The convenient marriage


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The dark gloomy day she died, regretting all she never managed to do, she thought would be her last. She neve... More

Chapter 1. The day she died
Chapter 2. The woman he married
Chapter 3. The life she gained
Chapter 4. The house they lived in
Chapter 5. The man she married
Chapter 6. The interrupted routine
Chapter 7. The new routine
Chapter 8. The enthusiastic student
Chapter 9. A melancholic piano piece
Chapter 10. A slight touch
Chapter 11. A first time father
Chapter 12. A date?
Chapter 13. A status upgrade
Chapter 15. His absence, her absence
Chapter 16. A frail patient
Chapter 17. The real Aria
Chapter 18. An innocent Aria
Chapter 19. Elevated heart rates
Chapter 20. A new home
Chapter 21. A sleepless night
Chapter 22. An unexpected guest
Chapter 23. Birds of a feather
Chapter 24. How to woo a woman
Extra. Crossover
Chapter 25. The wife of the CEO
Chapter 26. The president's closest people
Chapter 27. The only exception to the rules
Chapter 28. The right way to stop a hiccup
Chapter 29. Misunderstandings
Chapter 30. The daughter in law of the Blacks
Chapter 31. A bubbly witch's friendly spell
Chapter 32. Another status upgrade?
Chapter 33. A dotting husband's care
Chapter 34. How to become a real person?
Chapter 35. How far is near
Chapter 36. A body as fake as the heart
Chapter 37. The perfect candidate for Aria Langdon
Chapter 38. A poorly chosen lawyer
Chapter 39. The rightful owner of the promise
Chapter 40. A true heart
Chapter 41. No retractions allowed
Chapter 42. An interrupted family time
Chapter 43. A family time
Chapter 44. A stolen life
Chapter 45. The rumored Madame president
Chapter 46. For my one and only
Chapter 47. Time is short and fickle
Chapter 48. Life changing choices
Chapter 49. Lesser of two evils
Chapter 50. Killing a newfound heart
Chapter 51. A mother's resentment
Chapter 52. Third-person's omniscient point of view
Chapter 53. Longing
Chapter 54. Cadenza

Chapter 14. A matter of the heart

19K 777 86

Looking at his chart intently, Malcom had an inexpressive face at first, but as his eyes moved from the upper part to the lower part of the page, he frowned more and more.

A couple of hours ago he was under the impression that he would have a calm and uneventful weekend. He had been away from the country for a total of four months, with more than half of the time was  meant for attending an international seminar and the rest was meant for travelling.

Spending this time going from place to place trying to make the most out of the trip, he had almost no time for resting. So this weekend was reserved just for staying indoors, and also for catching up with his friends in a quiet environment.

This was his original plan, a plan that was interrupted by the fellow in front of him. Sitting casually on the couch of his office, the mechanical cold man who was one of the most logical driven people he had met in his entire life, had no expression on his cold face, just as usual. But this exact man today, for some reason, ironically also appeared to him to be the most illogical person he had ever seen.

Since this fellow had informed him on the phone that he was on a date with his wife, with whom he had no prior real relationship with, to when he said that he would not come meet him in the afternoon, but still appeared on his doorstep a couple of hours later, to when he started asking him medical questions that had no connection to his profession, up until he was dragged to this particular friend's private hospital in the middle of the weekend, which he had promised himself was meant for resting...

He really could not understand this man today at all, so much so that he himself had started thinking in a gibberish way.

He knew his friend was someone who was a highly intelligent human, in fact his IQ could very well be placed among geniuses, and he was also a person who would never visit a doctor without a valid reason. But looking at all the data in front of him, he still couldn't find the reason that alarmed Zane so much, making them both take a trip to the hospital on a Saturday.

Surely, could something have passed by him unnoticed? Trying to refocus on the chart, he scanned it more thoroughly again, but couldn't find anything wrong. No matter where he looked, all the collected data were in normal ranges.

Recalling the earlier conversation they had in his home, the problem should be that Zane was experiencing on and off irregular heartbeats, the feeling of lack of air, and sudden rises in temperature. Tachycardia could be the symptom of many heart problems that could not be taken lightly, so Zane had wanted to have another heart check-up, even though he had one every year.

Reluctantly, Malcom had no choice, but to come with him and do a series of heart related tests to ensure nothing was truly wrong with Zane. But honestly, Zane was as healthy as ever, he could not find any traces of the symptoms the latter was experiencing.

Sighing, he looked at Zane and reckoned it was better to start once again from the beginning.

'Could you tell me again, what are the exact symptoms you are experiencing?' Malcom asked, still looking at the chart of the very healthy man, whose only real medical condition known to Malcom, was a mild form of ulcer caused by Zane's consistent lack of appetite. But this mild problem was not life threatening at all, and certainly did not have any connection with his heart.

'Malcom, what is wrong with you today? You keep asking me to repeat all of my words.' Zane said with the same cold face, but a hint of impatience could be sensed in his tone. If it happened once or twice that Malcom asked him something, he could attribute it to the blockhead's tiredness, but every question today was repeated at least once.

'Zane, I am looking at your chart and I can't find anything wrong with your heart. So I am asking you to tell me again, so I can check if I missed a symptom along the way.' Malcom sighed and reasoned calmly.

Seriously, how could he not ask Zane to repeat his words, when all the news he had learn from the latter today were unusual. Did Zane not realize at all just how shocking his actions were? He had even fired a person before for bringing a dog to work, and now he was the one who had bought one personally to live with the dog every day in the same place.

'My symptoms include elevated heart rate, periodic lack of air, an unusual increase in temperature, and even occasional tingles.' Zane explained once again.

Malcom massaged his temple with one hand and added.

'Well we could also add to your symptoms unusual personality changes, for that matter.' Malcom said unknowingly the words he only meant to say mentally, but which had still slipped through his mouth.

'Are you making fun of me?' Zane asked displeased, sensing a bit of a teasing tone in his friend's voice.

'No, of course not.' Malcom denied quickly, afraid to stir Zane's anger. For better or worse, his friend was still his boss also. He coughed as if to regain his usual serious doctor tone, and continued his investigation in uncovering his friend's supposed disease.

'Then let me ask you something else, when exactly to these symptoms occur? Do all of them happen at the same time? Are there any outside factors that might induce them?' Malcom asked more thoroughly, and had already placed the chart back on his desk, deeming it useless.

Staring intently at Malcom, Zane realized the latter was serious, so with the same seriousness pondered on his questions, before opening his mouth and replying.

'They all happen at almost the same time, I guess. As far as frequency and time goes, I have not noticed them happening more in a particular part of the day.' Zane explained, and at the same time thought more and, as if realizing something, added.

'If I were to say... they never happen at the office, only at home, and also today when I went out with Aria.'

'So that is to say, you have these symptoms whenever Aria's around?' Malcom asked more, especially feeling as though he was on to something when Zane mentioned Aria.

Certainly Aria was also the cause of Zane's altered personality, the firmest proof being the dog, so these symptoms could also be because of her. Did she really lose her memories? The symptoms could also be evidence of a panic attack. Right, he also felt like that cold blooded woman was scary, whenever he met her. Or perhaps, could she be scarier now without her memories?

'Yes.' Zane answered, not sure at all where Malcom was leading his questions to.

'Do you find Aria scary nowadays?' Malcom asked a bit slowly, unsure of himself.

'Malcom, are you an idiot? I thought you were one of the best doctors in the field of diseases and ailments of the heart, the best heart doctor and surgeon. But perhaps I was wrong.' Zane said displeased of his friend. How could that petite woman be scary? A frail small woman like Aria... even today when he lost sight of her for a second, she trembled like a leaf in the wind.

'I am just trying to analyze the situation better. I am not trying to make fun of you or speak nonsense, but these problems could also be caused by a panic attack. Then let me ask you in a different way... or no, better yet... describe for me a situation when the symptoms happened.' Malcom said. He was not particularly bothered by the idiot part, Zane called him that at least once each time they met.

Zane immediately wanted to rebuke him and call him an idiot again. When would he ever have a panic attack? But thinking about it for a bit, he stopped just when he was about to open his mouth, and pondered for a second.

'Well... if I think about it. You could be right, I was actually panicked today, as a matter of fact.' Zane said slowly and continued, not noticing Malcom's expression. The latter had the words "I knew it" all over his face, as he always felt that Aria was just like a snake.

'I lost Aria at one point in the mall. And when I realized it, I was truly frightened for her, and my heart rate increased a lot. Then, when I finally found her and she hugged me, even though I felt relieved she was alright, my breathing still did stop for a second, and my heart rate increased even more.' Zane continued explaining, with a small almost unnoticeable smile, at the reminiscence of the tight hug those small hands could muster.

'Wait, let me get this straight... you were panicked when you lost her, and your heart rate increased when you hugged her?' Malcom asked frowning.

'Yes. Why?' Zane stated normally.

'Wait, just to confirm my thoughts. Tell me about another situation when you felt the symptoms.' Malcom said quickly, not daring to believe the theory that was forming inside his mind.

One could ask why would Malcom not dare realize Zane's real ailment, but considering that he knew how the previous Aria and Zane were, you could not really blame him. The couple had a marriage that lasted for the last three years and Zane had never felt anything for that woman for all that time, but now for a memoryless Aria he felt something within a month?

'Mhhh... Last night, I played for Aria Satie's Gymnopedie number 1, and when I finished the song and looked towards her... her sad expression, it caused me to have the same reaction.' Zane recounted slowly, feeling as though his heart rate was about to rise again thinking about those red ringed eyes, and frail defenseless face.

'Why, was she scary looking?' Malcom said again, as though he came back to his initial assumption. Disregarding the latest theory.

'You idiot, would you stop it with your assumptions! How could my petite beautiful wife look scary or cause me panic attacks?!' Zane voiced with a lower dangerous tone, getting fed up with his friend's antics.

Really how was this guy a heart doctor? Zane thought. If he ever truly had a heart problem, he should remind himself not to come to Malcom, and to also increase the doctor malpractice policy for him. It seemed as though he had forgotten that he was now in Malcom's office in fact for a heart problem.

'Aha! My second assumption is right... unfortunately.' Malcom rose on his feet and slammed his hands on his desk glad that he got it right, but also not glad that he got it right...

He was happy because he "diagnosed" the matter of his friend's heart correctly, but at the very end it dawned on him the identity of the person that had made the unmovable Zane experience such feelings.

'What assumption?' Zane asked, getting confused by Malcom's exaggerated reaction.

'Well at this point, it is no longer an assumption. It is the truth.' Malcom stated looking towards Zane, with his eyes slightly squinted, as if he was trying to see through his soul.

'You do not have any medical condition. All your symptoms are due to a feeling.' He continued.

'Speak right now without talking in circles, or you will not have any more vacations days for the following five years.' 

'You are in love, Zane. Or at least you are starting to fall in love with Aria!' Malcom said quickly, knowing for certain that Zane was serious about those vacation days.

'No, I am not!' Zane immediately denied. But after those few words came out, he could not say anything more.

'Zane, think about it. All the symptoms appear when Aria is around, and not only around, but really near you.' Malcom reasoned, and was about to say more, but was stopped by Zane's words.

'I said I feel them at home, I never said anything about Aria!' Zane stated, getting annoyed. How did a medical problem turn into him falling in love? It was ridiculous.

'Yes this is what you said, but try to recall more, think about what you were doing when your heart beat rose, what she was doing when you felt a shortness of breath. And if these reasons are still not enough, the fact that you just called Aria my beautiful wife is. When had you ever called Aria like that in the past? Even her name you barely mentioned, and now wife?' Malcom explained, and seeing the silent Zane, he continued.

'When have you ever taken into account what Aria liked, and not only that even bought it. When have you ever disturbed your normal schedule, just because you want to give her piano lessons?'

This time, Zane was not so impulsive to firmly and immediately reply negatively to his words.

Thinking about her joy when she guided his hand to touch her belly, imagining the dance moves she performed as she sung a nursery rhyme for the children, the night she ate with him. Visualizing her innocent smile and her beautiful teardrops when she was touched by his piano performance. Recalling her soft touch and tight embrace when he had found her in the mall. He thought more, getting lost in the vivid memories, but snapped out of his thoughts when he felt bit by bit his heart rate increase. Was his body trying to affirm, what his mind could not register?

'That can't be true. I may not know what love is, but I don't think a person could fall in love in just a week. Aria had regained her consciousness a month ago, but almost a week after that she remained in the hospital, and two weeks in the mansion, without my presence near her. The time we spent together is at most several hours every day for the last week. So in reality, do you think I would fall in love with her after such a short time?' Zane finally reasoned. He was after all a logical person, a man who would not affirm with a hundred percent certainty anything, without clear evidences.

'Zane, in all honesty, although you are a cold and stern man, a statue rather than a man...' Malcom stated trying to convince Zane, but seeing the dark expression on Zane's face at the mention of his looks, stopped his description and continued.

'Have you ever heard of the expression of falling in love at first sight? If that is possible, why wouldn't a week be enough time? To see if I am right or not, why don't you test it?' Malcom finally said, looking at a frowning Zane.

The discussion with Malcom had taken over all of Zane's mind. He did not even remember more of how Aria had called him big brother, although those words shook his heart earlier in the day.

Those words had been replaced by the word love, a foreign word to him, a feeling he had never experienced.

Even when he returned to the mansion at night, he was still thinking about what Malcom said.

'Master, good evening!' The butler greeted Zane. The latter had informed them he would not return in the night, but still did. Although he did not understand why the master came back, of course he would not ask him.

'Aria?' Zane asked, after a brief nod of his head in greeting, as he removed his jacket.

'The mistress is in the living room. She insisted on playing with Pudding, and would not listen to us when we asked for her to go to sleep. Perhaps the master could talk to her. It is already eleven pm, the mistress is usually asleep at this hour.' The butler respectfully informed, and retreated when Zane acknowledged his words.

Walking slowly towards the door, Zane was surprised when no sound could be heard from the room, but looking inside he understood why.

Only one small body, dressed in a  multicolored flower pattern dress, was laid on the middle of the large black couch. As the only bright splash of color inside the monotone colored room, the petite beautiful woman cuddled with a small furry ball inside her arms. The two were sleeping for a bit of time already, it seemed, but even then the room felt as lively as it could be.

Aria's presence brought life and warmth to the dull atmosphere just by being there, without actually doing something at all.

Carefully approaching the two, Zane was worried he would start sneezing, but his worry was unnecessary as the medicine he had taken in the hospital was working its magic, preventing the allergy from flaring up.

'Master!' A maid greeted. The woman was in the room when Zane entered, but he had not noticed her presence at all.

Zane did not speak, only putting a finger on his lips, signaling for her to keep quiet, then with his hand he pointed towards the small puppy.

Understanding his words, the maid nodded and came close, removing Pudding gently from Aria's arms, before silently walking away.

Zane looked a second more towards the small beautiful woman. Her hair sprawled carelessly around her, made her seem even smaller than she was.

Retracting his gaze, he lowered his arms, and gently placed them beneath her body, lifting her up. Aria was still as weightless as a feather in his arms, despite the growing protruding belly.

Perhaps tired from the visit at the hospital, and spending time with the puppy, she did not show any signs of waking up, while Zane walked towards her room. Not even when he gently placed her on the bed, did she open her eyes.

Making sure the blanket covered her whole, he was about to turn off the lights and walk away to his own room. But still plagued by the thoughts of the earlier discussion, stopped his steps and walked towards the bed again.

Did his heart really beat more rapidly in Aria's presence? He tried to feel.

Looking at her small face, well perhaps he was truly experiencing a bit those symptoms now, but it could also be because the discussion had made him too conscious of her.

Did air seemed to not fill his lungs when he looked at her?  He tried to sense.

He lowered his body more, approaching with his face her own, as if to see if being near her, he could confirm them with absolute certainty.

Did his temperature rise when she was near? He tried to discern.

He checked with his ocean blue eyes her beautiful gentle features. The beautiful curled eyelashes, the small peach like cheeks, the small pointy nose, and the beautiful heart shaped cherry lips were intently stared at by the cold handsome man, who was already hovering close to her.

Did his skin truly sensed tingles because of her touch? He tried to verify, as his face approached more and more, and his thin lips gently covered the small pink ones.

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