Meeting Roni

By luckyducky19191

34.7K 627 7

Otto's neice is getting released from prison and he is setting her up with the sons. But what happens when sh... More



1.6K 35 0
By luckyducky19191

"Come on I better get you back to the club house before Jax sends a search party"
"Sounds good thanks for dinner by the way" I stand up following him out
"Why dont you put your number in my phone and I can take you for a real dinner some time" he says leaning on his bike. As Taza and Angel head out of the club and our way.
"Id like that" I add my number and hand him back his phone
"Veronica" he mumbles as he looks at his phone.
"Si" I laugh getting on behind him.
I notice pulling out Angle and Taza are following. So I lean up to his ear.
"Why the body guards think I will kidnap you"
He squeezes my leg and replied " a man could dream".
The ride back to the club house seemed to end to quick.
Surprisingly when we got there the lot was empty but all the bikes was here so I know that at least one is watching on the security cameras above the bar.
"Thanks for the ride" I tell him as he puts my helmet in the saddle bag
"It was my pleasure next time it will be planned and better" he says pulling me into him and placing a kiss on my lips.
"You may wanna stop that" I tell him as I pull away."
"Ouch that bad of a kisser." He acts hurt
"Nah just got an audience." I nod to all the guys filing out of the club house doors.
"Till next time bebita" he says getting back on his bike
"Leaving so soon you boys just got here" jax asks wrapping his arm around me as they talk.
"Si amigo club shit".
"Roni good night" he says before driving away.
"Someone have a thing for the Mayan" Jaxs asks pulling me towards the club house
"Damn doll I'm so hurt " Tig jokes as we walk up to the rest of the guys .
"Well can't get laid in this fucking club house might as well take my chances else where" I joke flipping them off over my shoulder and heading to my dorm to shower.

"Hey Roni you in here"
"Ya cher in the shower give me a few" I hollar. I step out and wrap my self in a towel and go out to see cherry all kicked back in my bed.
"What's up" I ask since she has the biggest grin on her face.
"Oh nothing little birdy told me Jax came back not to thrilled to be ditched in Oakland today"
"Little birdy being Kip" I say going to grab a shirt and leggings. But drop the towel to change just before the door shoots open.
"Holy shit doll didnt mean to interrupt ya" Tig says leaning in my door.
"Need something tiggy boo I ask pulling on my shirt.
"Ah ya uh Kip was lookin for his girl he is goin in the ring"
"I'll be out there in a few cherry go on we will talk in a bit. Go cheer your man on" I nod to the door.
"Any thing else tiggy " since he is still in my door.
"Nah doll not at the moment. But you may wanna put pants on for Tiggy gets a bigger woody." He blurts out grabbing his crotch eyeing me up and down.
I throw some leggings on as he watches.
"Better" I raise an eyebrow at him.
"Liked you better naked" he says coming in and shutting my door.
"Need something"
He sits down on the couch and sighs
"Whats up with you and Alvarez" he asks while I sit down on my bed.
"Not sure only second time I've hung out with him"
"We don't want to see you get hurt. When Luann died it about killed Otto dont think he would approve of this."
" look at you being all daddy like and caring" I tease.
"Yep Woody just got bigger. Call me daddy again and I will make you not a lesbian anymore."
"Oh lord tig. Lucky I love you now lets go watch Kip get his ass kicked."

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