Broken bond

By Ashes4

1.1M 22.3K 3.2K

"I, Cal River, Alpha of the Climax Night pack reject you, Raven Woods, as my pack's Luna and as my mate." ***... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29

Chapter 1

61.3K 1.2K 348
By Ashes4

Just a quick note before you begin. Please comment what you think or whatever else you feel needs to be said. I honestly enjoy reading comments and find your feedback very helpful for future projects. So please don't hesitate to comment. Thank you and enjoy.

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I sped through the woods on all fours, in my wolf form. Being in my wolf form feels so amazing and I feel so free, it's almost exciting. Well, being a rogue for most of my life, I'm always going to feel free. No Alpha, no pack responsibilities, just freedom and I loved every second of it.

"Faster, Gale. Run faster." I beg my wolf, which makes her increase her speed.

I'm blissfully happy when I feel the crisp air blow through my wolf's midnight blue fur. My wolf, Gale, is the same as me when it comes to running in our wolf form. we both feel at peace with the wooded area surrounding us. The scent of pine, fresh air and damp earth make our senses feel alive.

Gale starts to slow down and then finally stops at the bank of calming lake. The water looks so refreshing and cool. My wolf has the same idea as she dips her head to take a drink. She breathes out in contentment, the cool water sliding down her throat. It makes me thirsty thinking about how refreshing the water must be.

"Let's shift back." I say in my head.


I shift back into my human form and Gale stays inside my mind. My jet black hair curls down my back as I straighten my black leather jacket, lifting up the collar. Once that is sorted, I go on my knees and scoop some water in my hands, gulping it down quickly. The cool liquid glides down my throat and it leaves me feeling refreshed and hydrated. I sigh and lounge next to the lake. The peace of the woods that surround me allows me to relax. Nothing is better than this.

"It's so peaceful." I comment to Gale.

"Yeah, it's very peaceful. The Alpha of this territory is very lucky." Gale replies.

I stiffen at her words, my breath hitching in my throat. I almost can't breathe after what she said. Territory. . .

"What do you mean by that, Gale?" I ask nervously.

"We're on someone's territory, duh. Didn't you notice?" Gale answers.

Oh no. This is really bad. If a rogue like me is caught on pack territory, they won't exactly welcome me with open arms. Well, they will welcome me with open arms. . .but that will only be to try to catch me and torture me until I'm nothing but a bloody mess!

"I have to get out of here," I mumble, quickly standing up and I prepare myself to leave.

Just as I'm about to shift, a branch snaps behind me and a powerful growl erupts as well.

Oh, this is so cliché but that doesn't make it any less terrifying.

Gale immediately takes control and shifts into our wolf form and begins to run as fast as she can. Just as that happens, a large, black, and horrifying wolf jumps out from behind the cover of some bushes and begins to chase after us. Gale whimpers in fear as she runs in random directions through the forest. The fear of being caught is dawning on me and I begin to panic. But, despite this, I try to keep calm for Gale's sake as I urge her to go on.

"Run faster, Gale! Please run faster!" I beg.

"I'm going as fast as I can! Oh crap, it's gaining on us! Waa!" Gale sobs, running even faster than she normally does.

She runs for what seems like an agonizing eternity before she reaches a fence. The only problem is that the fence is too high for her to jump over and the gaps are too small for her to pass through. It must have been a pack border but one could never be sure. She's about to turn around and find another escape route when the horrifying wolf from earlier corners her. The wolf shifts and becomes a young man around my age. The young male radiates a strong level of power which leads me to believe he's an Alpha.

Oh. Shit.

As I study his features a bit more, I can see he is quite attractive. He has black hair and dull grey eyes that are set in a glare. His body is well-built and he has sharp yet rugged features that make him look dangerous and brooding yet also quite alluring. Gale seems to squirm under his gaze which I've honestly never experienced from her before. What's going on?

"Shift." he commands in his Alpha tone.

Even though I'm a rogue and have no regard for rules, I'm not entirely free from werewolf instinct. No werewolf can disobey an Alpha command when their Alpha tone is used. I shift back to my human form, my worry rising beyond the average levels. We somehow make eye contact and a sparkle goes through his eyes and I'm sure mine sparkle too.

"Mate!" we both yell out in surprise.

I can't believe that I've found my mate. Of course, I'm overjoyed about this but he looks like he's about to vomit. Which doesn't sit well in my gut.

"My mate is a filthy rogue!" he harshly spits out the words as if they were poison.

My heart literally shatters at his words and Gale whimpers in heartbreak. He's supposed to accept me no matter what. Why do his words hurt so much? I want to cry as my heart aches in my chest but I hide my pain with an emotionless face.

I glare at him as I cross my arms and angrily comment,"My mate is a complete asshole so I guess we're even."

I smirk in victory as I see his face go red in anger. It's almost comical.

"That is no way to talk to an Alpha."

"No but it's the way you talk to rude and ungrateful mates."

He glares at me and I glare back with just as much fury.

"No one disrespects Raven Woods and gets away with it," I growl, showing him I'm not someone who he can push around.

"Wait, your name is Raven Woods?" he asks, seeming quite interested in me now.

"Yes?" I drag out, confused by his sudden change of character.

He clears his throat before speaking."I, Cal River, Alpha of the Climax Night pack reject you, Raven Woods, as my pack's Luna and as my mate."

Okay, now my heart is completely broken.

"W-Why?" I ask, sorrow filling my tone to the point where I almost can't breathe.

"Do you know how bad my reputation will be when people find out the most feared and powerful Alpha in the state has a rogue as a mate?! People would think that I've become weak and insane. Plus, who would want a horrid rogue like you?"

His reputation? He doesn't care. But, why would he? No one cared back then, why-why would someone start caring now? It hurts as my mind thinks back to the one person who actually did care about me.


"Frankie, don't run where I can't see you!" I yell at Frankie, who is far away.

"Then come and catch me Ray-Ray!" he laughs in his innocent voice, running even faster.

"Oh, you are dead you little jokester!" I giggle and begin to run after him.


Tears slowly fill my eyes at the memory, none of them falling yet. It's such a sweet memory but it brings so many painful memories with it. It literally hurts me as I grasp my chest, gripping my shirt tightly. Yep, why would someone like him care? Why would someone like him want a scarred and broken mate like me?

"Now, get out of here before I treat you like the rogue you are!" he yells at me.

That did it. Now I'm completely broken. I realise that I really will forever be alone in the darkness of my never ending and horrid life. He points towards the fence, showing me how much he wants me out of his sight. It breaks my heart knowing he wants me gone. But I won't allow him to see me cry. He doesn't have to tell me twice. I know when I'm not wanted.

I sniffle slightly as I crawl through one of the fence's gaps and run away, tears cascading down my pale cheeks when I'm sure he can't see me. My heart feels like it's being tortured. It's constricting so painfully in my chest that it's almost ripping itself apart.

Why do things like this always happen to me? Why does fate take away every shred of happiness that life gives to me? Why am I still crying like the pathetic person Cal thinks I am? It's not fair. My heart should't hurt this much over a stupid asshole.

After a while, I make it to a familiar human diner called Mary's snack shack, which is located on neutral territory - human land. I walk in and sit down at the counter, where I'm greeted by a familiar and friendly face.

"Hey, Raven." my friend, Adela, smiles at me.

Adela is also a werewolf but she's in a pack known as the East Moon pack. Her and her pack are actually really nice to me despite the fact that I'm a rogue. I'm grateful for that as it is nice to know I can at least wander onto one territory without getting ripped to pieces.

Maybe she can tell me a few things about my rejector.

"Hey, Del? I heard the most feared Alpha in the state lives nearby."

"Yeah, Cal River. He's really strong and very attractive."

"He must have a beautiful mate, huh?"

Obviously, not me.

"Now that's a complicated topic."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"Well, his father set him up with this she-wolf, who apparently is the perfect Luna and everyone is positively certain that him and her will be mates one day. But, they feel nothing so it's all very uncertain."

I nod and then drift off in my own thoughts. Gale whines inside my head at the thought of this perfect Luna having all our mate's love and devotion. The thought of him showering her with kisses, ones meant for me, physically hurts my heart but I wipe away the tears starting to form and try to bury all this pain at the back of my mind. I won't allow this to break me.

So, the perfect Alpha already has a perfect Luna. Well, he can keep her because I no longer give a shit! Fuck him!


When I arrive back home, Kate gives me a big hug. She's a nice girl, and she makes a good Luna, but she's not my mate. Then again, I'm pretty sure no girl could ever replace one's mate. However, I don't want that filthy rogue as my mate. I wasn't about let some filthy rogue into my life. Not after all the pain they have caused me.

I mean, her black hair and cognac brown eyes were quite captivating. And, her body was perfectly proportioned even if she was a bit short and her chest wasn't very large; that didn't bother me much though. Her features were also soft and defined. I had to admit, for a disgusting rogue, she was quite pretty. But, she still's not worthy of being my mate or the Luna of my pack. She's nothing in my eyes and she never will be.

"Liar." my wolf, Clyde, comments.

I just scoff at him as I walk towards my office, my arm wrapped around Kate's waist while she smiles at me. But this action that I've done with her many times before suddenly feels very wrong.

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