girl next door › camren

By jaurcgui

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being the eldest child and dedicated, always doing what is right as her parents taught is the life that camil... More

just an extra chapter with ur cute comments


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By jaurcgui

A/N: I'm sorry for the delay. When you don't have creativity and peace to write, it's really hard. I would write two chapters to offset but this was looong and I couldn't close, but I already have ideas for the next one and I hope I don't take time to write. I am very tired, it's three in the morning omg, I'm sorry if the end is shit but I hope you like it xD


"Mom!" I sat on the couch, dropping Lauren's hand abruptly and it made her wake.

"Camila, what-" she opened her eyes and my mother was still staring us. "Sinu."

"Hello, Lauren." my mother said dryly, looking at me impatiently.

We got up from the couch. Lauren adjusting her clothes and her hair and I was trying to avoid my mother's glare.

"You're finally here. I thought something had happened to you." I said sincerely.

"Sorry I didn't call." she said.

"I didn't want to leave her alone. She seemed a desperate baby here." Lauren chuckled and I nudged her.

"Thank you, but you can go now." she said to Lauren.

Lauren looked at me as confused as I was. I nodded and she smiled at my mother before leaving as fast as possible.

"You had to be hard on her?" I questioned after Lauren left.

"Yes, I needed. This is my home and I treat everyone as I want." my mother said and turned away from me, walking into the kitchen.

"But you never treated her like that. Even with everything I've ever said about her." I followed into the kitchen. "What's the matter now?"

My mother opened the fridge and grabbed a bottle of water, as always, poured in the glass and drank, ignoring me. I rolled my eyes. I knew why she was doing that, but I wanted to hear her say.

"Tell me what's wrong now after so long." I said, with my arms crossed.

"I'm not leaving you alone anymore." she changed the subject. "I was desperate to know that you were here and with this storm. It scared me a lot."

I looked at her with a frown. She was really avoiding me? My mother put the bottle back in the fridge and put the glass in the sink.

"I asked what was the fucking problem." I said. She stared at me. "Come on mom, say it. It was because now you realize that she is not all that appeared to be when she was close to you and you finally decided to believe me or was because we were lying on the couch?"

"It was not because you were lying on the couch, it was how you were lying on the damn couch." she said frustrated.

"There was nothing wrong. We didn't do-"

"You think I'm an idiot, Camila?" she cut me off. "I know what was going on and it will not be repeated." she said decided.

"Nothing was happening-"

"Great! So, before it happens, she will not come into this house again."

"Excuse me?!" I asked angrily.

"You heard me very well." my mother said staring me.

"You know that's not going to happen, right?" I told her. "You can not ban me from seeing her and I don't care if it's your house or any shit!"

"We'll see." she said simply. She was at least listening to me? "Now go to your room."

"No. I'll wait for the dinner and-"

"I said go to your room, Camila." she said quietly.

I shook my head and laughed ironically, it was unbelievable. I couldn't believe she was doing this, actually I knew she wouldn't like the fact that I am in a relationship with a girl and she never thought that this could happen. We never talked about it, but she always made it clear that this was not what she wanted for her daughter.

I hit the door of my room when I walked in. Purposefully to express my anger and I was hoping she could hear downstairs. I sat on the bed and just stood there for a few minutes. That was damn perfect. Despite having to deal with Lauren, now I have to deal with my mom and whatever's wrong with her.


The next day I didn't want to get out of bed. I didn't want to come down and have breakfast with my mother, who would be staring at me indifferent after what happened last night or have to go through the tour with an awkward silence to the school. But do I have a choice? No.

So I did my usual routine to get ready before going to school and I was ready to face the morning, except that nothing I expected happened. My mother behaved as if nothing had happened, she had that smile on her face that she had every morning. I didn't dare to ask how she was being cynical and just followed whatever she was doing so I stayed quiet and responding just enough until she left me at school.

"She didn't look so angry as last night." Lauren appeared out of nowhere while I was leaving my locker. She was watching me out there? I hit her in the arm. "Ouch, what was that?"

"You scared me." I laughed quietly.

"So stay more alert next time." she shrugged.

"I'm definitely going to stay more alert." I sighed.

"What happened last night?" Lauren asked when we entered the classroom.

"What do you think?" I rolled my eyes. "I don't know what's gotten into her. I mean, I know, but she overreacted."

"Yeah, find your daughter cuddling with another girl on the couch of your home doesn't seem to be a big deal." she joked.

"Lauren, I'm serious." I sat in my usual spot and her by my side. "She has banished you to get in there again." I looked at her.

"Wow, that's not fair." Lauren complained. "She didn't even caught us in phase two."

I frowned. "Phase two?"

"Phase one: make out. Phase two: sex." she winked and I looked at her with wide eyes.

She didn't care who was around us that was now staring and she just smirked. I blushed just thinking about something like that. Or was she just messing with me.

"Whatever interesting thing going on over there I would prefer that you pay attention to me now." our teacher said and I hadn't noticed that he had arrived there. I thanked him mentally and for stopped that moment, but cursed to have to study now. These last days I really wasn't thinking focused on school and everything seemed boring.

The hours passed torturously slow, the more I wanted to be out there, more every minute it would take an eternity. I had to endure two things; one was I couldn't pay attention to anything and two was Lauren on my side, doing absolutely nothing but bother me and staring at me, even though I hated it. But of course she knew and that's why she was doing.

When the next classes passed and only left the last period, Lauren and I walked to the next classroom as usual, except that before we get there Lauren grabbed my hand and pulled me in another direction.

"Where are we going?" I asked confused.

"The next class is boring, we should go somewhere else." Lauren said smirking.

I stopped in the hallway and looked around, was still a mess with students trying to find their next classrooms. Lauren realized I didn't move and turned to me.

"What?" she asked and frowned. "Don't worry, Mrs. Torres will not miss us there." Lauren assured me.

That was true, but I still wasn't convinced that this would be a good idea.

I never left the school any time that I liked or skipped classes before. I wasn't that kind of person. Or better saying, Lauren's kind of person.

"I still think we shouldn't do that." I said firmly. "And someone might see us and we would be in trouble. I can't."

"Hey," Lauren came closer and cupped my face so I could look at her. "Nothing will happen. I've done this a million times and I never had problems. It's okay, trust me babe." she smiled when she saw my face soften a bit.

"All right." I said, although I still wasn't sure. Lauren slid her hand up mine and entwined our fingers, then smiled at me, I should stop her, but yet I was agreeing with this crazy idea.

"Where are we going?" I asked when we left the parking lot. No one stopped us or was around when we got there, I was still nervous about all this.

"We're going to meet some friends of mine." she said and looked at me with a smirk. Oh, perfect. I had no interest to meet her friends. Like, never. I would regret it later. Well, I couldn't jump out of the car now and escape from this.


Lauren drove for a few minutes on the streets that I hadn't had the chance to meet yet and I just knew it was getting farther and farther away from home or school. I tried to stay calm and don't freak out with every minute that passed. She seemed to understand and tried to distract me  the way she can do better: pissing me off.

When we finally got to the place I had already forgotten the shit I was doing getting there or being with Lauren. She got out of the car with a big smile on her lips. I wasn't so excited like that, but I faked it. The place was actually a similar house where we lived. Perfect, we left a suburb to go to on another. Could be worse though.

"Come here." she called me when I was just standing outside the car.

I followed her for a wooden gate that was on the side of the garage of the house, she opened it and waited for me to pass so she could close again. I didn't know when I should start asking questions, like where the hell we were. I could hear music coming from the back of the house as we approached, Lauren went first and the music stopped the moment she appeared on the view of whoever was there.

"There it is our girl!" Some guy with a british accent screamed and ran into Lauren's arms. He turned to me when he realized my presence.

"Hey Matty." Lauren greeted him.

He was skinny and tall, but he appeared not to be old. My guess was that he had around twenty years?

"So you decided to bring your girl today." Matty smiled and hugged me too. An awkward hug, but only I thought that. I smiled shyly at him and gave a pointed look at Lauren. Your girl??

"Her life is too boring, I think she needs you guys." Lauren crossed an arm over my shoulder and pulled me close.

What the fuck was she doing?

"Name's Camila," she pointed at me and then at him. "This is Matty."

"Well, you know me. I can do everything, darling." Matty told her and turned to me again. "Nice to meet you." he touched my cheek and winked at me, then he left and went back to where he was. When I could observe well, it was like another house a few meters away from the big one.

Inside there was a big room. there had some instruments and every guy occupying one of them, also a table full of beer and other things I'd rather not know what it was. The space smelled like cigarettes and, I don't know, something else.

"You're playing something new before I got here?" Lauren came over to where the other guys were and I slowly followed her. She grabbed a beer and drank only a sip. She was crazy? She was driving!

"Yes, it's a new song. I think you'll like." Matty said excited. He took the beer from her hand and drank almost everything there. "It's not finished yet."

"What's the name?" she asked curious.

"Sex." he said proud somehow. "Oh, you want to hear? I mean, what we have so far."

"Of course!" Lauren said and took my hand, apparently she had remembered that I was there, and led me to a couch in the corner of the messy room.

I sat a little uncomfortable, but Lauren didn't let go of my hand. I didn't know if I was like that was because she was not herself today with the need to be near me or because of that place. Maybe both. But then I tried to focus on what they guys started to play.

"This is how it starts
You take your shoes off in the back of my van
My shirt looks so good
When it’s just hanging off your back

She said "use your hands and my spare time"
We’ve got one thing in common
It’s this tongue of mine
She said "she’s got a boyfriend anyway""

I didn't really know what to think because it wasn't what I was used to listen, but it was catchy. Lauren seemed to be enjoying it because she shook her head in the rhythm of the music.

"There’s only minutes before I drop you off
And all we seem to do is talk about sex
She’s got a boyfriend anyway (x2)"

They stopped playing and Matty looked at Lauren. "I don't know, we're still working on the rest, but there's one part that I'm going to have to fit in somewhere."

"Show me." She said interested.They got the rhythm of the music again and then he returned to sing.

"Now we’re just outside of town
And you’re making your way down
She’s got a boyfriend anyway (x2)

I’m not trying to stop you, love
But if we’re gonna do anything
We might as well just fuck
She’s got a boyfriend anyway (x2)"

"Fuck that's good!" she said excited.

"Damn I know that." Matty chuckled. "But it's going well, until next week everything will be ready and I will show you."

"What do you think babe?" Lauren turned to me. I was paying attention to them but I still have the music on my mind distracting me.

"Yeah, it's very good." I wasn't exactly lying. "If she says so, I believe." Matty said and turned away from us to get something.

"Can I get you something to drink?" Lauren asked.

"No, I'm fine." I smiled weakly.

"So I'm going to get me something to drink." she smirked and stood up, finally releasing me but I grabbed her forearm.

"Don't even think about it! You will drive me back home safely, I don't want to risk my life." I said seriously but Lauren just laughed.

"Okay, princess." she rolled her eyes. "You smoke?"

I looked at her in disbelief. She was serious?

"I'm joking!" Lauren giggled and I hit her shoulder lightly. We stayed there for awhile and I was slowly getting used to it. I had to drink, of course it wasn't beer or any alcohol thing and also had to prevent Lauren attempting to drink all the time. Successfully she stopped trying and I was happy to have won.

Matty and his friends actually were super cool. I didn't see that coming from "friends of Lauren." Not all of them were a pain in the ass as she and I thanked for that. After a while more of their friends arrived and everything turned out to be a party. I don't know when it started, but it happened. And were just half past one and they were having fun like a party night in a place like a nightclub.

"All right, guys, listen up." Matty called everyone around. We were in the same room and it was crowded now. They improvised a small stage and were playing some songs that I couldn't tell if were theirs or from other bands. Lauren and I were in the middle of the mess and the closer of Matty and his bandmates.

I looked at him waiting while people were trying to get as close to the crawlspace. I looked confused to Lauren that came to him and said something in his ear. Matty smiled and looked at me and then nodded. What was that?

She smiled back at him and returned to stay beside me. I gave her a questioning look, but she just smiled and pointed to the band, which were already starting to play.

"We should not play this song, but at the request of our friend, Lauren," he pointed out to her. "We'll sing to you." Matty looked at me and then for people before start singing.

I didn't know what was happening until I noticed the lyrics of the song. I looked confused to Lauren and she shrugged with a smirk on her lips and I rolled my eyes. She was serious?

"What time you coming down?
We started losing light
I'll never make it right
If you don't want me around
I'm so excited for the night
All we need's my bike and your enormous house

You said some day we might
When I'm closer to your height
'Til then we'll knock around, endlessly
You're all I need"

I tried to avoid her and focus on the band but I felt a pair of arms embrace my waist. Lauren rested her chin on my shoulder and squeezed me against her lightly. I didn't know what the hell was going on with her. Or why I wasn't avoiding all this.

"Don't you see me now?
I think I'm falling, I'm falling for you
Don't you need me?
I, I think I'm falling, I'm falling for you"

"And on this night and in this light
I think I'm falling, I'm falling for you
Maybe you'll change your mind
I think I'm falling, I think I'm falling"

Lauren began to move our bodies in the rhythm of the low song, I was still a little nervous because she was so close and I let her do that. But that moment looked good and calm. She began singing next part of the music so quietly that only I could hear.

"I read between the lines
And touched your leg again, again
I'll take you one day at a time
Soon you will be mine
Oh but I want you now (I want you now)
When the smoke is in your eyes
You look so alive
Do you fancy sitting down with me? Maybe?"

I shook my head with a giggle and she laughed too. Matty exchanged glances with us and I could see the smirk on his lips. That made me laugh even more, I didn't expect her to do something as romantic as dedicate a song to me. Or romantic at all. Lauren squeezed me even more and now I could feel her breath on my ear while she continued to sing.

"You're all I need
According to your heart
My place is not deliberate
Feeling of your arms
I don't wanna be your friend
I wanna kiss your neck"

I felt a wave of chills through my body when she kissed my neck. I think it was a good thing she was holding me back or I would fall hard on the floor. Lauren noticed what she caused me and laughed softly against my skin. Ugh I hate her!

Soon the song ended and our moment too. Around I just heard screams and people clapping hysterically. Okay I had to admit that they were not bad. I mean, I only listened a few of their songs and actually was good. When I least realized the radio was on and Lauren wasn't hugging me anymore and she was looking around for someone. The place was pretty crazy. It was too crazy but it was fun.

It was.

"Damn..." I whispered when I felt my phone rings in my pocket. I swallowed hard when I saw my mother's name on the screen. I saw what time it was and had totally forgotten that she would pick up when school was over.

I went toward the door and pushing as many people as I could to get there before she could shut down the call. It would be worse if I had to call her back after that.

"Mom!" I practically yelled, still getting used to the silence -or almost- away from the house.

"Are you okay?" she asked worried and I cleared my my throat.

"Yes! Yes, I'm sorry." I answered as natural as possible.

"Where are you? I thought you were coming home, but guess what? You're not here too." she was starting to get nervous.

I took a deep breath before answering.

"Yeah, I'm at a friend's house."

"Which friend?" she said a little irritated. I've pictured who appeared in her mind.

"A friend you don't know. But don't worry I'm coming home." I assured her. I really didn't want her mad.

"Okay young lady, we talk when you get here." she said seriously. "Bye."

I couldn't say anything more because she hung up. I took a deep breath again. I just had to find Lauren and drag her away from that place so that she could drive me home. Very simple.

I went back inside and tried to get to the place where we were. Of course she wouldn't be there, all those people already messed the room again. I've moved away from them to a small corridor and less crowded, which was in the kitchen. Still, no sign of Lauren. She had to disappear now?!

Matty appeared close to me and I decided to ask him where the hell she had been.

"Uh," he said trying to remember. I stared at him impatiently. "I saw her go..." he looked around and showed another hallway opposite of where I came from. "Over there."

I was impressed because I didn't think the place was this big. At least it didn't seem when you look from outside. With hopes I followed in the direction he pointed, I practically ran. The hall had two doors on each side and at the end had a small room and of course, was full of drunk people.

And one of them, with a beer in hand was Lauren. She was laughing and talking to someone. Fuck! I was screwed. She's only been away from me for a few minutes and she said she wouldn't drink that shit. Anyway I made my way towards her but something I saw made me stop abruptly. A blonde girl practically jumped on her and kissed her. I stared at them with wide eyes, I couldn't believe what I was seeing and the next thing I felt was anger when Lauren kissed her back but then she pulled away and the first thing she saw when did that was me.

"Shit... Camila, wait!" I heard her calling me when I had turned and walked back to get out of that place.

I was so pissed. What irritated me even more that I was pissed with myself too. She was a manipulative bitch and could do that so well with me when she wanted to! After a lot of trouble to go through all those people I got in her car and she was right behind me.


"Take me home." I said without looking at her.

"Let me speak first." she tried to.

"I don't want to fucking hear you! I want to go home." I said, making a point to show how angry I was.

"I'm just going to take you home if you let me talk." she got closer.

"Take. Me. home. Are you fucking deaf?!" I yelled, staring at her.

Lauren took a deep breath, I could see she was angry too, but she managed to control. She had nothing to be fucking mad! Soon she unlocked the car, I got in the passenger seat shortly after she got in the car.

Back home she didn't try to say anything and I avoided looking at her at all costs. Those minutes seemed the longest I've ever had in my life, but I managed to hold my shit back until we finally get home. She parked in front of my house, but didn't unlock the door.

"Seriously?" I asked looking at her.

"We'll talk you whether like it or not." Lauren said and turned to face me.

"I don't want to talk to you. Open the door, please?" I said quietly.

"I didn't kiss her-"

"Lauren! I don't want to hear. I just want to go home." I cut her off.

"Damn, Camila! I'm trying to explain myself here, can you shut the fuck up for a minute?"

"No! In a minute my mom will walk out that door and kill you." I pointed at my house. "I'm being nice here in spare your life even though you don't deserve it."

Lauren rolled her eyes annoyed. She was annoyed? She was holding me in her damn car, I was annoyed and pissed there! But finally she unlocked the door and I didn't wait another minute and left, slamming the door soon after.

I walked into the house furious and since my mother's car was in the driveway she'd probably be making lunch, but I went into the kitchen and was empty, soon after she came down the stairs in a hurry.

"I thought I'd have to go after you!" she said, I couldn't tell if she was mad.

"Sorry, the traffic sucks." I shrugged and she stared at me. "You cannot prevent a teenager of talking bad words."

"But I can prevent my daughter." she took her purse in the living room and I followed her. "How do I look?"

I looked at her from bottom to top. Damn my mother was good in a suit, but the color was too morbid, a light grey.

"You look like a businesswoman." I winked at her.

"I am a businesswoman!" my mother said in disbelief and I chuckled. "If you hadn't taken so long we could have lunch and talked about that friend that you told me, but now it's almost three o'clock, I gotta run."

I followed her to the door.

"There's food in the fridge." she said as she opened the door and turned to look at me. "Behave yourself." she stared.

I raised my eyebrows. "I clean the house after the party before you arrive, don't worry."

My mother rolled her eyes and kissed me on the cheek and gave me a tight hug before leaving. "I love you."

"I love you too." I screamed and I waited for her to leave so I can go back inside.

I sighed. I didn't get bit, it was a good thing. If she found out that the friend was Lauren, things would be different.

Later after a shower, eat and finally be at peace, I called Dinah via skype. I needed to know how things were going and that coming to my house the next day would not be a prank. And try to avoid the subject Lauren at all costs.

"My bags are packed and you can see, so, it is true that I'm going." she laughed. "I already bought my ticket too. Everything is ready, Mila."

"Thank God! I can't wait for tomorrow." I said excited.

"Neither do I! I miss you so much."

"Awn, I miss you, too." I pouted. "I wish I could go home and never have moved here." I sighed.

"Damn you know how slow the vibe of the conversation." Dinah joked. "It's only been a few weeks, you're not used to it yet."

"It was good at first but now it's all boring. Thank God you're coming tomorrow."

"Hell yeah, you'll have the best week of your life girl!" she started dancing in her chair and I laughed out loud. There wasn't anyone like her.

"And I can't wait to meet your girl." Dinah winked at me.

"My what?" I asked a little irritated.

"Duh, green eyes and super sexy you're gay for?" she asked in disbelief, but smirked.

"Shut up." I scoffed.

Dinah laughed and shook her head. "Sorry, it's so fun to see you like this."

"No, it's not!" I growled.

She kept laughing. "Ohhh, it is, very much!"

"Okay, that's enough!" I giggled. "I have homework to do."

"Of course." she smirked.

"I'm serious!" I growled again. "Goodbye Dinah!"

"Hey, don't hang up!" she asked. "Just let how it is and when you finish you come back here."

"I don't want you staring at me. I won't be able to concentrate."

"I'm not going to be here, I have some things to do too. Just turn off the monitor." she suggested.

"All right. See you later." I said and she sent a kiss before leaving her room and then I turned off the monitor.

We talked for hours and I saw that it was late. I picked up my backpack and pulled my homework. I really wasn't in the mood to do it, but I had to. I used to do homework before anything, but now my mind wasn't working right. And to make things worse, Dinah's computer was playing a song that was pissing me off so I had to turn off my volume to try and concentrate, and it worked.

When were six o'clock I finished all I had to do. It was so tiring. I checked to see if Dinah was back, but her room was empty. I went downstairs and grabbed a bottle of water and went back to the room.

"I think I'm getting old." Lauren said and had just come through the window when I entered the room. I spit the water I was drinking and she started laughing. "I didn't mean to scare you."

"Get the fuck out of here!" I said after I recover.

"Camila, I just want to talk." she said quietly. She threw something in my bed but I didn't pay attention to what it was.

"But I don't want to!"

"Then just listen." she took a few steps forward. "I didn't kiss her, whoever that girl was."

"That was exactly what I didn't see." I said dryly and put my bottle on my desk.

"I'm not supposed to care about this because I don't owe you satisfaction but somehow I'm trying here, okay?!" Lauren said angrily.

"That's right, I forgot that you do what you want with whoever you want." I rolled my eyes. "I don't even know why I care!"

"You care because you like me." she said calmly this time and came closer.

I avoided looking at her but I couldn't deny it, right? It was too obvious.

"But you like everybody, isn't it Lauren?" I said quietly, but I was just upset.

"I like you more." she said sincerely.

"Yeah, I know that." I rolled my eyes. "You can go now." I crossed my arms.

"That's it?" she asked confused.

"What do you want?" I raised an eyebrow. She shrugged. "If you don't get out, I will."

I took my bottle back and went towards the door but Lauren went and closed before I could leave.

"Are you serious?!" I yelled.

"Just wait, okay?" She leaned on the door and I rubbed my temples, waiting.

"Just go home, Lauren?" I said.

"Not yet.." she got closer and I couldn't move. I hate when she does that to me.

"Lauren-" I couldn't finish when she crashed her lips on mine. This time I could resist and I pushed her. "Go away." I said and she looked at me confused.

I turned to the door and tried to open but Lauren turned my body and pressed my back against the door. She didn't tried to kiss me or do anything but hold me there, but with a reflex I hit her with my knee a little below her stomach.

"Fuck Camila!" Lauren staggered backward with her hands on her stomach and I looked at her in panic.

"I'm sorry!" I said and tried to approach her, but I was afraid that she would stand up and try to hit me or something.

Lauren supported with one hand on the bed and sat on the floor, resting her back there.

"Why did you do that?!" she screamed, whimpering in pain.

"I don't know!" I said still scared and this time I knelt down in front of her.

"You're fucking crazy." she whispered but then giggled.

I finally breathed more relieved that she wasn't mad at me. I sat next to her in the same position as she was.

"I'm sorry." I said looking at her, she was still massaging her stomach.

"It was my fault." she said but didn't look at me. "Ugh that was horrible, I'm sorry."

"It's okay." I bumped my shoulder against hers affectionately and she looked at me.

"I'm sorry." she whispered.

"I know, you told me already." I giggled.

"No, I mean the party. Sorry about the kiss." Lauren said sincerely.

"I thought you didn't have to give me satisfaction."

"You're right, I don't." she said and I rolled my eyes playfully. "But I think I should."

"Okay." I said smiling. It was progress I think. I thought she wouldn't give a damn about any of it or me. But she did.

Lauren reached out a hand so that I could take and I frowned but I still grabbed and looked at her. With the other she tapped her lap. "Come here."

I laughed and shook my head, but she pulled me by my hand. So I sat in her lap, straddling her. Lauren intertwined our fingers, we're staring at each other for a few seconds.

"Kiss me." she said, her eyes fell to my lips.

"No." I whispered smiling.

"Why not?" she asked above a whisper too.

"Just no." I smirked. Actually I wanted to, but I also wanted to punish her, just for fun.

"I'm hurt." she pouted and I laughed.

"Poor you." I pouted too.

"You hurt me now you gotta kiss me so I can be healed." Lauren said pretending to be in pain.

"Is that so?" I followed her game.

"Yes. You have two options: kiss me here," she pointed to her lips. "Or where it hurts most," Lauren pointed to her stomach and again pretended to be in pain.

"Oh really?" I questioned, pretending to consider both options.

"Plus, option two does not include any clothes." she smirked and I nudged her.

I giggled and I stroked her face before leaning in and give her a soft kiss. I kept for a minute and she graciously returned, whimpering when I moved away only inches apart.

"I really wanted option two." Lauren whispered disappointed.

"You're really perverted." I chuckled and she shrugged then captured my lips with hers.

This time she deepened the kiss and became more desperate. And I was too. I didn't knew what it was but once I was kissing her I just wanted more and more. Her hands slid up my waist and I cupped her face, caressing her cheek with my thumb, then slid one to her neck and scratched there, she shuddered lightly and smiled against my lips.

Her hands slid up my butt and she squeezed pulling me closer to her. I panted through her unexpected move but at that moment I didn't care. I was too involved and I liked that. Lauren seemed to realize this, because she did it again and this time I intertwined my fingers in her hair and pulled lightly.

I head a low moan scape from her lips, they were slightly parted, just inches away from mine and once we catch our breaths I didn't wait another second to bring her lips against mine again, gently parting them with the tip of my tongue, then slowly moving inside her mouth to meet her tongue, she fought for dominance but then they just moved in rhythm as our lips.

Lauren grabbed the hem of my shirt and slowly started to slide up but I grabbed her hands before she could go any further. "Don't," I whispered on her lips, she just nodded and rested her forehead on mine. We stayed like that for a few seconds, just breathing, eyes closed.

"You drives me crazy," she whispered and I giggled. "Completely insane."

She whispered again, she brought her lips down my neck giving light kisses while her hands held my thighs and slightly opened my legs and pulling me closer. I had to hold back on her neck for support when Lauren lightly crossed her legs, making her thigh slid purposefully between my legs. I gasped, I hadn't realized how excited I was until she done that. Lauren smiled against my skin, biting my neck.

"I make you feel that way too?" she kept whispering and rubbed her thigh once more against my center. I had to bite my lip to suppress a moan, she was a fucking tease!

"Hmm," I muttered or was a moan, I just know it made her smile again at the sensitive part of my neck and she seemed to know it was because she continued kissing and biting sending chills throughout my whole body.

"I'll take that as a yes." Lauren moved her lips back to mine, she held my lower lip between her teeth for a few seconds as if it wasn't torture enough everything she was doing to me now. She looked at me with a smug smile to see me blushing. "I have to go now."

Lauren held me by my thighs again and I quickly pulled out of her lap carefully. I sighed like I was holding my breath for nearly an hour. I stared at her as she got up, I grabbed the bed support to stand. She just looked at me with a smirk on her fucking lips.

"Yeah, okay," I said simply but I didn't know what to say and cleared my throat.

She winked at me, smiling as if she had won a prize, or just for letting me like that and just be able to go as she pleased. Apparently she could.

"Oh, I have a gift for you." she lifted an eyebrow and picked up what she had thrown in my bed before and was black oversized t-shirt. She showed me and had a stamp that read in white letters: The 1975.

"What it is this?" I asked.

"Matty's band. He gave me a few days ago but I already have one and I didn't know who to give this." Lauren handed me the shirt.

"Hm, thank you." I said sincerely and smiled at her.

"I can't wait to see you wearing." she smirked.

"Get out." I pointed at the window and rolled my eyes playfully.

"See you tomorrow." Lauren laughed and shook her head before going to the window.

Soon after she left my phone rang, I ran to bed and saw it was Dinah.

"Yeah?" I said.

"Let skype connected was the worst decision we've taken!!!" she yelled from the other line. "Never. Ever. Again."

Holy shit! Just the thought of having Dinah watching everything that happened minutes ago made me panic. I had completely forgotten about her.

"Why didn't you call me? Or turn off the damn computer?!" I yelled.

"Of course I did turned off! I would not be watching that. Oh my God, I can't believe, Mila." she started to laugh. That was perfect!

"How did you know she just leave?"

"I didn't know- Ohhhh damn, I love our perfect timing!" she chuckled.

"Wait, and what exactly did you see?" I asked carefully.

"I saw when Lauren fell to the ground, I think you kicked her. And then began the make out session and I turned off. I didn't want to watch free porn." She laughed hysterically. "I'm calling you again."

I went back to my desk and turned on the monitor and answered the call. I sat in my chair and took a deep breath.

"So, I think I get it now. You're like friends with benefits." Dinah concluded.

"Ugh Dinah, it's not this." I assured her. "It's nothing, actually."

"It's got to be something. You guys are so complicated." she sighed.

"No and no. Stop trying to name it, I don't know, ugh, just stop it." I said annoyed.

She just laughed. I ignored, I knew how much she loved all this. I ran my hands through my hair and sighed again.

"Are you okay?" she asked.

"I need to take a shower." I said, and I wished I hadn't said when I saw the expression on her face. Was a blessing not to be able to read that dirty mind of hers.

"Karla Camila Cabello!" Dinah screamed and I rolled my eyes.

"Dinah, no!"

"You little pervert!" she chuckled.

"My God I can't stand you!" I screamed and I got up from my chair.

"Wait! Tell me everything! Damn, I wish I didn't have turned this shit off." I heard her complaining right after I left the room and went to shower. It would be a long night.

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