Well, That Was A Thing (Good...

By Zakani_Donovan

82.5K 2.8K 2.2K

Random AU's for the Ineffable Husbands that either come out of my mind or got inspired by other AU's in the c... More

1; Thank Adam
2; Angelic Siblings
3; Our Little Hellspawn
4; Appearances Can Be Deceiving
5; Yes Ma'am
6; Fun-Sized
7; The Sea Serpent's Curse
8; Up, Down, What Does It Matter?
9; Is This Bookshop Haunted?
10; Cake, Wine & Letters
11; Hallway Whispers In Tadfield High
12; You Again?
13; You're A Real Miracle-Worker
14; Wedding Bells & Brides From Hell
15; The Soldier & The Starmaker
16; Waking Up In Heaven
17; Little Voices
18; Change Isn't Always Easy
19; Like Looking In A Mirror (But Stranger)
20; Two Celestials & A Baby
21; The Gift
22; Nothin' Like A Rum & Coke Headache
23; Wholly Yours
24; Not What I Expected
25; All I Could Ever Ask For
26; Was It Worth It?
27; My Guardian Angel Is Gay
28; The Fallen Angel's Falling Stars
29; A Dream I Never Want To Wake From
30; Even Now, I Still Love You
31; Fiery Nightmares
32; A Love More Precious Than Any Gem
33; Lost & Found
34; Just Following Orders
36; Whoops...
37; I Knew You'd Understand
38; Stop To Breathe
39; Always With You
40; Mine
41; An Unexpected Reunion
42; A Bundle Of Joy, Scales & Feathers
43; Some Things Do Last Forever
44; It's Always Too Late
45; I Was Wrong
46; Finally Breaking The Ice

35; For All Eternity

1.1K 45 10
By Zakani_Donovan

Context: I felt like giving them a "wedding" of some kind, that's all.

Marriage had been created for the humans. Aziraphale and Crowley were, quite obviously, not humans. Though, that had never stopped them from indulging in human customs before.

Word Count: 2,000


Logically speaking, an angel and a demon shouldn't need to get married. As supernatural entities, this type of union should've been the last thing on their minds. But, considering neither one of them quite fit in with their respective sides, perhaps it made perfect sense that they identified a bit more as human for some things. Immortal beings had no reason to eat, sleep, read, listen to music, dance, etc., but here they were, enjoying all these little pleasures without a second thought. With that, the angel figured 'Why not?' and that's how he found himself in a jewelry store a few blocks away from his bookshop.

"How may we help you today, Mr. Fell?" Asked the owner as she walked around the counter.

Aziraphale looked up and gave her a bright smile. "Oh, hello Ms. Jones. Didn't expect to see you here today. I assumed I'd get your assistant."

Alison Jones and Aziraphale had met a number of years ago during a storm. It had only been heavy rain at first, but once the wind started to pick up and blew away Aziraphale's umbrella, she ushered him and a few others into her jewelry store to wait it out. She was incredibly nice and interesting. If there was anyone Aziraphale would willingly sell a book to, it'd most likely be her. She was as immaculate as anything, both in her shop and the flat she lived in upstairs. He had been here on many days he decided not to open and she had done the exact same. Their chaotic opening hours is definitely the first thing they learned they had in common. They became fast friends after that.

"Well, I had planned on leaving Gregory in charge for the rest of the day. But now I'm curious. What are you searching for, dear lad?"

A tiny smile tugged at Aziraphale's lips. "Wedding bands."

Alison cooed and clapped. "Finally asking that pretty redhead to take the plunge with you?" She asked, excitedly.

"Yes, I am. Terribly nervous about it." Admitted the angel.

Alison gently swatted at his shoulder. "Oh, come now! There's no way he'll say 'no'! He's head over heels for you! You've seen how he stares at you!"

"Oh, I know that. I'm referring to the ring choice. He has a very particular style. I don't know if I can pick something I'll love and match his aesthetic."

She rolled her eyes at him. "Dear, he'd wear a rubber band if that was all you had. But if you're that worried, get him two. One with whatever design you like and a black one to match his wardrobe."

Aziraphale gave her a cheeky smirk. "I see you're not missing the chance to seek three bands instead of just two."

"Businesswoman through and through, Aziraphale. You can't be too shocked. Plus, you'd get a discount." She assured him.

"I should hope so. I've doubled as your therapist and drinking buddy for several years now."

"And my assistant on some days, as well."

"Sizable discount, then?" He asked, in a joking manner, though he knew she was serious. He'd make sure to give her the proper amount once she wasn't looking at the check.

She then began pushing him towards the newest rings from her collection. "Very much so. Come on, let's see what we find you."

Between actually looking and stopping to gossip about the neighboring businesses, the angel finally settled on a pair of wedding bands he adored. He left the jewelry store with a spring in his step. Now all that was left was to ask Crowley to marry him.


That, as it turned out, was easier said than done. Ever since purchasing the rings, they had stayed in his jacket's pocket, just waiting for the perfect moment. Every time he thought about it, something happened and ruined it! Like today, for example. They had been out in the country for a week-long getaway and Aziraphale had a lovely evening planned for the two of them. First they would go to a quaint little restaurant up in the hills, then they would drive down to the shore to stargaze and he'd propose there. Out of nowhere, because he had been checking the weather reports like a madman, there was suddenly a thunderstorm mucking up his plans. Sure, dinner was still great, but his mood had soured because his original plan would not go down tonight.

The rain really had been awful. It caused traffic in the more populated areas, and turned the dirt roads to mud rivers the further into the countryside they went. Though Crowley always seemed to be in a mood when he drove, the conditions made it worse than usual because he hated when the Bentley got dirty. Hating to see him like this, the blond placed a hand on his left shoulder. "Darling, are you sure you're alright?" He asked, while sending him some positive energy to sooth him.

The loud raindrops atop the hood distracted him for a moment before he waved him off. "Yeah. Yeah, angel, just fine. Just..." His tone wasn't convincing, especially as he trailed off.

So, of course, Aziraphale kept prying. "Yes?"

"You wanna get married?" He asked, like he would any other question, but slightly glancing over to look at him.

Amusement and frustration rose within the angel within a fraction of a second. "Oh, you have got to be joking-"

Crowley flinched and focused on the road again, pretending he never asked. "Okay, big fat 'no'. Good to know-"

"No, no, no-"

The demon let go of the wheel and raised his hands, as if a gun was pointed at him. "Alright, I'm sorry I brought it up!"

"No, darling listen to me!" Said the angel as he snapped his fingers to make the Bentley pull over and shut off its engine.

"Angel, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to-" But Crowley couldn't finish his sentence after he turned towards Aziraphale, because he was met with a small box with a lining made of blue velvet, which held two silver and gold wedding bands.

"You horrible, little fiend. You beat me to it. I had this wonderful evening planned for us, but the bloody weather decided to ruin it, and now, you asked it first. I give up, dearest. I give up on trying to create the perfect moment. I just want you as my husband. If you want, of course."

Crowley scoffed and snatched the box from the principality's hands. "Well, clearly I do, I just bloody asked you!... Sorry it didn't go the way you planned it. If you're really set on that, we can do it again. I'll pretend to be really surprised and everything."

"I appreciate it, darling. But no. Just knowing you feel the same way is enough. Though, I have to ask: would you wear the ring? I know it isn't quite your style. You've never been one to wear rings."

"I can get used to it. For you." Said the demon as he grabbed the bigger ring. "Can I...?"

Aziraphale could not suppress his joy and nodded vehemently. Needing no more approval, Crowley slipped the wedding band on his angel's finger. It looked right at home on his left hand, next to the winged pinky-ring. Without missing a beat, the blond went to do the same. He thought that this more casual approach would keep his hands from shaking, but he had no such luck. At least now, it was more because of the excitement coursing through his veins, and not worry.

Bless his heart, Crowley just stared, not rushing him. An equally big smile on his face as the ring was placed on his hand. He flexed his fingers and made a face.

"Let me guess: feels too heavy?"

The demon shrugged. "Everything is heavy by comparison when you're not used to wearing anything, angel. I'll get used to it, I promise..."

"Unless-" Started the chubby being as he reached over towards Crowley's neck. He grabbed the small chain which hid under his chainmail-like tie. "- you use it as a necklace."

"Wouldn't that bother you? You got me a ring, not a necklace."

Aziraphale snapped and the ring disappeared from Crowley's fingers, reappearing on the chain. "As long as you have it with you and you're comfortable, I truly don't mind how you wear it."

The redhead tucked it back in, pressing it against his heart.

"When do you want to get married, love?" Asked the angel.

Crowley snapped his fingers and a very official document with both their signatures appeared in his hands. The principality grinned widely and they kissed again as the rain continued to rage on outside of the Bentley.


After an hour or so, the storm died down and the pair made it back to their rented cottage. The night was still cold and windy, so Crowley used that as his reasoning to cuddle up to Aziraphale as much as possible. The angel rolled his eyes and laughed at him.

"Darling, we, technically, just got married! You don't need to use the weather as an excuse for wanting to be close to me." Said the principality.

Crowley squeezed him a bit. "Still a demon, angel. Gotta lie to myself every once in a while."

"Oh, hush! Be as sappy as you like, I won't make fun of you for it. I bet I can even match your snappiness."

"Of course you can. Don't doubt it." Said the demon with a grin.

Aziraphale's fingers dove through his fiery, red hair. "Indulge me, dear. Tell me the sappiest thing you've thought, but refused to share because you think being soft is a bad thing."

"Nah. Soft is good. I like soft. You're the softest being I know." He said as he buried his nose into his neck. "...We didn't exchange vows. If you want sappy, that's the only way I'm willing to say it."

Aziraphale hummed. "Is that right? Should I get alcohol to entice you more?" He asked, knowing he'd keep him from moving.

The demon shook his head and did, in fact, hold him in place. "Got it all right here." He said, tapping his temple. "You know I love you. You've known for a while, way before I could actually say it."

Aziraphale nodded. This was true. It became apparent when he analyzed their fight over the holy water and when he finally gave it to him. The demon had be afraid for his own well-being because he loved Aziraphale and didn't want to end their friendship/arrangement. Upon realizing this, the angel scolded himself for several weeks. Thankfully, he no longer needed to do that and could enjoy their love freely.

The demon sat up straight, taking the blond's hand in his own. "I've never really fit in anywhere. I know that wasn't really the point down in Hell, but part of me always did want it. But with you, I felt like I fit in. Even when we weren't quite friends yet, and I was just the annoying demon you'd occasionally run into... You never pushed me away. Never tried hurting me."

"I didn't believe you deserved that..." Said the chubby being, gaze firmly on those lovely, golden eyes.

"I'm glad." Said the redhead, before kissing both of Aziraphale's hands. "So, yeah. You're my everything, I can't live without you, I'd do anything for you, etc, etc."

Aziraphale's heart felt as though it was going to burst and, unable to get all his thoughts in order, he captured Crowley in a kiss. The demon didn't seem to mind, fully feeling the love and passion coming from Aziraphale. Needless to say, the pair was ineffably happy.

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