God's Plan

Από itskloe

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"It's crazy how we found our way back to each other." "Guess it was God's Plan." Περισσότερα



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Από itskloe


I decided to call Sophie over to talk.I didn't want any miscommunication so I thought it would be best to have this conversation face to face.She agreed to come over and Aubrey was out so hopefully they didn't cross paths.

"Hey come on in."I smiled as I let her inside

"How are you?"She asked

"Im doing well.How are you?"I asked

"Im great.Thank you."She nodded

"Uhm we can sit in the living room.Would you like something to drink?Water,wine..?"I asked

She chuckled."Water's fine."

I nodded and went to grab us both a bottle.

I sat down with her.

"Okay what's going on?"She asked

I sighed.

"Well..Adonis and I are getting really close and I'm happy about that.Our relationship is great and I really adore your son."I started

She nodded."Okay."

"I guess that because I'm starting to do a lot of the things Aubrey used to, like waking him up, brushing his teeth, getting him ready for the day.Im more hands on and he's starting to become a little confused."I explained

"Confused how?"She asked me

"He asked if he could call me mommy."I could barely get out

Her face dropped.

"I didn't give him an answer because I wanted to discuss it with you.I know how you feel about this sort of thing..and me.I don't want to-

"He said that?"She cut me off

I nodded.

The look in her eyes...it was heartbreaking.

"I'm so sorry.I- I swear I didn't mean for this to happen.I didn't want this to happen.I could never compare to you.You're his mother.His only mother and I want him to understand that."I told her

There was a silence.

"You know...I didn't really think Aubrey was going to be apart of his life.I went through my whole pregnancy alone, trying to get him to take up for his responsibility but..he was more worried about your feelings than his own child."She started

I frowned.

"..And when he finally showed up for his son, for me, he wasn't even focused on us.I was giving birth and he had this..stupid look on his face.Later..my mother told me that you had talked to him outside while I was in labor.He probably doesn't even remember a thing because he was so focused on you.And now my son."She spoke lowly

"Now you have my son too."She sniffled

"No.I don't.Sophie I don't."I said

"He's just confused."I added

"He's not confused.He loves you.Just like his father does."She said

I felt my stomach turn.

This isn't the woman to woman moment I expected but, I understand her pain.

"I..sorry.I shouldn't be venting to you."She said

"It's okay."I shook my head

"I can't say I understand completely because I can't but I'm glad that I get to know your perspective.He doesn't need two mothers.That's not what I'm trying to do.I just..want him to feel the same amount of love and nurturing in both homes.Aubrey's a great dad but he falls short sometimes and I gladly help him out.That's all."I explained

She nodded.

"Would he appreciate you saying that?"She asked

"No.Probably not."I spoke

Her eyes looked past me.


I turned and saw Aubrey leaning against the doorway.

He brought his dark orbs to mine before pushing his weight off the wall and walking out of the house.

"Fuck."I cursed

"I'm not comfortable with the mommy thing.I think a different name would be okay but "mom","mommy,"mama"...I think those should be reserved for me."She said

I nodded."Yeah no problem."

"Alright.Uhm I should go.Is he upstairs?I'd like to say goodbye."She said

"Yeah.He's napping."I said lowly

I took her upstairs to his bedroom and then walked away.She was probably going to tell him about the conclusion we came to and I didn't need to hear that.

I tried calling Aubrey but no answer.I called again and again and again.


I looked up and saw Sophie.

"Im going to head out now."She said

I nodded."Okay."

I walked her out.

"Thank you for..understanding.I know that we don't have the greatest history but I appreciate you for coming to me with this and listening to my side of things."She said

"It's really no problem."I told her

She nodded and headed to her car.

"See you this weekend."She said

"Bye."I waved

I headed back inside and tried calling Aubrey again but no answer.

"Papa?"I heard

I looked up and saw Adonis coming down the stairs rubbing his eyes.

"Hey baby come here."I told him

He walked over and climbed on the couch with me.

"Papa went out for a little while so it's just me and you."I told him

"Okay."He said softly

"What do you think you want for lunch?"I asked him

"Uhm grilled cheese!"He said

"Good choice."I kissed his head

I brought him into the kitchen with me and handed him my phone so he could watch videos on it.

"So I talked to your mama today."I told him

He looked up at me.

"She thinks that we should come up with a different name.Not mommy."I told him gently

"Why?"He asked

"Well because..she's your mama.She's special."I told him

"You're special."He said

I smiled."Thank you honey.You're very special too."

"Why don't we just stick with Jas?Hm."I asked

"Okay."He nodded and looked back to the video he was watching

After his lunch, Aubrey still wasn't answering his phone.I decided to stop calling and let him cool off.

Adonis and I hung out all day.We got im the pool,played with his toys, and watched his favorite movie.

When eight o'clock rolled around, I was tucking him into bed.

"Where's Papa?"He asked

"He's..working."I told him

The blonde boy sighed and rolled his eyes.

I chuckled.

"We'll see him in the morning.I promise."I told him

"Okay."He nodded

I kissed his head.

"Snug?"I asked


"Alright.Goodnight baby.Sweet dreams."I said

"Goodnight."He yawned

I left him with his plush lion and left the bedroom quietly.

I planted myself on the couch in the living room so I could wait up for Aubrey.I wanted to talk to him, explain myself and let him know that I wasn't taking a dig at his fatherhood.

I sat there for hours watching Law and Order.I finally heard him come in at almost midnight.

"Where were you?"I asked from the couch

I watched him walk into the kitchen and go into the cupboard.He pulled a glass and a bottle of whiskey from it and poured a drink.

"Uh..studio."He sipped the liquor

I stood up to meet his eyes.

"Is that the truth?"I asked lowly

"It is."He nodded


"I think you've forgotten your place, baby.In my life and in my house."He started toward me

"My place?"I repeated lowly

He stopped his movement in front of me.

"This isn't a conversation.I talk, you listen.Sit down."He said

I cocked my head in confusion.

"Who the fuck-

"Sit down."He said harshly

I sat down on the velvet couch and stared at him.

"You don't know anything about my relationship with Sophie.You don't need to know anything about it.It's not your business."He started

He was pacing and sipping that glass.

"You don't bring her into my house, after I told you not to, and talk shit about me with her.It's disrespectful and you know it."He spoke

"I wasn't-

"What part of "you listen" don't you understand?"He asked

"Aubrey I'm not doing this.You're not going to scold me like a child!I am your equal.You do not tell me what to do."I let out

"Shut up."He shook his head

"You let that..that bitch in my house!After everything she's fuckin' done to me-

"Tell me then!What did she do?If I knew I wouldn't have-

"I shouldn't have to tell you every detail for you to respect my wishes.This is MY house.If I tell you not to engage in conversation with my son's mother you don't do that shit.That is my family.Not yours.You don't get to make decisions regarding the three of us."He went on

I stared at him in shock almost.

"Delete her number and come to bed."He said before setting the empty glass down and heading for the stairs

I sat there silently for I don't know how long.I felt like..a child.Like I had disappointed my parents because I drew on the walls.

I grabbed the glass Aubrey left on the coffee table and put it in the kitchen sink before heading upstairs to bed.

When I got to the bedroom I saw him in bed waiting for me.

"Come 'ere."He said lowly

I walked over and climbed in the California king with him.He pulled me into him, my back against his chest.

I heard him sigh.

"I love you."He said

I nodded."I know...I love you too."

"I shouldn't have been so harsh-

"I don't want to talk about it."I said softly


Three weeks later

"Mhm the twins are fine.I just finished my appointment a little while ago."I said into the phone

"And you?"Elle asked me

"Im good."I said while picking up more cereal

"How's wedding planning?"She asked

"Stressful..we've secured our venue though."I told her

"You know if you need anything I'm here."She said

"I know Elle."I said lowly

"I spoke to Travis.He told me about what happened between you two."She said gently

"Mm."I hummed as I pushed the grocery cart forward

"We're worried about you."She said

"Who's we?"I asked

"All of us...I mean it was bad enough that you moved away.Now you're cutting off your friends?I mean, that just doesn't seem healthy to me."She said

"Travis and I weren't friends.We couldn't be after everything that had happened-

"You we're friends Jas.How could you say that?You forgave him.You wanted him back in your life.Then suddenly that changed."She said

"I don't want to talk about him."I said

I weaved through the people in the aisles while Bruce followed behind me closely.Adonis would be starting Pre-K next week and I wanted to make sure he had everything he needed.

"I just want to know what's going on with you.We never talk anymore."She said

"I'm doing fine.I will call more.I promise.I just have a lot on my plate."I said

"So do I but I still make time to check in."She mumbled

I huffed.

"I'm sorry, okay?I'll do better."I said lowly

"Alright.I have to go but call me soon."She said

"Okay."I said before hanging up

"You okay Jas?You're slowing down."Bruce said

"I feel a little..faint."I said

"Alright.C'mon let's go."He said

"I have to..finish my list first."I let out

"No you don't.We'll get to that later."He said

He pushed the cart out of the way and held me up as we walked out of the grocery store and toward the car.

Earlier at my appointment, Dr.Clay told me I was underweight and one of the  twins wasn't getting enough nutrients.It sounded absurd.I was very good about my diet and keeping myself healthy.I was about eight weeks along now and I was honestly having a really hard time lately.

"Drink some water.Im going to get you home."Bruce said as I climbed into the backseat

"Okay."I nodded

I sighed as the door closed and he climbed in.

He started the car and we headed home.

"Hello?...she's alright just a little bit weak...Yes sir..about fifteen minutes."He said on the phone

"You don't need to call him."I said

He ignored me and continued talking to Aubrey.When we arrived at the house, Aubrey was waiting outside the garage to help me.

He opened the door for me.

"Hey baby.How you feelin?"He asked

"Im okay."I said

He helped me out of the car.

"Thank you Bruce."He told him

I waved and he helped me into the house and sat me on the couch.

"What happened at the appointment?"He asked

"I'm underweight.Baby A isn't getting enough nutrients from me."I said lowly

"Have you been eating enough?"He asked me

I nodded."I thought so..apparently I need to eat more."

"Alright.That's no problem.Nothing to worry about."He assured me

I huffed and rested my head in his chest feeling exhausted.

"Why don't you go and lie down for a little while?"He whispered as he rubbed my back

"Okay."I nodded

I headed for the stairs but he stopped me.

"Let me help you."He wrapped his arm around my waist

We walked up the stairs together and he helped me undress and climb into bed.

"Can you send someone to get the groceries?I left the list in the kitchen."I asked him

He nodded."I got it baby.Don't worry about it."

"Okay."I sighed

"How do you feel?"He asked

"I don't know..not good but I don't know exactly what it is."I said

He nodded."I'll get you some food.I'll wake you when it's here."

"Okay.Where's my dog?"I asked about Jasper

"He's....uh..downstairs I think."He said

"If you find him can you bring him here?"I asked

"Of course.Now get some rest."He kissed my head

I sighed.

So many mothers had told me how hard the first trimester was.The fatigue and nausea was hitting me the worst though.

I really wasn't tired right now so I decided to do some wedding planning.I grabbed my laptop and started to look through some of the emails our planner sent.We had to pick flowers,catering,the cake, and so many other small details.


I decided to rehire my old chef.I didn't really need him much since Jas moved in but she needs a better diet so I called him and asked him to come over.

When he arrived we talked about a nutrition plan for her so that she could gain some more.

"Alright.I'll get started on the meal plan."He nodded

"I appreciate it, Terrance."I dapped him

"No problem."He nodded

I grabbed Jasper and headed up to the bedroom.I expected to see Jas sleeping but no, she was on the phone and her laptop.

"He's allergic to those too?Jesus."She sighed

"Jas."I called

She looked up and reached her arms out for the dog.

"You're supposed to be resting."I told her

"Hold on, Jordan."She said into the phone

"I am resting.Im in bed.Im just..doing wedding planning."She told me

She took her dog and he cuddled next to her.

"Babe."I said

She looked up at me.

"Just..relax for like an hour.Please."I pleaded

"Okay."She said lowly

"Hey, Jo.Let me call you back later.I'm supposed to be resting."She said

"Alright.I love you too.Bye."She finally hung up

She closed the laptop and snuggled into bed.

"Can you come lay with me?"She asked

"Take the dog off the bed."I told her

She frowned and did so.

I climbed in bed with her and pulled her into my chest.

"I know you're worried about me."She said lowly

"Obviously I should be."I sighed

"Im doing okay Aub."She assured me

"No you aren't.But I'm going to fix it."I said

"Fix it how?"She asked

"I brought back the chef.He's a nutritionist too so he's getting a meal plan for you together."I told her

She silently smiled at me.

"You really do love me huh?"She joked

"You know I do."I kissed her head

"Now get some sleep.When he's done, I'll bring your food."I said

"Okay."She nodded

It took about twenty minutes but she fell asleep on my chest.I watched her as she let out light snores.

"I love you baby."I sighed

I was worried.I always worried about her.She's a little sensitive.Fragile.But it was one of the things I loved about her.Women I dealt with in the past were too cold.They took the whole "unbothered" thing too far.But not my baby.She wore all of her feelings on her sleeve and it was beautiful to see.She was beautiful.

I got a text saying that the food was done so I headed downstairs.

"Alright boss, dinner for tonight is Salmon and asparagus with mashed potatoes.Pretty good on protein.Then tomorrow for breakfast, were doing omlettes."He informed

I nodded."Alright sounds good.I appreciate it."

I walked him out and brought the food and trays up to our bedroom.

"Baby."I called

"Mm."She groaned

"Sit up so you can eat."I told her

She opened her eyes slightly and sat up.I placed a tray in her lap and put her plate on top of it.

"Thank you."She yawned

"You're welcome."I kissed her

I sat with her as she started to eat.

"You feel better?"I asked

"Yeah."She nodded

"What did you do today?"She asked

"Uh..nothing.Just had that meeting waited for you."I told her

"I think you should get out more."She told me

I chuckled."Ouch."

She giggled."No I just mean.You're pretty social.You don't have to be cooped up with my introverted ass."

"I'm fine where I'm at baby.I like being home with you.There's nothing out there that I haven't seen and done already."I assured her

She slightly smiled.

"Mm you feel special huh?"I chuckled

"Mhm."She nodded

"Good.You are."


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Go thru problems just like everybody else but I'm still, in love with him so deeply.
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𝐘𝐞𝐚𝐡, 𝐲𝐨𝐮, 𝐢𝐟 𝐢𝐭'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮, 𝐢𝐭'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐋𝐨𝐨𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐨𝐧 𝐦𝐲 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞 𝐘𝐨𝐮'𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐨𝐧𝐥𝐲 𝐠𝐨...
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A story about life, heartache, reconnections, family, old and new love. Hope you all enjoy it.