Face it tiger....you just hit...

By _st0pid_hoe_

94.6K 2.6K 1.4K

Harley comes to live with tony in new York 'cause his mom kicked him out and to complete his education Peter... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Please read
again please read

Part 20

1.6K 53 12
By _st0pid_hoe_

Hey! It has been a while. I have sorted through a lot of the shit that has been happening to me and I can finally say loud and proud, I am bisexual, and my pronouns are mainly she/they, but I am ok with any pronouns, and I am also in love with a girl that thinks we are just very close friends and says I love you to me so casually. how have you girls, guys and non-binary pals been? also happy birthday Tom Holland and Happy Pride month homos <3

Enjoy! :)


Peter's POV

he wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me closer to him, but of course before he could do anything the door roughly swung open by the one and only "what do you think you're doing?!" my dad.

"Heyyy, dad" I said smiling nervously. I could tell my face was on fire. Harley still had his arms around me. "Seriously you guys?" dad said pinching the bridge of his nose "Hey, Tony. we're not doing what you think we're doing" Harley said quickly taking his arms off me. "Oh, really? what were you two doing then? I am very interested in knowing why you had your arms around my son and was sucking his face, potato boy." dad said raising an eyebrow "dad, do not say it like that you make it sound very bad. It was just a small kiss, and I was just about to go anyway. I'm going out with MJ and Shuri" I said taking a sweater from Harley's wardrobe but before I could leave my dad spoke.

"Tut tut tut, you're not going anywhere, young-man" he said. I swirled around looking at him with a questioning and worried look. From the look in his eyes, I could tell we were in trouble. I sighed and sat down on Harley's bed. this day is just the fucking worst. Harley mirrored my actions putting a shirt on then sitting next to me. "Now, we will set new rules. I get that you guys are a new couple and want to have fun so I will remove the "cockblocker" protocol from F.R.I.D.A.Y, buutttt the furthest you can go is kissing that's it. a few hickies are ok, but I do not want one of you limping around and the other filled with bites and scratches like he just fought a tiger. we clear?" dad said followed by a sigh seeing Harley's devilish smile. I nudged Harley in the ribs and gave him a look before smiling at my dad "yes, dad. thank you" he smiled briefly leaving Harley's room while mumbling a tired "oh, boy". I looked at Harley after my dad left "Harley, don't trigger my dad" I said with a sigh "well, that depends-" I cut him off with a quick peck on the lips "I don't have time. just do not trigger him. I am going out with Shuri and MJ. bye" and I left taking the elevator to the visitors floor where the wakandian visitors are staying.

I arrived quickly entering the floor and going to the rooms and knocking on Shuri's door. I heard something crash before the door opened. I smiled at Shuri who seemed confused as to why I was here. thinking she forget, I quickly said "You said we're going-" she cut me off waving her hand "I know we're going to the mall with Michelle, but we agreed I pick YOU up not the other way around" she said her accent thickly coating her words. "Yeah, I know. something awkward happened between me, Harley and dad. kind of wanted to get away from it. Ill text MJ you get ready, K?" I said smiling brightly. "Whatever. come in I guess" she said moving away a little so I can get in through the door to her room.

We are now at the mall, after Shuri changed and after picking up MJ. we headed to a few stores MJ and Shuri styling me and me and Shuri styling MJ (Shuri said she does not want to try on any clothes because she is a lazy bitch) we went to a random store looking around. it was mostly skirts and dresses so I was not that interested since it was not my style. I just followed MJ and Shuri around while they looked at the clothes around the shop until MJ grabbed a yellow and black skirt and pressed it to my waist Shuri pairing it with a white crop-top and random choker "umm...?" I stuttered out nervously. "Peter, please try this on it'll look so good on you" MJ said her tone gentle and her eyes determined. I sighed looking at the outfit. it was not bad it looked good, but I don't know if it will look good on me. I looked at MJ then at Shuri "are you guys sure? I don't think it'll look good" I said nervously biting my lip. Shuri smiled at me and nodded. I quickly went to the changing room and put the outfit on. I looked at myself in the mirror I did not look terrible I looked good. I smiled nodding to myself and leaving the changing room to show Shuri and MJ. I heard Shuri gasp as I walked up to her and MJ "you look aMaZiNg" I smiled blushing a little "thanks, Shuri". MJ wiped a fake tear from the corner of her eyes "My baby is growing up" I rolled my eyes but smiled, nonetheless.They really made my day better.

After we got all our things and shopped around, I got hungry and tired from carrying all the bags "soo, wanna eat and go home?" I said smiling. "Sure, Im tired anyway" MJ said and Shuri nodded in agreement.

a while later, we were all full after eating everything edible at the food curt and we were all ready to finally go home. MJ and Shuri stumbled into my car while I opened the trunk to put our bags in it. MJ sat in the passenger seat, like always, and Shuri was sitting in the back. I started driving while MJ grabbed the aux cord, Shuri trying to steal it from her but failing miserably, and put on random songs she felt like listening to. After a while of just driving in comfortable silence, Shuri decided to talk "So, how do you think Harley will feel about your skirt?" She asked. I answered not moving my gaze from the busy road "I don't know. I probably won't wear it in front of him 'cause he might not like it" I frowned thinking of the fit. Harley will most definitely not like it. I heard MJ scoff so I turned to her for a second before turning my eyes back to the road "Loser, he'll probably like it so much that he'll jump you the second he sees you in it." MJ said nonchalantly while I chocked on my own spit and turned red. "w-what" I said still not over my moment of shock and my embarrassment "you heard me, Parker" she said a hidden smirk on her face. Shuri whistled "did she lie though?" she said a hidden smirk also adorning her face "just shut up, guys" I said feeling my whole body heating up. "Wait, I have a plan" Shuri said mischief in her eyes Shuri, no." I said still facing the road, the redness in my face dying down. "Come onnn. it'll be fuuuunnn" she said stretching her words. "say it, Shuri. what the fuck is the plan?" MJ said looking for a song to match the mood. "Why don't we make Peter hot." Shuri said through her thick accent making me look at her through the rear-view mirror, confused. "Here me out, so we glam Pete up and make him wear the fit. Harley would flip" Shuri said, MJ nodding in approval while I groaned "I can't get out of this, can I?" I said already knowing the answer "nope" MJ said surprisingly cheerfully.

When we arrived at the tower, Shuri immediately pulled me to her room so that she and MJ can 'glam me up' and let me tell you they were not kidding. After finishing up MJ looked me up and down nodding to herself in approval "ok go get your man" Shuri said cheekily while I blushed "you blush really easily" MJ remarked.

I am now standing in front of Harley's bedroom, fully glammed and wearing a skirt. I swallowed my nerves and walked in acting like nothing changed. Harley was sitting on his bed scrolling on his phone much like when I left but he was wearing a shirt. "Hey, harls." I said putting my phone on the nightstand. Harley looked up at me about to mumble a 'Hi' but stopping in his tracks and looking me up and down, face frozen. I began to grow nervous with Harley's silence because he probably didn't like the fit. "Ahem d-do you like my outfit? I got it today with Shuri and MJ they forced me to wear it. heh I'll probably never wear it again and-" I was cut off from my nervous rambling by Harley pressing his lips on my mine.

After a second or so, Harley pulled away his hand still resting on my hip "I love it, babe. It looks so good on you" he said whispering before pressing a small kiss to my cheek moving down to my jaw and up to under my ear. "Damn, it looks so good that I want to rip it off you right now." Harley whispered biting my earlope making heat spread all throughout my body specially a certain place down there. "Ahem t-thanks, I-it was MJ's idea" I said voice cracking because Harley was still kissing me everywhere around my neck. he then kissed a spot near my collar bone making me slip out a small moan. quickly slapping a hand on my mouth, I looked at Harley expression mortified as I tried to read his face. he chuckled a deep husky chuckle his head moving to rest in the crook between my neck and shoulder "I would love to kiss you more and hear more moans slip out, but Tony will kill us" he said kissing my neck one last time. "y-yeah ahem Ill um go to my room a-and ah change yes change" I said nervously about to leave, but Harley pulled me back. I looked at him my face still hot and red "just give me a quick hug I miss you and I know a lot happened today" he said pulling me to his chest and resting his arms around my waist pulling me close. he kissed the top of my head "Ill always be here for you, darlin'. Ill protect you from everything and listen to every word you have to say and get off your chest" he said hugging me even closer. I felt butterflies in my stomach, and I was happy. I was so fucking happy. "Thanks, Harls. same goes for you, we'll be here for each other and complete each other" I said smiling and pulling myself closer to him if that was even possible.


I hope you enjoyed this part. my writing style has changed a bit but I've had this idea for awhile so I'm happy I finally wrote it. Also I hope you can imagine the fit because I didn't find good references to put. don't be afraid to comment your thoughts and ideas, but no hate please.


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