Part 14

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The song isn't related to the chapter at all I just felt like putting it there..teehee :V also happy june y'all it's the gay month and best of all tom's birthday. June is the best month no one can convince me otherwise.

Enjoy! :)

Harley POV

I woke up feeling warmth in my arms. I opened my eyes and there he was my cute boyfriend I can't believe he's finally mine. I sighed happily playing with the brown curls of the sleeping boy. I saw him smile alerting me that he's awake "mornin', love" I said in a raspy voice planting a soft kiss on his head he hummed snuggling closer to me "no, you gotta get up and go to school, young man" I said trying to get up, but he was on top of me holding me down "stop moving" he grumbled " no, you have to go to school" I said still trying to get up "but I don't want tooooo" he said finally getting off of me and laying next to me facing me "why, did something happen?" I asked caressing his arm gently "it's nothing important." he said giving me a small smile "look, baby, it's Friday. Last day of school before the weekend, and I can pick you up after school today and we can go to the arcade, Ok?" I said comforting him "wait, you can drive?" he asked looking very confused which was cute "duh, Pete, I'm literally 17 I can obviously drive" I said chuckling "well, how was i supposed to know?" he said a little embarrassed making me chuckle. I pulled him into a quick kiss before getting up "hey, where are you going? don't leave me" he said pouting "i'm just going to the bathroom i'll be right back" i replied winking before going to the bathroom.

Third Person

As Harley went to the bathroom Peter tried sitting up, but failed terribly. He really didn't wanna go to school after what happened yesterday.



Peter was heading to the cafeteria with Ned by his side, when Ned excused himself to go to the restroom. Peter continued his journey to the cafeteria, when something or better said someone stopped him "what do you want, Flash?" he said annoyed "I see prince charming isn't here today to stand up for you" flash said venom in his tone. he pushed Peter to the ground. Peter closed his eyes ready for the hit when he heard chuckles "you're pathetic, parker" he said, Peter opened his eyes just before he got kicked in the ribs. He hissed in pain it wasn't so bad, but it still hurt "i'll see you after school, penis" he heard flash say before his footsteps faded. Peter slowly got up to his feet and headed to the cafeteria again.

~End of Flashback~

Peter grimaced remembering the events of yesterday 'flash was probably gonna beat the shit out of me because Harley got me out of school early' he thought feeling his eyes get heavy and just in time Harley got out of the bathroom "c'mon, Pete, wake up" said the taller boy getting on top of peter "if I kiss you, will you get up?" Harley smiled knowing the answer already, but still waiting for the smaller boy to nod before pecking his lips"hey! that wasn't even a kiss" peter said, pouting before pulling Harley down to him by the tie of his suit which he was wearing since yesterday "now, kiss me for real" "no can do. I gotta change out of this suit it's really gettin' uncomfortable I don't even know how I was able to sleep in it" Harley said getting off the bed and going to his room to grab some clothes.

He came back after a few minutes, shirtless and was pacing around the room, in deep thought, while peter on the other hand was ogling at him, amazed that this hottie is his boyfriend "I can feel your eyes on me, ya know" Harley said chuckling ad peter looked away, embarrassed,"but what kind of boyfriend would I be if I didn't let my baby check me out?" Harley said walking toward peter and getting on top of him, again "now, how about that kiss you asked for?" he smirked before pulling peter into a passionate kiss.

Face it just hit the jackpot♡︎Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora