[DISCONTINUED] The Good Curse...

By JaJa_Ysabela

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'ɴᴄᴛ ᴍᴀꜰɪᴀ ꜱᴇʀɪᴇꜱ' ʙᴏᴏᴋ 3 • ᴍᴀꜰɪᴀ ᴀᴜ* • ꜱᴏᴜʟᴍᴀᴛᴇꜱ ᴀᴜ* ... Long story short, the police is bonded with a crimi... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

Chapter 12

723 35 8
By JaJa_Ysabela

⚠️ killing scenes⚠️

"Jaemin, are you ready?"

Jaemin whispered 'yes' as an agreement and readied his gun, aiming it on a man who held a suitcase containing a bomb. He then focused it on his wrist where his hand held the suitcase, aiming it for him to shoot.

"Good. Now Jeno and Chenle go at the back and distract everyone at the mall to go out."

Mark spoke through his in-ear, eyes going back and forth on the man and Jisung who kept on having a pained expression. He wondered on what happened, wanting to ask him but he shut his mouth as he focused on what the other members are doing.

"You okay, Park?" Chenle mumbled.


Jisung groaned after that one word, earning a sigh from Chenle who shouted continuously with Jeno to alert everyone in the mall to go out.

Jeno ran from afar and fired a gun on the parking lot, hiding under the bush where no one can really see him- the sound of it resonating on the mall.

As people heard it, they immediately screamed and ran out of the mall causing Jeno to hide under the bush more for the guards to not find him. Chenle sighed and ran opposite of the direction on where people was heading to alert more people and get out.

Jisung's grunts can be heard, distracting every member. Mark sighed and turned off Jisung's mic from his computer except for his in-ear so they won'tbe distracted by him and at the same time Jisung can listen to what they are saying.

"I'm with Jisung. He really needs help." Renjun firmly stated.

Haechan nodded even tho he couldn't be seen by anyone and quickly turned on the car engine, heading at the back of the parking lot far from the man that was holding the suitcase to reach Jisung.

The younger boy's lips were pale and his whole arm was shaking- almost triggering the gun that he was holding. Haechan swiftly took the gun from Jisung's hand and with the help of Renjun, they placed him on the car back-flat on the back seat where Mark can watch him.

As many people got out of the mall, the man noticed that someone is watching him to which he smirked causing Mark to crease his eyes out of confusion. His eyes followed the man on the screen that went straight to the front parking lot before starting his engine to roar his car.

"Guys, get in the car right now." Mark alerted.

They all ran and swarmed inside the car where Haechan drove smoothly- trying not to be suspicious on the car ahead of them. They were three cars behind the man- Mark telling them where to go as he follows the man.

The car took a few turns to which they followed- confused on where the man is going. Haechan looked back at them through the rear view mirror, noticing how they were all holding their guns tightly except for Jisung who continuously massages his wrist.

After a few more minutes of driving, they stopped at another mall where people are more likely to be than the other one. The parking lot was fully packed to the point that Haechan couldn't even maneuver so he parked on a shop in front of the mall.

Jeno cursed under his breath as he saw many people inside- a lot more than the previous one. He quickly went down on the passenger's seat to get inside the mall from the back door followed by Chenle.

He secured his gun on his boots and tightened it, making sure that it won't be seen by the guard while Chenle placed his gun on the very bottom of his bag filled with books. The guards checked them both, hands going on some parts of their body.

Jeno came inside and looked around as the guard let him in. Various people on each boutiques and stalls made him sigh out of exhaustion. As Chenle went inside with him, they both nodded at each other- parting ways to distract people to go out of the mall.

Jisung stayed put on the car as the others went on their places. His hands were sweating and he felt ill yet he told no one since he did not want to disturb them for a lame reason.

Haechan stayed on the driver's seat, ready to start the engine anytime while Renjun hid on the bush far from them to check if the man has gone out. Jaemin on the other hand went to the rooftop of a building near them, wearing his parachute in case anything happens.

Mark watched all of them- his eyes moving like thunder as he goes back and forth on each member. His hands were sweating as he gripped the mouse, head turning fast on his other screen- seeing that more people holding odd suitcases went inside the mall.

"Shit. We need back up. Call the others." Mark cursed.

"WayV is on China."

"127 is on another mission."

Mark scratched his head in stress, knowing that they won't be saving many lives if there are only seven of them. He looked at all the men who separated their ways, entering different boutiques- one of them  quietly hid a suitcase under a pile of fixed clothes.

Jeno saw the other man with a suitcase, quietly following him to a Nike shop- planning to attack him. Mark shook his head when Jeno came inside, wanting to tell Jeno not to but he didn't have the urge to tell him- knowing that Jeno knows what he is doing.

Renjun sighed as more men with suitcases entered the mall. Their suitcases were filled with normal stuff giving the guards no doubt to let them in. He quickly went out of the bush he was hiding on and entered the mall swiftly, not being seen by the guards.

Mark groaned as he knew their plan were about to crumble. Seven young men compared to almost twenty adults who held suitcases with bombs, he knew they were going to lose. Yet he had no choice but to see the ending.

"We have no choice then. I'll call the police with Shotaro and Sungchan." Mark stated.


"Everybody, get out now!"

Jeno yelled from basement where the manager or a sales man announces something. He fired his gun two times that alerted everyone to get out. Screams of panic echoed on the mall and everyone pushed their ways out of it, some of them crawling out of fear.

Even the guards were afraid since they were unarmed, following the law. Although fear escalated through their bodies, they first made sure that everyone will go out before they save themselves- prioritizing others before them.

Chenle hid on a mannequin, aiming at a man who slowly raised his gun at people who is trying to run away through the door.

Without hesitation, Chenle fired his gun and shot the man on his back making him lie down, he shot him again on his legs to torture him more, not wanting to let him die just like that.

He stepped on the man's hand making him yelp. Then he took the man's gun before jogging and hiding on a standee to fire his gun on a wide glass wall to give more space for people to go out faster.

Few men were nearing him and he felt it- seeing their reflections on the glass walls in front of him- thus, he ran away.

Those three men chased him and fired their gun on his way, but knowing Chenle who trained seriously back then- he dodged them all.

He eyed Renjun who stood on the second floor, staring at him. Renjun smirked and placed his pistol gun on one hand, swaying his head on the left to tell Chenle where to go.

Chenle nodded and quickly ran on the left side of the pathway making those three men lose their balance and stumble. Renjun chuckled and took the chance, shooting one on his back, the other one on his chest and the other one on his abdomen.

"Okay, nice. Jeno go to Penshoppe, the bomb there is going to explode in five minutes." Mark stated.

Jeno nodded and quickly went out of the Nike shop after defusing the wires of the bomb and attacking the man who brought it. He held his gun, looking side to side to see if any men is after him. He then quickly ran on the shop near the main door where Penshoppe is located, guided by Mark.

"Jeno hide on the counter, a man is going there holding two guns. Be ready."

Jeno did what he was told and crawled on the counter while carefully defusing the bomb, his hands sweating from heat and anxiousness. Even tho he is rushing, he couldn't just undo the wires quickly; one wrong move and the bomb will explode.

He heard a man whistling, firing both of his guns at the glass walls earining a face scrunch from Jeno as some of the glass made way on his face, cutting his left cheek. He protected the bomb, not wanting the wires to be cut  by the glass as it will only make things worse.

Two minutes- showed by the numbers on the bomb indicating that he only have two minutes left before it will explode completely. Footsteps neared him, hearing Mark whisper on his in ear that he needs to ready his gun and aim on the right side, to which he did.

He then smoothly went out of the counter, still gripping his hands on the table for support as he shot the man mindlessly; the bullet went straight through his collarbone.

Jeno jogged towards him and grabbed his guns, leaving him there to go out of the shop before someone finds him. He looked everywhere, the gun somehow slipped out of his hands from anxiousness before Mark spoke up.

"Jeno the bomb!"

Through his member's shout, Jeno widened his eyes as he remembered what he was supposed to do. He ran back to the shop, only to find the man who held the suitcase, holding a piece of glass that came from the shattered wall.

The man smirked, murmuring a clicking sound, mocking how the ticking of the bomb sounded. Jeno shook his head and tried to reach on the bomb but the man smirked, teasing Jeno as he neared his hand on the wire.

"Let's see together in hell, young man."

Jeno widened his eyes and quickly ran away from him. He ran as fast as he can to the door, meeting Chenle outside as they both ran on the car Haechan was in. He shouted his best to alert his members to run and get far away from the mall.

Renjun who was on the highest floor widened his eyes, not knowing what to do. He stood on the fourth floor, knowing that he wouldn't make it down at the first floor since ha does not have much time. He panicked, his heartbeat increased rapidly causing everyone to panic too.

"Renjun, run to the rooftop and jump! Now!"

The older one did what he was told and ran as fast as he can to the rooftop, finding Jaemin on the same level of building near him. Jaemin smiled at him and Renjun scrunched his face out of fear.

"On the count of three. One...two...three!"

Renjun jumped as Jaemin finished counting with his eyes closed and immediately after him came Jaemin who extended his arms at Renjun after pulling his parachute for them to land safely.

The mall shortly after was bombed as they jumped; some explosives bursting on them both, burning his parachute.

Quickly enough, they got down on the floor, so they immediately ran far away from the mall while Jaemin took off his parachute, arms burning and pooling with blood that was hurt by the explosives together with Renjun who had few burns ok his face.


"Is everyone present now?" Mark asked through his in-ear with anxiousness.

"Yeah. All of them were hurt... except for me." Haechan said before driving slowly back to the mall to check on it.

He was glad that none of the innocent people inside the mall were hurt but he was deeply sad and guilty that all of his members were hurt except for him. He looked at the back, Jeno's forehead and cheeks dipping with blood and Jisung who still looked so pale as ever. While the three had few burns on their bodies.

"I'm proud of you guys. And I'm sorry I wasn't there." Mark apologized. "At least none of the innocent people there are hurt."

Haechan stopped near at the parking lot where policemen and three ambulance vehicles were located. He glanced back at his pained members then quickly drove nearer to them.

The policemen and emergency nurses stopped talking, looking at Haechan who climbed out of his car, only to open it revealing his deeply hurt members.

All of them gasped and the nurses almost immediately took them and brought them to their cars. Renjun was the last one to get down and was seated next to Jeno who was also being cured by a male nurse.

Jisung stayed on his seat, opening his eyes out of curiosity- his head slowly tilting at a girl inside a police car. Eyes widening, he saw her figure that showed a skin as pale as his, hair messy as if she was electrocuted and lips dry as a desert.

He gripped on the chairs in front of him for support, wanting to get out of the car. He whispered Haechan's name to which the older one heard, helping him to get out of the car in confusion.

"P-police car." Jisung stated as he forced his finger to point at a specific police car.

Haechan brought him there quickly and knocked on the door gently, making the girl look up and gasp quietly as he saw Jisung. Upon hearing her gasp, the boy beside her looked up and frowned, locking the door as he saw them both; specifically Jisung.

"H-hey!..." Jisung whispered lowly.

The girl grabbed the arms of the boy beside her gently, begging for him to let her out. The boy scoffed as he looked at Jisung who looked like he was about to die then back at his girlfriend who looked exactly the same.


Felix stared at Yuna who had her eyes drifting as if she was about to pass out. Her dry lips that were whispering his name made him guilty- hands slowly pulling the lock and opening the door wide to let her out even if his hurt tells him otherwise.

Yuna quickly got out, making her way to Jisung and placed her arms on top of his nape, head buried on his chest. Jisung let go of Haechan and placed his hands on her waist that caused them both to go out of balance and slowly sat on the floor, still hugging each other.

Everyone looked at them both as they hugged each other, completely forgetting the fact that a destroyed mall is in front of them. The gold swirls lingered above the two who still hugged each other which caused a policeman to bring out his gun out, afraid of what he saw but Renjun yelled at him and told him to stop.

Jisung breathed heavily, her scent going up to his nose which sent him into overdrive. She smelled heavenly even with the beads of sweat flowing through her body; and with the thought of that, more swirls of gold outlined their wrists- the pain on it reducing.

Felix stared at the two with his eyebrows creased together, wanting to take Yuna away from Jisung. Haechan went to him and patted his back, mouthing a 'sorry.' He knows what it feels like to have someone to be jealous of. After all, he was once jealous with Jeno and so was he to him.

"It's okay. Your girl will be fine after this. Just think of it like that."

Felix gave a nod and looked away from them both, his jaw tightening at the scene. Haechan knew what it meant so he blocked Felix's view of them to help him calm down. After a few minutes of waiting, Jisung sighed heavily in relief and gently pushed Yuna off of him before standing up to walk away.

Yuna quietly sat on the ground, getting anxious that everyone was looking at her which made her lower her head. Haechan shook his head at Jisung's actions so he jogged towards her and extended his hand, allowing her to smile slightly and take his hand for her to stand up.

He guided her back on the car where Felix was in, gently sitting her on the back seat. Felix once again gave a nod and quickly closed the door before Haechan could even say goodbye making him pout and murmur an 'okay.'

Jisung sat on their own car and stared at Yuna who looked like she was arguing with Felix. He sighed guiltily- knowing that he is the reason of their argument. He didn't want to be a burden to their relationship but he has no choice and he knows it.

The pain he felt earlier was now completely gone thanks to Yuna. He stared at his wrist that was now once again outlined with thick gold- glitters added on the thinnest swirls.

Soon enough, Shotaro and Sungchan sat with him on the back seat and in came all the members making Jisung scoff at the tight atmosphere. Shotaro smiled sheepishly and crossed his legs- knowing how big his butt is.

"Everyone's here?"

Haechan looked back at them all and smiled at their bandaged bodies, still guilty that he wasn't hurt a bit. He knew that he would get a scolding from Jeno's boyfriend later but he couldn't care less.

He saw how Jisung slept on the side, smiling from ear to ear which made him smile too. Knowing the fact that the pain he felt earlier is gone now, it made him feel at ease that finally, his youngest friend can now be live peacefully again in the meantime.

"Let's go home."

Yeah, 3,060 words 😙🤌

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