part 6

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Someone please get this man a girlfriend his everything screams 'boyfriend material' gosh i love him. ok, back to the story.
Enjoy! :)

Peter POV

the last week has been amazing. Me and Harley have been hanging out nonstop. We're basically glued to eachother as dad described it. We've also been told that Harley can't just enroll in the middle of the semester so he's coming second semester. Dad said he could force them to enroll him 'cause he's The tony stark, but we didn't want to cause a scene also word spreads fast. After assuring Harley that i'll be fine I went to bed. I thought about what would happen at school tomorrow before being consumed by sleep.

I woke up to the sound of the creaking of the door letting me know that someone is in my room. Before I could focus on who it is they open the curtains making the sunlight blind me " what did you do that for?" I groaned rolling and putting my face on the pillow. Seconds later I feel something heavy on my back " get off of me" I said my voice muffled slightly because of the pillow "no get up it's your first day of school and its 7 right now you're going to be late" I recognized the voice as Harley's " ok but you don't have to blind and suffocate me and it's not my first day" I stated my face still in the pillow " ok ok. Also, I made breakfast and I'm walking you to school" he said getting off of me. " when did you wake up?" I asked him confused by how energetic he is" around five I think" he replied like it was something normal " wow" I said " ok get ready breakfast is on the counter" he smiled " ok mom" I laughed earning a slap on the back of the head before he left my room to let me get changed. I chuckled to myself before grabbing a t-shirt, hoodie, and skinny ripped jeans and changing into them.

When I was done I went to the kitchen where I found Harley sitting on a stool with a plate in front of him. I sat on the stool next to him where there was also a plate with eggs bacon and bread. I started eating " wow I didn't know you can cook" I commented " thanks. I used to cook for me and my little sister when my mom was out working" he smiled. I checked the time 7:23AM. " dude it's way to early if we leave we would be in school at like 7:35 or something" I told him " that is if happy dropped us off, but we're walking to school so we'd be there at around 7:45" he smiled down at me while I groaned " why can't happy take us I don't want to walk" i said " he has errands to run or whatever" he shrugged. " let's just go"i declared defeated.

The walk was actually nice we had to take the metro and there I took a nap using Harley's lap as a pillow while he absent-mindedly played with my hair which felt good. It felt like five seconds later when I felt a light shake and woke up my head in Harley's lap. My face turned red with embarrassment while I mumbled an apology " it's ok and your hair is so soft by the way" he smiled at me " but get up we're about to reach our stop we can get coffee on the way, ok?" he said " oh my god thank you you're the best" I thanked him " I know" he smiled cockily making me slap his arm playfully.

We got to the school complex and everyone was staring at us and whispering stuff like;

'who's with peter'

' who's that he's so hot'

' I always knew he was gay he didn't actually like liz'

' imma go ask for that guy's number'

I couldn't help but feel jealous and annoyed and Harley probably sensed that because what he did next surprised me " have a good day, sweetheart" and then he leaned down and kissed my cheek softly in front of everyone then winked. "thanks, Harles" I smiled then heard a car and saw Happy park " you said Happy had errands to run" I said he smirked and said" if I didn't would you have walked with me?" he asked " absolutely not you ass" he laughed then ran to happy's car after doing finger guns. I went to my locker and started getting what I needed. Then,this blonde girl approached me " Hi I'm Brittney. I was just wondering is that guy your boyfriend?" she said in an annoying tone "none of your business" I said to her. before she could say anything else Ned approached us and started getting stuff from his locker " dude some people are saying that you and your blonde hot boyfriend with blue eyes came to school together. He asked you already?" he asked not paying attention to Brittney who stormed off looking mad " no not yet. but I was jealous that everyone was calling him hot and saying they want his number and stuff and I think he sensed the jealousy and kissed my cheek after telling me to have good day" I smiled at the thought.

It was now lunch and over the few hours I've been at school at least 10 girls came up to me and asked for Harley's number, how do I know him?, or what does he see in me?. " guys I'm gonna die every two seconds someone comes up to me. Just let me finish this day in peace" I said to Ned and MJ and as if on cue a girl came up to me. Before she could say anything " his name is Harley Keener. no, I'm not going to give you his number. it's non of your business if we're dating or no. Can you leave me alone?" her cheeks flushed with embarrassment before she left, and that was what kept happening till the end of the day. I went to Happy's car and wasn't so surprised to find Harley in the back seat. " hey. how was your day?" he asked cheerfully " the worst day ever" he frowned at my response " what happened? is it that asshole I could beat him for y-" " no. it's just there isn't one girl in our school who didn't come up to me asking for your number. I couldn't do anything in peace. Yeah, I get it your hot, but can't they leave me alone" I looked at him and he was smirking " what?" I asked confused " so you think i'm hot" I bushed " maybe" I mumbled looking down at my shoes. He then put his hand under my chin and lifted it up so I was looking into his eyes" I think i'm hot too" he said making me laugh and slap his chest lightly making him laugh too.


ok but is it just me or every school bitch is named Brittney[no offense if your name is Brittney sorry] and she's always blonde with blue eyes and really long just me. ok. :v I hope you enjoyed this part feel free to comment your thoughts. No hate, please.

Peace <3

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