The Kingdom Of Asterin

By dayumhuh

748 54 2

The story of royal siblings who become far too attached to a common boy. Together they prepare for battle in... More

Characters <3
Characters <3
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five

Chapter Eleven

25 2 0
By dayumhuh

"He always was cheeky." Arthur chuckled as Aurora updated the Knight on Edmund's latest scandals.

"I hope he's okay." Aurora sighed sadly as she followed Arthur through a corridor.

"He will be, it's Ed." Arthur reassuringly replied. He took her hand for comfort, leading her up the tower and up the spiral steps. Aurora caught a glimpse of the citadel through the arrowslit of the tower, it was even more ravishing from up here. Arthur trudged on, making his way outside a door where two identical Knights stood.

"Sir Richard, Sir William." Arthur greeted as they nodded in return.

"King Caspian sent us, protection for the Lady of Asterin." Sir Richard conveyed as Aurora tightened at the words.

Sir William smiled, "don't worry, we were sworn not to tell a soul."

"Thank you." Arthur grinned. The two Knights made it clear they saw Arthur and Aurora's interlocked hands as they smirked mischievously. Arthur reddened, his hand letting go.

"Try to keep it down in there." Sir Richard added as Arthur playfully swatted him around the back of the head. Holding the small of her back, he lightly pushed Aurora forward, the pair entering the room as the door shut behind them.

"Sorry about the twins," Arthur chuckled awkwardly, "they're excellent warriors but the pranksters of the lot. Never know when to seal their lips." He explained.

"It's okay," Aurora mumbled, her eyes too busy scanning the room. "Wow." She gasped quietly.

The mahogany walls were covered with intricate wooden carvings and in the middle of the room was a four-poster bed. It had a white floral quilt and white drapes around the frame to complement it. There was a desk against the wall and a wardrobe on the other side. A white footstall sat at the end of the bed under a silky rug; to top it all off the room was candlelit to produce a source of light. It gave off a simple but comforting vibe.

"Caspian is known to have the most accommodating rooms." Arthur chuckled. Aurora smiled at him before she ran towards the window, opening the curtains. It was dark, but from the stars, she could make out the cobbled courtyard down below.

"It's beautiful," Aurora whispered. Arthur stood at the door, smiling softly, fascinated by the beauty of this girl.

"Arthur?" She spoke, her back towards him as she continued her stare out the window.

"Mhm." He hummed.

"Were you really about to give up your position as a Knight?" She questioned softly.

"Well." He swallowed, and she jumped slightly, feeling the presence of the man now directly behind her. "Edmund is family." He mumbled, his warm breath tickling her ear. "He is my brother."

Closing her eyes, she nodded. "Is that all?"

Arthur grinned, knowing exactly what she was getting at. "No." He chuckled, tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear. He said no more, the pair listening to each other's light breaths. Aurora could feel her heart beating steadily, this felt more like home than Asterin had for the past few years.

Finally breaking the silence, Arthur ducked forward, planting a soft kiss on her cheek. "Goodnight My Lady." He whispered, swiftly leaving her chambers.


As happy as Aurora was to be reunited with Arthur, she barely slept that night. I mean, how could she? Her mother had just died, and her brother was locked up. She woke early, the sun barely rising itself. She suited up almost immediately as she lugged the heavy armour across her body. There was a knock upon the door as the Princess flinched a little.

"Come in." She called, King Caspian was present as he entered the girl's chambers.

He chuckled, "that is no outfit for a Princess."

"Times have changed." She shrugged.

"I must admit, I thought you were staying here," Caspian noted.

"While my brother is on the verge of death? I don't think so." She concluded.

"Very well." He replied as he motioned her to follow him. "Your knights for today await."

Aurora nodded politely as she followed him out of her room. He took her through numerous amounts of corridors as he waved and greeted the maids and Knights. They began to go deeper, Caspian leading her downstairs and into what looked like a cave. She narrowed her eyes barely able to see as Caspian looked back to laugh.

"I meet with my most trusted allies here." He explained. "I'm not trying to kill you don't worry." He smiled. "Here." He offered his hand to make her experience a little better.

"Thanks." She smiled, taking his hand as he led her through a dark room. Finally reaching a door, Caspian knocked four times, and the door opened. Inside sat five Knights, including Arthur as he smiled at the Princess. Noticing the touch she and Caspian shared he frowned slightly, Aurora not catching. Caspian took a seat at what looked like a round table, perhaps the one Arthur had mentioned previously. Aurora took her seat next to Arthur, observing the room once more. Around the room hung old arras, each one seeming to tell a story, a legacy. Looking at the round table, she found each knight's name was engraved in front of the seat they were sitting on. It amazed her, they were like a family around here.

"Right," Caspian spoke. "In this room are my most trusted warriors." He explained to Aurora. "We have Sir George." He introduced a young blonde man, who nodded at the Princess. Aurora discovered that it was the Knight from last night who wouldn't let her through the gates. "Sir Galahad." A good-looking man with a brown beard, around Caspian's age, smiled politely. "Sir Richard and Sir William," Caspian explained as he gestured to the twins who smiled too. Caspian rubbed his hands together, "now introductions are done, I must repeat that what is said in this room, stays in this room. We have the element of surprise; we can't risk losing it which is why I have concluded the meeting here. Everything that is said stays in here." He stressed. Turning to Sir Galahad he asked, "Any news from the Western border?"

"No Sire, the guards of Asterin remain in their same position."

"Good." Caspian nodded. "Now, strategies. We shall arrive together, leave the horses within the forest of Asterin, when the Prince is brought out into the town square for his public beheading, we will be there. After my signal, we shall sweep out the nearby knights, save the Prince and leave."

"But Sire, you're forgetting we are outnumbered." George sighed.

"Which is why we have to be silent and quick." Caspian nodded. "I never said this was an easy mission, but we must do what we can for the Princess of Asterin." Caspian smiled as he threw a wink her way. "We leave at nightfall." With that, the King stood up, his Knights following. Caspian was the first to leave, clearly in a hurry to be somewhere else at the same time. Everyone began filing out, Arthur holding Aurora back as he waited for the empty room.

"What is it?" She questioned.

"Are you sure you're going to be okay?" Arthur speculated as he held her shoulder.

"Yes, why wouldn't I be?" She answered.

'Well, last time I checked you couldn't even hold a sword." Arthur explained.

"And the last time I checked, that was years ago." Aurora challenged as she slipped herself from his touch.

"Please, maybe you should stay here, I don't want you to get hurt." He encouraged.

"He's my brother, he would do the same for me." She claimed.

Arthur sighed, "but he's also a well-trained Knight Aurora."

Aurora scoffed, "fight me."

Chuckling Arthur furrowed his brows, "what?"

"I, Aurora Lannister, hereby challenge you to a duel." She joked, mockingly bowing.


"Are you sure you want to do this on the training field with all of your peers?" Aurora yelled across the wind.

Arthur wiggled his eyebrows, "don't be upset when you lose. I'm not going to take it easy."

"Wasn't counting on it." She teased, pulling down her pot helmet.

Aurora yelled, startling Arthur as she attacked him, their swords clanging together noisily. She continuously came for him as he stumbled back slightly, surprised by her strength. Taking a heavy blow, Arthur fell, his mind blown. Quickly standing up, he threw her backwards, regaining his balance.

"Never judge a book by its cover," Arthur smirked as he advanced hitting Aurora. "Let's see how your footwork is?" He hit the grass by her feet as she jumped effectively in time. "Not bad." He chuckled. "What about if I... step here?" He smiled as he attacked her. She moved out of the way in time as he nodded his head.

"Impressed?" She bragged.

"Just about." He ridiculed. Aurora came forward as she swung for his head, Arthur ducking in time.

"Are you trying to kill me?" He grinned as the two began to duel intensely once more, this time gaining an audience. Arthur began trying as he attacked Aurora. She stumbled a little before she attacked back, Arthur only being nearly missed. He cackled one last time, before repeatedly hitting her sword until she lost control, with a kick to the chest, Aurora fell, Arthur's sword resting on her stomach. He laughed quietly before placing his sword on his belt and offering a hand, she rolled her eyes before taking his hand and brushing herself off.

Before anything was said between the two, they heard someone clap from behind, both heads turning.

"Not bad at all Aurora." Sir Galahad smirked. "Now where does a Princess learn how to fight like that?" He questioned, genuinely intrigued.

"Um... my brother, he's an incredible warrior." She shared.

"He must be, I haven't seen anybody last that long with Arthur for a while." He congratulated. "Don't get yourself down, he is the best warrior in the Kingdom." Arthur smiled, secretly loving the praise.

"After us of course." The twins spoke simultaneously, Arthur rolling his eyes again.

"Yeah?" Arthur taunted, running after the pair, the twins picking up Arthur as they all joked around.

"This mission is still not one for a Princess." Interrupting the fun, everyone turned to see Sir George sitting upon a rock as he sharpened his sword, away from the crowd.

"Don't listen to him, he seems to always have his knickers in a twist." Sir Galahad informed the girl as he smiled at her.

"I might even have to start trying soon." Arthur mimicked as Aurora stuck her tongue out at him.


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