Brooklyn Revival (completed)

By maleclightwoodbane1

62.7K 3.8K 544

An AU Malec Love Story. Magnus has had to force himself to be someone he isn't. Stripping himself of his pers... More

Chapter 1- Drama
Chapter 2- Camodeus
Chapter 3- Checklist
Chapter 4- Research
Chapter 5- The Band
Chapter 5- EXTRA Alec's POV
Chapter 6- Real Talk
Chapter 7- Apartment
Chapter 8- Moving
Chapter 9- Band Practice
Chapter 10- Acceptance
Chapter 11- Misread
Chapter 12- Gig Morning
Chapter 13- Shopping
Chapter 14- Exploring
Chapter 15- Connection
Chapter 16- The Gig
Chapter 17- Bittersweet
Chapter 18- Showers
Chapter 19- First Nights
Chapter 19- EXTRA Alec's POV
Chapter 20- Morning Date
Chapter 21- Lunch Date
Chapter 22- Winners
Chapter 23- Dinner Date
Chapter 24- Dessert
Chapter 25- Discover
Chapter 26- The Past
Chapter 26- EXTRA Alec's POV
Chapter 27- A Yellow Rose
Chapter 28- Bruised and Broken
Chapter 28- EXTRA Alec's POV
Chapter 29- Waiting
Chapter 29- EXTRA Alec's POV
Chapter 30- Time's up
Chapter 30- EXTRA Alec's POV
Chapter 31- Injuries
Chapter 32- Hospital
Chapter 33- Fragments
Chapter 34- Discharged
Chapter 35- Beach Day
Chapter 36- Desperation
Chapter 37- Cut Lines
Chapter 38- Alone
Chapter 39- Plans
Chapter 40- Disorientated
Chapter 41- Break-in
Chapter 42- Relentless
Chapter 43- Calls
Chapter 44- Calming
Chapter 45- Together
Chapter 46- Bubbly
Chapter 47- Halloween
Chapter 48- Unknown
Chapter 49- Notary
Chapter 50- New Reports
Chapter 51- Revealed
Chapter 52- The Truth
Chapter 53- Shudders
Chapter 54- Statements
Chapter 55- Back to Mom's
Chapter 56- In a pinch
Chapter 57- Flights
Chapter 58- The Cabin
Chapter 59- Last Holiday
Chapter 60- Hot Tub Fun
Chapter 61- Lazy Mornings
Chapter 62- Massages
Chapter 63- Shopping and Spa
Chapter 64- Cozy Fires
Chapter 65- Late Night Talks
Chapter 66- Holiday Endings
Chapter 67- In-Laws
Chapter 68- The Visitor
Chapter 69- Baby Max
Chapter 70- The Best Thing
Chapter 70- EXTRA Alec's POV
Chapter 71- Going Back
Chapter 71- EXTRA Alec's POV
Chapter 72- Confirmed
Chapter 72- EXTRA Alec's POV
Chapter 73- Proposition
Chapter 74- Normality
Chapter 75- The Talk
Chapter 76- Confirmation
Chapter 77- Scatter
Chapter 78- Planner
Chapter 79-Labour
Chapter 80- The Big Day

Chapter 81- Five Years Later..

685 45 10
By maleclightwoodbane1

"Dad, DAD!" The kid called out as he ran from downstairs to the living room and stood looking at Alec. "Where's my iPad charger?"

"I packed it in your bag so I knew you had it for Auntie Clary's. Oh and Rafael, please don't argue with your brother tonight. Listen to Aunt Clary. She doesn't need you and your brother arguing whilst looking after Zoella for Aunt Izzy and Uncle Simon. as well as JJ and Lucy, especially since Lucy is still a baby" Alec said as he looked up from the couch.

"Okay, thank you, and I won't. I'll be an angel like always. I'll even help to look after my baby cousins" Rafael beamed and ran back upstairs.

Alec couldn't believe it would be Max's birthday in a few days time and then Rafael's shortly after. They had gone to the adoption agency to sign the paper work for Max shortly after they got back from their honeymoon. This is when they saw the small child come in looking dirty and sad. He made no eye contact and didn't want to be touched but when he saw Max, he came over and looked at him and smiled.

They started asking questions and soon they fostered Rafael. Both of them wanting to see if he would fit in with their family dynamic but it was only a few days of having him that they knew he was perfect. They set the ball in motion and soon they had officially adopted their second son. He was now 10 and Max was 5 but soon to be 6. Alec didn't realise he could love anyone as much as he did, even when they was drive him up the wall.

Magnus looked at him and smiled softly from his place on the couch next to Alec. He felt complete now. Their house was beautiful and spacious, the boys had their own rooms and bathrooms which Alec informed Magnus was essential when having multiple children. Magnus really couldn't think of anything else he could ever want in life. His family was perfect, Alec was perfect, their house and lives... perfect!

"Are you looking forward to tonight?" Magnus asked as he looked up at his husband adoringly.

"Yes, I can't wait for a break if I'm honest and this gig is going to be brilliant" Alec beamed. It had taken almost a year after their wedding but finally Brooklyn Revival was back together. They were going to play at a big venue tonight for over four thousand people and although they were nervous, it was also incredibly exciting.

"Maybe after we can have some more fun" Magnus winked playfully.

"Well, I wouldn't say no" Alec grinned and kissed him softly. They had barely managed to kiss properly when a child jumped between them.

"Papa, Daddy..." Max grinned cutely. "I drew picky-ture. On wall"

"You drew a picture on the wall?" Magnus said back and raised his eyebrows to their son.

"Yes yes! Big pickyture! Come!" He giggled and jumped up, pulling their hands for them to follow as he took them to the play room and showed them they picture of the four of them on the wall. It was only stickmen but they knew what Max was drawing.

"Max... its very good but-" Alec started.

"I Good Max!" Max giggled and clapped happily. Alec unable to tell him off and neither could Magnus. It was the kids playroom anyway so they let it go.

"You can only draw on the walls in this room okay? No where else in the house?" Magnus said softly..

"LOVE PAPA!" He beamed and cuddled into his legs.

"I love you too. Now go and put your pencils and dinosaurs in your bag okay? We need to go to Aunt Clary's soon" Magnus smiled and kissed his head before they little boy ran off.

"Our child are savages..." Alec joked and kissed Magnus's cheek before going to sort their stuff out.

An hour passed and everyone was ready to go. The men drove to clary's and dropped the kids off, Clary assuring them that she was fine with all five kids because Izzy changed her mind and would be staying with her now anyway. They were happy about that, worried that Clary would struggle if they started arguing.

After leaving Clary's, they reached the venue after almost and hour and started setting up. Jace and Simon walked in shortly after and they shared a hug. The spoke about the gig as they set up their stuff, with help from some staff from the arena. They hadn't realised how much time had passed until their manager, Justin, came over to let them know that the doors would be opening soon. The men rushing to get changed and have their hair/make up done.

When it was finally showtime, the nerves had kicked in more. The men looking at each other as they took their positions. All saying good luck to one another before the platforms they were stood on, below the stage, started rise up. The appeared through a puff of smoke and crowed roared for them. Magnus ran to the mic and instantly began to hype up the crowd before they broke out into their hit single 'Dark Desires'.

The men were in their element, the crowd was singing along and dancing to the music. Magnus's voice never faltered and nobody missed a beat the whole time through the 2 hour concert. They even had some stuff thrown on stage and Jace even ended up having a water fight with some of the crowd.

After the couple of hours had ended, the boys felt exhilarated. Everything had gone perfectly and they had enjoyed themselves so much. Magnus read a text from Clary to say that the boys were okay, and were now asleep so after clearing up, they all headed home.

"That was incredible" Alec beamed to Magnus as the drove home.

"It really was! And of course, you was perfect" Magnus winked.

"Not as perfect as you" Alec chuckled. "I'll show you just how perfect you are when we get home"

"Am I in for treat tonight?" Magnus asked in shock, since they normally had both the boys they hadn't found much time for them to be alone.

"You are indeed, Mr Lightwood-Bane" Alec smirked.

"Can't wait baby" Magnus smiled sweetly. "Oh, look..."

"Oh, thats a shame" Alec commented

Magnus pointed to the warehouse that they boys used to play at. It was now being torn up and Magnus felt a bittersweetness as he pulled over. They sighed as they looked at the old, derelict, half torn up warehouse.

"This is where is all began" Magnus said softly. "Where we met, the band, my father... we even shared our first kiss over there..."

"I remember it all. I even remember then moment I saw you, your face was as beautiful then as it is now" Alec said and Magnus turned to face him and smiled.

"I love you Alexander." Magnus said and leaned closer.

"I love you too Magnus" Alec replied and kissed him softly. "Who knew when we first met all those years ago that we would we happily married, two perfect kids, nice house and the band taking off"

"I think I knew that I was in the love with you and knew you was the one the day you stood up to my father. No one else protected me like that before and no one ever will" Magnus smiled and stroked Alec's cheek. "My knight in shiny armour"

"Always will be angel" Alec said, adoringly. "Now drive your knight home... he needs his damsel"

"Way to ruin a moment" Magnus teased and kissed his cheek before they drove home. Both content and happy with their lives.

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