Omega leader | ᴛᴀᴇᴋᴏᴏᴋ

By tknoir

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❝Omegas can lead packs too, until someone finds out.❞ - Because Taehyung lives in a pack that sees omegas as... More

❖ foreword
❖ introduction
❖ moodboard
❖ prologue
❖ 01 | challenge
❖ 02 | lemongrass
❖ 04 | neon pink
❖ 05 | he knows
❖ 06 | deal
❖ 07 | smart
❖ 08 | jesus and lakes
❖ 09 | cinnamon
❖ 10 | awkward
❖ 11 | workout
❖ 12 | imaginary friends
❖ 13 | in the closet
❖ 14 | betrayal stems from trust
❖ Questions and Answers
❖ Important a/n
❖ 15 | blissful slumber

❖ 03 | bathtub

377 57 41
By tknoir

Jungkook woke up to sunlight streaming across his face directly through the crevices in the black curtains. The tender melody of a bird's morning song wafted in and out of the chamber as the ravenette rubbed his fatigued eyes. 

He glanced around the guest room that was obscured in darkness the previous night. He hadn't noticed the peculiar mixture of antique and sleek modern. There was a stone fireplace, but the floor was tiled in gleaming white marble.

It was an odd preference of decor, but it had character.

Jungkook got up and opened the ensuite door, only to find a large bathtub.

No shower? Only a bathtub?

Jungkook let out a heavy sigh, he hated bathtubs. They wasted immense amounts of water and had never did the job at waking him up.

He patted his dark hair down, trying to look as presentable as possible, before brushing his teeth and heading out.

The house had lots of natural light, milky walls only seeming to enhance the brightness. Thankfully whoever decorated it made sure to litter plants and furniture around, establishing a more homely atmosphere.

There were three separate doors around where Jungkook's room was so he presumed they were bedrooms.

Silently he hoped he would knock on Jimin's door, the leader seemed slightly ...intimidating?

Jungkook knocked on the door right opposite his, waiting for a response. 

There was none.

He felt slightly uncomfortable, like how one feels when they wake up before their friends at a sleepover, but he undoubtedly needed a shower so he knocked again, a little louder this time.

He heard some ruffling of sheets from the other side, before a voice answered,


It was the unmistakable, rich tone of the redhead.

"Uh, it's Jungkook. Does this house have a bathroom with a shower?"

The door opened to reveal Taehyung, his crimson hair was all over the place and face was somewhat swollen from slumber.

Taehyung yawned, "Only my room has a shower, something the old alpha did. Why? don't you have a bathtub?"

"I do, it's just-"

Taehyung waved his hand in front of him, cutting the younger off. "Feel free to use my shower, I don't mind a bath anyways."

Jungkook nodded with a modest smile before saying he'd be back with clothes.


"Okay guys, listen up. This is Jeon Jungkook from Mahogany, he's looking for someone who can lead the pack with him," Taehyung announced, pointing to Jungkook, and then to the six individuals opposite them.

They were in an independent room at the back of a cafe, Jungkook was standing next to Taehyung who was swiftly draining the coffee he had ordered.

Jungkook was too used to the drill by now; scan all the suitors up and down, identify someone that seized his attention and looked worthy of ruling a pack by his side.

"Jungkook, this is Yeji, Percibeth, Beomgyu, Lucas, Hwasa, and Sam. I'll have you guys to do your thing, I need to check on some things around here." With that, Taehyung left him alone in a room full of people that possibly contained the next leader of Mahogany.

Jungkook didn't know what came over him. The greetings from all six of them were very composed but something about the silver-haired man in front of him caught his attention. There was a scar right above his left eye, but he was without doubt an omega.

Jungkook wondered if everyone in Taehyung's pack was this attractive. First Taehyung, then his friend Jimin, and now Beomgyu. Beomgyu was sexy, he was wearing extremely short shorts and a skin tight turtleneck that left nothing to the imagination.

Jungkook even wondered if someone as proper Beomgyu would be ok to settle with someone like him.


Taehyung was taking rounds.

On the outside he seemed focused and confident, but in reality there were multiple mini Taehyungs running around and shouting in his head.

'Jungkook, Jungkook, Jungkook'  the chants echoed.

That was all his brain could come up with since the raven had knocked on his door that morning. He had woken up thinking it was just Jimin but in reality it was Jungkook wanting to shower in his room.

Well- not wanting to shower in his room, but Taehyung's thoughts that morning couldn't help but drift to certain places.

"Hey Taetae!" a cheery voice greeted him, it was one of the kids, Soobin.

The leader pushed aside his unholy thoughts, annoyed by himself, before greeting the child.

"How come you're not in school?" 

"School is boring, why learn maths when you have a calculator?" Soobin drawled, rolling his eyes.

Taehyung chuckled, remembering the days he and Jimin used to skip class to play with each other. He didnt wanna ruin the kids' fun so he just nodded.

"Well, all I can say is try not to get in trouble!" he wiggled his eyebrows mischievously at Soobin before waving goodbye and walking ahead.


"It's my birthday in nine days," Jungkook sighed, picking up his bag and walking towards his room, Hoseok by his side.

The sun was setting, causing the sky to look like melted caramel was coating the clouds.

"I wonder if I should go back or stay here longer, Beomgyu seems like a great guy, I really enjoyed talking to him"

Little did they know that Taehyung who was standing near his bedroom door, checking his phone, overheard Jungkook's statement.

"That means Jungkook's going to turn eighteen... I can't let him stay and find out," Taehyung muttered, before looking up and glaring at Jungkook's ebony locks.


I know its a little bit of a filler but we will get to the good stuff soon <3

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