Part 18

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I've been laughing about this for an hour now, send help. Anyway,



Harley's POV

After MJ left, we basically just watched movies until the others came back from their meeting. "Hey, how was the meeting?" Peter greeted looking at Tony and Steve. "it was good. What did you guys do while we're gone?" Steve asked "Nothin' much, we just invited MJ over and watched movies." I said getting off peter and heading to the kitchen to grab a glass of water "do y'all want something?" I yelled to the living room "yeah, get me a cup of coffee" Tony yelled back "Oldman, bold of you to assume I'm actually getting you somethin'. I was just trynna be polite" I said, but went to start making coffee anyway. I waited for the coffee to finish while drinking my water. when it finished I started pouring it into a cup "Old man, d'you want milk or sugar?" I asked "no, just plain black coffee" he replied.

I gave him his coffee and sat next to peter who was now sitting not laying down. I took a deep breath "Okay, y'all I have something very important to tell you guys." I started. all eyes were on me now " I've been thinking about this all day and I know it might not be the best choice but I'm gonna test my luck.." I said. I sucked in another deep breath, I looked over at tony who nodded giving me a soft smile "I'm going back to Tennessee" I said it.the room went silent. everyone debating what to say next, until Nat cut off the silence "why?" she quietly asked "there are some things I have to deal with there" I said looking down. I felt a small hand hold mine and give it a gentle squeeze "you're not leaving forever and when you come back i'll be right here waiting for you. Plus, you're not leaving right now, are you?" peter said, voice small making me feel all warm inside "no, darlin'. I'm leaving around the end of your school's first semester, and i'm sure i'll be back at the start of the second semester to go to school with ya" I said, softly "see, we still have time" peter said pressing his lips on mine, I quickly kissed back ignoring the 'aww's and 'eww's *cough* tony *cough*.

We pulled away smiling warmly at one another "don't worry Harley we'll also be waiting for you when you come back. don't forget we're your family too" Tony said, warmly. "thanks, Tony" I said.

Maybe it won't be that bad, even if it doesn't go well with my mom I can still come back to my new family in new York. I thought

"okay, enough with the sentimental shit" Tony said looking on the verge of tear "whatever, Old man" I said holding back my own tears. "how about we watch a movie?" peter said ,softly "okay, but you have to cuddle me" I said smiling at my boyfriend "Okay".


I know this is shorter than most of my parts but I hope you liked it feel free to comment your thoughts and ideas but no hate please.


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