PAW Patrol : A New Life

By Amazing-Writer

90.6K 1.9K 2.3K

After Steve, the new mayor of Adventure Bay, announced that the PAW Patrol is making worse the city's develop... More

Description Part 1
Part 1 // Chap. 1: A New Life Will Begin
Part 1 // Chap. 2: Their New Lives
Part 1 // Chap 3: A New Friend
Part 1 // Chap. 4: A Fire Friend
Part 1 // Chap. 5: a Thief Friend
Part 1 // Chap. 7: A Police Officer Undercover
Part 1 // Chap. 8: Trapped
Part 1 // Chap. 9: Accident
Part 1 // Chap. 10: At The Fire Station
Part 1 // Chap. 11: Kidnapped
Part 1 // Chap. 12: Everest's plan
Part 1 // Chap. 13: Unexpected
Part 1 // Chap. 14: Alive or Dead?
Part 1 // Chap. 15: Received by the President
Part 1 // Chap. 16: In Jail
Part 1 // Chap. 17: Mrs. Goodway
Part 1 // Chap. 18: New Mayor
Part 1 // Chap. 19: Goodway's Death
Part 1 // Chap. 20: The End
Description Part 2
Part 2 // Chap. 1: Gone Without a Goodbye
Part 2 // Chap. 2: Searching for Rocky
Part 2 // Chap 3: Rocky's Flashback Pt. 1
Part 2 // Chap. 4: Rocky's Flashback Pt. 2
Part 2 // Chap. 5: Manipulation
Part 2 // Chap. 6: New Team
Part 2 // Chap. 7: First Mission
Part 2 // Chap. 8: In Brazil
Part 2 // Chap. 9: Paris
Part 2 // Chap. 10: Paris Pt. 2
Part 2 // Chap. 11: Paris pt. 3
Part 2 // Chap. 12 : A good ending?
Part 2 // Chap. 12: The End
Description Part 3
Part 3 // Chap. 1: The Killing Machine
Part 3 // Chap 2 : Saving a Chicken
Part 3 // Chap 3: Terrible situation
Part 3 // Chap 4: Going or not going?

Part 1 // Chap. 6: A New Adventure Bay

3.2K 73 58
By Amazing-Writer

In Adventure Bay, a teenager walks into the big Town Hall. He walks over to the secretary.

Ryder: Hello! I wish to speak to the mayor please.

The Secretary: Sure! Sit on this chair, I'm calling him.

Ryder looks around, he doesn't feel like he's in Adventure Bay anymore. Traffic jams, tall buildings, but the worst part is that Steve, the mayor of Adventure Bay, wants to demolish Yumi and Al's farm to build an airport.

The Secretary: 12th floor Door B

Ryder: Thanks.

Ryder gets in the elevator, he arrives on the 12th floor and knocks on door B.

Steve: Come in!

Ryder: Hello sir!

Steve: Oh ... your head is telling me something ...

Ryder: Leader of the Paw Patrol.

Steve: Yes! Exact! You've grown! You were only 10 years old before.

Ryder: Yeah, and you got old.

Steve: What brings you here?

Ryder: I want to recreate the Paw Patrol.

Steve: Phew! No.

Ryder: You asked me for numbers. And I have them now! 200 people die of accidents, and 500 injured per year! And when the Paw Patrol was there, there were only 10 dead and 40 injured per year!

Steve: You're right ... but ... the most important thing is the money? Right?

Ryder: No sir.

Steve: I have an idea. I give you a big bag of money, and you forget your idea of ​​the Paw Patrol.

Ryder: No. I want to find my dogs.

Steve: Ugh! Okay! 1 week! You have 1 week to find them. And you can create your team again.

Ryder: Thank you sir! I heard you put Mayor Humdinger in jail. What did he do?

Steve: He didn't do anything. I just wanted his city. And now, Foggy Bottom no longer exists.

Ryder leaves the town hall, and heads for his house. It is a large red and pink house, with a large garden. In the garden he kept all of the pups' puphouses, Chase, Skye, Rocky, Marshall, Zuma and Rubble. Everest's one, it is Jake who keeps it.
As Ryder was about to open his door, a little puppy called him from behind. He turns around, and sees a little chihuaha with a pen and a sheet.

Ryder: Hey?

Sunny: Hello! My name is Sunny. My parents allowed me to come and see you, sir. They're over there!

Sunny shows Ryder his parents further away, who greet Ryder.

Ryder: Hi Sunny! You want something?

Sunny: Oh my god ... He spoke to me .... Yes. I want an autograph from the best leader of the Paw Patrol! All the rescues you have done are wonderful!

Ryder makes his signature on the sheet.

Sunny: I can't wait to see Chase, Marshall, Skye and the others inside your house! Especially Skye! I saw videos of Skye rescuing people falling in the sky! I am a fan of her! She is my idol!

Ryder: Sorry, but ... they're not here.

Sunny: Where are they?

Ryder: I don't know Sunny .... I don't know.

Sunny lowers his head in sadness, and walks slowly out of the garden without saying goodbye to Ryder.

Ryder sighs, and walks into his house. He finds his girlfriend, Katie who is lying on the couch.

Ryder: Are you already here, honey?

Katie: Yeah, I finished my job early. Come on! Come here!

Ryder walks over to Katie, and they kiss.
Several minutes later, Ryder turns on the television.

Breaking News! It's confirmed! Mayor Steve of Adventure Bay is going to turn the farm into an airport!

Katie: Did you go give food to Mrs. Goodway?

Ryder: Yeah. But she is not well.

Katie: How's that?

Ryder: She coughs, she always gets sick, and she's very old. So, she cannot take care of herself.

Breaking News! Firefighter and racer Marshall saved a show! Find the star in live with a crowd of people asking for an autograph.

Marshall: Thanks everyone!

Journalist: Marshall? Who taught you these rescues, these races?

Marshall: Haha...Who?

Katie: Now dogs are starting to be stars.

Marshall: This is my first owner, Ryder. The best. I love him, and I will love him....always.

Ryder: This is ... Marshall?

Ryder sees Marshall's bodyguard on TV preventing journalists from filming him.

Katie: It's marked Dicono City.

Ryder: I'm leaving tonight.

Katie: I'm coming with you!

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