with an intensity enough to shake earth. I smiled at her.

"You love me."

"Unfortunately yes." She grinned. I bit my apple and hug her.

"Aaah. Some sappy bestfriends here for sale!" Jimmy shouted. And then we all laugh.

"Honey, may I join in?" Someone said and I looked at the speaker. It's Cupid. My mouth hung open. Why is he here in my school? Why did that freaking black and bald principal let the likes of him enter this school. I mean he is a freak, literally.

I glanced at my friend. Jimmy's mouth agape while Sal is in her probe look which consists of a tight-lip, slightly squint eyes, and a discreet furrows in his brows.

"Why is he calling you honey?" Sal asked with a hint of mischievousness, eyes full of twinkling suspicion.

"Athena, who is this Greek god in the form of a guy? You have a lot of explaining to do." Jimmy composed himself and glanced at me then back to Cupid. He smiled at him.

Oh Cupid!! I'm gonna bury you six feet below when I got to solo you, well, if I can considering that you have powers that let you evaporate into thin air.

"Umm. It's not Greek. I'm Roman." He smiled at Jimmy then he glanced at me with that smirk plastered on his face.

"I'm Cupid."


My fiancee on top or on the side.

Vote. Comment. Fan.



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