De annabeththe100

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disclaimer: I do not own Merlin all right go to BBC Currently undergoing editing What if his Magic wasn't th... Mais



270 7 28
De annabeththe100

AUTHOR NOTE: Give me a moment to recover from the last chapter.......;-)


I grumbled hacking away at one of the training dummies, how dare Merlin just take of like that, he'd bolted as soon as I had said that Arthur was in trouble. I knew why of course but he still could have taken me with him, but he had said that if there was a bounty on Arthur then there was probably a bounty on Morgana too and he wanted someone to stay here and protect her while he went of looking for Arthur. 

I growled again knowing that he was right and hating it, it had been two years since I had come to Camelot and the Lady Morgana and I had become very close, we talked about everything nothing of limits, well for her anyway. I still hadn't told her who I was but it was getting harder and harder to keep it a secret, my feelings for Morgana were starting to become more than friendly and it scared the hell out of me. 

How could I tell her I loved her if she didn't even know the real me? I spun viciously cutting of one of the heads and someone clapped behind me.            

"Now what did that dummy ever do to you?" I grinned at Morgana who just smirked at me raising an eyebrow. I shrugged and she laughed giving me a knowing look.                                           

"I take it Merlin left to go after Arthur?" she said and I snarled stabbing my sword into the dirt, she laughed at me as I pouted.                                                                                                                               

"You didn't want to go with?" I tried not to snap at her, she was only asking and considering Merlin and I had been joined at the hip since I got here it was a fair question and I sighed looking at her. 

"He needed someone to stay here and protect yo...Camelot" I said quickly switching the end of my sentence knowing that Morgana hated it when Merlin or Arthur said she needed protecting. 

She raised her eyebrow at me clearly guessing what I had tried to hide, walking over she gave me a hug. 

"Don't worry Merlin will be fine his lasted this long" I smiled eternally grateful that she was trying to make me feel better.

"Come on as my brother is not here it has fallen to me to attend the council meetings until he gets back" Morgana dragged me towards the castle and I groaned digging my heels in. 

"Ugh no I don't want to" I said sounding like a five year old and Morgana laughed shaking her head at me and tugging on my arm. 

I loved that laugh and I grinned in spite of myself, and we walked into the council chambers taking our places at the Round Table. I hated council meetings, they were so boring I tuned them out most of the time unless it involved the Knights. 

I was day dreaming about Thea when I felt Merlin open a connection in my mind.

"I have the King we are heading home" Merlin said and I grinned a weight having been lifted from my shoulders once I knew that Merlin was ok. 

Morgana gave me a knowing look as if saying told you so and I stuck my tongue out at her causing her to laugh.

"Something funny My Lady?" one of the noblemen asked and Morgana's cheeks burned with embarrassment and I coughed trying to hide my own laugh at the look on her face, she shook her head and waved her hand telling him to continue as she glared at me half-heartedly.

"The harvest......." he continued droning on and I sighed trying not to bang my head against the table. 

Perhaps if I gave myself a concussion I could get out of it? I snorted at the thought quickly turning into a cough as I received irritated looks from the other council members.  


That afternoon I was walking to the armoury intending to sharpen my sword when a blinding pain tore through my body and I gasped falling to the floor a scream tearing from my lips, I was gasping my vision flickering when someone called my name in alarm "Athena?" I couldn't answer, something was wrong with Merlin. 

I knew the pain I was feeling was just an echo of his but I could barely concentrate and I flinched as someone placed a hand on my shoulder, I forced the connection between me and my brother shut yanking myself away from his feelings and snapping back into my own body. 

I was shaking and covered in sweat, taking a deep breath I blinked clearing my vision and accepting the hand that was offered to me. I looked up to find myself staring at the concerned face of Sir Elyan, I braced myself against the wall rubbing my face and trying to banish the look of horror that I had seen on Arthurs face.

"Are you ok?" I jumped having forgotten about Sir Elyan who was giving me a confused look, I shook my head.

"We need to find Arthur" I said voice hoarse, clearing my throat I tried again "Get the Knights of The Round Table we are leaving to find Arthur" Sir Elyan nodded sprinting down the corridor to fetch the others, it wasn't until he was gone that I realised that I had used my princess voice no wonder he had been running. 

I stood up and headed straight for Morganas room ignoring the stares of the servants as I stormed past and not even bothering to knock I walk straight into Morganas chambers and she looked up in surprise as the door closed behind me.

"We need to leave now"  Morgana glared at me.

"Excuse me" she said clearly irritated but I refused to give her an explanation.

"Get dressed and meet me down in the courtyard" I said voice full of authority and she gaped at me taking in my noble bearing. Looking concerned she called out "Gwen" I turned heading for the door as soon as Gwen Lady Morganas maid entered the room.

"Yes My Lady?" she asked giving me a curious glance as I walked past.

"It seems we are going for a ride can you help me get dressed?" Morgana was looking at me as the door shut. 

I knew I was in full princess mode as Merlin would put it but I didn't have time to answer anybody's questions, I walked to my chambers bumping into someone on my way.

"Sorry" I apologised without looking to see who it was and I continued ignoring the gasp of surprise. 

I flung my door open and grabbed my cloak with Thea's crest and my father's sword also emblazoned with Thea's crest the only two things that I had allowed myself to keep from home, that and the ring I constantly wore around my neck which was the twins to Merlins. The cloak was a deep purple the colour of my kingdom but I knew that if anyone were to recognise it then I was going to have to explain why I had it, so I passed my hand over it turning the fabric red and changing the crest to that of Camelot's before throwing it over my shoulders and sprinting out of the castle. 

The Knights of the Round Table were just getting on their horses when I came down the castle steps Morgana and Gwen behind me, it was getting late and I knew that we only had a few hours before dark. 

Sefa was just leading my horse out of the stable and I thanked her as she handed me the reins. 

"Be careful My Lady" she said and I nodded swinging myself up into the saddle. 

"Ya" I said nudging my horse forward and we galloped out of the gates and into the forest. 


Half hour into the ride I opened up the connection that linked me to my brother and almost fell of my horse from the backlash of pain that raced through the link. 

"Care to tell us what's going on?" Sir Leon said guiding his horse nest to mine, I blinked having forgotten that I wasn't alone. 

I sighed shaking my head to clear it "Arthur is in trouble" the Knights gave me odd looks "How do you know this?" Sir Percival asked and I tried not to glare at him, they were slowing us down with all of these questions. 

I gave them an irritated look but answered nonetheless "I just have a feeling" it was vague but I couldn't exactly explain how I knew what I did without revealing that I had magic. 

The Knights knew about Merlins of course and Morganas but they had never seen me use mine and for some reason I was reluctant to share it with them, it wasn't because I didn't trust them; because I did we had saved each others life many times. I guess I just didn't want them thinking any different of me. They shared an exasperated look but dropped the subject when they saw the flash of anger in m gaze.

We stopped to make camp when it got too dark to see, but just as we got off the horses Morgana took one look at my worried face and sighed shaking her head. 

"Leoht" Morgana said and a ball of light appeared in her palm illuminating the forest around her in a bright swath of light. 

"Come on my brother, our King is in trouble we can't afford to wait for sunrise" she got back on her horse the ball of light hovering in front of her, the boys raised their eyebrows and Gwen shook her head. 

Morgana looked at me raising an eyebrow almost as if she expected me to chastise her but I just grinned and got back onto my horse. I pushed ahead of the others as I was the only one who knew where we were going and Morgana guided the light ahead of me bathing the path in a bright glow. 

Have I mentioned how much I loved Morgana? She was always surprising me. 

We continued on the others holding quite conversation throughout the night. 

Eventually we were forced to stop so that the horses could have a break, the rest of my companions slid of their horses grumbling and wincing and I sighed trying not to let my worry overwhelm me, I could feel Merlin getting weaker with every hour that passed and I couldn't bare the thought of losing him. Not now when we had started to plan for re-taking our kingdom, we had both decided that Thea had suffered too long and that he had to take back our home from Ramsey. 


I was so lost in thought that I jumped when Morgana said "You should get some sleep" I turned towards her to see that she was looking at me in concern, she was clearly worried about how I had been acting and knew that it wasn't Arthur who had gotten me so rattled. 

She was one of the few people I had ever told about my connection with my brother, she must have seen me wince earlier. I had cut the connection but I could tell that my brother was running out of time.                                                                                                                                                                      


I realised that I had just been staring at her as my mind wondered, I shook my head and gave her a small smile.


She pulled me into a hug and I gulped biting back the sob of fear that was rising in my throat.      

"Shhh" she said gently rubbing my back and I was instantly reminded of the day we meet and I smiled. 

She pulled back reluctantly and said "Promise me that you'll get some sleep" I nodded not trusting my voice, knowing full well that I won't she gave me a searching look but sighed shaking her head as she walked away. 

I took first watch promising to wake them if anything happens. 

I stared out into the night praying that tomorrow wouldn't be too late, hours passed and my friends slept on. I should have woken one of the Knights by now so that they could take over but I didn't see the point I knew that I wasn't going to get any sleep even if I tried.


Once dawn approached I roused the rest of my friends they blinked squinting in the early morning light and Sir Leon walked up to me a disapproving look on his face.                                         

"You didn't wake me" he said and I raised my eyebrow at him.

"Maybe I woke Sir Percival instead" I said a playful note entering my tone, he gave me a grudging smile as he shook his head.

"I already asked you didn't wake Sir Percival or Elyan and I highly doubt you would have allowed the Lady Morgana or Gwen to take watch" I sighed.

"True and no I didn't wake anybody up because I didn't see the point I knew I wasn't going to be able to sleep"

I got back onto my horse and I heard a growl behind me, frowning I looked over to see Morgana glaring daggers at me and I give her an apologetic look. She grumbled something under her breath and got on her horse after finishing her breakfast, the others doing the same. When Gwen offered me mine I shook my head stomach rolling at the thought and she gave me a concerned look clearly just as worried about me as Morgana. 

We started back on the trail and I opened up our connection again making sure that we were still going in the right direction, I gritted my teeth against the excruciating pain and tried to see where he was, it looked like he was in a clearing and I sighed with relief as I recognised it; they were only a few hours ahead of us and I spurred my horse into a gallop the others following suite. 

I kept our connection open wanting Merlin to know that I wasn't too far away when a rush of warmth travelled through me and I could feel my cheeks burning as I felt the echo of Arthurs kiss and I grinned almost giddy until I realised that those were my brothers feelings and I quickly cut the connection allowing them some privacy, though I couldn't wipe the grin from my face. 

I shook my head it took them long enough......

I wanted to slap Arthur he had waited until Merlin was dying to make his move? I mean really? How stupid can you get? I was jolted out of my musings when Morgana called out to me "How much further?" I looked back at her and she raised an eyebrow at the odd look on my face. "Not long maybe an hour more tops" I said and then hissed as a wave of pain from Merlin almost made me black out.                                                                                        

"Athena?" Gwen said in alarm but I waved her of urging my horse to go faster. 


We were almost there when I felt Merlin take his last breath and a scream shattered the stillness of the forest making everybody jump and a sob lodged in my throat. 

I almost fell of my horse as the grief overpowered me but I gripped the reins so tight that my knuckles turned white as we all thundered into the clearing yanking the horses to a halt when we saw Arthur standing with his sword drawn expression blank..... 

But it was his eyes that got me, his blue eyes were screaming; they were so full of grief and hurt that I could barely make myself get of the horse........

Arthur didn't move and he made no sign that he even knew we were there, that was until I got off my horse heading towards Morgana who had stumbled back blood draining from her face, his eyes followed me but I didn't bother to look at him as my eyes locked onto the figure at his feet.......

I knew it was my brother, there was only one person who could ever make the King look like that and he was lying dead at his feet...... 

Slowly as if in a trance I walked over to Merlin gently cradling him in my lap as tears streamed down my face, I was shaking as I stroked the hair out of his eyes; they were staring blankly at the sky and a silent scream tore its way out of my throat as I rocked back and forth. 

Arthur dropped to his knees next to me and I glanced over matching the devastated look on his face, my eyes flashed gold as I lost control of my magic but I took a shuddering breath and closed my eyes slowly reaching out to the connection that I shared with my brother......


My eyes snapped open and I gasped, ugh how could I be so stupid? How had I forgotten about the connection that we shared, it was how I knew he was in trouble and where to find him after all; our mother had said that they'd never heard of anything like it, sure all magic users could communicate telepathically with each other; I could just as easily talk to Morgana as I did with Merlin but according to the druids no one could sense the others emotions or tell where they were unless they were told, whereas with Merlin I always knew where he was and what he was feeling none of the druids could explain it. 

Ignoring Arthur for the moment I held on tighter to my brother the healing spell tumbling from my lips "Ic þe þurhhæle þin licsare mid þam sundorcræftas þære ealdaþ æ!" 

I gathered all my power and let it rush through the open link I still had with my brother there was a blinding light and then a golden thread seemed to appear between me and Merlin twining around us and I heard Arthur gasp in awe. 

I repeated the spell letting my magic pour out of me and into my brother not stopping until I felt his heart beat again, and I grinned as Merlin sat bolt upright gasping and eyes flaring gold.....

I laughed when Arthur practically dragged him off my lap and into his own giving him a kiss that made everybody blush. 

I looked at Morgana who was sharing a triumphant look with Gwen as they watched the display of affection, I stood up but my legs didn't seem too want to support my weight and a wave of dizziness crashed into me making my vision blur as I crashed back down to the floor my head fuzzy and my ears ringing. I blinked shaking my head trying to clear it but the black spots invading my vision just got bigger and the last thing I saw before passing out was Morgana running over to me fear and concern marring her gorgeous face.


Ugh my head hurt..... 

Actually my whole body hurt. 

I felt like I'd been trampled by twenty different horses, either that or the whole army of Camelot had decided to batter me for how hard I had been training them recently. I was surrounded by darkness and I tried to move when I heard voices.                                                                                                 

"What's going on Gaius? Why isn't she waking up?" 

Was that Merlin? He sounded worried "I'm sorry My Lord I do not know" that was definitely Gaius and someone grumbled "Gaius what have I said about using my title" Merlin sounded exasperated and Gaius gave a small chuckle. 

I tried desperately to tell them that I was here, that I could hear them, but I couldn't even make my eyes flutter and I was soon swallowed by the darkness again. 


The next time I became aware of what was going on it was Morgana and Arthur, I could tell that they were standing beside my bed. 

"Arthur it's been a week and she hasn't stirred not once" Morgana said sounding on the verge of tears making me want to reach out and take her hand. 

I felt the bed dip as if someone had sat at the edge and could feel someone caressing the hair out of my face, someone sobbed "Morgana she's going to be ok" Arthur said and I assumed he pulled her into a hug as I felt her warmth leave me. 

There was a sudden flare of pain so intense I felt like I was burning and I wanted to scream and thrash, make a noise but the darkness pulled me back under. 


The burning had stopped and the darkness was beginning to fade as I became more aware of my surroundings, someone was wiping a cool cloth across my face and I sighed in relief slowly opening my eyes, I blinked against the light weakly reaching up to shield my face and there was a startled yelp as I moved. 

Groaning I looked towards the sound to find Gwen eyes wide in surprise and a grin spreading across her face, she almost seemed to sag with relief and I frowned trying to sit up. She yelped again and rushed forward helping me sit up. 

"Wha...." I tried to say only to be meet with a dry throat and I coughed. 

Gwen grabbed the goblet that was next to me slowly bringing it to my lips, I drank three more before I felt like I could speak again.

"What happened?" my voice was still hoarse but it was from disuse more than anything, Gwen cocked her head.

"What's the last thing you remember?" she asked tentatively as if she didn't want to rush me, I frowned had I hit my head during training? I gave her a shrug and then gasped as an intense pain shoot through my head making me grit my teeth against the scream lodging itself in my throat. 

Memories flooded my head and I whimpered.                                                                                        


I didn't answer fighting through the pain vision going blurry; Gwen stood up.                                         

"I'll get Gaius" she said rushing out of the room almost knocking Morgana to the floor as she came through the door. 

"Gwen?" Morgana said clearly startled.

 "I'm sorry My Lady I didn't mean to" 

Morgana gave her a smile and waved the apology away.

"Its ok Gwen your clearly in a hurry is everything all right?" she asked stepping back to allow Gwen to pass, Gwen gave me a worried glance Morgana following her gaze and her eyes widened in relief a grin spreading across her face. 

Morgana rushed forward and wrapped me in a hug so tight I felt my ribs creak, she was laughing. A blush crept up my cheeks but I wrapped Morgana up in my arms nuzzling against her neck, Gwen gave me a knowing look before quietly slipping out the door.                                                             

"I'm so happy your awake I was terrified that I had lost you" Morgana said a sob escaping her lips. 

I rubbed circles on her back trying to sooth her, she pulled away and smiled at me looking a little embarrassed of her reaction but I just laughed. I hissed as another memory shoved itself into my head and my eyes widened in alarm horror darting across my face as I remembered Merlin lifeless in my lap.

"Merlin where is he?" I said panic clear in my voice looking at Morgana pleadingly, Morgana gave me a reassuring smile and gently placed her hand on my cheek and I sighed leaning into the touch.

"Merlins fine you healed him remember"

I frowned until the memory slotted into the missing space, just then Merlin walked through the door and I squeaked throwing myself at him. 

Merlin stumbled as I crashed into him but his arms instinctively circled around my waist and I sobbed burying my head in his chest. He kissed me on the top of my head tightening his hold as if he thought that I would vanish, I gulped in a deep breath trying to get my emotions under control as I pulled away from him. 

Merlin gave me a confused look and a rush of anger tore through me, my eyes flashed gold throwing him against the wall. Morgana yelled in shock as I stormed over to my brother yanking him back to his feet and pinning him up against the wall growling at him "Scare me like that again and I'll kill you myself" I hissed practically spitting in my anger. 

"I love you too" he said raising an eyebrow and smirked at me laughing and just like that the bubble of anger evaporated and I dropped him pulling him into another hug.

"You are such an ass"


Later on that day I found myself laughing with Arthur and Morgana as Merlin told us of how Morgause had tried to get him to kill Arthur and how he had been such a bad assassin that nothing he had tried had actually worked.

"You are such a dollophead" Arthur said shaking his head and giving Merlin a loving look, Merlin blushed as Arthur leant over to kiss him and I rolled my eyes.

"Get a room" I said laughing as Morgana and I pretended to be disgusted, Merlin stuck his tongue out at me but chocked when Arthur replied "We have one your currently in it" he said deadpan and Morgana gaped at him as I burst out laughing at the look on my brothers face, I smirked at Arthur.

"There may be hope for you yet pendragon" Arthur smirked. 

I looked between Arthur and Merlin tilting my head and then I narrowed my eyes as they rested on Arthur and resisted the urge to grin as I saw the blood drain from his face and he gulped suddenly looking nervous. 

"Speaking of you and my brother" I said voice low and Merlin shoot me a pleading look desperately shaking his head, I just winked at him still glaring at Arthur who was starting to look terrified.

"If you hurt him you'll have me to deal with" I said punctuating my words with a flash of golden eyes and Arthur yelped and quickly nodded.                                                                                                           

"I.....I won't hurt him......I love him" 

I let the threat hang in the air for another second before I grinned and I heard both Merlin and Morgana let out a sigh of relief at the tension vanished. Triumphantly I grabbed my wine and took a sip laughing at the glare Merlin sent me, I frowned as a spark entered his eyes and it was my turn to gulp as he looked between me and Morgana and I shook my head but he just winked clearly taking a page out my own playbook. 

"As we seem to be on the subject of our love lives when are you going to tell Morgana?" my cheeks flare red as Arthur spit the wine all over the floor giving Merlin a shocked look. 

Merlin smirked at me and I threw my goblet at him only for him to duck laughing at the indignant look on my face.

"You started it" he said cheekily and I sighed, well the cat was out of the bag now and I hesitantly turned to Morgana. 

I had to admit she was stunning tonight even if her cheeks were scarlet, she was in a midnight blue dress that hugged her curves with her hair pinned up in an intricate style. She looked at me raising her eyebrow a hint of mischief entering her gaze daring me to say something, I gulped as I stared into her eyes; I sat there tongue tied trying to find my voice. I could tell that Merlin was laughing at me and I made the decision that he would be my training dummy in the morning.       

"Errr....well....I mean I...errr" I said sputtering. 

"Smooth sis" 

I wanted to punch my brother in the face but Morgana rolled her eyes smirking at me before she leant forward and kissed me on the lips effectively cutting of my rambling and making my whole body tingle, just as I deepened the kiss there was a knock on Arthurs door and Morgana pulled back eyes shining with happiness.

Merlin snorted at the dopey look on my face but I tilted my head turning my gaze towards him letting an evil smirk spread across my face. Merlin gulped and muttered something under his breath as Morgana laughed taking my hand, the knock came again and Arthur sighed.                       

"What is it?" he called and the door opened as Sir Leon walked through a grim look on his face. 

"I'm sorry your majesty but your presence and that of Lady Morgana's has been requested in the throne room" 

Arthur shared a confused look with Morgana but shrugged and they both stood up motioning me and Merlin to follow. 

Still laughing over what had happened we entered the throne room and Merlin tensed and I gave him a confused look, but his eyes were trained on two people who were dressed as knights in the middle of the throne room and my laugh sputtered to a stop as one of them turned to face me. 

Well this should be interesting I thought trying to hide the sudden butterflies in my stomach as I glanced between the knights and the Pendragons. 


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