SINNER - Klaus Mikaelson

By karlithomasss

1.4M 28.4K 27.3K

Adeline Andrew's was living a normal life in Mystic Falls, until the most feared vampire in the world showed... More

N E X T S T O R Y?
Sincerely, Yours.


33.2K 653 287
By karlithomasss

The house was stocked with booze and downstairs in the cooler they kept blood bags, for the non-human guests. Adeline got dressed in tight denim shorts and a black tank top. She curled her hair, shook it out to give her volumized waves. She looked at herself in the mirror and smirked, she looked good— she looked like the birthday girl who was ready to celebrate.

The music was vibrating the floor boards and she could hear the guest start to arrive. She walked down the stairs where klaus was already waiting for her. He scanned her body up and down, licking his bottom lip with a smirk.

"I don't know how I feel about you looking like that." He leaned in and whispered into her ear.

"Oh come on Klaus—" she smirked. "It's a party."

She winked at the original and headed towards the kitchen to get a drink and greet some of her friends.

"Try not to kill anyone tonight brother." Elijah wanted looking at the expression on Klaus's face as Adeline walked away.


Damon was pouring mixed drinks for everyone filling them with 90% alcohol and 10% juice. Adelines tolerance had increased a little since her transition but not much. She was on her third cup and was starting to feel warm and loose. She was tipsy.

Elena did show up to the party but Adeline hadn't spoken to her once all night. She was going to be the one to say anything first, it was Elena's turn to do some apologizing.

Stefan was drinking more than he usually would at these kinds of things. He usually kept it pretty low key, but he was tossing drinks back like crazy. Adeline could tell something was off with him, but she didn't want to press him. She wanted to enjoy her birthday.

"How about body shots off the birthday girl?" Tyler shouted and the crowd of people erupted around him.

"Absolutely not." Klaus groaned, stalking over to Adeline.

She saw him coming before he got beside her and she smirked at him. She knew he was never going to let that happen but she couldn't help but laugh at him.

"I already know what you're going to say." She laughed. 

"Good then there is no use in having the conversation." He huffed.

Instead of doing body shots of her, Tyler had different girls line up to do shots off him. Caroline was rolling her eyes and pretending to gag almost the whole time. They have been on the outs since Tyler became a Hybrid— she claims he changed and is to cocky now.

Everyone was having a good time, it felt like things were going to be okay for the first time in a long time for Adeline.

"Hey Addy!" Bonnie called.

"Bon!" Adeline smiled, pulling her friend into a hug.

"Happy birthday."

"Thank you."

"So— this is Isiah." Bonnie pointed out the guy standing beside her, who was looking at Adeline in a way that made her feel uncomfortable.

"Nice to meet you." Adeline gave a half hearted smile.

"Likewise." He nodded.

"He's new here— just moved to stay with his uncle." She told her friend.

"Oh well, welcome to mystic falls then!" Adeline smiled.

Adeline partnered up with Damon for a game of beer pong against Matt and Jeremy. They were winning, Adeline was sinking almost every shot. She had got much better at stuff like this since becoming a vampire.

Klaus and Kol went down into the basement to indulge in a bloody beverage instead of bloody Mary's. Adeline made sure to feed before the party so she could control her urges.

"Yes! That's game!" She yelled as she sunk the ball in the last cup, winning the game.

"Wow blondie— not bad." Damon smirked, he was impressed.

Adeline was laughing and mocking Jeremy and Matt for losing to them when she saw Elena walk out the door— which wouldn't have been weird except she saw the new guy Isiah follow closely behind her. A shiver coursed up her spine and she knew something was off.

Adeline excused herself from the game and walked out the door. She saw Isaiah inches away from Elena, clutching her arm.

"I know you know who the vampires are in this town!" He shouted. "You've been known to hangout with them."

"Get off me! I don't know what you are talking about." She lied.

Adeline rushed over and grabbed the boy by the arm, throwing him to the ground. He was panting as he sat in the ground, trying to back away from a very angry Adelines who's veins were protruding from under her eyes.

"Who are you and what the hell are you after?" She spat.

"You're one of them." He said shakily.

Before Adeline had a chance to respond to him, a needle packed full of vervain was stabbed into her neck and she hit the ground, passing out instantly.

"Grab em' both." The man ordered. "And you get back in the party and see if you can pick anymore out."


Klaus came up from the basement with his siblings and scanned over the crowed to find Adeline. He didn't find her immediately so he walked to the kitchen and she wasn't there, he went upstairs and she wasn't there, he checked every room in the house and she was no where to be found.

"Where is Adeline?" He asked Elijah.

"What? Is she not here?" Elijah questioned and began scanning his eyes around the room.

"No!" Klaus spat. "I can't find her anywhere."

Both the siblings scoured the party again, double checking but they still didn't find her. There was a knot twisting in Klaus's stomach he had been through things like this to many times to know something is wrong.

"You." He said pulling Matt by the arm. He looked into his eyes. "Where is Adeline?" He compelled him.

"I don't know." Matt answered honestly.

"When did you see her last?" He compelled him again.

"I saw her go outside with that guy and Elena." Matt said pointing to Isiah who was standing next to Bonnie looking around the party.

Klaus let go of Matt's arm and stalked across the house, headed straight for the new guy. Elijah was following closely behind. Klaus wasted no time— he grabbed Isiah by the neck and pinned him against the wall.

"Klaus what the hell!" Bonnie yelled.

"Where is she!?" He screamed.

"I don't know what you are talking about man." Isiah shook.

Everyone in the party was turned and looking at Klaus now. Someone even decided to cut the music. Klaus looked down at the floor and laughed before looking back up at the boy in his hand.

"Do not make me ask you again because I get very angry when I have to ask again." Klaus spat.

"He doesn't know anything!" Bonnie yelled.

"Shut up!" Klaus yelled at the witch. "Last I heard you were outside with Adeline and Elena and now the two of them are no where to be found."

"What?" Damon questioned, anger now laced in his voice.

"I don't know anything!" Isiah struggled. His eyes scanned over to another guy who was standing on the other side of the room watching with anger on his face. Klaus caught a glimpse and knew these two were in on something together. He knew he wouldn't get anything out of Isaiah since was clearly in vervain but maybe he could scare it out of his friend.

"Fine. Have it your way." Klaus scowled, then bite into his neck, before he punched into his chest, pulling his heart out. He threw his body onto the floor and turned around to face everyone else. He held the heart up, blood dripping off his hands. Horrified expressions were on faces around the room. "Anyone want to tell me the truth? I suggest someone starts talking or heads will roll."

Klaus moved across the room to the guy who Isiah had been staring at. He stood in front of him with a deadly scowl.

"What's your name?" Klaus questioned.

"Alex." The boy shook.

"Well Alex— you know something. So why don't you tell me before you end up like your friend over there?"

Alex didn't even attempt to answer, he went straight for the gun filled with wooden bullets in his waist band. He fired the gun at Klaus's chest, the wood penetrated through his skin. Klaus hardly moved, he scoffed and reached in his body and pulled the wooden bullet out. Alex looked caught off guard— he didn't understand why it didn't take him down.

"I am the original hybrid!" He shouted. "Your wooden bullets do nothing to me!"

Klaus grabbed him by the throat, lifting his feet off the ground then slammed him on the wall.

"Tell me where she is or I will kill you right now." He warned.

"They took her to a farmhouse! Out of the other side of town." He choked.

"Now was that really so hard?" Klaus smirked and his snapped the boys neck leaving him dead on the floor.

"Let's go." He aid to Elijah and the originals stalked out of the house being closely followed by Salvatore brothers.

"What do you two think you're doing?" Klaus questioned as they piled into the car with them.

"Saving Elena and Adeline with you." Damon answered.

Klaus laughed under his breath as he threw the car into reverse, speeding out of the driveway. He was flying through stops signs and speeding down the curvy roads until they pulled up in a white farm house, with a barn.

The vampires all hurried out of the car but Klaus stepped in front of Damon and Stefan stopping them before they could go any further.

"Let me make myself very clear. I am not apart of your save Elena squad." Klaus spat. "I am here for Adeline and if either of you get in my way, I'll kill you and the Gilbert girl no matter what that means for my hybrids, do you understand?"

"Klaus come on— were all on the same team here." Damon tossed his hands up.

"Unlikely." Klaus huffed but turned away from the brothers and headed for the door of the old house.

Klaus kicked the door open but of course— he couldn't get inside. He hadn't been invited in.

"I know someone is in there and you should know I won't leave until you tell me where you have put Adeline." Klaus shouted into the house.

A older male stepped into their view holding Elena with a gun to her head. Klaus laughed at the man— he really thought he was any kind of match for him or that he cared about the Gilbert girl, wrong girl. Two more men stepped out with guns pointed at Klaus.

"We have wooden bullets!" The man shouted. "We could kill you right now!"

"No actually you couldn't." Klaus scoffed. "You see my brother and I are a different kind of monster— one that your wooden bullets wouldn't do a thing to. Now, you may be able to
kill my friends here but that's just collateral damage I suppose. So if I was you, I would tell me where the other girl is because you really don't stand a chance anyways."

"She's in the barn!" Elena yelped.

Klaus took off for the barn with Elijah trailing closely behind. They left the Salvatores to handle Elena, they wanted Adeline. Klaus ripped an old piece of wood of the side of the barn as he rounded the corner to the inside. There was another guy holding a gun patrolling the front of the barn, Klaus chucked the spare wood from his hand at the man, penetrating his chest and killing him instantly.

"Adeline!!!!" He screamed.

Two other men rounded the corner and fired there guns at Klaus and Elijah. They hit him in the chest and stomach— klaus smirked at them, amused by their attempts. Both brothers rushed after them, Klaus sunk his teeth into one of the mans neck and Elijah tore the others heart out.

"Niklaus!" Elijah called out, he was staring in one of the horse stalls of the old barn. Klaus ran down to meet his brother, following his glance. And there she was, tied up with vervain ropes and bullet wounds bleeding from her stomach.

Klaus ripped the gate open and broke the ropes off her arms. He picked her up off the ground and carried her out of that barn.

"You're going to be alright." He whispered

A/N Klaus out here just killing everyone this chapter 😂😂😂what else is new?🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️

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